View Full Version : Update on Stan

9th July 2007, 22:58
Hi Everyone!

We all have been quite worried about Stan's whereabouts, and I finally do have some news for you.

I just talked to Stan a little while ago. He is "ok", but unfortunately was involved in a car accident last week, getting T-boned in the driver's side door.
He has a fractured hip and 4 broken ribs. He is on plenty of pain medicine, and when we spoke was in good spirits.
He requires no surgery, but is now in rehabilition and it will take between 6-8 weeks for him to fully heal/ recover. He will remain in the hopsital for the rehab through this week and hopes to go home at the end of the week.

I told him we were all thinking of him and looking forward to his speedy return - which I told him to post as soon as he could.

So, post your well wishes for Stan, and we should hear from him soon!!!

Stan, the boards aren't the same without you, get well soon!!!!! :) :up:

9th July 2007, 23:05
Thanks for the update Beth

Sorry to hear what happened to you Stan. Get well soon, you've had us all worried around here. Can't wait to see you around.

9th July 2007, 23:22
Get Well Soon Stan.

From someone who only knows you on here.

Hope the guy that T'd you gets a damned good thrashing !!

Hey, the name on the other guys license wasn't a Mr T Stewart was it ??

9th July 2007, 23:23
Hope you get well soon Stan

muggle not
9th July 2007, 23:29
Get well soon RFS. I need someone to pick on. I can't really pick on Cindy and Sparky the same as you. ;) :)

10th July 2007, 01:12
Bring it on, Muggles! ;)

Stan..... when you get well, Im gonna kick your butt for worrying me like that!!! :eek: :s hock: I was telling a couple of co-workers about how one of my internet/forum buddies was missing and they kinda looked at me funny and I could tell they just didnt quite understand how you could care about someone you have never met and worry about them so much.

I hope you "regulars" learn alittle lesson from this and share a phone # or something with another "regular" who you feel that you can trust. Ya'll dont need to be worrying an old lady like that!! :eek:

Stan, hope you get some good drugs and recover soon! :s mokin:

Hoss Ghoul
10th July 2007, 01:15
Get well soon my friend.

Lee Roy
10th July 2007, 01:21
I'm so sorry to hear of Stan's accident and injuries. I hope he gets better very soon and returns here to visit with friends.

10th July 2007, 01:23
get well Stan :up: :beer:

10th July 2007, 01:30
Hey Stan.....get your butt back here. We all miss ya. Praying that you heal quickly and everything comes out OK. I am in PT myself for a frozen shoulder so I feel your pain.


10th July 2007, 01:42
What Cindy said, muggles. Bring it baby. :D

Hey Stan! Don't you ever, ever worry me like this again. I have enough dadgum gray hair. ;) Heal swiftly and well because it's too darn quiet around here without you. Miss ya buddy. :)

Thank you, Beth.

10th July 2007, 01:56
Hey Stan! Don't you ever, ever worry me like this again. I have enough dadgum gray hair. ;)

Yeah, I think my roots grew out 4 inches within the past 2 days!! :eek: :eek:

10th July 2007, 02:02
Its Warren Wallace :p :

10th July 2007, 02:29
Yeah, I think my roots grew out 4 inches within the past 2 days!! :eek: :eek:

:rotflmao: I think I added ten or twenty gray hairs over the past few days myself.

10th July 2007, 02:46
Get well soon Stan! The Forum's not the same without you!

10th July 2007, 10:35
Get well soon Stan. PS. If someone wants to post Stans pickems they can do ;)

10th July 2007, 10:38
Get well soon RFS :)

10th July 2007, 11:20
Hope you get well soon buddy

10th July 2007, 11:35
So sorry to hear this news Stan!!! I wish you a speedy recovery, see you soon :D

10th July 2007, 11:41
The bright side is that he's alive and "ok"ish, but still sorry to here this. Get well soon, Stan!

10th July 2007, 11:54
Sorry to hear about the crash, but good that the recovery has started already. Get well soon! :up:

10th July 2007, 11:59
Hopefully there's no finger injuries and you'll be back to your normal 15 a day in the next week or so, probably more seeing as all you can do is rest up. Hope you make a speedy recovery and have a decent lawyer too ;)

Get well soon Stan :up:

10th July 2007, 12:28
Very sorry to hear this...get well soon Stan :)

10th July 2007, 13:08
I feel your pain Stan! kinda.. mine is just my arm.. but you're lucky you missed out on the surgery! that's the painful bit! Hope you get back on your feet real soon.

