View Full Version : Another of life's milestones achieved...

2nd August 2007, 14:58
I had fist thought of posting this in Hazell’s tingley thread but I figured an announcement of such magnitude warrants its own thread...

I’m sure that most people, especially those of a more, ahh, distinguished character such as myself, will agree that in every man’s life there are certain memorable milestone events that when achieved provide a sense of great pride and fulfillment. Examples are your graduation, fist sh_g, the birth of your first child... etc. The significance of these occurrences will forever be remembered.

Well folks, last night ol’ schmenke achieved another of life’s most memorable “firsts”. Yep, August 1st, 2007 is now forever emblazed in my memory as a milestone date...

...(pauses... takes a deep breath...)

Yes, if finally happened...

...after many years of frustration, trial and effort...

I broke 100.


(...bows politely, leans back with a serene smile and contemplates life’s fulfillment...)

2nd August 2007, 14:59
100 what?

Bowling score, mph, minutes straight with the missus? :p :

2nd August 2007, 15:02
Congratulations Mr. schmenke I'm sure there's a great celebration today at schmenke's family house.

Oh... and 100 what?

2nd August 2007, 15:22
Smeh :p come back when you've done 147.

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd August 2007, 15:35
I got 180 the other day, and it was mostly deliberate :\

2nd August 2007, 16:15
I broke 100.


(...bows politely, leans back with a serene smile and contemplates life’s fulfillment...)

I thought you could do the 18 in less than that? :D

2nd August 2007, 17:09
Congrats, man! :up:

But don't worry, real life starts at 200. :bandit:

2nd August 2007, 17:11
What did you break 100 of?
Isn't breaking that much stuff not usually something to be proud of?

2nd August 2007, 18:04
I broke the 200 plateau on May 19th, 1999. 200 pounds, that is.

Schmenke, you should now go and play Copper Point in Invermere, where it should be simple to repeat your achievement. I got my best ever score there (87).

2nd August 2007, 18:53
It's a shame that you didn't pay as much attention to your spelling as you did that little white ball :p :

Seriously though, many congrats on the sub 100. I know that it's taken many, many years and almost as many balls for you to achieve it but it's something that will stay with you forever.

3rd August 2007, 06:52
I think the most I've managed to break in one day is... three? Maybe four?

oily oaf
3rd August 2007, 07:21
Oh this thread's about golf is it? (bulb lights on head)
I thought you were referring to the amount of extremely inappropriate puns and double entendres (that's foreign that is :mad: ) which you subject us all to every bloody Friday.
Well done anyway mate :D

(grits teeth and dons boxing gloves to prevent any attempt to type out witticism referring to Schmenke's little white balls)

3rd August 2007, 14:48
...(grits teeth and dons boxing gloves to prevent any attempt to type out witticism referring to Schmenke's little white balls)

No need mate :)

My little white balls were touched upon (... :erm: ) in a previous thread. Ms. Darco, bless her heart, expressed concern over their exploitation.
I assured her that, although old and abused, my balls were perfectly apt at their intended purpose. I believe I did however confess that at times I had difficulty in keeping them dry :uhoh: .

Mark in Oshawa
3rd August 2007, 19:18
No need mate :)

My little white balls were touched upon (... :erm: ) in a previous thread. Ms. Darco, bless her heart, expressed concern over their exploitation.
I assured her that, although old and abused, my balls were perfectly apt at their intended purpose. I believe I did however confess that at times I had difficulty in keeping them dry :uhoh: .

Pal, I am happy you broke the 100, but please, keep your pants on. Unless you hit a tee shot that isn't past the ladie's tee, in which case, Canadian rules dictate you must play the next hole with your privates hanging out!!

Hazell B
3rd August 2007, 19:42
Yes, breaking 100 sure does deserve a thread of it's own.

Congratulations :up:

Now, get back to me when you've broken 90 and I'll crack open a bottle for you :p :

3rd August 2007, 21:54
Thanks, but I wouldn't bother putting that bottle on ice just yet :mark:

5th August 2007, 03:51
Way to go, schmenke :D :up:

May we both live long enough to shoot our age :beer:

7th August 2007, 13:32
I think the most I've managed to break in one day is... three? Maybe four?

Weird. I thought that once you have broken it, it's broken and you can't fix it.

edit: ah yeah, forgot you're a nurse. :dozey:

9th August 2007, 09:24
Weird. I thought that once you have broken it, it's broken and you can't fix it.

edit: ah yeah, forgot you're a nurse. :dozey:

Yes, I specialise in fixing it after it's been broken, and in cleaning up the mess that gets made when it's immobile and incontinent :erm:

9th August 2007, 13:26
Thanks, but I wouldn't bother putting that bottle on ice just yet :mark:
I'm sure its just a twinkle in the vintner's eye at this point! ;) Congrats on the two digit score my friend. Now I'll let you play in my group next time you're in the DC area. :up: