View Full Version : Broken Bones..

9th July 2007, 03:22
Why are broken bones soooo annoying?! I mean.. yes, they are painful, but once you get past the pain part and you just get a slight ache in the broken area it's really annoying!

For example, i broke my Upper Radial Head three weeks ago now. (for those who dont know what that is, it's the end of the forearm bone near the elbow, snapped it clean off!!) The surgery went well, the scar is healing niceley, but dammit! i still cant move my arm past 90 degrees inwards! It's so annoying! Like when i go to tie up my hair, that's a no go. need to twist my arm to grab something? uh uh. not happening. I mean, it's all fixed now! there is more metal in there than in a metallic thing! so why cant i move it yet?!

Conversely in the other direction, my arm almost straightens, but not enough to stop me looking like a cowboy at sundown with a pistol at the ready waitin' for some shootin'.

Another annoying thing? the pain that radiates from other areas in my arm when they're feeling sorry for my elbow. Like my wrist. My wrist is very sympathetic to the pains in my elbow, so it likes to hurt too, and send shooting pains like some weird game of pain ping pong.

And finally, my last whinge about my stupid broken arm. Why do people always doubt the fact that you have a broken arm just because you dont have a cast on? Therefore giving them the need to pull on the arm "just to make sure" Or when i'm walking around in public areas with my lovely blue surgical sling on, why do people always find a way to walk into me?


"grumpy broken girl"

9th July 2007, 05:52
I've broken a couple things in my body. I first broke my collar bone and I also rolled my ankle twice. The good thing about physical injuries as opposed to diseases like chicken pox or the flu is that you only have to deal with the pain when you injure yourself. Look on the bright side, at least you don't have to be stuck on your bed the entire day because you are too weak to move anywhere or because you feel like crap. The only part of your body that is disabled is your arm, the rest of you can carry on with your life as normal. Another great thing about physical injury is the ability to get other people to do stuff for you. You can really spoil yourself when you're injured ;)

9th July 2007, 08:01
For example, i broke my Upper Radial Head three weeks ago now. (for those who dont know what that is, it's the end of the forearm bone near the elbow, snapped it clean off!!)
Good that you explained what it is, or I'd thought you have more than one head.

Get well and less grumpy soon!

9th July 2007, 08:20
They tell people who've had total hip or knee joint replacements not to bend the joint to an angle less than 90 degrees. It's just one of those things. Are you having the plates removed?

Sorry, I know very little about orthopaedics...

9th July 2007, 20:34
If injuries weren't annoying or painful in some way, a lot of us would just go right back out and do whatever caused the injury in the first place.

It's natures way of reminding us to take it easy just in case it didn't register the first time. :laugh:

9th July 2007, 22:30
Don't tell me about broken bones being annoying. I broke (well fractured) my little finger once and I hd to have it taped up for TWO WEEKS. I couldn't write properly and changing the TV channel was difficult :p : ;)

Seriously though that sounds pretty nasty. Sometimes when I overdo it riding my bike and don't warm down I get severe aches the next day and find it difficult to bend most of my limbs. Every now and then it's so bad that I have to go down stairs on my backside or it actually hurts to breath. All that is nasty enough but at least it only lasts for a couple of days tops so I can't even imagine what it would be like to not properly move something for several weeks.

10th July 2007, 00:12
When I was little I had a cast on all the time. I wasn't too fancy of milk or other dairy products and maybe that's why my boned were like bird's. Nothing too serious though, just wrists and hands.

I feel for you Christina, especially because you won't be able to come Finland this year.

Get well soon :up:

10th July 2007, 00:42
Have you got to the part where the inside of the muscles begin to itch? Sure it's fine with a regular itch but when it happens so far down you literally can't scratch it, that's when I get the irrits.

The best cure however is brandy... err :D

Hazell B
10th July 2007, 00:44
Hey, grump away :(

Broken bones are utter pants. Even with a cast people will walk into you. Then you have the itchy skin and that weak feeling when the cast comes off. Cast-free is worse though, I bet. Wouldn't fancy that at all!

You have my sympathy and get better soon :)

10th July 2007, 04:55
If injuries weren't annoying or painful in some way, a lot of us would just go right back out and do whatever caused the injury in the first place.

It's natures way of reminding us to take it easy just in case it didn't register the first time. :laugh:

You mean this is supposed to tell me that i shouldnt be hanggliding? dont be stupid! the only thing that's stopping me from flying right now is the whole "not bending arm" thing.

Oh, and Leon. no the plates will not be removed. they're not restricting anything and surgery hurt enough the first time. i think my words before they gave me the morphine were "did they hit my arm with, like, a hammer or something? repeatedly?"

Another thing that's making me grumpy is that the scar is all little and neat and pathetic. If i have a cool accident (hangglider crash) that causes a cool injury (snapped bone) i want at least a decent scar to show for it, but nooo, they had to cut it all cleanly and suture so neatly that nobody can tell.

10th July 2007, 08:23
May I then suggest you fall of a bicycle on tarmac, that will give a good scar for years. :)

10th July 2007, 09:34
Well if you take risks like hangglidding its best to not whine when the negative possibilities take place.

10th July 2007, 10:37
Tina, that's my girl! :D

Here's a warm hug to you that should take all your grumpiness away. ( ) :)

10th July 2007, 11:33
RaceFanStan knows about broken bones right now :eek:

10th July 2007, 12:38
RaceFanStan knows about broken bones right now :eek:
Why? Has something happened to him? Is he OK?

10th July 2007, 12:41
For those who are interested, there is a thread about Stan in the NASCAR forum.

10th July 2007, 14:01
Well if you take risks like hangglidding its best to not whine when the negative possibilities take place.