Mark in Oshawa
10th July 2007, 14:58
I wondered what happened....Stan hasn't told me I was wrong, I knew something must have happened....

Good luck to you Stan, work hard, rehab hard, get better, we miss the steely eyed veteran around here...

10th July 2007, 15:02
I vote that one of the top 5 members in the pickem game post Stan's picks while he is away.

He has been doing really well in the pickems this year and I know how disappointed he would be to drop so many places after all of his hard work. Someone please give him some good picks. (I would but Im not having much luck this season)

10th July 2007, 15:11
Whoever posts Stans picks, here's what to do,
Make the picks yourself and it will post them under your name, then within 15 minutes, hit the edit button and change the post so it looks like this:

PICKEM:78632,RaceFanStan,driver1,driver2,driver3,d river4,driver5,driver6,driver7,driver8

Don't put anything else in the post.

It's best to use the system to post and then edit it later as the scoring calculator does not make any allowances for spelling mistakes! :p

10th July 2007, 15:25
Thanks Mark for allowing someone to pick for Stan. I know he will appreciate it. :)

10th July 2007, 15:28
Get well soon Stan.

10th July 2007, 15:52
Whoever posts Stans picks, here's what to do,
Make the picks yourself and it will post them under your name, then within 15 minutes, hit the edit button and change the post so it looks like this:

PICKEM:78632,RaceFanStan,driver1,driver2,driver3,d river4,driver5,driver6,driver7,driver8

Don't put anything else in the post.

It's best to use the system to post and then edit it later as the scoring calculator does not make any allowances for spelling mistakes! :p

Done, can you double check


10th July 2007, 17:03
MD, will you pick mine too. :uhoh: ;)

10th July 2007, 17:14
MD, will you pick mine too. :uhoh: ;)

Nice try. :D

10th July 2007, 17:26
MD, will you pick mine too. :uhoh: ;)

You don't need my help you're a great player

10th July 2007, 17:36
get well Stan. hope to see you posting soon.

10th July 2007, 17:58
Stan the Man...just popping in to send along my well wishes for a complete and speedy recovery. I know your too damn ornery not to pull thru just fine! ;)

10th July 2007, 18:15
Get well soon Stan, hope you have a speedy recovery and be up and about in no time :imu:

10th July 2007, 18:22
Stan's as tough as shoe leather...he'll be back before we know it!

Cheers Stan! :beer:

10th July 2007, 18:47
I guess milka Duno is still allowed on the streets I see.....a menace on both the track and now the streets. Take care and godspeed to you.

10th July 2007, 18:55
Hurry back Stan!

Enjoy all the fondling by the female nurses in the interim


10th July 2007, 19:33
Terrible news RFS but good to hear you're o.k. :up:
Take your time recouping... Despite what others are saying your posts aren't missed all that much! :p :

donKey jote
10th July 2007, 20:54
get well soon stan

Ian McC
10th July 2007, 22:19

Do they let laptops in hospital? With nothing else to do his post count will go through the roof! :p :

You get well soon Stan :)

10th July 2007, 22:46
You don't need my help you're a great player

You're a good man, MD. :) :up:

10th July 2007, 22:49

Do they let laptops in hospital? With nothing else to do his post count will go through the roof! :p :

You get well soon Stan :)

He's on pain meds. Can you just imagine what he'd post? :D

race aficionado
10th July 2007, 22:57
Get better Stan and I hope it's a fast recovery.

:s mokin:

11th July 2007, 04:02
Can't they get the guy a laptop to use in the hospital??? I know if I was laid up in bed, a computer would be the thing I would want the most, otherwise I might go crazy.

Maybe somebody can rustle up Mod status for him as a get-well present. (Once he is off the mind-altering drugs...)

It is kinda ironic when a motorsport fan gets hurt in a car wreck... when I got wrecked (a long time ago) I pondered for weeks how I could have avoided it by being a more skillful (as in race) driver.

