View Full Version : Will Anthony PLEASE go home!!!

8th July 2007, 05:59
I already know the title of this thread has probably gotten the Anthony Davidson fans up in arms already, however this aint about him...

How much focus should a devoted to a drivers father during a F1 telecast? I mean, I know Lewis is doing great, but I don't recall ever seeing Michaels dad, or Alonso's... I get the impression sometimes that the only real reason to focus on Anthony Hamilton is because he is the only Badly dressed black man on pit lane.

And don't get me wrong, I would be absolutely thrilled if I got to see Schnell on tv with a mic, and him call me a armchair no nothing to millions of viewers. But as I said, it looks more like the attention the Sr. Hamilton is getting is as much based on race, and maybe a little nationality then any f1 revelance...

Am I the only one annoyed by the attention Lewis' dad is receiving?

8th July 2007, 06:04
No, I agree. The guy has been shown during every broadcast. IRRELEVANT!

8th July 2007, 07:00
Well PS, I am shure that if it was your son doing well in F1 you would be sharing the limelight. GOOD ON YAH DAD You must be proud of that there boy!

8th July 2007, 07:12
I'm a Ferrari fan, and Kimi this year, followed by Felipe, but I like LH, and I haven't seen too much of his father.

But I like that coverage. What's wrong with the personal. It's cool he's only 22, and into his family and father. That's a good model.

I've avoided as much of the LH hype as I've been able too... but here in the US, with the world feed, it seems OK. (Peter Windsor, on Speed chanell at least - seems to be wanting to rant more about Lewis, but he seems to be restraining for the most part)

8th July 2007, 07:50
I seem to remember many shots of Button's dad a few years back. That was annoying, too! He tried to look like one of the BAR team regulars. Funny how you don't see him much anymore! I expect the same will happen to Hamilton, Sr. RD might hurry up the process if he keeps asking for increases in his son's pay!

8th July 2007, 08:28
I don't know if it's happening on all broadcasts but it seems to be something that ITV likes to do. As somebody already pointed out, Button's old man was on the screen a lot a few years ago when Jenson was the UK's next GP saviour. You can bet that the same thing will happen to the next messiah after Hamilton too.

Yeah, it's irrelevant, boring and useless. But hey, I can live with it. Ain't gonna change whilst ever the Hamilton love-in continues. I'd much rather they show the driver's significant others. They're much easier on the eyes than Old Man Hamilton. ;)

Valve Bounce
8th July 2007, 09:47
I seem to remember many shots of Button's dad a few years back. That was annoying, too! He tried to look like one of the BAR team regulars. Funny how you don't see him much anymore!

Pity. I would have loved to see the look on his face when ant in his second hand Honda passed bunsen at Indianapolis - Priceless!!

8th July 2007, 11:33
Some would say we saw enough of John Button over the past few years.

We don't get a chance to chat with Lewis on race day, especially on the grid (due to Lewis/McLaren's wishes), so Anthony is the next best thing.

Anyway, some people forget or don't realise motor-racing is a family affair, especially at grassroots level - money, time and effort. In cadets, most dads are moonlighting as their son's manager, mechanic, transport.

I remember Anthony got similiar attention 10 years ago deserves the attention now, IMO. Even in GP2 I thought it was a joy to see Anthony's response in the paddock by flicking and clicking his wrists whenever he made a pass. It's a testament to how far they've come.

8th July 2007, 12:57
Didn't you know that Anthony is there to accompany his son to the toilet?

I each race they do so. I am wondering what they are doing in there together?!!!

Ian McC
9th July 2007, 10:47
These days all you get in the press about race drivers off the track tends to be negative (Kimis alleged drinking and party antics for example) so it is nice to see a positive image of a father supporting his son in his first season of F1.

As to if the media overdo the coverage, maybe, but Lewis is the sensation so it is expected with the public interest in stars personal lives.

And Antony go home? Never! Good for him I say :up:

9th July 2007, 10:54
I dont have a problem with it. Anthony is a very succesful man in his own right that has been with his son every step of the way. he is now Lewis's manager and an intricate part of the mascinations within the Lewis / Mclaren relationship.

bit of general knowledge quiz. What is the relationship between Lewis Hamilton and Anthony Davidson?

9th July 2007, 10:57
Why did someone deleted my post here?!

Whoever deleted it, I can tell you that I will always support all my post and what I have said it is not even a secret.

