View Full Version : Debris caution

25th July 2007, 20:05
What piece o' crap was that on the main straight just before braking zone? I saw Massa swerved past it at the last moment. And then some minutes afterwards it seemed as if that same piece of debris was already in T2-3 - WTF? Looks like F1 marshals/race directors/CoCs/whoever don't really care much of the debris on the track. Also, at USGP, a marshal managed to drop a flag from his hand! On the start-finish straight too, quite near the racing line. I didn't see anyone go and take it away... And these two are not the first times when debris has been on racing line at fast place. If these were NASCAR races, there would have been two cautions already. :)

25th July 2007, 20:14
If it were Nascar yes indeed...but that debris you are talking about came from Fisichella's Renault (it was part of the wheel hub...same like Ferrari have)
and it seemed really light and was blown away here and there when cars passed it. That swerving to avoid that seemed dangerous though.

25th July 2007, 21:23
I recall a piece of suspension or a driveline being left in the middle of the track at Suzuka in 2005 or 2006. It took forever for a marshall to finally run onto the track and retrieve it. There should be a local caution with some way to indicate that debris is ahead.

25th July 2007, 21:37
There should be a local caution with some way to indicate that debris is ahead.
What about a yellow flag?

This is what the FIA regulations say about that:

b) Yellow flag:

This is a signal of danger and should be shown to drivers in two ways with the following meanings:

- Single waved: Reduce your speed, do not overtake and be prepared to change direction. There is a hazard beside or partly on the track.

- Double waved: Reduce your speed, do not overtake and be prepared to change direction or stop. There is a hazard wholly or partly blocking the track.

Yellow flags should normally be shown only at the marshals’ post immediately preceding the hazard.