11th July 2007, 04:53
glad to hear your doing relatively ok. get well soon and all the best for a speedy recovery.
enjoy those pain meds while you can! following my serious crash a few years back i learned tape delayed races are all the more enjoyable when combined with a healthy dose of demerall!

11th July 2007, 08:59
Done, can you double check


Looks spot on :up:

11th July 2007, 13:23
Get well soon stan

11th July 2007, 14:54
You're a good man, MD. :) :up:

:D :up:

11th July 2007, 22:19
It sounds callous to speak of the Pickems championship, but we were quite close together in the rankings for a while, and presumably will be again. I hope firstly that he is well soon and that secondly, his Pickems substitute keeps up the rivalry for the rest of us. :D Best of luck in returning on tip-top form.

Felicity Fidget
12th July 2007, 00:54
From a "long lost" member of this place from way back....

Just a one time post to say...

A good friend told me whats happened...Get well soon Stan. Heres hoping for a very speedy recovery and that our thoughts are with you at this time

Smokey Bones 2005 :dog:

Galveston dunes
12th July 2007, 03:36
Sorry to hear and return at such an unfortunate time for you. Please recover fully and soon. someone has to keep me in line.

Galveston dunes
12th July 2007, 03:41
Get well soon RFS. I need someone to pick on. I can't really pick on Cindy and Sparky the same as you. ;) :)

"I'll be your HUCKELBERRY"

12th July 2007, 17:16
From a "long lost" member of this place from way back....

Just a one time post to say...

A good friend told me whats happened...Get well soon Stan. Heres hoping for a very speedy recovery and that our thoughts are with you at this time

Smokey Bones 2005 :dog:

Now you have me curious. :confused:

12th July 2007, 17:33
Now you have me curious. :confused:

Fred B from Maine

12th July 2007, 18:23
I figured it was that darn dog! ;) :laugh:

muggle not
12th July 2007, 20:04
hehe, it must be Mrs. B with a name like Felicity. :D

12th July 2007, 21:48
THANKS to everyone for the well-wishes, it helps endure the painful recovery. :D :up:

I was t-boned June 27th & have been in the hospital until today.
My car was totalled but I am concinced I am lucky to have survived the crash.
I’ll post a few pics later
It fractured the left side of my pelvis & broke 4 ribs on my left side.
I was in trauma for 1 week & then rehab the past week.

I got home a few hours ago today.
I'm in a wheelchair & using a walker on a limited basis.
They say in 4 to 6 weeks I will be well.

I will be online as the pain allows.
I’ll do what I can this afternoon & I appreciate all the help I had while I was in the hospital.

I may still need help as by evening I am pretty-well used-up.
I will scan the threads & see what I need to do now.

As to pain meds, the doctor has been gracious to me & they are good ones. :D
I got my presciptions filled today & I love those Loratabs. :D

Each day I'm a bit better & now time is what it's going to take.

12th July 2007, 21:54
Welcome back Buddy!!!!!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: (dont ya feel better now?!) :p
The only thing you need to do is get your picks posted and then get some rest. :D

13th July 2007, 01:37
Welcome back buddy! http://www.boomspeed.com/rockysmom/smileyhugs.gif I missed you. That's one helluva way to get a cheap high. I'm so glad you're on your way to recovery! :)

Hoss Ghoul
13th July 2007, 02:18
Good to hear you're up and around Stan, good luck on a speedy recovery.

Mark in Oshawa
13th July 2007, 07:57
Stan, just do things on your schedule. Get better, work hard, and know a lot of people here are pulling for ya to make a quick recovery.

13th July 2007, 07:58
I'm SO glad to hear you're going to be okay, Stan.

13th July 2007, 08:43
(It took your wreck to get me back here, mate!)

13th July 2007, 11:44
(It took your wreck to get me back here, mate!)

Hey Aussie! :wave:

13th July 2007, 15:27
(It took your wreck to get me back here, mate!)

So nice to see you back here, hope you'll stick around :D

Lee Roy
13th July 2007, 16:03
Welcome back Stan. Hope your recovery goes well. Enjoy the pain meds.

Hey, good news on Friday the 13th.

muggle not
13th July 2007, 16:20
Welcome back RFS and also welcome back Aussie. Good to see both of you making some posts.

