View Full Version : who's going to win now?

9th July 2007, 12:58
well, the half point race has come and gone. Few would have predicted LH to be winning the championship at the start of the season but who will be there at the end?

Alonso has to outscore his team mate by 1.5 points per race and either of the Ferrari drivers by over 2 to take the championship.

Personally, I think that Ferrari have blown it for 2007 and the title will go to McLaren. Kimi is coming on strong but he has 6 points to make up on Alonso first before thinking about Lewis.

can we have a poll please. just the 4 top drivers.

9th July 2007, 13:14
Lewis for me.

9th July 2007, 13:17
I would really like to see Lewis win. But I think Ferrari has now got itself sorted and will slowly but surely overhaul McLaren before the end of the season.

I wish to be proved wrong!

9th July 2007, 13:20
We have an incredible season - FOUR drivers have a possibility to compete for the title. Nothing is definite yet. Nothing we may take for sure.
But from from what i have seen so far, i think that the Hamilton is the smartest of the four (yes, the smartest) and he has the tallent.

So, my oppinion - Hamilton will be.

9th July 2007, 13:22
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Lewis as well, but Kimi seems to have the momentum now, and Ferrari appear to have the edge, so Kimi gets my vote at this point in the season.

Having said that, this is one of the closest seasons, with the most drivers involved in the title race, that we've seen for a long time, and things can change...

9th July 2007, 13:24
If you had asked before France, i would have said Lewis or alonso, now it's too close a call, ask again after next two races. :)
Neither of the teams is immune to mechanical difficulties or bad races.
The 12/18/19 points lead Lewis has is only one DNF away from dimishing, same with others, no-one can afford a bad race.
Kimi is going strong, Alonso has improved, Massa has been steady.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th July 2007, 13:28
I think that Kimi and Alonso are faster than Hamilton. But Hamilton's consistency will win it for him.

9th July 2007, 13:38
I would prefer to wait for the judgement about the espionage case!!

The championship is still wide open between the four but the next two race will be crucial to both drivers.

9th July 2007, 13:47
Fernando would set a record unseen since the 50's if he wins the title this year and he's already won the title twice, whilst Lewis' time will come in the future, for sure.
I want Kimi to win - too long has he been excruciatingly close to the title or nowhere in a McLaren that has so often been bog slow or just broken down - or both.

But I'll take a raincheck on who will get it.

El Sween
9th July 2007, 14:51
I am a McLaren fan but I feel that this one is swinging Kimi's way.

9th July 2007, 14:58
I am a McLaren fan but I feel that this one is swinging Kimi's way.
I am both a McLaren and Kimi fan. As the latter I hope that Kimi hasn't hit his stride too late this season, it wouldn't be nice to add this year to "the ones that got away".

9th July 2007, 15:54
well, I firmly hope that Lewis will win but this is going to come down to a street brawl for the title. make no mistake, there will be no punches pulled and you wand a low down, rootin, tootin, sonofa bitch for these sort of fights. Alonso :D

the thing that could help lewis is if Alonso starts really mixing it with the Ferrari's. he just needs to sit back and wait for them to take each other out :D

I think experience will win over heart so Alonso for me. Hope I'm wrong and its Lewis.

9th July 2007, 16:00
Judging by Ferrari and Kimis latest momentum, this will come down to the wire. But I vote Kimi, simply because I want him to win :D

9th July 2007, 16:13
Last winner always looks like the next champion.
Kimi and Alonso have got a lot of problems and still are not far from Lewis who haven't had any problems at all so IMO the battle will go to Kimi or FA.
If Kimi could avoid mechanical problems (something difficult during his history) he will win the championship

Ian McC
9th July 2007, 16:40
With the improvements in the Ferrari and Kimi coming into form it looks like he can win the title finally.

9th July 2007, 17:22
Who knows? I certainly don't! :D

9th July 2007, 18:04
I think it will be Fernando Alonso to win the title. His experience in this will just give him the edge he needs over Lewis Hamilton.

