View Full Version : Pigeons

20th December 2006, 10:42
Serious article

http://www.surreycomet.co.uk/display.var.1039169.0.marksman_called_in_to_kill_k ingstons_pigeons.php

But then the comments left are hilarious!

20th December 2006, 10:47
While they are at it, why not shoot a few of your lazy citizens :?:

20th December 2006, 10:47
He better not hit Speckled Jim. :p :

20th December 2006, 11:10
That's really funny. I wonder how many people really sat there and typed all that stuff out!

jim mcglinchey
20th December 2006, 14:20
£14 thou for Tommy Saxondale and young Rastus Hardiker to sit shooting sky rats? No wonder he can afford to run a Mach 1 Mustang. Well, the public liability insurance must be loads in their game.

Dave B
20th December 2006, 15:30
Pigeons are evil flying rats :angryfire

But the comments on that page are amazing - has oily oaf been busy? :rotflmao:

Captain VXR
20th December 2006, 15:33
Why murder just for the convenience of not cleaning a building as often?

Dave B
20th December 2006, 15:37
How would you feel if it were a plague of rats? Pretty unsympathetic I'd imagine. It's not just about building cleanliness, pigeons spread disease - although obviously not AIDS like one of the newspaper readers would have us believe - and need to be humanely controlled.

20th December 2006, 15:54
- has oily oaf been busy? :rotflmao:
My thoughts exactly. :D