View Full Version : hello

23rd July 2007, 09:55
I am a newbie here,looking for some good friends

23rd July 2007, 10:05
hiya Fabius :)

23rd July 2007, 10:20
Welcome! :)

23rd July 2007, 10:29
Hola :wave:

23rd July 2007, 12:53
Welcome to the forums :wave:

23rd July 2007, 15:36
Hey there! Welcome! :)

23rd July 2007, 16:08
Have a happy Freakday from SEATFreak Fabius! :up:

I have been here a while and can catagorically say once you get through the near impenetrable harsh exterior of many members their quite thoroughly decent people really underneath.

23rd July 2007, 16:15
Welcome :wave:

23rd July 2007, 17:04
Don't trust SEATfreak, we are all nuts and not to be trusted.

23rd July 2007, 23:25
You have to meet Oily. Boy, a laugh a day, keep me from failing school. Now that member is crazy.

oily oaf
24th July 2007, 05:41
My Darling New Person

Leave and leave now before it's too late, for this is a dark and forbidding place, peopled by hideously misshapen, low life itinerant scum from the festering pit of Hades itself.
These cheesy navelled denizens of darkness will have absolutely no qualms about taking a fresh-faced innocent such as yourself and kneading and moulding you into a vile hairy-eared fiendish piece of trash like themselves.
Some of them are from Australia for Christ's sake :eek:
For I too was once a wide-eyed, gullible young shaver, looking to make "good friends" and to discover more about The Indy Racing League and the flameproof scanties of Ms Sarah Fisher only to find myself drawn inexorably into a dim twilight world of Formula One racing cars, The World Rally Championship and the heavily soiled racing jockstrap of Mister Dario Franchitti.
On top of this I found my leisure hours too being heavily influenced as my personal taste in programmes on the moving, speaking television which had previously consisted of Newsnight, Panorama and Dancing With The Stars now shifted to a diet of underwater 1970s drama Seahunt starring Lloyd Bridges of blessed memory, The Lulu Show and perhaps most damning of all the late-night Shipping Forecast on the listening wireless machine during which I would lay in a fever of sexual tension as Mister Rob McElwee breathed huskily of deepening lows over Cromarty, Malin Head and The German Bight.

Please heed my warning my young friend or as surely as night follows day you too will become a hapless, captive slave to the vile filth that stalk these forums and your very soul will be laid waste.
One of 'em keeps women in his garden shed fer Chrissake :cat:

I hope this helps.
Please send a crisp five pound note to: O. Oaf 69 Repsol Towers London E1 or I'll have your eyes you snivelling wretch.
Love you
Oilypops xxx

24th July 2007, 08:18
you too will become a hapless, captive slave to the vile filth that stalk these forums

Talking of which, how is Hotbikerchick these days?

24th July 2007, 09:11
Don't trust SEATfreak, we are all nuts and not to be trusted.

Heed Donny's word!! Flee whilst you have your sanity! Or atleast your nice clean boxershorts!

I am the Prince of Freak, the cousin once removed from the Prince of Darkness Dracula, the brother of Krusty the Clown and the half sister of Sideshow Bob and I took them all into my Cavern of Freak, chained them up with that strawberry flavoured string and forced them to eat those UFO's with sherbet in that you used to get as kids, read to them all the Harry Potter books from start to finish and forced them to watch Jaws movies and vintage Crankies on my TV..turning them all into Freakaholics!

Now you will be mine Fabius! All mine! :vader:

Brown, Jon Brow
24th July 2007, 10:05
Welcome to the forum, don't take any abuse you receive personally as it is all character building.

When I arrived I was just a sweet innocent boy, but now I'm the tough man that stands before you. :erm:

24th July 2007, 13:45
Some of them are from Australia for Christ's sake :eek:

and your saying thats a bad thing?

:p :

24th July 2007, 15:52

oily oaf
24th July 2007, 16:36
Talking of which, how is Hotbikerchick these days?

Not at all well I'm afraid.
She was killed instantly in a self inflicted Oatabix related incident.
On the bright side I scattered her ashes into the outside khazi at The Lord Rodney's Head in Whitechapel.
As I gently pulled the chain I recited the funeral prayer in 21 different languages.
It's what she would have wanted.

Millencolin. No mate it's not necessarily a bad thing, more a tragic accident of birth. ;)

24th July 2007, 19:31
One of 'em keeps women in his garden shed fer Chrissake :cat:

Yup and it's Oily. :p :

25th July 2007, 10:43
See people? We've done it again, we've managed to scare an innocent soul and new member in just 18 posts.

We are setting new records here.... :dozey:

And he is still unaware of the lack of chocolate cakes :p :

25th July 2007, 12:36
Oily Oaf will just take it as a personal challenge :p :

25th July 2007, 13:29
The chocolate cake is delicious !
Send more newbies. ;) :laugh:

25th July 2007, 16:37
You mods eat newbies with chocolate cake?

http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/confused002.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

25th July 2007, 19:46
No, we abuse the newbies while we enjoy the chocolate cake.
I'm glad I have been informed where the chocolate cake is stashed. :D
I must remember to stop at the market & get more milk. :lips:

25th July 2007, 20:43
My Darling New Person

..........a vile hairy-eared fiendish piece of trash like themselves.
Love you
Oilypops xxx

Heyyyyy, who'r you calling fiendish? :angryfire

25th July 2007, 20:48
My Darling New Person

.................... and the heavily soiled racing jockstrap of Mister Dario Franchitti.
Love you
Oilypops xxx

I'm thinking he goes by Mr. Judd, Mr. Ashley Judd these days. Still has a grimy jockstrap by all accounts. Cleans 'em with his eyebrow, ya' know.