9th July 2007, 20:30
There is far too much season left to predict it. With four drivers with capable cars and the driving skill of all four considered, it would be almost arrogant to claim any single driver has the upper hand.

I hope reliability of the cars stays high enough to not interfere with the WDC. Though as my sig states I am hoping Kimi gets his IMHO deserved WDC finally, I surely won't go so far as to pretend to be certain.

A rookie, a two time WDC, and two drivers climbing up in the ranks. It should be an exciting season to continue watching!

9th July 2007, 21:37
At the beginning of the season looked like Alonso was going to win it, then Massa, then Hamilton and now Raikkonen.
So it's hard to predict, Ferrari and Raikkonen are in their momentum but in 2 weeks McLaren can bounce back, and then Ferrari can bounce back again... so it goes...

9th July 2007, 22:39
I think it will go down to the wire! Any of the four at this point.

9th July 2007, 23:04
I have to say Kimi, since he's a fav of mine.

Anything still is possible at this point. McLaren could suffer problems in the second half of the season, not allowing both drivers to finish well, who knows.

9th July 2007, 23:33
I think the tide has changed and that the main contenders are Fernando and Kimi for the rest of the season. It seems that they both have finally adopted to the new "girlish" (Kubica's words...) way of driving the new tires require and fitted in their new teams.

McLaren cannot and will not make Fernando as the supporting driver - if they were able to do that, then the title chances of Lewis would be a lot better.

Now that Kimi's and Fernando's difference isn't very big the title goes to whomever will have the quicker/more reliable car for the rest of the season.

Massa is still in the title race, but if Kimi keeps the current level or maybe even improves further, Massa will be left behind a little by little. But Massa is still in a position to take points from Hamilton and would have done so in Britain without the problem at the start.

Therefore Lewis can very well be facing 4-6 points taken off his lead every race now and there are enough races left to leave him third in the standings at that rate.

So Fernando and Kimi are my guesses... I obviously hope for Kimi, but it can be Fernando as well.

Garry Walker
10th July 2007, 00:07
Any of the four can win it. Totally open. Which is good, hopefully it will go all the way to the last race.

10th July 2007, 00:48
I voted for Hamilton. He can even afford a retirement and that wouldn't be a tragedy at the same time as for the chasers one retirement could simply be a disaster. Hamilton has looked extremely consistent, mature and has managed races well, so I believe he has the nerves not to put a wheel wrong in the closing stages of the season. Lewis is the only one, who hasn't made a serious mistake this season, which could have cost him a position. Of course not much is needed for retirement, but as long as he stays in the lead in the WDC, he stays my favourite for the title.

Alonso has all in all not looked a bit more inconsistent than Hamilton, has made a bit more mistakes and... true, has had more mechanical failures. Alonso can't be underestimated and I think that he hasn't said his last word yet in the fight against his team-mate, but Hamilton has all in all looked more impressive so far... and I think that a rookie can get only better from now on.

Yes, Ferrari has recently looked faster, but do not underestimate McLaren. And never underestimate the actual championship leader! Last year in the second half of the season Ferrari also looked faster and MS was closing on FA, but the WDC leader managed to keep the lead to the victorious end! And I think there are still some tracks to come, which suit McLaren more than Ferrari (like the slow Hungaroring - "Monaco without walls" - as some say).

After US GP Räikkönen was 4th in the WDC and 26 points behind the leader. It would be an incredible comeback if he can win the title from such deficiency. Yes, on few occasions a victorious comeback has been made from such loss (like Hunt), but don't recall that such loss has been fought back from 4th position. But also - Räikkönen has had two perfect races in a row and he basically needs to continue to be perfect. But... for some reason I doubt that he and Ferrari would put in perfect results in all the races to come. In 2005 Räikkönen & McLaren also looked the fastest, but Kimi never managed to win 3 races in a row (if he was on course for that, something happened...) and therefore he never caught FA. I'm not fully confident about Ferrari's reliability. Yes, it was Massa, who stalled last time, but the same thing might happen with Räikkönen next time. If Räikkönen wins the next two races (or finishes ahead of Lewis on both of them), I would start considering him more seriously than now.