Well that's a bit silly. it's like saying, if you choose to get out of bed in the morning and not wrap yourself in bubble wrap, you should not whine when you break a fingernail.

Plus, whining is fun!

10th July 2007, 14:26
wrap yourself in bubble wrap,
Maybe you could wear a suit like this the next time you go hang-gliding:


10th July 2007, 14:38
Well that's a bit silly. it's like saying, if you choose to get out of bed in the morning and not wrap yourself in bubble wrap, you should not whine when you break a fingernail.

Plus, whining is fun!

Whining is fun? you must not hav a very interesting life then do you. Anyway the purpose of this thread was for whining then I guess, cause im sure there isnt any licensed orthopeadic sergeant hanging out in these forums. or I may be wrong.

10th July 2007, 15:07
Maybe you could wear a suit like this the next time you go hang-gliding:


I don't think so. Daniel is known to have hots on Michelin-wear. ;)

10th July 2007, 15:31
You mean this is supposed to tell me that i shouldnt be hanggliding? dont be stupid! the only thing that's stopping me from flying right now is the whole "not bending arm" thing.

Oh, and Leon. no the plates will not be removed. they're not restricting anything and surgery hurt enough the first time. i think my words before they gave me the morphine were "did they hit my arm with, like, a hammer or something? repeatedly?".

It's OK, I ignored what I was told by nature as well.

I hope for your sake they got it right the first time. Re-breaking the bones isn't a fun thing either. Trust me on that one. Did I mention the doctors re-broke them on purpose?

Another thing that's making me grumpy is that the scar is all little and neat and pathetic. If i have a cool accident (hangglider crash) that causes a cool injury (snapped bone) i want at least a decent scar to show for it, but nooo, they had to cut it all cleanly and suture so neatly that nobody can tell.

I have some not so straight fingers from the stupid work accident, but have walked away from all my "cool" accidents scar free. Look on the bright side, maybe that's natures way of saying you're too pretty to scar up. ;)

10th July 2007, 15:33
I don't think so. Daniel is known to have hots on Michelin-wear. ;)
I wish I had credit on my phone AFF. I'd send you a picture of my monitor here at work.

Bibendum is currently sitting of top of a small Michelin Pilot Sport tyre on top of my monitor waving as only he can do.

Anyway a pic of me puckering up for a kiss with Bibendum will have to do :p


10th July 2007, 16:21
Ok, now we have officially hijacked Christina's thread. Moderators, ban Daniel, save me :D

10th July 2007, 16:40
I think i will pass on the michelin-man wear.. not very aerodynamic.. bit hard to be agile and such in a rubber suit...

I tried going to the gym today.. a new discovery, riding bikes really does require the use of your arms! but a small success, i was able to do a half hearted attempt at tying my hair up! hurrah!

Dave B
10th July 2007, 18:36
At least you broke your arm doing something fun, not - say - falling off a climbing frame when you were nine years old :uhoh:

I can't sign your cast from here, but if you put an X on with crayon you'll achieve much the same effect. :)

Get well soon :kiss:

Mark in Oshawa
10th July 2007, 21:45
Christina...how long ago was this? Really, it takes a while to get all your mobility back. 3 to 6 months likely. It is ok though, you can complain....although I think you should be glad you don't have a nasty scar, a beautiful woman like yourself shouldn't look like she lost a football game and be all scarred up. I have a few little scars all over from cycling, hockey and childhood accidents; and I am glad I am NOT a woman and trying to figure ways to hide them. Men love scars, it means you can tell stories such as: "well, when the Bear got a hold of me, I punched him in the mouth, and that is where this scar on my index finger came from"and other such BS......

At least you got yours doing something cool......

11th July 2007, 00:33
Dave, you cant sign my cast anyways.. i only had it for two days before my surgery then all i got was a fancy blue sling. I kinda wish i had one so i wouldnt hurt myself so much when i walk into things/people.

Mark.. yesterday was my three week surgery anniversary and that was done two days after it broke in the first place. But six months?! you gotta be kidding me! i'm gonna die! i cant have six months off!

Mark in Oshawa
11th July 2007, 01:15
Mark.. yesterday was my three week surgery anniversary and that was done two days after it broke in the first place. But six months?! you gotta be kidding me! i'm gonna die! i cant have six months off!

Christina, I didn't say you would need the time off, but you BROKE your Freaking ARM!!! It don't heal THAT fast. My word, you are impatient. If the Docs have given you exercises to do, and you do them, it will heal at the rate your body will let it, but you cant force things. Some people are slow healers.....

Besides, you crashed a hangglider...it could have been a LOT worse ya know....you got just a good "war wound" Now...

Good luck, it will get better....

11th July 2007, 16:40
Yeah.. i know.. i'm just getting bored of it already. I wondered what a broken arm would feel like.. now i am SO over it. i wanna go back kitesurfing.. i wanna go fly again. i wanna stop looking like such a spaz when i try do things with my left arm.. (hehe, no, it's true! i really do look like an idiot when i try using my arm)

Besides, crashing a hangglider isnt the worst accident in the world. the glider is designed to break before you do (didnt quite work in my case..) Did you know that more people die in a year playing lawn bowls than they do flying hanggliders? crazy! but true.. i have worse pain from a car crash three years ago.

Mark in Oshawa
11th July 2007, 16:47
Well Christina, all of that might be true, but you have a broken arm, and they don't mend in 3 weeks. Even the toughest, fastest healing athletes in the world take a little longer than that to get back in the game. The Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Mats Sundin once came back from a cracked bone in his wrist in 4 and half weeks, but I don't really think it was fully heeled for a while after that, and his play showed it. To do it, he is a: Fitness fiend, eats properly, and was spending time in a barometric oxygen chamber. You maybe are close on 2 of the 3, but I bet you don't have the oxygen chamber....