13th July 2007, 20:01
Get well soon
Stan the Man

13th July 2007, 21:05
THANKS to everyone for the well-wishes, it helps endure the painful recovery. :D :up:

I was t-boned June 27th .....
The meds have me a little silly, my crash was Friday, June 29th. OOOOOPS :s

13th July 2007, 21:14
The meds have me a little silly, my crash was Friday, June 29th. OOOOOPS :s

hehehe Maybe this would be a good time to mess with you. ;) :p :

13th July 2007, 21:59

13th July 2007, 22:07
Special note to Felicity Fidget, Brown Dog & Aussie12.
Thanks for making a special appearance for me, it means a lot.

Also a big heart-felt THANKS to everyone for the get well wishes.
It is a day by day deal & each day I wake up a little less stiff & sore.
I am glad the doc gave me Lortabs, they help me a lot with the pain.

13th July 2007, 22:55
hey Stan :wave:

good to see you back

14th July 2007, 01:54
hehehe Maybe this would be a good time to mess with you. ;) :p :

I think it would definitely be a good time to mess with him. Bwahaha! :D

14th July 2007, 05:40
You had me worried there for a few days, Stan. I even got you a really funny get well card. :p :

14th July 2007, 10:54
Special note to Felicity Fidget, Brown Dog & Aussie12.
Thanks for making a special appearance for me, it means a lot.

Not a problem Stan! :p : *humpfh* i came back and wrote with a broken arm! for you!

14th July 2007, 17:57
Good to hear that you are back!

14th July 2007, 18:08
Damn, the things that I miss while at work. Hope your recovery keeps on going well.

15th July 2007, 02:40
Not a problem Stan! :p : *humpfh* i came back and wrote with a broken arm! for you!
Thank you Tina, I appreciate that & it is good to see you. :D :up:

15th July 2007, 02:50
While I was in the hospital my daughter took some pics of my totalled Buick in the tow yard.
I scanned a few of the pics earlier today so I could share them, I uploaded to photobucket.
I've hurt pretty strongly yesterday & today, so I'll quickly post a few pics & get back offline.

It even bowed the roof :

From the rear it shows how bowed the body is :

From the side you can kind of see the extent of impact :

The speed limit is 35mph but it appears to me the young lady was faster than that ......

15th July 2007, 02:54
from the passenger side you can see the bowed roof better :

the driver's seat was crushed by the impact :

the door is off because they used the jaws of life to get me out :

15th July 2007, 02:59
The car that hit me was a small car. (Mitibushi) :

It is repairable & didn't get that much damage IMO :

15th July 2007, 03:00
wow, you were very lucky Stan from the way you were hit :eek:

someone was looking over you after that wreck

15th July 2007, 03:16
I wound up turned 180 degrees across the other 2 lanes on the far shoulder. :s

15th July 2007, 03:18
I do feel I was lucky to have survived, it was a terribly hard hit.

15th July 2007, 03:54
Man, you are lucky to not have been more severely hurt in that accident. Your car is obviously a wreck. Continue taking it easy...

And it's a bit scary for me because I have the same model Buick...

15th July 2007, 03:54
Holy moses, Stan! :eek: You really got nailed. I bet you didn't know what hit you for a second.

15th July 2007, 04:39
That was quite the hit you took Stan

15th July 2007, 06:45
Crikey Stan! :s hock: That photo of the driver's seat is scary! I'm really glad you're okay, buddy. Take it easy and keep up to date on the meds. :up:

muggle not
15th July 2007, 15:53
RFS, that looks like a big hit. You are a lucky guy to escape as well as you did.

Look on the bright side, you will be able to buy a new car. :)

15th July 2007, 17:43
Man, you are lucky to not have been more severely hurt in that accident. Your car is obviously a wreck. Continue taking it easy...

And it's a bit scary for me because I have the same model Buick...
The Buick was totalled & Allstate has already paid-off.
I'm glad my Buick was not a subcompact as I know it would have been much worse.
I think the size of the Buick kept me from getting hurt more seriously.

Once I can walk normally & can drive again I am going to get a pick-up.