9th July 2007, 11:02
How can Anthony stand next to RD in the Paddock? Is he his assistant or not?

I don't say that it is wrong for him to support his treasure but I think it is exagerated seeing him everywhere in the Paddock looking like so-called Team Boss.

If he is the manager of his son, he has to act like other managers of drivers whatever the years his son has been with the team.

9th July 2007, 11:19
I already know the title of this thread has probably gotten the Anthony Davidson fans up in arms already, however this aint about him...

How much focus should a devoted to a drivers father during a F1 telecast? I mean, I know Lewis is doing great, but I don't recall ever seeing Michaels dad, or Alonso's... I get the impression sometimes that the only real reason to focus on Anthony Hamilton is because he is the only Badly dressed black man on pit lane.

And don't get me wrong, I would be absolutely thrilled if I got to see Schnell on tv with a mic, and him call me a armchair no nothing to millions of viewers. But as I said, it looks more like the attention the Sr. Hamilton is getting is as much based on race, and maybe a little nationality then any f1 revelance...

Am I the only one annoyed by the attention Lewis' dad is receiving?

Wow, you cannot even allow Lewis's Dad who made all those sacrifices to enable his son to get where he is to enjoy the races and come to the races. He does not ask the tv to follow him and I can understand why they are concerned that the publicity is a pain when people winge that they dare to be seen at the GP. Get a life and enjoy others enjoyment.

9th July 2007, 11:36
Would you complain so much if they kept panning to shots of Lewis's stunning girlfriend? I think not, not that he has a girlfriend as far as I'm aware.

9th July 2007, 11:40
Wow, you cannot even allow Lewis's Dad who made all those sacrifices to enable his son to get where he is to enjoy the races and come to the races. He does not ask the tv to follow him and I can understand why they are concerned that the publicity is a pain when people winge that they dare to be seen at the GP. Get a life and enjoy others enjoyment.

We know the reason why : He is a british driver, with a british father , in a british team with a british TV and yesterday it was in British GP!! :D

But I don't think he is the only kid out there who still have his parent who contributed to his career, isn't? :s mokin:

9th July 2007, 11:44
I do remember seeing Erja Häkkinen's face quite often in the pits when Mika drove. Can't say that bothered me at all, neither does Lewis's dad.

9th July 2007, 11:48
Would you complain so much if they kept panning to shots of Lewis's stunning girlfriend? I think not, not that he has a girlfriend as far as I'm aware.

I'm sure there is no shortage of applicants! Perhaps that's why his Dad is always there, to make sure he doesn't get 'distracted' :p

9th July 2007, 11:52
bit of general knowledge quiz. What is the relationship between Lewis Hamilton and Anthony Davidson?

no-one get this?

9th July 2007, 11:56
It's not ITV who's broadcasting F1, but FIA's official signal. Any channel can add its own signal from its own cameras, and they do, but this is only aired on their respective countries.

Every country spectators can watch Lewis' father race after race, so its FIA's official signal who's airing it.

This weekend, Lewis' father face was seen even more than Ron Dennis or Jean Todt ones, and so has been during the year. Some say it's because Lewis is leading the championship, but this is simply not true.

Fernando Alonso had been leading (and finally winning) the past two championships, and his father was there in every GP. Can anyone describe here how it looks Fernando's father?

It should be easy as his son has won 17 GP's and two WDC's, and he has been always there.

That's why it's so ridiculous to pay so much attention from an official independent broadcast (FIA should be), to some whose only merit seemed to be the donor of the sperm from where Lewis grew up.

And don't say he sacrified for years to his son career, as Lewis is under McLaren wings since he was 9. Fernando's father did it until his son signed a contract as F3000 driver for the Astromega team in 2000.

9th July 2007, 12:03
Would you complain so much if they kept panning to shots of Lewis's stunning girlfriend? I think not, not that he has a girlfriend as far as I'm aware.

Lewis has a girlfriend (sorry I have forgot her name but soon I will give it to you) who is staying in Hong Kong. Even last time he said that one of his problem today is that they don't see each other. But Lewis last week were clubbing in London with the top Party Girls.

