View Full Version : Question about net drives

14th July 2007, 16:52
I'm looking to buy a NAS drive (with LAN connection to network).
I finally decided on the Netgear SC101T.

Problem is that the where I want to buy it from it has 2 different ones, the SC101TGR (port GR) and the SC101TIS (port ML).
I didn't find any documentation where is explained the difference between these two drives.

Someone around here surely has a better knowledge than me and can explain me what the difference is!


donKey jote
14th July 2007, 17:04
get a mac ? :p

14th July 2007, 17:38
get a mac ? :p

Ah you **********************! :p : ;)

14th July 2007, 22:31
Western Digital has a nice little 1TB network model. They also have a nice fireWire800 version which I am backing up to as we speak.

15th July 2007, 11:28
Problem is that the where I want to buy it from it has 2 different ones, the SC101TGR (port GR) and the SC101TIS (port ML).
I didn't find any documentation where is explained the difference between these two drives.

Funny, it doesn't appear to be standard terminology. I wonder what it means :mark:

15th July 2007, 19:23
Telling you to get a Mac would be more honest than me saying I know the difference between the two models they've got :mark:

Are there seperate pages for both products? If not the difference is most likely almost nothing :)

Dave B
15th July 2007, 19:28
Can you post a link to the retailer in question?

17th July 2007, 13:52
Can you post a link to the retailer in question?

Here you go:

http://www.1ashop.at/details/NETGEAR_SC101T_Storage_Central_Turbo_fuer_2x_3_5_Z oll_SATA_Drives_mit_Gigabit_LAN_Port_ML.html?d=ACT 1330708

http://www.1ashop.at/details/Netgear_STORAGE_CENTER_TURBO_2X_3_5I_SATA_DRIVES_W _GIGABIT_LAN_PORT_GR.html?d=1332496

Have fun!

I still didn't found much about this terminology.

17th July 2007, 14:20
No difference at all from what I can see :) Ask which is newer and get that.

18th July 2007, 21:58
I've got one of these. Don't know which one it is though.

The only trouble I have with it is that there are no Vista drivers for it.
(is anyone surprised?)

18th July 2007, 22:18
I've got one of these. Don't know which one it is though.

The only trouble I have with it is that there are no Vista drivers for it.
(is anyone surprised?)
When you bought it did it say it would work with Vista?

18th July 2007, 22:27
When you bought it did it say it would work with Vista?

When I bought it Vista hadn't been released.
It's only since I added a new laptop to my network that it caused a problem.

...and it wasn't a problem for long as I put XP Pro onto the laptop.

18th July 2007, 22:28
So it's not working with an OS that it was never advertised to work with?

18th July 2007, 22:42
So it's not working with an OS that it was never advertised to work with?

Yes, and as I say, I don't have a problem with that because most of the software I use doesn't work with Vista anyway.

I was just warning people who may be interested in these drives that there are no Vista drivers, which may be an issue for them.

18th July 2007, 23:22
exactly, present NAS units don't have Vista drivers but are capable of working with other NT Kernel-based OS ( 2000, XP Home/Pro). I recently wrote a term paper on the benifits/costs of NAS units, DAS units, and software-based storage (Windows Server 2000, Server 2003, Home Server) for my ECET class.

Here's an example...