Allstate treated me very fair & they gave me more than I could have gotten if I had sold the car before the crash. :D

15th July 2007, 18:22
buy a Ferrari :D

can't go wrong with that

15th July 2007, 18:25
The Buick was totalled & Allstate has already paid-off.
I'm glad my Buick was not a subcompact as I know it would have been much worse.
I think the size of the Buick kept me from getting hurt more seriously.

Once I can walk normally & can drive again I am going to get a pick-up.

Allstate treated me very fair & they gave me more than I could have gotten if I had sold the car before the crash. :D

I love Buicks and drive a Century myself. If they made pickups my hubby would buy one.

15th July 2007, 18:31
All I could think when I saw the pics was OUCH!!!! Good to see you're slowly on the mend now Stan :D

15th July 2007, 20:53
Looks real bad. Good thing you weren't hit by a bigger car, or it could have been even worse.

16th July 2007, 08:14
You were a very lucky man Stan.

16th July 2007, 18:29
The speed limit is 35mph but it appears to me the young lady was faster than that ......Wow! :eek: I'd have to agree she was going a wee bit faster than 35!

Galveston dunes
17th July 2007, 01:37
Stan I'm seriously relieved you'r ok and getting strongerall the time .But my bi-polar mind was just racing and I wondered did the semi and the mitsu have a stop light or did the two of you just not see each other.
I realize you and I have never really gotten along; but this is above all that-IMO.
I'm really glad your not hurt worse than you are and that allstate was so genorous. Did the semi driver assist you. I've seen some pretty bad ones being out here on the road and i've allways stoped to help if I could. Just wondering.
Hope things continue to get better for you - Try a F-250. I bought one and I like it MUCH more than I did my Silverado.
Again good luck,and welcome back. Even I missed you when I was away and to hear what happened just sunk me when I came back around.

muggle not
17th July 2007, 01:44
And RFS, lay off them there pain killers as much as you can. :s mokin:

17th July 2007, 01:53
Gotta watch out for those Japanese Zeros! :D (My little Dodge/Eagle has a Mitsubishi engine in it.)

17th July 2007, 21:08
1. Stan I'm seriously relieved you'r ok and getting strongerall the time.
2. But my bi-polar mind was just racing and I wondered did the semi and the mitsu have a stop light or did the two of you just not see each other.
3. I realize you and I have never really gotten along; but this is above all that-IMO.
4. I'm really glad your not hurt worse than you are and that allstate was so genorous.
5. Did the semi driver assist you. I've seen some pretty bad ones being out here on the road and i've allways stoped to help if I could. Just wondering.
6. Hope things continue to get better for you
7. Try a F-250. I bought one and I like it MUCH more than I did my Silverado.
8. Again good luck,and welcome back.
Even I missed you when I was away and to hear what happened just sunk me when I came back around.
1. I am encouraged with my progress & the doctors assure me I will be 100% in time.
Once the bones heal I expect to be back where I was before the crash. :D

2. No stop light, it is a dangerous intersection & there are wrecks there often.

3. I feel we get along very well & I considerer you a friend.
We had a bumpy start but I never let a bad 1st impression lock things in.
I have no hard feelings towards you at all & I enjoy talking to you.

4. Yep, Allstate treated me good & I'm glad I switched to them last year.
I was with Nationwide for nearly 30 years but when they refused to insure a house my wife inherited that we are trying to sell I got pissed & switched to Allstate.
I saved $400 on the auto insurance @ Allstate with better coverage than Nationwide.
Allstate also has accident forgiveness which means the accident won't raise my rates. :D

5. Nope the semi-driver ducked away & didn't even make a report.
He blocked our vision & was a key factor in the accident but disappeared just after the accident.
I have some words to describe him but let me just say he isn't on my Christmas list.

The young lady was transported to the ER for evaluation, she was treated & released.
Her air-bag deployed, so she got 2 black eyes & a scraped knee was her only other injury.
I'm glad she wasn't seriously injured, she could have been hurt seriously too.

6. I am having good days & bad days but the soreness is gradually subsiding.
Today is getting better as the day proceeds which is good after having 2 bad days of aches & pain.

7. I'm leaning to a Toyota pick-up but I plan on going used.
Once most people get a Toyota they hold onto them until they are worn-out.
If I'm lucky, maybe I can find a repo & their loss could be my gain.