Here is one of his statement :

"I've spent time with my family, my girlfriend and my friends just catching up. I've done a bit of travelling, I started off going to New York with my girlfriend and we went sightseeing, we went to the top of the Empire State Building, on the boat to the Statue of Liberty and of course we couldn't go to New York without doing some shopping! Then I moved on to Bermuda with some friends for a week, it was their winter, but it was still nice and warm. It is a really beautiful place and very relaxing, which is just what I needed before the start of the season."

Source : http://www.mclaren.com/features/driver/lewis_hamilton.php

9th July 2007, 12:08
So now it would be better to see his mum as well on next ITV Coverage!!
Maybe people here will not be bored seeing the same face all the time?!

9th July 2007, 12:13
I'm sure there is no shortage of applicants! Perhaps that's why his Dad is always there, to make sure he doesn't get 'distracted' :p

Here is his girlfrind name : Jodia Ma

Here you will find a picture of her : http://www.formulaf1.com/2007/06/29/photo-lewis-hamiltons-girlfriend-jodia-ma/

the first from your right.

9th July 2007, 21:58
Anthony Hamilton deserves to have some fame, he helped (a lot) to get Lewis where he is.

9th July 2007, 22:17
Lewis has a girlfriend (sorry I have forgot her name but soon I will give it to you) who is staying in Hong Kong. Even last time he said that one of his problem today is that they don't see each other. But Lewis last week were clubbing in London with the top Party Girls.[/URL]

He might well have a girlfriend then. Not that I'm particully that interested, but my original point still applies though, there would be far less complaining if you guys got to see her all the time instead.

9th July 2007, 22:28
I don't see any wrong in it, as long as they don't show him for 1 minute while some good race track action might be happening.
wonder why Pharrel Williams was "subbing" him in the USGP

now al the Tv shots at Albers girlfriend used to cheer up any qualy session :p :

Garry Walker
9th July 2007, 23:03
I`d rather have Hamiltons dad getting interviewed than Brundle wasting a 1,5 minutes of his gridwalk asking question from Beckham and his stupid ugly talentless wife, not to mention talking to the bimbos of Girls Aloud. There was also some other guy he interviewed, who has absolutely no connection with F1.
ITV should apologize to all serious race fans for that, its was shameful
At least Anthony Hamilton has some part in F1, but preferably the screentime should go to the RACERS.

Ian McC
9th July 2007, 23:23
ITV should apologize to all serious race fans for that, its was shameful

Sad to say, what the British public wants the British public gets!

9th July 2007, 23:34
I have to repeat it:

It's not ITV's signal the one showing the father of Hamilton Jr., but the official FIA's signal, broadcast to the whole world.

That's why it's so unfair having him on screen 5 or 6 times during a race, and 2 or 3 during qualifying.

Of course some stupid commentators use their localized broadcast to interview lots of freaks, and it's every TV station fault. But being FIA an independient (and international) organization, they should try to hide their preferences a little bit more (at least on TV).

Garry Walker
9th July 2007, 23:35
Sad to say, what the British public wants the British public gets!

But do those people who watch F1, really want to see david "makes Kimi sound masculine" Beckham and his talentless stupid ugly wife, during the race broadcast?

10th July 2007, 08:49
Some people might and some people like you Garry don't want to see people like the Beckhams. Like its been said before, the fans have little influence on what is shown on tv, and once its shown you can't do anything about it.

Showing people like the Beckhams's and other celebrities is always going to happen. F1 will always try and emphasise its glamour and how its the pinacle of motorsport. Celebrities can go some way to doing that, while the average F1 fan can't.

10th July 2007, 09:17
I`d rather have Hamiltons dad getting interviewed than Brundle wasting a 1,5 minutes of his gridwalk asking question from Beckham and his stupid ugly talentless wife, not to mention talking to the bimbos of Girls Aloud. There was also some other guy he interviewed, who has absolutely no connection with F1.
ITV should apologize to all serious race fans for that, its was shameful
At least Anthony Hamilton has some part in F1, but preferably the screentime should go to the RACERS.

I agree with you.

10th July 2007, 09:21
I have to repeat it:

It's not ITV's signal the one showing the father of Hamilton Jr., but the official FIA's signal, broadcast to the whole world.

That's why it's so unfair having him on screen 5 or 6 times during a race, and 2 or 3 during qualifying.

Of course some stupid commentators use their localized broadcast to interview lots of freaks, and it's every TV station fault. But being FIA an independient (and international) organization, they should try to hide their preferences a little bit more (at least on TV).