I'm most suspicious about Massa's chances. He has had some bad luck and has made a few mistakes. I don't know, how would it affect his confidence that he has just dropped behind Räikkönen by 1 point. Yes, he is behind, but that doesn't mean that Kimi now would simply fly away from him in the standings - Felipe is not a beaten man yet! But Massa hasn't been a happy man recently - at Monaco and Indianapolis he looked really disappointed on the podium (for the lack of speed of Ferrari), looked worried after French Grand Prix and could have achieved a great result at Silverstone. He seems to be on a road of misery after two successful races of back-to-back wins (BAH, ESP). But he is still not losing too dramatically to the WDC leader and needs a boost by winning a race in as short future as possible. Can he do it?

This has been quite usual that two teams are fighting for the title, but this is quite unusual that both drivers of both top teams are fighting for the title! Usually at least by midseason a clear lead driver has emerged in top teams, who would fight for the title to the end. I can recall something similar to current situation from the year of 2000, when after German Grand Prix Top4 was separated by only 10 points, but after that two lead drivers of two top teams started pulling away... I personally would be most happy about either Hamilton's or Massa's title, but I wouldn't be fussed about anyone's title. We have got four great drivers fighting for the crown and in some way they all deserve to be the champion - may the best one win! :up:

Valve Bounce
10th July 2007, 03:48
Who knows? I certainly don't! :D

Just choose one of the red cars' drivers - any one will be reasonably close.

10th July 2007, 04:00
Either Ferrari driver. I don't mind which.

I think the really interesting thing is that neither Ferrari nor McLaren are in a position to nominate a No. 1 and back his title bid. All 4 drivers are very much in contention.

This is something entirely new for recent F1 history. We've only ever had a one on one battle for the championship. Now we've got a four way fight!

I think the driver who loses the least number of points to his teammate will be the ultimate victor.

N. Jones
10th July 2007, 05:57
my prediction:

I have no clue.

10th July 2007, 06:30
Massa is still in the title race, but if Kimi keeps the current level or maybe even improves further, Massa will be left behind a little by little. But Massa is still in a position to take points from Hamilton and would have done so in Britain without the problem at the start.

In spite of my hope Massa can give a serious challenge on the title, I doubt that he will have any better different faith than his previous countryman.

The title contender remains like initial prediction of many people towards the more two favorite drivers: Kimi and Alonso. Kimi gained the weigher voter as they stick on the opinion that Alonso got the title more for luckiness and Kimi was the man deserves more on title if only McLaren equipped him with reliable car.

While Hamilton is McLaren's reserve ammunition that in some extremely urgent basis he will come to surface and snatch the title away.

After all my vote goes to this wonderful balloon :\ .

10th July 2007, 06:57
...I doubt that he will have any better different faith than his previous countryman.
it should be read as fate :(

10th July 2007, 07:31
Lewis Hamilton because of his consistancy... By far the most consistant driver on the grid hands down.. as seen in the past 2 years consistancy wins championships and makes champions.. No doubt Kimi is on a roll but he is not as consistant as Hamilton and Mclaren.. this will be a an interesting season with the pendilum (sp?) swinging back and forth between Mclaren and Ferrari but I am still a true beliver that Mclaren will take both championships..
1.Hamilton 1.Mclaren....2.Ferrari
2.Kimi Raikkonen

10th July 2007, 07:33
I voted for Hamilton. He can even afford a retirement and that wouldn't be a tragedy at the same time as for the chasers one retirement could simply be a disaster. Hamilton has looked extremely consistent, mature and has managed races well, so I believe he has the nerves not to put a wheel wrong in the closing stages of the season. Lewis is the only one, who hasn't made a serious mistake this season, which could have cost him a position. Of course not much is needed for retirement, but as long as he stays in the lead in the WDC, he stays my favourite for the title.

