View Full Version : 16 year old drug smugglers

13th July 2007, 15:42

2 16 year old girls are arrested in Ghana on drug smuggleing charges while their parents thought they were on a school trip.

on the surface, I would guess these girls knew exactly what they were doing and should face the local law. To say that they were paid to go to Ghana, given two "empty" laptop bags with a couple of hundred grand of coke in and they "dont know about any drugs or nothing" is the most lame excuse I've ever heard.

I may be harsh but I cant see why we should do any more than wave goodbye to them for 10 years.

13th July 2007, 15:51
What was their excuse for going to Ghana in the first place? How was it paid? I assume by the drug dealers, but "assuming" the girls are telling the truth and they don't know anything, how were they convinced to accept an all expenses paid trip to Ghana?

Silly, silly girls.

13th July 2007, 16:02
"We don't know nothing about this drugs and stuff."

With their use of double negatives they're hardly going to convince the authorities of their innocence :rolleyes:

13th July 2007, 16:20
And stuff? What other stuff?

They could have been tricked into going to Ghana, hopefully not, hopefully they were just stupid.

oily oaf
13th July 2007, 16:50
Maybe I'm going soft but I feel sorry for the poor little mares.
They're only 16 for Gawds sake. We all think we're invincible at that age.
A few weeks in a Ghanaian nick and they'll be as straight as dies.
Now the duplicitous toerags that coerced 'em into doing their dirty work for 'em. Throw away the key.

13th July 2007, 17:07
It may be a harsh lesson but there's no such thing as a free holiday. Hopefully with a little help from the two girls the real criminals in this particular case will be brought to justice.

Ian McC
13th July 2007, 19:21
You have got to wonder about the parents, firstly how they got away with getting into it in the first place and then convincing them it was a school trip and of course not being able to tell the difference between right and wrong.

Mark in Oshawa
13th July 2007, 19:35
Oaf, i think they knew what they were doing.

As for the parents...well parenting obviously aint what it used to be. If my kid was going overseas on a jaunt, I would want to talk to the chaperones and teachers. I mean, did the kids come home and say: "Mum, I am going on a school trip to Ghana" and did Mum say : "that's nice dear, take your clean knickers" and NEVER ASK any more questions?

Good lord, they should have never been on the bloody plane......

13th July 2007, 19:47
I actually don't feel sorry for them. They're old enough to fly that far on their own, and therfore In my opinion old enough, to know that it's pretty stupid to carry anything that doesn't belong to you into an airport like that.

If that is the case of course.

13th July 2007, 20:19
I am sorry but 10yrs ago i would of believed someone about not knowing that they had drugs in the luggage, but not now, most 16 yr olds know more about drugs than a lot of adults, anyway dont most school trips require parents sigs let a lone money?

Dave B
13th July 2007, 20:30
Agreed. 16 year olds are probably more streetwise about drugs than most adults. To think that they weren't even suspicious beggers belief.

oily oaf
14th July 2007, 06:37
Hehehehe. Now I'm not such a wide-eyed innocent as to believe that these two young ladies didn't have at least an inkling that those lap top cases contained something, how can I put this?, a bit moody. That's not why I feel sorry for them.
My sympathy stems from the fact that these two impressionable, silly kids have had their lives ruined so that the likes of Kate Moss and her pampered, preening pals or some chinless 2 bob City boy from Canary Wharf can toot a few lines of Bolivian Marching Powder up their vacuous, cavernous hooters in the bogs at Chinawhite on a Friday night.
And that's a bloody shame.

I shall now concede the floor to the "ang 'em and flog 'em", and "I've led a blameless existence me" brigade who seem to take some sort of perverse, smug delight in the plight of these two daft kids.

Oh yes and before posting don't forget to rap indignantly on the monitor screen with the handle of your furled umbrella in the manner of the character created by the late, great Kenny Everett "Disgusted" of Mayfair.
Carry on.