View Full Version : How are you? I'm fine.

3rd August 2007, 20:25
Is it just me or is communication these days getting more and more shallow? Or is it that people are uncomfortable sharing their lives with people like me? Well, you don't really have to say your deepest secrets and open your closet in front of me but frankly, it gets a bit sad that whenever I ask people (over the MSN) how they are, 99% of the time I get the standard answer of "fine" or "ok". What does "ok" or "fine" mean at all?

Or what do you think?

And please don't say that you're ok. :)

(This is not a whine on anyone particular, I see all people do it so we're all guilty of it - including me(but hey, I just don't want to depress you and save you from all my whining! :) ))

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd August 2007, 20:33
Or is it that people are uncomfortable sharing their lives with people like me?)

Why, of course not.


jim mcglinchey
3rd August 2007, 20:34
Well, my right achilles is sore, Ive been to the physio but that was a waste of £52 english pounds, and my rigth arch is sore, dont know if they're connected, and Ive done something to my left shoulder, its been gypy for weeks, but apart from that I'm relly terrible, thanks for asking Erki.

I know...you're sorry you asked.

3rd August 2007, 20:36
Nice sig, Brow. :)

Thanks, Jim. Get well soon. :up:

3rd August 2007, 20:51
Maybe 99% of people are just fine or ok?

Or perhaps if they are annoyed or upset, they don't want to go into detail?

Hazell B
3rd August 2007, 20:52
Nice sig, Brow. :)

I'll second that :p :

I've got a large bruise on my left bicep that's as yet still of unknow origin. It may or may not have happened on wednesday while I was unloading plants at a 1000 lot vintage auction, we don't know. It seems most likely as I've had a lazy week and it's about three days old judging by the colour. The plants made £200 more than expected, thus making up for the bruise really quite nicely.

Now do you see why we don't share? :mark:

It's not very thrilling conversation!

3rd August 2007, 20:57
Maybe 99% of people are just fine or ok?

Or perhaps if they are annoyed or upset, they don't want to go into detail?

Yes, but what does fine or ok mean? Hmmm... or maybe I should go explicit and ask straight away what they are doing etc etc.

Annoyed or upset thingy is very possible too... indeed... well maybe I shouldn't be so nosey. Or maybe they are just checking forums like me at the moment? What would I answer right now if someone asks me how I am... Looks like instant messengers are quite poor communication devices then, or at least one should be just chatting with someone and not doing anything else at a time, then maybe the conversation would be a tad more meaningful...

I guess I should go out more, MSN is getting too 2004 now... :dozey:

3rd August 2007, 21:02
Now do you see why we don't share? :mark:

It's not very thrilling conversation!

Thrilling enough for me. I'm not in for the innuendo all the time thank you veyr much. :p

My turn now? Ok... my right hand knuckles have been slightly painful a few last weeks since I have punched some hard surfaces with my fist... I really have to find myself an ax! :vader:

Hazell B
3rd August 2007, 21:05
You started that with 'ok' :mark:

Want an axe? I have a large one, a medium one and two small ones. Sharp as razors. Make me an offer then take your own advice and get out more to collect them :)

3rd August 2007, 21:07
You started that with 'ok' :mark:
Really? :p That OK was more like "Ok... let's see what we've got here now..."

Want an axe? I have a large one, a medium one and two small ones. Sharp as razors. Make me an offer then take your own advice and get out more to collect them :)

I have never bought an ax before. How much does the big one cost? And am I allowed to carry and ax with me onto an airplane?

3rd August 2007, 21:09
Is it just me or is communication these days getting more and more shallow? Or is it that people are uncomfortable sharing their lives with people like me? Well, you don't really have to say your deepest secrets and open your closet in front of me but frankly, it gets a bit sad that whenever I ask people (over the MSN) how they are, 99% of the time I get the standard answer of "fine" or "ok". What does "ok" or "fine" mean at all?

Or what do you think?

And please don't say that you're ok. :)

(This is not a whine on anyone particular, I see all people do it so we're all guilty of it - including me(but hey, I just don't want to depress you and save you from all my whining! :) ))

I get that feeling from time to time. I tend to convey a lot of information on my emails, and I the answers I get are usually way shorter, addressing only a couple of the points I made on my email.

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd August 2007, 21:09
I have never bought an ax before.

Either have I. That's never bought an ax :erm:

3rd August 2007, 22:12
Communication is much easier these days, so probably more common. I mean it's also a lot cheaper isn't it? So in essence communication is 'cheap'.

That said, I am ok as I had a day off work today, just chilled and went to the supermarket in preparation for tomorrow's BBQ and Beers.


4th August 2007, 00:33
My left wrist is aching and I lost two balls whilst playing golf today, however winning the match more than made up for it.

Apart from that life is good, work is work and I have a nice family BBQ to look forward to on Sunday.

Brown, Jon Brow
4th August 2007, 00:36
I lost two balls whilst playing golf today.

Ouch that's gonna hurt :\

4th August 2007, 04:08
I usually only say that i am good in MSN conversations because i'm more often than not distracted by something else on the computer, or another conversation. If someone wants to get a good conversation out of me, they will have to come and talk to me in person, then i will talk so much that you will want me to shut up!