Alonso has all in all not looked a bit more inconsistent than Hamilton, has made a bit more mistakes and... true, has had more mechanical failures. Alonso can't be underestimated and I think that he hasn't said his last word yet in the fight against his team-mate, but Hamilton has all in all looked more impressive so far... and I think that a rookie can get only better from now on.

Yes, Ferrari has recently looked faster, but do not underestimate McLaren. And never underestimate the actual championship leader! Last year in the second half of the season Ferrari also looked faster and MS was closing on FA, but the WDC leader managed to keep the lead to the victorious end! And I think there are still some tracks to come, which suit McLaren more than Ferrari (like the slow Hungaroring - "Monaco without walls" - as some say).

After US GP Räikkönen was 4th in the WDC and 26 points behind the leader. It would be an incredible comeback if he can win the title from such deficiency. Yes, on few occasions a victorious comeback has been made from such loss (like Hunt), but don't recall that such loss has been fought back from 4th position. But also - Räikkönen has had two perfect races in a row and he basically needs to continue to be perfect. But... for some reason I doubt that he and Ferrari would put in perfect results in all the races to come. In 2005 Räikkönen & McLaren also looked the fastest, but Kimi never managed to win 3 races in a row (if he was on course for that, something happened...) and therefore he never caught FA. I'm not fully confident about Ferrari's reliability. Yes, it was Massa, who stalled last time, but the same thing might happen with Räikkönen next time. If Räikkönen wins the next two races (or finishes ahead of Lewis on both of them), I would start considering him more seriously than now.

I'm most suspicious about Massa's chances. He has had some bad luck and has made a few mistakes. I don't know, how would it affect his confidence that he has just dropped behind Räikkönen by 1 point. Yes, he is behind, but that doesn't mean that Kimi now would simply fly away from him in the standings - Felipe is not a beaten man yet! But Massa hasn't been a happy man recently - at Monaco and Indianapolis he looked really disappointed on the podium (for the lack of speed of Ferrari), looked worried after French Grand Prix and could have achieved a great result at Silverstone. He seems to be on a road of misery after two successful races of back-to-back wins (BAH, ESP). But he is still not losing too dramatically to the WDC leader and needs a boost by winning a race in as short future as possible. Can he do it?

This has been quite usual that two teams are fighting for the title, but this is quite unusual that both drivers of both top teams are fighting for the title! Usually at least by midseason a clear lead driver has emerged in top teams, who would fight for the title to the end. I can recall something similar to current situation from the year of 2000, when after German Grand Prix Top4 was separated by only 10 points, but after that two lead drivers of two top teams started pulling away... I personally would be most happy about either Hamilton's or Massa's title, but I wouldn't be fussed about anyone's title. We have got four great drivers fighting for the crown and in some way they all deserve to be the champion - may the best one win! :up:

very well put!

10th July 2007, 07:54
I picked Kimi IF, as it appears, he is finally getting to grips with the F2007.

I still wouldn't place any money on it as it is far too close to call as many have said before me.

Mysterious Rock
10th July 2007, 08:54
even if kimi won every race and lewis finished 2nd lewis is now in a postion to still win the championship, same as 2nd and 3rd, Plus Lewis is now racing on tracks he knows, Its tough

Valve Bounce
10th July 2007, 09:05
Of course, reliability issues could play a major part in any future permutation and combination. Just one DNF would alter the entire spectrum.

10th July 2007, 11:17
I'm most suspicious about Massa's chances. He has had some bad luck and has made a few mistakes. I don't know, how would it affect his confidence that he has just dropped behind Räikkönen by 1 point. Yes, he is behind, but that doesn't mean that Kimi now would simply fly away from him in the standings - Felipe is not a beaten man yet! But Massa hasn't been a happy man recently - at Monaco and Indianapolis he looked really disappointed on the podium (for the lack of speed of Ferrari), looked worried after French Grand Prix and could have achieved a great result at Silverstone. He seems to be on a road of misery after two successful races of back-to-back wins (BAH, ESP). But he is still not losing too dramatically to the WDC leader and needs a boost by winning a race in as short future as possible. Can he do it?:

Yes he can. He bounced back after two bad races at the beginning of the season. He didn't lose hid head after being disqualified in Canada, and put in strong drives in US and France. And he stormed the field last weekend after being relegated to the end of the field with technical problems for the 2nd time.

