View Full Version : Favorite driver ≠ Championship leader

12th July 2007, 05:47
Relating to above subject, the championship leader doesn't always come to our mind as intense as our favorite driver, I guess Marco Andretti and Danica Patrick deserve more a mention in term of popularity.

13th July 2007, 07:28
it depends who is your favourite.

15th July 2007, 09:48
Everybody has different favs I guess. Anyway, there have been complaints by Kanaan and others that the IRL marketing section only focuses on Marco and Danica and that the actual top dogs get far too little attention. Focus on the guys out in front I say! I don't like Franchitti either, but at this point he's the best guy on the grid.

15th July 2007, 11:27
Everybody has different favs I guess. Anyway, there have been complaints by Kanaan and others that the IRL marketing section only focuses on Marco and Danica and that the actual top dogs get far too little attention. Focus on the guys out in front I say! I don't like Franchitti either, but at this point he's the best guy on the grid.

I remember the 2005 Indy 500 in being particulary bad from this respect, or should it have been called the Danica 500? Dan Wheldon completely dominated the race and Danica was breifly up front in the later stages of the race thanks to a trick strategy and some fuel saving, her finishing position of 4th actually flattered her pace yet after the race Dan's victory was completely overshadowed by it.

As for faves I obviously back the British driver being British myself, particulary Darren Manning as he's northern much like myself!

17th July 2007, 00:46
I'm pulling for Dario to win it now he deserves a title to show for his decade in the States. I must admit in recent years, being English, I've been more inclined to follow Wheldon slightly more, but I've followed Dario's career ever since watching him drive DTM Mercedes at Donington in 1995. To be honest I'd always thought that if Dario was ever going to win a title over there, then 1999 was going to be the year (when Montoya pipped him at the last race), I'm not really sure where he's found this run of form, but I won't be complaining if it continues!

Dixon is starting to look ominous though.

17th July 2007, 06:35
Everybody has different favs I guess. Anyway, there have been complaints by Kanaan and others that the IRL marketing section only focuses on Marco and Danica and that the actual top dogs get far too little attention. Focus on the guys out in front I say! I don't like Franchitti either, but at this point he's the best guy on the grid.

A fact we have to admit in this life, being the cleverest or the fastest doesn't always mean success in the bag. I can't put a blame on Kanaan with such complaints as it is naturally human have such sensitivity when isn't treated fair and square.

Back to selling price of driver, Marco and Danica I think have it worthwhile more than their ability. Being desirable persons is one of point of interest that enable the series may obtain more benefit from it.
It isn't wrong with such strategy to marketing the project muscle in on as much possible market of viewer as possible.