4th August 2007, 17:10
I am in PAIN today ! :s
Right now I can think of nothing else. :s
I will likely be in PAIN for several days to come ..... hooray :s

4th August 2007, 17:23
Aww, it's okay stan! it's been six weeks for me and i only get pain now when i push things! so give yourself a few more weeks, take the pain with a grain of salt and tough it out! it's gonna hurt, but there aint nothing you can do about it.

I only took painkillers for the first two weeks. I was on Oxycodone (class A Opiate)and Tramadol(the one they give ya for wisdom teeth), neither of which i could take and actually have a functioning brian. Which is probably why i only took them when the pain was real bad.

4th August 2007, 17:32
Thanks Christina, the Lortab is starting to mellow the pain a bit. :D
I thought my response might shake things up.
Many people who ask "how are you" don't expect a totally honest answer. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/00.gif

4th August 2007, 17:44
You would like my hoest answer to the question "how are you?" i dont think people would like to hear it, because it is similar to yours stan, but with more whining and more problems.

I am good, because i am a silly blonde who is always shiney and happy and bouncey. plus i've had a bit to drink, so i'm great! i am not so good because my arm has hurt for the past six weeks and i still cant tie up my hair or even pat myself on the head least of all go fly my hangglider or learn to kitsurf which i'm itching to do! the constant pain makes me irritable and short tempered. I'm sad because my boyfriend just decided that he doesnt like me so much and has replaced me within two weeks, which also makes me kinda angry. i'm excited because Rally has returned and there is controversy in the F1 quali for hungary. i am also sad because my favourite rally driver crashed out of rally finland on the first day. I'm confused because all the drugs i've been taking recently to deal with the pain in my arm have messed with my brain and i'm uber-hormonal, so i cry at nothing, but laugh hystreically at things that aint funny. My feet hurt because i've been out dancing for the past five hours in four inch heels. I'm exhaused because i've been working for the past seven days and i dont get a day off till monday when i dont get to sleep in anyways because i have to go to the hospital again for another check-up on my arm where i will get to sit in a hard plastic chair for two hours waiting for a doctor to tell me that i should be able to move my arm more than i can by now, for him to do nothing about it. i cant sleep because i have insomnia so i stay up late at night posting grumpy replies to questions such as "how are you".

And you wonder why people only say "i'm fine". :p : raarh!

4th August 2007, 17:51
You tell them Christina ! :laugh: :up:

4th August 2007, 21:10
You would like my hoest answer to the question "how are you?" i dont think people would like to hear it, because it is similar to yours stan, but with more whining and more problems.

I am good, because i am a silly blonde who is always shiney and happy and bouncey. plus i've had a bit to drink, so i'm great! i am not so good because my arm has hurt for the past six weeks and i still cant tie up my hair or even pat myself on the head least of all go fly my hangglider or learn to kitsurf which i'm itching to do! the constant pain makes me irritable and short tempered. I'm sad because my boyfriend just decided that he doesnt like me so much and has replaced me within two weeks, which also makes me kinda angry. i'm excited because Rally has returned and there is controversy in the F1 quali for hungary. i am also sad because my favourite rally driver crashed out of rally finland on the first day. I'm confused because all the drugs i've been taking recently to deal with the pain in my arm have messed with my brain and i'm uber-hormonal, so i cry at nothing, but laugh hystreically at things that aint funny. My feet hurt because i've been out dancing for the past five hours in four inch heels. I'm exhaused because i've been working for the past seven days and i dont get a day off till monday when i dont get to sleep in anyways because i have to go to the hospital again for another check-up on my arm where i will get to sit in a hard plastic chair for two hours waiting for a doctor to tell me that i should be able to move my arm more than i can by now, for him to do nothing about it. i cant sleep because i have insomnia so i stay up late at night posting grumpy replies to questions such as "how are you".

And you wonder why people only say "i'm fine". :p : raarh!

Now this sort of reply I am looking forward to when I talk to you again in the MSN. :)

Believe it or not, but some people(like me, or maybe I'm the only one) actually are genuinely interested in other people so I have nothing against whiny replys. Heck, if I didn't say "I'm fine", you would here every day a big fat whine from me. Or is it really a whine? Maybe I indeed really feel myself like &%¤!? And I guess if I said that I was really happy and all, I would be "unreasonably" happy? Think about it, I'd quite like to be unreasonably happy... but maybe I'm just being unreasonably whiny? :confused:

PS: Tina, what drugs are you taking? ;)

Hazell B
4th August 2007, 21:53
I have never bought an ax before. How much does the big one cost?

About forty quid, reconditioned by some bloke who does old tools up (inuendo's back ;) ) and it's American. American means it's sharp but damned heavy :p :

And am I allowed to carry and ax with me onto an airplane?

I'm thinking not :laugh:

jim mcglinchey
4th August 2007, 23:39
£40 is a bit steep for a used axe.....you know we've had the same axe in our family for about 60 years and in that time its only had 4 new shafts and 3 new heads!

5th August 2007, 07:40
I'm contemplating the fact that I'm doing a 12-hour shift tomorrow...

5th August 2007, 10:38
I'm contemplating the fact that I'm doing a 12-hour shift tomorrow...

I'm contemplating the fact that I have just started a 12 hour night shift, at least I can follow the last of Finland on the web, although no access to video or rally radio, unfortunately.