View Full Version : Tingles

Hazell B
30th July 2007, 21:37
What, besides the obvious, makes you tingle all over?

Just had a really good exfoliate and now I'm all tingly and warm. It's nice :)

For some people it's jumping in a frozen lake or having a massage, but for me the best way to get the bloody to the surface is scrubbing with coconut oil. Love it :D

30th July 2007, 21:45

30th July 2007, 21:52
When you've not had choclate for a while and then you go and have nice cool bar of Galaxy or something.

30th July 2007, 22:02
Climbing into my own bed after several nights in various other beds always makes me feel tingly.

Note - I'm speaking from a travelling perspective, rather than an adulterous one.

30th July 2007, 23:30
Riding my bike. Whiskey. But not the two together, obviously...

31st July 2007, 00:41
240v of electricity has the desired effect on most people ;)

31st July 2007, 02:36
Being in the pits at any open wheel race on Race Day. Aint that why we are all here at the Motorsports Forum?

31st July 2007, 04:47
driving on a newly-paved road.

oily oaf
31st July 2007, 08:13
I tingled all over last Tuesday evening when I watched that episode of Seahunt when Lloyd Bridges and Lulu disregard an extremely forbidding shipping forecast and take to the high seas in an inflatable dinghy and go diving for Spanish Doubloons in Tilbury Dock.
Tragically Lulu is bitten on the ankle by a Sea Scorpion but just as The Grim Reaper is about to wield his scythe Lloydy saves the day by sucking out the poison while still wearing his oxygen tanks.

Before I could put a stop to it I started rolling around naked with myself in front of a roaring log fire.......while I watched.
It seemed like the most natural thing in the world :mad:

Nice bit of pork belly for tea tonight.
A bit fatty I know but sometimes you have to put flavour first doncha?
(clutches at chest, turns blue, falls from chair and turns on the Today programme on Radio 4) :s murf:

31st July 2007, 10:38
Being in the pits at any open wheel race on Race Day. Aint that why we are all here at the Motorsports Forum?

Why open wheel race, specifically?

31st July 2007, 19:45
Listening to a really good album for the first time/after a long while. Also, playing something difficult, for me, on the bass.

31st July 2007, 22:25
When you finally let go when you really really really need to pee.

Also listening to Three Lions or Dark Side Of The Moon.

31st July 2007, 22:35
Getting a piece of really good news you've been waiting a while for and didn't fully expect to get.

A lovely warm shower after you've been out in the cold all day.

31st July 2007, 22:50
When you finally let go when you really really really need to pee.

I don't have this thing with peeing. Probably because when I finally empty my bladder, it goes so fast that I can't fully enjoy it. Another thing is that emptying your full to the max bladder in short time causes, er, negative pressure? in your bladder and I don't like that feeling so much. :s I absolutely love crapping though. Feeling how a good nice turd caresses your bowel on its way out. Mmmmmm.... :)

31st July 2007, 23:50
Having a migraine?

hearing a blood pressure loudly and clearly does it for me. It's not that hard, but really rewarding.

Hazell B
1st August 2007, 00:08
I don't have this thing with peeing. Probably because when I finally empty my bladder, it goes so fast that I can't fully enjoy it. Another thing is that emptying your full to the max bladder in short time causes, er, negative pressure? in your bladder and I don't like that feeling so much. :s I absolutely love crapping though. Feeling how a good nice turd caresses your bowel on its way out. Mmmmmm.... :)

Tad too much information there, Erki :p :

Just had a top quality series of sneezes.
Feeling mild bliss at the moment :D

1st August 2007, 01:14
Why open wheel race, specifically?

Open Wheel is the best and most entertaining racing in the world. Be it Formula 1, Champ Car, A1 Grand Prix or IndyCar, World of Outlaws or Sprint Cars, it all beats closed wheel racing such as NASCAR, or Sports Car racing. Not that I don't enjoy the Rolex Series or the ALMS or even when the hillbillies in NASCAR come to town, but for me, Open Wheel is King!

1st August 2007, 02:00
Having a migraine?

hearing a blood pressure loudly and clearly does it for me. It's not that hard, but really rewarding.

I quite like it when I have a cramp in my foot - or feet(both feet at the same time). It gets even better if I try to avoid any facial expression and hold it all in the foot.

1st August 2007, 02:02
Open Wheel is the best and most entertaining racing in the world. Be it Formula 1, Champ Car, A1 Grand Prix or IndyCar, World of Outlaws or Sprint Cars, it all beats closed wheel racing such as NASCAR, or Sports Car racing. Not that I don't enjoy the Rolex Series or the ALMS or even when the hillbillies in NASCAR come to town, but for me, Open Wheel is King!

Okai, fair enough. :) Sprintcars are cool. :up: I personally fancy GTs and sportscars more than OW cars but whatever floats my boat... :)

1st August 2007, 02:44
I quite like it when I have a cramp in my foot - or feet(both feet at the same time). It gets even better if I try to avoid any facial expression and hold it all in the foot.

Yes - and the right kind of toothache feels good too :)

1st August 2007, 23:22
I absolutely love crapping though. Feeling how a good nice turd caresses your bowel on its way out. Mmmmmm.... :)

Damn straight. The only thing better than a good turd is a good turd while reading the Autosport and drinking a nice cold beer.

1st August 2007, 23:24
Re-watching certain great sporting moments does it for me.

2nd August 2007, 12:11
Hearing some songs that I really love or hearing a fine tuned rally car storming through a SS.

2nd August 2007, 15:27
Hearing some songs that I really love or hearing a fine tuned rally car storming through a SS.

Three words: Anti, Lag, System. :s mokin:

2nd August 2007, 19:06
Boost. As much as possible with as little lag as possible.