F-250s are good trucks & I also like the late model Dodge pick-ups.
My dad had a C100 Chevrolet & I wasn't overly impressed with it.

8. It feels good to be back & thanks to everyone for the well wishes. :D

17th July 2007, 21:13
And RFS, lay off them there pain killers as much as you can. :s mokin:
For now I am taking the Lortabs every 4 hours. (as directed)
As the pain subsides I plan on reducing my intake.
I am aware Lortab is a narcotic & can be additive.
But for now I need them but I'm not abusing them.
I'm sure in time I won't need them. :D

17th July 2007, 22:59
For now I am taking the Lortabs every 4 hours. (as directed)
As the pain subsides I plan on reducing my intake.
I am aware Lortab is a narcotic & can be additive.
But for now I need them but I'm not abusing them.
I'm sure in time I won't need them. :D

When I had my spine surgery I tried to cut back on the pain meds a little too soon. Man oh man did I pay the price for that stupid move. Pain meds are funny things. They tend to not be addictive when you're actually using them for pain control. Only you know how much pain you can bear.

I'm glad to ear that the soreness is easing up. It just takes time for stuff to heal. It sure is good to see you posting though. ;)

Galveston dunes
19th July 2007, 00:24

Well let me say it like this. The trucking world is vast and has many different style and variations of drivers; as pertaining to thier talents.However if you could possible rememeber the name of the company he was with-I Might just run into him and let him know how thankful you are he stopped to help you both out.It would be my pleasure.
The majority of us like bike riders feel an obligation to help anyone anyway we can without jepordizing our loads.I aploogize for his lack of moral commitment and hope you won't judge all of the industry on his lack of human compassion.
I am fairly new to this industry but in the 18 months i've been in it I've accuilated 1 million miles and learned how the real drivers like to be represented.

Thanks for the rest of your post.
I'm happy to read things will be just fine and you'll be back to normal.Good luck.

19th July 2007, 22:11
My wife's cousin's hubby is interstate bigrig driver.
He is a good buddy of mine & I agree most bigrig drivers would have checked on us.
He used to drive a gasoline bigrig & he often stopped to offer assistance when he came upon an accident.

I am convinced the driver realized he was a factor in the accident & didn't want to be involved.
Most truck drivers have strong values & they would have at least checked on us.
I also imagine most truck drivers would have stayed to be a witness & filed a report.
The truck driver couldn't be blamed, the young lady & I had the accident.
My insurance is blaming her & her insurance is blaming me, I'll let them fight it out between theirselves.
My premium is paid-up, so I'm covered either way.
I've got my check already, now I'm healing & in a few weeks I will be buying another vehicle. :D
I am definately thinking it's time I got me a pick-up. :D
I hope I never have another accident, this is the worst one I ever had & the 1st I was seriously injured in.
I will definately be a more safety aware driver & I won't be taking any chances.

19th July 2007, 22:58
My son is an owner/operator and you're right about most truck drivers, gentlemen. Old school drivers anyway. Joey calls the rude ignorant ones steering wheel holders.

19th July 2007, 23:17
I've got my check already, now I'm healing & in a few weeks I will be buying another vehicle. :D
I am definately thinking it's time I got me a pick-up. :D

Yup. Pickup is the way to go.

muggle not
19th July 2007, 23:58
RFS, check with Pedigree. Her hubby drives a Tundra and she may be able to give you some honest feedback on it.

20th July 2007, 00:21
Thanks muggle not, I am definately looking in the direction of a Tundra. :D

Galveston dunes
21st July 2007, 15:11
RFS, check with Pedigree. Her hubby drives a Tundra and she may be able to give you some honest feedback on it.
If its possible I'd seriously be interested in inside info on the tundras. esspecially the lrg and head room comfortability while driving. and the accessability to controls while steering,and the traction control response packages.

Mark in Oshawa
21st July 2007, 18:21
Boy oh boy, didn't know that a Rig was a factor and the guy scampered off. As someone who drives a rig for a living, I hate hearing stories like that, especially if they are factors in accidents with serious injury. I would hope the cops would go looking for him if they could. With GPS/Satellite on a lot of rigs, if you have the company, the date and time and WHERE, they could conceivably track down who it was.

