View Full Version : Werewolves, Vampires and stuff

Hazell B
30th July 2007, 23:39
If you kill the head Vampire all the rest go back to normal, right? You use silver bullets on Werewolves and golden (24 carrot) ones on Wererabbits, yes?

My knowledge of these things is surprisingly sketchy, considering my witch tag :p :
In fact, all I know is from The Lost Boys and Silver Bullet :mark:

Johnny Depp's making a movie version of Dark Shadows, so I'd best brush up on what's what in the nightstalking world :p :

31st July 2007, 00:17
Johnny Depp's making a movie version of Dark Shadows,

From where did you find that out Hazell ?

31st July 2007, 00:38
I used to love that show. I watched it when I came home from school as a child. Just the theme music scared the heck out of me.

Link to news article on the upcoming movie

31st July 2007, 00:41
Thanks LTalbot. Imdb didn't know anything yet.

Ian McC
31st July 2007, 00:49
Depends on which show you watch, Buffy and Angel were different.

31st July 2007, 02:32

In my initiation to horror lore was always through Universal Pictures where only Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr. were proper vampires and werewolfs. I still love the elegance with which Lugosi played Dracula, but truthfully Barnabas Collins and later Christopher Lee as Dracula scared the hell out of me.

Hazell B
31st July 2007, 22:57
From where did you find that out Hazell ?

It was on teletext days ago, but as I'd never heard of the TV show I had no idea what it was about until a quote on teletext two or three days ago saying Johnny Depp had always wanted to play the head of the family, a vampire.

It also said over 1200 episodes of the show were made - yet still I have no memory of it. I should watch more TV :mark:

1st August 2007, 00:52
As far as I'm aware, you can kill a vampire by jamming a stake through its heart (or in the case of a vampcow, a steak through its heart) but if you kill one, it does nothing to the others. They turn to dust when exposed to sunlight and seem to have an irrational fear of garlic.

Once, Dracula had a sidekick named Percy Teatherspoon, who was a seven foot tall axe wielding maniac. Every vampire needs a good axe wielding maniac to help disperse angry torch bearing mobs, wash windows, and sort mail.

Like all vampires, Dracula becomes very cross if his mail is not properly sorted. "Properly sorted" means it is filed into at least three catagories: fan mail, junk mail, and 'letters from people I should eat'.

Sometimes on his birthday, Dracula has the local children over to his castle for an egg hunt. Who ever finds the most eggs is deemed a subversive, and summarily stoned to death by the other children.

Other vampires when faced with a dying mortal whom they particularly like might offer him immortality. Dracula would offer you a delicious apple pie. Hmm, yummy.

Vampires like Ninjas and Pirates are unionised labour. They have their own health care fund and superannuation plans. This is yet another reason why they need sorted mail.