None of the others started last any of the races till now, none of them had been DQed either, still he is up there with them!

If it won't be one of the Ferrari drivers to win the WDC than it will be the other one.

Expect to see McLaren having some technical problems (even with the suspicious rev limiting rule) in the future as Ferrari turn the heat up. And than we shall see how they do when they have to fight for it like Felipe and Kimi do!

10th July 2007, 11:34
Either Ferrari driver. I don't mind which.

I think the really interesting thing is that neither Ferrari nor McLaren are in a position to nominate a No. 1 and back his title bid. All 4 drivers are very much in contention.

This is something entirely new for recent F1 history. We've only ever had a one on one battle for the championship. Now we've got a four way fight!

I think the driver who loses the least number of points to his teammate will be the ultimate victor.

apart from the first line, I agree entirely.

lets hope it goes down to the wire although we know that Ferrari will pull rank and set a 1, 2 when needed and if a McLaren driver has no chance of winning, he will be ordered to support his team mate. if it's Alonso though, can you see him pulling over if ordered and forsake a win. I cant ;)

10th July 2007, 11:35
Expect to see McLaren having some technical problems (even with the suspicious rev limiting rule) in the future as Ferrari turn the heat up. And than we shall see how they do when they have to fight for it like Felipe and Kimi do!
Ahhhh, "the suspicious rev limiting rule" chestnut again :D

I'm not too sure what you think Fernando & Lewis have been doing up until now, because clearly this is a very close fight between the two teams and drivers. There will be ups and downs for all of them as the season goes on. There will probably be reliability issues, errors, excuses, great drives and more from all of them, but at the end of the year we'll have a deserving WDC. Whoever that may be.

Enjoy :s mokin:

p.s. Interesting that Felipe is asking Ferrari for improved reliability - Link (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/60685)

10th July 2007, 11:49
I think kimi will win except of course if he has mechanical issues hamilton will win, but massa is doing well and ready to pounce. Alonso has won twice before so has the know how to be victorius, but they can all fail which would lead to a BMW win , but little KEKE in the williams is now showing some promise, but they could have reriability issues, but Newey might just get the red bulls sorted and you know what that means, Mark Weber could be world champion! Oh! I think I just woke up! Better go back to sleep now and dream some more!

10th July 2007, 13:29
p.s. Interesting that Felipe is asking Ferrari for improved reliability - Link (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/60685)

More like normal than interesting, given that he had to start twice from the back of the grid because of it. And Todt agrees with him.
If it wasn't for his reliability problems he would have had at least 8 more points at this moment.

10th July 2007, 13:37
And yet ioan you expect to see McLaren having some technical problems as Ferrari turn the heat up. Is this because Ferrari have suffered reliability issues under the glare of McLaren pressure?

10th July 2007, 13:40
p.s. Interesting that Felipe is asking Ferrari for improved reliability - Link (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/60685)

I think Massa has turned out to be a lot faster and a lot more mature this season than anyone though he would be. Well done to him :up:

11th July 2007, 00:53
Lewis ill just take the title, and i mean just. The Ferrari's are bang on form, so Hamilton will have to stop the rot if he want's to win the title, but i am confident he can do it. :)

11th July 2007, 12:53
Besides lost more points for starting the race from pit, Massa scored nothing for ignoring the red light. His chance is now deteriorating down.

well, at least he has a voter :D

11th July 2007, 13:15
well, at least he has a voter :D

Now he has 2. But who's the second one???

11th July 2007, 13:28
Now he has 2. But who's the second one???
My guess for the second voter:
1. Valve, he is now putting Massa on his siggy
2. Who else, He votes for himself here

11th July 2007, 18:29
I hope that it'll be Kimi. If it is a Macca driver, I hope that it'd be Fernando.

