View Full Version : P1nos

Hazell B
27th July 2007, 20:12
As spotted on a navy blue Toureg (sp?) at the end of my lane (blocking it, annoyingly) a few days ago.

So, it's got me thinking about how many different number plates could make up my own name.


What about yourselves?

27th July 2007, 20:52
With a last name of Mills

I would have M1 LLS

27th July 2007, 21:59
I have seen C4RLS on a DB9, which would be nice :D

27th July 2007, 23:09
I think DANIEL would be good. I'm not stupid enough to want to make my name out of D4NEL by spacing he numbers out stupidly and screwing two bolts through to make it look like an I :mark: I bet someone has done that before though.......

I had the licence plate T16WRC on my 504 back in Australia :) No use of silly numbers to look like letters. Just looked like what I wanted it to look like :)


Hazell B
28th July 2007, 19:35
I have seen C4RLS on a DB9, which would be nice :D

You have no idea of how attractive you looked in my mind when I pictured the scene :p : Just don't tell Sam :s

28th July 2007, 20:27
I think the whole name on a plate is a bit kack especially when it done by altering the spaces and colour of the screw covers.
And doesn't it make your car more easy for people to remember if for any reason they need to report you

jim mcglinchey
29th July 2007, 22:28
with just a little forcing I swear I can make the reg on my bike read


not that I have any reason to.

31st July 2007, 01:50
J4mie :d

31st July 2007, 07:47
J4mie :d
So lame :p

31st July 2007, 08:58
I can have L34NNE for a bargain price of £24995.

The letters on my previous car were BF UCR though, that was a pretty easy one to remember.

31st July 2007, 12:25
I can't make "Rachel" work with any of the numberplate formats - R4 then too many letters. R4C H3L doesn't exist, does it?

31st July 2007, 16:17
So lame :p

50 1AME :?:

Hazell B
31st July 2007, 22:23
And doesn't it make your car more easy for people to remember if for any reason they need to report you

About twenty years ago, before the whole plate sale thing really took off, I met a Manchester policeman in the Isle of Man. His hang up was plates altered to suit names and he had no qualms about slapping a fine on them before anybody else in the force bothered.

It was because he'd once been sent for witness statements after a small child was killed in a hit and run and all the people who saw it remembered only the car's plate reading a specific name - nobody knew it's exact colour or make. They didn't catch the owner as they couldn't work out how the name should have read if not messed with, and with no make to go on were stumped.

It was a fifty quid fine in those days, same as not having your tax disc on show. Now the tax disc is £200 I think, and wonder if the plates being altered is still the same.