Maybe you are right, but what I know is that the Commercial Rights of F1 belong to Bernie E and he is british.

As someone said above, " what the British public wants the British public gets!" and the ITV is british as well. So we have to accept like it is now coz we can't change that for the moment.

10th July 2007, 10:09
Anthony Hamilton deserves to have some fame, he helped (a lot) to get Lewis where he is.

I have never seen any of the parents of Raikkonen, Alonso or Schumacher - ever. Perhaps their faces should have been broadcast a handful of times everytime they were at a race as well, whereas Lewis's father now seems to be almost as famous as his son thanks to the amount of coverage he is getting. It's curious as FOM's broadcast has shown a lot more of Hamilton's father than it has of even Michael Schumacher when he's been in the Ferrari camp this year.

It's not a fault of Anthony that he supports his son at F1 races. Good for him. But for God's sakes can the broadcasting people stop showing him at every race??

10th July 2007, 10:28
as long as there are no cars racing i do not care if they film Anthony or not.
Anyway i think he is irrelevant to any non-british F1 viewer, and FIA should note that!

10th July 2007, 12:59
I kinda see what you mean by the original post, not sure it's his fault though.
Loved the quote form Hamilton Sr. when questioned by Ted Kravitz (never see his father, Lenny, at any GP's ?) about what he and Lewis talked about on the way to the toilet. Mr Hamilton replied "we said nothing, just laughed" yeah, all the way to the bank, and why not.
Here's one for you then, ITV love Anthony Hamilton so much, stick him in with Martin Brundle and get rid of the lardy one. That way you won't hear so much about Lewis, coz I bet even his Dad won't bang on about him as much as James Lardy Allen.

10th July 2007, 14:01
Mr Hamilton should be given the right to follow his son and his responsibility (since he is the manager as well) wherever the hell he pleases. If he wants to sit in Hamiltons car, well if Ron Dennis allows it, he should do that as well. What I dont get is some over sensitive people who say Anthony should go home etc. If it bothers you so much maybe its best advised you hire some hitmen to kill the camera guys who are responsible for showing that guys face so much. Its not Sn Hamilton shoving his face into cameras that I see, more like cameras shovin themselves into his face. Get the facts straight.

10th July 2007, 14:01
That way you won't hear so much about Lewis, coz I bet even his Dad won't bang on about him as much as James Lardy Allen.
Not this again. What is so wrong about James Allen. The thing I see him most criticised for is 1) minor mistakes in the telecast, and 2) Hyping up the Brits. I doubt very many of you criticised Murray Walker for doing either of them.

As a journalist and someone working in F1 for many years, Allen has at least "some insight" (as some like to call it) into F1 as a whole. Needless to say some random such as Lewis's dad (who works as an IT consultant) would know a fair bit about McLaren, a lot about Lewis, and **** all else. So I don't understand your comment.

Please, be a bit more serious before reverting to name calling.

10th July 2007, 14:07
I`d rather have Hamiltons dad getting interviewed than Brundle wasting a 1,5 minutes of his gridwalk asking question from Beckham and his stupid ugly talentless wife, not to mention talking to the bimbos of Girls Aloud. There was also some other guy he interviewed, who has absolutely no connection with F1.
ITV should apologize to all serious race fans for that, its was shameful
At least Anthony Hamilton has some part in F1, but preferably the screentime should go to the RACERS.

That was scathing Garry :p : But I agree. I watch F1 to watch...well...F1.

10th July 2007, 14:15
Not this again. What is so wrong about James Allen.

Please, be a bit more serious before reverting to name calling.

Ahh looks like I've just had a run in with James Allens Dad lol

10th July 2007, 14:21
Ahh looks like I've just had a run in with James Allens Dad lol
lol... I'm about 20 or so years younger than him mate... no dig at you, just my opinion. :)

10th July 2007, 14:26
So what if we see Anthony Hamiliton - he has worked hard to help Lewis all the way, anyway I remember a similar fixation with Mika Hakkinen's wife in the late 90's she was in several tv shots in the pits, and also we saw lots of Will Webber, and Craig Pollock when he wasnt a team principal. Give it a few more races and the media will get bored and move to another non racer, maybe we will see lots of photos of Nicholas Todt, Jean's son and Massa's manager.

Garry Walker
11th July 2007, 14:04
That was scathing Garry :p :

I know no other way :D