View Full Version : Will Spyker Ever..........?

13th July 2007, 18:39
Will Spyker ever use a Spyker Engine?

13th July 2007, 18:56
There is no such thing as a Spyker engine, modern Spyker cars use Audi engines.

Even if at some point they start using "Spyker" F1 engines they will probably buy the engines from cosworth or something and call them spyker, they wont built them inhouse

15th July 2007, 10:54
they have a good deal going with ferrari, i dont see them breaking that deal anytime soon

Valve Bounce
15th July 2007, 11:30
Whatever they do, they can't be worse off than they are now, can they? :rolleyes:
They could use Skoda engines and still finish no worse off than they are now. So, what is the point?

15th July 2007, 15:17
The Delft technical university is helping Spyker in pretty much all the ways they can, which may or may not include an engine development program.

Don't forget: Spyker did build the first inline 6 ever !!!!

15th July 2007, 17:41
The Delft technical university is helping Spyker in pretty much all the ways they can, which may or may not include an engine development program.

Don't forget: Spyker did build the first inline 6 ever !!!!

1903 the Spyker 60 HP became the world's first ever four-wheel driven car and racer. The 60 HP was also the first ever automobile equipped with a six-cylinder engine and brakes for all four wheels

Dave B
15th July 2007, 18:55
Modern F1 engines are currently so advanced that sadly I don't believe a privateer could produce competitive units in-house. I fear the days of Brian Hart "tinkering in his shed" are long gone.

And remember, with the engine freeze there's no chance for a team to develop their own units anyway :(

Valve Bounce
16th July 2007, 00:41
1903 the Spyker 60 HP became the world's first ever four-wheel driven car and racer. The 60 HP was also the first ever automobile equipped with a six-cylinder engine and brakes for all four wheels

...............and they havn't progressed much since. :(

16th July 2007, 13:16
...............and they havn't progressed much since. :(

they've made history, now they want to in F1(they only exist again for 8 years). maybe we are a small country, but we are everywere.

16th July 2007, 15:25
they have a good deal going with ferrari, i dont see them breaking that deal anytime soon

As all Ferrari customer Engines go, they are never well served. At least Renault, Toyota and Honda can provide competitive engines, but Ferrari never deliver a decent engine to their customers.

As to Spyker. Maybe they should team up with Audi and develop an engine. Audi are surely already ahead of the curve whne it comes to innovative engines. This might be a quiet way to enter into the fray with no high expectations attached. I think Audi would do great ( and it wouldn't surprise me after a few years if they decided to buy up the team)

16th July 2007, 20:33
As all Ferrari customer Engines go, they are never well served. At least Renault, Toyota and Honda can provide competitive engines, but Ferrari never deliver a decent engine to their customers.

As to Spyker. Maybe they should team up with Audi and develop an engine. Audi are surely already ahead of the curve whne it comes to innovative engines. This might be a quiet way to enter into the fray with no high expectations attached. I think Audi would do great ( and it wouldn't surprise me after a few years if they decided to buy up the team)

indeed, and Colin Kolles has a link to Audi, his team drives with them.

Valve Bounce
17th July 2007, 02:57
Why not just buy Mercedes engines and be done with it? These fantasies of Audi being involved in F1 have been floating around since the early 1990's and nothing have come of it yet. Sooner or later, we have to accept that Audi will never come back to F1.

17th July 2007, 08:18
Why not just buy Mercedes engines and be done with it? These fantasies of Audi being involved in F1 have been floating around since the early 1990's and nothing have come of it yet. Sooner or later, we have to accept that Audi will never come back to F1.

Then again, "Mercedes" engines aren't actually built by Mercedes, are they? I doubt Mercedes would be anywhere near where they are currently if not for Ilmor!

Valve Bounce
17th July 2007, 09:56
Then again, "Mercedes" engines aren't actually built by Mercedes, are they? I doubt Mercedes would be anywhere near where they are currently if not for Ilmor!

Who cares, Walter, who cares. The point here is that Audi is not likely to return to F1.

17th July 2007, 14:34
Then again, "Mercedes" engines aren't actually built by Mercedes, are they? I doubt Mercedes would be anywhere near where they are currently if not for Ilmor!

Mercedes tried to make their own f1 engine when they were entering F1 with Sauber in the early 90s but it didn't work out so they bought part of Ilmor and had them made their engines, they took control of Ilmor a few years latter and a couple of years ago took over Ilmor completely and made it a Mercedes department responsible for F1 engines.

At the same time Mario Illien and Roger Penske took the Ilmor debarment responsible for making the Honda IRL engines and formed a new company once again known as Ilmor Engineering, Ilmor Engineering still makes Honda IRL engines and tried to built a MotoGP bike this year

17th July 2007, 15:03
Why not just buy Mercedes engines and be done with it? These fantasies of Audi being involved in F1 have been floating around since the early 1990's and nothing have come of it yet. Sooner or later, we have to accept that Audi will never come back to F1.

They are waiting for the diesel engines to be implemented, just wait and see.

17th July 2007, 20:40
They should never have gone for Ferrari.. they should have gone for Cosworth.

And if the Volkswagen group ever decides to make F1 engines, I think we will be seeing Porsche, Lamborghini or Bugatti first

Valve Bounce
17th July 2007, 23:36
Basically, there is nothing to be gained for any other manufacturer to enter F1.

17th July 2007, 23:46
1903 the Spyker 60 HP became the world's first ever four-wheel driven car and racer. The 60 HP was also the first ever automobile equipped with a six-cylinder engine and brakes for all four wheels
hmmmmm.......104 years later and theyre going backwards down the field fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!......... :)

18th July 2007, 16:31
They should never have gone for Ferrari.. they should have gone for Cosworth.

And if the Volkswagen group ever decides to make F1 engines, I think we will be seeing Porsche, Lamborghini or Bugatti first

Porsche is not part of the Volkswagen group, in fact Porsche is a major shareholder in Volkswagen.

if the Volkswagen group ever enters F1 it will either be as Audi to go up against its competitors in Luxury cars BMW and Mercedes-Benz or with Volkswagen to go up against its competitors in family cars Toyota and Honda