View Full Version : What would you do?

Hazell B
20th July 2007, 19:28
Got me thinking, this one.

A woman has just been given her divorce settlement, a lum sum of £40,000. Her husband cheated on her so she does not want to let him have any satisfaction from the cash at all. As she's actually giving the lot away to a hospice that in the past he's supported, she has to come up with a tale to tell her husband about where the money went.

She's not rich enough to buy 40k's worth of car or goods to say she spent it on, nor even half that. She has to invent a totally plausible story for where the money went yet have zero (not even a suntan or holiday photos) to show for it. It has to make him feel sick with how it was wasted by the time their son is married in a few weeks.

She wants to make him suffer with her story, yet actually do something good with the cash that he would have approved of without him ever knowing.

I was told this by a customer, saying it was somebody she knew slightly. How true the situation is, I'll never know. But it's got me wondering what I would do :mark:

Any ideas?

20th July 2007, 19:35
She should tell him she spends it on her toyboys. Everytime they satisfy her more then he(the ex-husband) did, she buys them a £100 gift.

Naturally this means she's burning through the money like nothing else.

Hazell B
20th July 2007, 19:42
So he could call her a slapper for sleeping with loads of men?
Not what I'd do :p :

20th July 2007, 20:03
She could tell him she hired a hit man and he should in future always check the brakes on his car as he'll only get paid if it looks like an accident!

20th July 2007, 20:19
Two words: gambling losses.

Not as good as the hitman idea, but frustrating nonetheless.

20th July 2007, 20:39
I'd...........spend the money?? Maybe I'm missing something :D

20th July 2007, 21:11
Tell him that it's all been given away as a gift to a neighbour's pet cat.

20th July 2007, 21:18
I would post on the forum about it. :p

If she really doesn't want her ex-husband to know where she put that money, well, just don't tell it to him then! It's amazing how obvious and easy ways to do stuff always escape our minds. ;) Always looking for something grandiose...

Seriously though. From what I gather here, I understand that she has suffered and everything, but filling her heart with resentment - is that really so very good idea? How is she gonna find herself a new partner if she's so engaged with making her ex feel bad. She better find someone to love till the rest of her life, satisfaction from revenge is short lived.

20th July 2007, 21:51
Got me thinking, this one.

A woman has just been given her divorce settlement, a lum sum of £40,000. Her husband cheated on her so she does not want to let him have any satisfaction from the cash at all. As she's actually giving the lot away to a hospice that in the past he's supported, she has to come up with a tale to tell her husband about where the money went.

She's not rich enough to buy 40k's worth of car or goods to say she spent it on, nor even half that. She has to invent a totally plausible story for where the money went yet have zero (not even a suntan or holiday photos) to show for it. It has to make him feel sick with how it was wasted by the time their son is married in a few weeks.

She wants to make him suffer with her story, yet actually do something good with the cash that he would have approved of without him ever knowing.

I was told this by a customer, saying it was somebody she knew slightly. How true the situation is, I'll never know. But it's got me wondering what I would do :mark:

Any ideas?

If she does anything like that, she will just show that she was not better than him to begin with.

20th July 2007, 23:48
She wants to make him suffer with her story, yet actually do something good with the cash that he would have approved of without him ever knowing.

Weird that part is....why is she seeking his approval of anything after how he has treated her?

Best answer is not even tell him what she did with he money.

21st July 2007, 00:37
Gigalos and male strippers :p :

21st July 2007, 03:07
These are the bits of this statement that I think are relevant:

Got me thinking, this one.

A woman has just been given her divorce settlement, a lump sum of £40,000.

Therefore the money is hers. Hers. Because the marital unit has been concluded, unless there's a caveat on the money, that cash is free to do anything she damn well wants whether that be a trip around the world, buying motor cars or even £40,000 worth of jellybeans.

She has to invent a totally plausible story for where the money went yet have zero (not even a suntan or holiday photos) to show for it. It has to make him feel sick with how it was wasted by the time their son is married in a few weeks.
She wants to make him suffer with her story, yet actually do something good with the cash that he would have approved of without him ever knowing.

There sounds to be an element of nastiness in this. If I was her, I'd actually come straight out and say that the money went to charity on the justification: "It's mine, I can do what the hell I want with it"

Actually by saying that the money was given to charity, it could show that she has a nicer character, and by doing so, further help the ex-husband to feel even worse about the lady he's just lost.

21st July 2007, 12:07
I'd invest it, give any interest or dividends to the charity after paying any tax required. I'd be keeping the principle, just in case it is needed one day for an emergency or whatever.

21st July 2007, 15:33
Maybe I'm a vindictive cow but I can sort of see why she'd want to do this. It's not something I'd do, I'd just get on with it and use it how I choose to and stuff anyone who cared otherwise... but I can see why she wants to gain that upperhand after how she's been treated. So it may not be "right" or whatever but feeling vengeful is pretty common after you've been hurt by someone. I don't think it makes her nasty.

21st July 2007, 16:30
I'd want to save it for my kids, if I had decided not to touch it. That's a lot of money to just give away. Why not put it in a bank and just leave it there?

21st July 2007, 19:40
Maybe I'm a vindictive cow but I can sort of see why she'd want to do this. It's not something I'd do, I'd just get on with it and use it how I choose to and stuff anyone who cared otherwise... but I can see why she wants to gain that upperhand after how she's been treated. So it may not be "right" or whatever but feeling vengeful is pretty common after you've been hurt by someone. I don't think it makes her nasty.

I understand her as well, hurt and anger can make people do some nasty things. Why not wait a little while until she calms down a bit, and maybe she finds that it's time to move on with her life? :)

Hazell B
21st July 2007, 20:25
Sorry, I think my wording made her sound rather petty when in fact she didn't sound anything of the sort the way I was told it.

She wants to give the cash away as she doesn't need or want her ex husband's help financially. She also wants to make him feel she's just wasted it (I think he'd called her a money-grabber in the divorce papers or something) on nothing when she hasn't.

I'm liking the idea of just plain saying "I put it on the pretty beige dog in the 6.28 at the Stow and he lost. Ooops! Never mind, it was a fun thirty seconds - far more fun than any thirty seconds with you ;) "

21st July 2007, 20:28
If she felt that she didn't want/need that money anyway, why did she accept that then? :confused:

Hazell B
21st July 2007, 20:51
You don't turn down cold hard cash from an ex.
It's just not done!

Make him suffer, grab the cash so he can't spend it on the new piece :(

21st July 2007, 22:14
When asked, I'd just tap my nose and say "wouldn't you like to know?"

That infuriates most people and implies that there might be nice juicy secret there.

22nd July 2007, 03:56
Quite simply put...it went out with the garbage! I presume this lump sum was paid by certified check...I rest my case. Clean, no evidence, disappeared without a trace, unless he wants to siphen through all the garbage at his local landfill site!


23rd July 2007, 00:53
I was going to suggest saying it had all been poured into a casino's coffers during a night of alcohol and cards, but someone else has already.

Then there's the idea of saying it had been invested in a company developing a method of powered space flight using sheer willpower and determination, and when he said "that's preposterous, you'd never do that", say, "well that's the closest you'll get to the true explanation; drop it".

23rd July 2007, 01:55
she should just reply it's none of your buisness,just like it's none of my buisness what you had for breakfast: we are x's-good bye!