12th July 2007, 06:56
I hope that it'll be Kimi. If it is a Macca driver, I hope that it'd be Fernando.

I agree!

12th July 2007, 09:45
2. Who else, He votes for himself here

This means, Massa is here and voted for himself :D

12th July 2007, 09:52
I voted for Massa :p :

12th July 2007, 10:17
I voted for Massa :p :
Not bad choice, for the rest of the season he will be driving like crazy :crazy: :D

12th July 2007, 12:15
I hope theres a wet race this season, it'd be great to find out which of the frontrunners is the best in the wet.

12th July 2007, 16:48
Vamos Kimmiiii .... tu seras el campeón
(McClaren and Kimi Fan)

Valentino Rossi Boy
12th July 2007, 18:17
Lewis Hamilton will win the F1 World Championship in his debut season

13th July 2007, 00:04
It could be not unlike the climax of the 2006 IRL - a few races from the end of the season, the points situation could tighten up to such a degree that all of a sudden, when the season comes to the end a supposed former "favourite" with the momentum behind him only ends up in a distant third, or whatever. I'd be anxious if I were Kimi, then - he is a little too familiar already with runner-up championship positions and he does know he has a motivation level he desperately needs to keep up against Hamilton, no matter how favourable the odds may once more, one day, eventually be towards him.

With regards the thread question, I did pick Raikkonen in the poll, by the way.

13th July 2007, 04:57
I hope that it'll be Kimi. If it is a Macca driver, I hope that it'd be Fernando.

Frankly speaking, I want F1 world champion will be one of these charming drivers by charismatic they belong:

• Jenson Button: I see him actually has chance on challenging the title, but as long as stay at the mediocre team it seems unlikely to happen.

• Fernando Alonso: As the reigning two champions, he is supposed to have more aces in his slave not to be easily outpaced by the teammate. He won at Renault, driving McLaren would make the chance more widely open.

• Kimi Raikkonen: Driver with such a bunch of experience in F1, and driving such convincing car like Ferrari which has got the upper hand in these recent races, the most favorite driver to win the title

• Mark Webber : This year could be the hardest season for Webber, driving a not wining car will not make the dream get even closer. I wanted to see a more reliable Jaguar car on the grid and he stays driving with them.

• Christian Klien (Will this Joe gets a drive F1 again?)

Hamilton is undeniable driver that also has the chance on the title, but...ah…it feels like clumsy if he and the likes of Massa, maybe DC included :D , win the title of world F1 champion.

As for which car I hope to win, it must be one of Ferrari, McLaren, and BMW.

however, This my personal opinion

13th July 2007, 18:37
Kimi will snatch the championship.

The man actually SMILED at Silverstone, so that can only mean trouble for his competitor's.

14th July 2007, 09:00
When my baby smiles my wife says he has got wind! Do you think that Kimmi has wind?

16th July 2007, 11:33
When my baby smiles my wife says he has got wind! Do you think that Kimmi has wind?


16th July 2007, 17:48
When my baby smiles my wife says he has got wind! Do you think that Kimmi has wind?
No! :p

I'm trying to say that Kimi finally has a car that he's happy with.
The Finn won't have to rely on dumb luck to get those W's this season.

18th July 2007, 00:09
Lewis ill just take the title, and i mean just. The Ferrari's are bang on form, so Hamilton will have to stop the rot if he want's to win the title, but i am confident he can do it. :)

22nd July 2007, 18:28
As I told - Ferrari is unreliable and problems might happen with Räikkönen's car anytime soon... now he is again in the worst position in the title hunt.

Also Hamilton's position has become weaker, whereas Alonso with his great drive maybe looks like the strongest contender at the present moment (which is important to mention, because after every race situations change!), but I hope that a few last not quite great races doesn't mean that Lewis has lost his touch... And that Massa still has something to pull out of the bag.

22nd July 2007, 19:34
I hope theres a wet race this season, it'd be great to find out which of the frontrunners is the best in the wet.

Today was ALONSO :D