Good Luck Stan, get better, and while you want a Tundra, good luck getting it used. You might be better off getting a Dodge. I am partial to Mopar, despite growing up in Oshawa where they build fullsized GM pickups. The newer 07-08 GM one looks alright, but I guess you have looked at those eh?

21st July 2007, 20:40
I haven't posted much Stan, so I was unaware of your recent accident. Hospitalization isn't the best place to be, especially when you have a forum to operate...LOL, but it's good to know that you here in "healing mode, that breathing is voluntary and that you are foremost a survivor." Take care, and know that you are in our thoughts. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery.


23rd July 2007, 05:34
Here it is the 23rd of July and I am now seeing this for the first time.Get well my friend and am very very glad you are okay.

muggle not
2nd August 2007, 15:54
RFS, did you buy another vehicle yet. Curious minds are wondering. :)

2nd August 2007, 18:50
No, I haven't bought anything yet. I'm still convinced I want a pickup
(it doesn't look for good for finding a Toyota in the mileage area I am looking for.)
(Most of the used Toyota pickups for sale here have 150,000+ miles & that's way too much !)
(A high mileage Toyota costs as much as a mid-mileage S-10/Ranger/Dakota, Screw That !) http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif
(I'm looking in the 50,000 to 60,000 mile range as I'd like to have some truck left in it.)
(I did find a S-10, a Ranger & a Dakota in the mileage range but they weren't exactly what I wanted.)

I am still healing, less pain but still too stiff to function @ 100%. :s
My last xray showed bone mass growth & the cracks are filled-in.
I see the doctor again near to end of August & I hope the next xray shows me completely healed.
I'm still using the walker & the wheelchair, I haven't been released to drive yet anyway.
I've looked around but haven't found anything I really want, plus the wife thinks I should wait. :s
I guess she fears that if I have a vehicle I might drive before I should. :s
(A jolt to the pelvis would probably set me back & neither of us want that.)

I can tell I'm healing because when I move the pain doesn't hurt as severely as it did the day before ..... :D
Tomorrow will make 5 weeks since I was injured, doctor said it takes 6 to 8 weeks for bones to heal .....
I don't see myself getting getting well in another week so I'm looking at the 8 week mark as my goal.
(My next doctor's appointment is right at the 8 week mark, so I suspect he thinks I will be well then too.)
It will all depend on what that xray shows, I'm hoping for good news.

I look forward to being able to bear full weight on my left leg again.
(I have to wait until the doctor says it is okay, if the bones aren't ready they would break if I tried too soon.)

muggle not
2nd August 2007, 19:44
Don't rush things. A few extra weeks in the grand scheme doesn't really mean that much. It is much beteer to make sure everything is completely healed

3rd August 2007, 00:00
Funny Stan, I was just looking at this thread today to see if you had updated it. :)

Those pelvic fractures make me wince everytime I think about them. 6-8 weeks recovery time is pretty amazing, really.

3rd August 2007, 00:06
I'm glad to hear that you're mending at the expected pace, Stan. It has to be maddening to not be able to drive....been there, done that for three months. Having less pain is a real bonus. :up:

Galveston dunes
3rd August 2007, 07:38
Stan you take it easy, There will be plenty of trucks around when you can crawl up into them. When your ready let me know and we'll have a go at racketballMaybe you should look at peterbiult or mack for trucks.

Galveston dunes
3rd August 2007, 07:39
Stan you take it easy, There will be plenty of trucks around when you can crawl up into them. When your ready let me know and we'll have a go at racketball. Maybe you should look at peterbiult or mack for trucks.

Galveston dunes
3rd August 2007, 07:48
[quote="Mark in Oshawa"] I would hope the cops would go looking for him if they could. With GPS/Satellite on a lot of rigs, if you have the company, the date and time and WHERE, they could conceivably track down who it was.

QUOTE]Not only do they give us a bad name but they are a menace to us on the road as well.

Anyone who drives whould hate to agree but if you have the carriers name and/or a truck-trailer number you could contact your states D.O.T. office and that truck has to go over a scale somewhere.you figure in the rest. They honestly don't like unsafe drivers anymore than we like them on the road.