View Full Version : Say hello to little friends

30th July 2007, 21:34
I'm not sure any of you remember that I got a neat present from my wife last birthday. Highly developed maximum security ant farm directly from NASA co. :up:

Now I have been ant bully myself and digged every nest from here to east and found some excellent ants. Peculiar little *******s I have to say. I found some eggs too and put them in my farm. Did you know that ant babies are white at first ?? :eek: Neither did I.

I even tried to catch the queen but I have never been too good chacing women so that I didn't get.

But here's a picture of my pride and joy, AFF's ant farm.

Gotta tell you folks, it's like staring at lava lamp. You could do for aeons.

Ok, I'm getting help now. :wave:

30th July 2007, 21:38
I'm not sure any of you remember that I got a neat present from my wife last birthday. Highly developed maximum security ant farm directly from NASA co.

Now I have been ant bully myself and digged every nest from here to east and found some excellent ants. Peculiar little *******s I have to say. I found some eggs too and put them in my farm. Did you know that ant babies are white at first ?? Neither did I.

I even tried to catch the queen but I have never been too good chacing women so that I didn't get.

But here's a picture of my pride and joy, AFF's ant farm.

Gotta tell you folks, it's like staring at lava lamp. You could do for ieons.

Ok, I'm getting help now. :wave:
Nice picture dingus :mark: :p

I'm looking forward to seeing the little guys :)

30th July 2007, 21:42
Los quattros fantasticos!

Hey. You don't have a copyright for that line.

30th July 2007, 21:45
Hey. You don't have a copyright for that line.
What are you going to do about it? :rolleyes: :p :

30th July 2007, 21:52
I might say it again. Don't push me.

30th July 2007, 21:57
I'm not sure any of you remember that I got a neat present from my wife last birthday. Highly developed maximum security ant farm directly from NASA co. :up:

Now I have been ant bully myself and digged every nest from here to east and found some excellent ants. Peculiar little *******s I have to say. I found some eggs too and put them in my farm. Did you know that ant babies are white at first ?? :eek: Neither did I.

I even tried to catch the queen but I have never been too good chacing women so that I didn't get.

But here's a picture of my pride and joy, AFF's ant farm.

Gotta tell you folks, it's like staring at lava lamp. You could do for aeons.

Ok, I'm getting help now. :wave:

What's it made of? I mean, the blue stuff??

30th July 2007, 21:59
I might say it again. Don't push me.
Sure :mark: Whatever :rolleyes: Next thing you're going to tell us that YOU'RE Spartacus :p

30th July 2007, 22:09
What's it made of? I mean, the blue stuff??

I don't know. It's made of highly secret ingredients.

The point is that ants just don't dig tunnels in it, they also eat the stuff, hence they don't need any other food.

30th July 2007, 22:13
I don't know. It's made of highly secret ingredients.

The point is that ants just don't dig tunnels in it, they also eat the stuff, hence they don't need any other food.

But where do they crap? Onto their food?

30th July 2007, 22:20
But where do they crap? Onto their food?
You've never crapped on your own food? Man you Estonians are primitive :mark:

30th July 2007, 22:21
But where do they crap? Onto their food?

No. They crap in the blue stuff.

30th July 2007, 22:26
So do you have to replenish the blue stuff/crap from time to time? :confused:

30th July 2007, 22:27
No. They crap in the blue stuff.

But you said that "they don't just dig tunnels in it, they also eat the stuff". So they're still crapping onto their food? :)

edit: you said " they crap IN the blue stuff". Now that's evolution: they don't crap ON their food - they dig themselves deep into their food, and then crap IN their food. They fill their food with crap? :erm:

30th July 2007, 22:58
So do you have to replenish the blue stuff/crap from time to time? :confused:

Yep but these little guys tend to help me. They carry all the trash, including their dead friend on the surface. They're easy to pick up and away.

Besides, I haven't seen any ant crap yet. Then again, I haven't used magnifying glass which came with the package yet.

30th July 2007, 23:01
But you said that "they don't just dig tunnels in it, they also eat the stuff". So they're still crapping onto their food? :)

edit: you said " they crap IN the blue stuff". Now that's evolution: they don't crap ON their food - they dig themselves deep into their food, and then crap IN their food. They fill their food with crap? :erm:

I don't know. Maybe their crap tastes better than the blue stuff. Or maybe ant crap is so paltry thing they don't mind.

Anyway, I'm basicly looking the ant, not their crap, you crap lovers. :)

30th July 2007, 23:45
You geek A.F.F :p :

31st July 2007, 00:49
As long as it keeps you happy Jani, it's fine by me :D

31st July 2007, 09:41
Cheers Jamie. Fascinating things, ants.

31st July 2007, 12:04
A.F.F, you being a movie buff, shouldn't the title say
Say Hello to My Little Friend(s)?

31st July 2007, 16:12
Yes it should have. I was too excited finishing title.

31st July 2007, 18:32
Seriously, it looks like a very cool thingy. :) :up:

Keeps you away from forums. :p

6th August 2007, 20:09
I met the ants :) Cool little dudes

7th August 2007, 01:00
But you said that "they don't just dig tunnels in it, they also eat the stuff". So they're still crapping onto their food? :)

edit: you said " they crap IN the blue stuff". Now that's evolution: they don't crap ON their food - they dig themselves deep into their food, and then crap IN their food. They fill their food with crap? :erm:

You are making too much fuss over it. Do you think that they have washrooms inside their tunnels in your yard?

Besides, I'm not sure how does insect crap look like. But I do know that in more primitive animals the mouth and the annus is a single hole. Different animals, different ways.

7th August 2007, 18:13
...in more primitive animals the mouth and the annus is a single hole. ...

Similar to some forum members, judging by some of the posts around here... :erm:

7th August 2007, 18:20
A.F.F, you being a movie buff, shouldn't the title say
Say Hello to My Little Friend(s)?

He probably saves the phrase "Say Hello to My Little Friend" to the occasions when he's in a park wearing nothing but rubber boots and a raincoat.

Mark in Oshawa
8th August 2007, 18:49
He probably saves the phrase "Say Hello to My Little Friend" to the occasions when he's in a park wearing nothing but rubber boots and a raincoat.

now that is just plain CRUEL....those ants would be traumatized, and clearly in the picture, I don't think that they are.....or maybe they are in denial. Do Ants have shrinks?

11th August 2007, 15:48
He probably saves the phrase "Say Hello to My Little Friend" to the occasions when he's in a park wearing nothing but rubber boots and a raincoat.

Naah... I'm never parked. I'm always on the move.