View Full Version : Graffitti

Hazell B
19th July 2007, 21:58
We've probably all read some deep and meaningful words of wisdom on a toilet wall, van side or bus shelter. In fact, I bet a few of us have dawbed some equally important 'prose' in our day :p :

Romans Go Home! springs to mind for starters :D
Also available in green sometimes appears on my muddy vehicle, too.

Today I've been painting some old timber that's previously been used as boardings on dis-used houses by the looks of it, probably in Bolton if the assorted FC slogans are local. Let us just say I know far, far too much about Matty's swellings in two personal little (or not so little if you can believe all you read :p : ) places and am glad to see they have vanished under the paint now :s The drawings were especially graphic :laugh:

So, your favourite graffitti is ..... ?

Brown, Jon Brow
19th July 2007, 22:06
I will suck you 'such & such' for £5 call 01935 72......etc... :erm:

19th July 2007, 22:07
I saw this on a really dirty van

"I wish my wife was as dirty as this"

"Believe me, she is!"

There is also a lot of stencil graffiti in Plymouth, like "Chav meeting point" "iSpray" and "I'm only popular on the internet" are what I saw today :)

19th July 2007, 22:12
Around the time Jeffrey Archer was arrested for perjury, I saw a poster in a tube station advertising his latest book of short stories, each of which had some sort of unexpected ending. The slogan was 'The secret of a good story is not to give away the ...'. Someone had written 'libel winnings' on the end.

Hazell B
19th July 2007, 22:54
I will suck you 'such & such' for £5 call 01935 72......etc... :erm:

I once wrote something similar in the toilets of a pub I worked in (knowing they were about to be painted and with the boss's aid) and it went down a storm.

Steve "You've written my name and number on the toilet wall, but you're a bit thick as it's in the gents" :rolleyes:

Me "Gents you say? Yes, I know" ;)

Rest of bar :laugh:

19th July 2007, 23:00
The toilets at race circuits are quite good for it. At Donington in the gents at Redgate Lodge I remember seeing "Vicki B-H was here!". :mark:

Hazell B
19th July 2007, 23:07
"Vicki B-H was here!".

If it was over three foot from the floor we can be sure she couldn't reach to write it herself :p :

19th July 2007, 23:13
of course there's the always popular, 'often imitated, never duplicated'...

"Yankee, Go Home!" :D :p

19th July 2007, 23:30
Here I sit, broken hearted, paid a penny and only farted.

Ian McC
19th July 2007, 23:44
Why is the moon

20th July 2007, 01:22
I've seen all sorts of graffiti on desks at the medical school saying medical students are annoying and boring and arrogant.

Probably written by nursing or pharmacy students :D

20th July 2007, 06:05
On A church sign: JESUS SAVES!

And underneath was scrawled: "He should play in goal for Chelsea"

20th July 2007, 07:20
On A church sign: JESUS SAVES!

Depending on the country, that's quite often followed by
but Selänne/Gretzky takes the rebound

20th July 2007, 10:29
I've seen all sorts of graffiti on desks at the medical school saying medical students are annoying and boring and arrogant.

Probably written by nursing or pharmacy students :D

I saw a "Lecturer Beard Growth Button" drawn on a lecture theatre desk years ago.

Hazell B
20th July 2007, 19:11
ATS (the tyre fitters) sometimes have their van logo altered slightly to CATSH1T :laugh:

20th July 2007, 20:56
Whenever we were going along the A1 in Northumberland, passing the signs for the village of Shilbottle, some cheeky scamp had crossed the first L to form a T nearly every time. :p :

20th July 2007, 23:53
I've seen all sorts of graffiti on desks at the medical school saying medical students are annoying and boring and arrogant.

Probably written by nursing or pharmacy students :D

yes we're, so what? stop destroying private property :mad: :p :

oily oaf
21st July 2007, 09:28
There's a little boozer just outside Stepney Green tube station and for years there was a message inside the bog door which asked.
"Why is the beer in this pub like making love in a punt?"
"Cos they're both f*****g near water"
Why the guvnor didn't get it removed is beyond me. Maybe he agreed :D

Another one that always made me chuckle was:
I'd cut my right arm off to be ambidextrous

Hazell B
21st July 2007, 20:54
"Why is the beer in this pub like making love in a punt?"
"Cos they're both f*****g near water"


That's pure class.

22nd July 2007, 07:25
I saw a "Lecturer Beard Growth Button" drawn on a lecture theatre desk years ago.

:D Made all the funnier if your lecturer was a woman :D

yes we're, so what? stop destroying private property :mad: :p :

Well it's true, even you've admitted it.

One of the ethical principles we're all taught is veracity - that's telling the truth - therefore whoever wrote it was being ethical :D

22nd July 2007, 10:42
When I was a kid, there was a sign about aerial police patrols which had PIGS IN SPACE scrawled on it.