View Full Version : BBC fined £50,000 of our money!!!!!!!

10th July 2007, 14:04
It just dosn't seem right somehow. The BBC get a £50,000 fine from Ofcom, for lying about phone in prize winners on Blue Peter, and we foot the bill. I say this because as a UK resident we have no choice but to pay for a TV licence which all goes to the BBC.
Surley someone is in some way responsible for the way in which that money is spent, and should therefore be held accountable for ahving to throw such a large sum of money away in the form of a fine.
I for one say that if the BBC are allowed to get away with wasting OUR money then we should have the choice of wheather we want to fund them in the first place.

They come after you with a detector van you know.

10th July 2007, 14:08
But they haven't 'got away' with anything :s .

I'm sure the £50,000 will just be recycled back into the BBC by some means anyway, it's not going to disappear..

But when you consider that the BBC has an operating budget of some £4 billions. I doubt that £50,000 is going to trouble them too much ;)

10th July 2007, 14:20
But they haven't 'got away' with anything :s .

I'm sure the £50,000 will just be recycled back into the BBC by some means anyway, it's not going to disappear..

But when you consider that the BBC has an operating budget of some £4 billions. I doubt that £50,000 is going to trouble them too much ;)

True true, my gripe is more the fact that it's money handed over by us and they are not using it responsibly.
I just want a few heads to roll, and a discount on my licence, and a free 50 inch LCD, oh and a win on a Blue Peter Phone-in :)

10th July 2007, 14:26
How much does £50,000 amount to per licence fee payer?

Personally, it doesn't bother me at all. Neither does the licence fee per se, because I think the proportion of BBC revenue that goes towards Radio 4 makes it worth every penny.

10th July 2007, 15:04
How much does £50,000 amount to per licence fee payer?

Personally, it doesn't bother me at all. Neither does the licence fee per se, because I think the proportion of BBC revenue that goes towards Radio 4 makes it worth every penny.

I think last time it was about £180.00

OK OK. I get it it's just me. Got to say though if I'd cost my company £50,000 in fines, I would be lucky to hold on to my job, after all pea picking ain't that difficult and there's a waiting list of willing people :)

Dave B
10th July 2007, 17:25
I think the question was what is £50,000 divided by the millions of households who pay a TV licence. OFCOM apparently had the power to levy a fine of up to £250,000 but chose not to, mindful that the BBC is publicly funded.

What's far more disturbing is that about £20million of investment in software for the BBC's literacy project is to be scrapped after the same OFCOM ruled it was damaging commercial rivals. You know, all those other TV channels who encourage kids to learn to read and write....

oily oaf
10th July 2007, 17:40
I trembled and shook with rage in the early hours of Tuesday morning when I heard an interview on the BBC World Service with legendary blues man BB King and the geetar pickin' lummox stated quite shamefacedly that "Dere aint no such thing as an ugly woman. Dey all beautiful."

Is this overweight, sweaty tunesmith totally unaware of the existence of the "Over 40's Ladies Night" at Cinatra's Palais De Dance in Shoeburyness?

I don't pay my licence fee to be furnished with barefaced lies of this magnitude :mad:

A five pound bursory to the first manjack to point out that The World Service isn't funded by the licence payer.

12th July 2007, 13:15
It just dosn't seem right somehow. The BBC get a £50,000 fine from Ofcom, for lying about phone in prize winners on Blue Peter, and we foot the bill. I say this because as a UK resident we have no choice but to pay for a TV licence which all goes to the BBC.

You kind of have a choice, you could chuck the tele out the window for a start.

I'm happy to pay the license fee at uni. I personally think the BBC is brilliant, but of course there are loads of programmes I don't watch or like, but it's the same with every channel...

12th July 2007, 13:25
You kind of have a choice, you could chuck the tele out the window for a start.

I'm happy to pay the license fee at uni. I personally think the BBC is brilliant, but of course there are loads of programmes I don't watch or like, but it's the same with every channel...

Of course you're happy to pay it, coz like the BBC you haven't earnt your money. It's been given to you straight out of my taxes. I bet Daddy's probably already lined you up a cushy £50,000 a year pen pushing job at the Beeb :)

12th July 2007, 13:51
Of course you're happy to pay it, coz like the BBC you haven't earnt your money. It's been given to you straight out of my taxes. I bet Daddy's probably already lined you up a cushy £50,000 a year pen pushing job at the Beeb :)

Yes, that's right my self employed £50,000 a year executive mechanic of dad has this all lined up for me. However you're right, I do get your taxes and just your taxes to pay for my uni education, not those of my parents, grandparents, coporations and so on. But I'm glad to live in a country were higher education is reasonably affordable (kind of) and I will pay most of this money back, anyhow.

I just hope nobody tells you about EMA, I don't even agree with that...

12th July 2007, 14:04
Yes, that's right my self employed £50,000 a year executive mechanic of dad has this all lined up for me. However you're right, I do get your taxes and just your taxes to pay for my uni education, not those of my parents, grandparents, coporations and so on. But I'm glad to live in a country were higher education is reasonably affordable (kind of) and I will pay most of this money back, anyhow.

I just hope nobody tells you about EMA, I don't even agree with that...

All that money of mine wasted on education and he can't even spell, it's Emu, and I do know all about it, I was a big fan of Rod Hull :)

12th July 2007, 14:27
Of course you're happy to pay it, coz like the BBC you haven't earnt your money. It's been given to you straight out of my taxes. I bet Daddy's probably already lined you up a cushy £50,000 a year pen pushing job at the Beeb :)

Put a sock in it buddy.

Everyone in this country has the right to higher education. Don't make such absurd assumptions about someone based on what you want to hear. If people like Drew had to pay for everything up front we'd have no skilled people to replace those which are retiring. If you want to turn the UK into a third world country then I suggest you try and wreck the education system with your absurd suggestions. Otherwise be quiet!

12th July 2007, 16:51
Put a sock in it buddy.

Everyone in this country has the right to higher education. Don't make such absurd assumptions about someone based on what you want to hear. If people like Drew had to pay for everything up front we'd have no skilled people to replace those which are retiring. If you want to turn the UK into a third world country then I suggest you try and wreck the education system with your absurd suggestions. Otherwise be quiet!

No sense of humour these students :(

12th July 2007, 17:37
No sense of humour these students :(

Daniel's Australian, not a student :p :

13th July 2007, 15:52
Daniel's Australian, not a student :p :

you're quite right. That explains everything ;)

if the Dir General and head of CBBC club together, they can raise the readies with 2 calls to Picture.

oh, hang on. no paperwork. You simply just Couldn't have that at the BBC. what the hell would they do and as for sensible conversations about football :s hock: