View Full Version : Japan Earthquake

17th July 2007, 11:05

Japan has TWO weeks to sort itself out and stop having earthquakes before I arrive there on the 3rd of August. They've had two big earthquakes in the last month or so, the last one being just the other day and was felt in Tokyo (where we're stayin)... and quite frankly I'm scared.

I've been looking forward to going for ages; and now this happens. :( I guess at least, Japan and most of it's buildings is largely prepared for such earthquakes so we should be relatively safe... but it's still a bit daunting. My brothers' lived there for three years and he said this is the worst he's felt since being there.

Anyone been in an earthquake? Got any survival tips?!

Brown, Jon Brow
17th July 2007, 11:12
Apparently some nuclear waste may have been released as a result :\

My advice - hide under a table ;)

17th July 2007, 11:16
I understand that they have had some radioactive spillage as well so avoid any glowing seafood :D

17th July 2007, 11:33
I would spend most of my time in outside(in outside? what's that?!) greenery. Maybe put up a tent. Don't forget to buy some matches too.

Good luck. :) Why are you going there? Holiday? :)

17th July 2007, 12:23
Slinkster, I wouldn't worry. The Japanese are quake ready and the buildings are designed to withstand incredible forces.

When I was in Japan I was staying just outside of Tokyo when the room started to shake. I was in a 5 storey building and quite frankly I was terrified. I mean your bed shouldn't move across the room and the lights shake!! I expected to hearing people running down the corridors, people waiting out in the car park etc...but nothing happened, no announcements, no checks, the Japanese just carried on as normal. We knew that the TV stations would broadcast special programmes (with English) if there was a significant quake but there was nothing. I remember waiting for the aftershock and quite enjoyed it when I knew all was safe. Seriously, I wouldn't have a problem going back! Worry if anything about the communal bathing facilities in the cheap hostels....now that's scary!

17th July 2007, 12:57
hehe thanks Caroline. I read a few other accounts today and although people were frightened (obviously) it passed in most places without too many lasting problems. The accounts weren't from the epicentre though I guess.

Erki- We're going for my brothers wedding. He teaches English over there and is engaged to a Japanese girl. :-)

I bought a load of lightweight clothing because it's apparantly very hot and humid over there... but I'm wondering now if I should swap my sunhat for a helmet. :\

Captain VXR
17th July 2007, 17:37
I bought a load of lightweight clothing because it's apparantly very hot and humid over there... but I'm wondering now if I should swap my sunhat for a helmet. :\

Lol Slinky. Also many people from the driftworks forum have been to Japan and could share their experiences of being there as a tourist. And finally, good luck to your brother and his fiancee. I hope the wedding goes well :)