View Full Version : Must Be Said

8th July 2007, 04:11
Why must the graphics be so annoying? It takes up almost 1/4 of the screen! I mean when Fox brought out the ticker in 2001, the appeal was that it was away from the action so it wouldn't obstruct the view. The 24 hour news channels aren't this annoying! I think I'd rather have a series of commercials than to just watch all these yellow laps. At least then you know when to go to the bathroom.

8th July 2007, 04:34
Hehe, I agree, I wanted to throw something in the oven to eat, and I never knew when to get up.

8th July 2007, 04:52
I liked the format. I wish they'd all switch.

8th July 2007, 04:55
I loved the format, outside of Weber every 5 minutes saying this portion of the race is sponsored by ....

8th July 2007, 05:00
I don't know why they needed that giant NASCAR logo on the screen the whole race. And whenever they tried to show two camera views one of them would be half cut off by the edge of the screen. At least ESPN sizes it to fit in a 4:3 window, but unless you're in that bottom 10% that thinks an HDTV is worth something in 5 years, you are SOL.

I wish NASCAR would just manage their own broadcast feed like F1 does.

8th July 2007, 05:10
I hate the F1 feed. The worst part is that the broadcasters have no control. The commentators will be talking about what is occurring on screen, and some bizarre replay will come on. Then they will discuss the replay and not finish before some other video is displayed, cutting them off...

8th July 2007, 05:12
I don't know why they needed that giant NASCAR logo on the screen the whole race. And whenever they tried to show two camera views one of them would be half cut off by the edge of the screen. At least ESPN sizes it to fit in a 4:3 window, but unless you're in that bottom 10% that thinks an HDTV is worth something in 5 years, you are SOL.

I wish NASCAR would just manage their own broadcast feed like F1 does.

I really hate how F1 manages their own broadcast feed. You lose a whole lot of the race by having the governing body controlling the video.

8th July 2007, 05:22
Yes, but atleast their graphics are small and tidy.

8th July 2007, 05:28
I hate the 3 letter naming convention (MSC, ALO, etc). Can you imagine that in NASCAR.
1 MCM 2 KYB 3 KUB 4 EDW 5 GOR 6 BIF 7 BOW 8 KEN 9 KAH 10 JOH


8th July 2007, 07:23
I hate the 3 letter naming convention (MSC, ALO, etc). Can you imagine that in NASCAR.
1 MCM 2 KYB 3 KUB 4 EDW 5 GOR 6 BIF 7 BOW 8 KEN 9 KAH 10 JOH


Actually, in the late 90's ESPN would just put up the car number next to the position, and this was only done for the top 10. Sometimes the name would be shown, but not always. They would show part of the field for qualifying sessions. I can't find any NASCAR videos showing this, but here's CART qualifying using it.


8th July 2007, 11:34
I hate the 3 letter naming convention (MSC, ALO, etc). Can you imagine that in NASCAR.
1 MCM 2 KYB 3 KUB 4 EDW 5 GOR 6 BIF 7 BOW 8 KEN 9 KAH 10 JOH


NASCAR has way too many drivers for that. And also in NASCAR, drivers' numbers are well established and you know almost instantly that 66 is Jeff Green... Try do that with F1... I for one have no idea who drives the #17 in F1. :confused:

8th July 2007, 12:30
F1 is terrible - it is always a huge mystery what is going on track - we only know that RAI, MAS and HAM have 2 stops.
NASCAR is cool, although it really gives too many information sometimes, we have photo of the driver, race stats, season stats, career stats, breakfast stats...

8th July 2007, 23:07
F1 is terrible

If you get an hour or two, feel free to explain that screen name.

9th July 2007, 13:20
If you get an hour or two, feel free to explain that screen name.

F1 Powerboat? :)

10th July 2007, 16:46
TNT commentators really suck!

I have to make do with 50min highlights and those guys can't seem to come up with interesting to say after 20secs without long pauses before asking the pit reporters for updates!

Mark in Oshawa
10th July 2007, 19:11
I don't need a steady crawl if the commentators are worth a damn, but it would be nice if we are stuck with the crawl, that they make it more horizontal.

Also, I would love for a much tidier in appearence package and dump the ad graphics that never seem to stop. F1 does a good job on their visuals, but I do know their control over the broadcast is WAY too intrusive at certain times. Of course, it reflects the mindset of the little troll that controls f1.....

11th July 2007, 05:39
I think that the FOX NASCAR broadcast is the best by far. It is tidy, and informative. Plus the bonus features are great, like FOXTrax

11th July 2007, 06:51
I think that the FOX NASCAR broadcast is the best by far. It is tidy, and informative. Plus the bonus features are great, like FOXTrax

I hope that's sarcasm. FOXTrax is the dumbest idea since the original iteration of FOXTrax (that puck shadow used in hockey games). I don't need an arrow to tell me which dot on the track is a car if you would just zoom the camera in a little, but God forbid the sponsors be in focus.

11th July 2007, 21:03
I hate graphics in general, but nascar's graphics are dreadful. Every second of the race is sponsored by another corporation. They take branding to a new level. Makes me not want to watch sports in general. NFL, baseball are about just as bad. No wonder I collect old races, football games & watch them more often.

Once you watch a few F1 races, you understand everything on the screen, at least I understood it.

11th July 2007, 21:06
Fox is really lame too. They cater to the 8-16 year olds w/their stupid sound effects, etc...

12th July 2007, 18:11
if you want to see how it was really done watch old races with bud Lindeman. Now that was a guy who could call a race. No graphics just called the driver's numbers.

Mark in Oshawa
13th July 2007, 08:15
Ya know, if you hate the broadcasts, you could ummmm just stop watching?

I know, I am being a wise guy, but NASCAR broadcasts are some of the best in racing, and I am partial to the job TNT is doing this year. I like Wally and Kyle, and I don't mind their chemistry. FOX is always good, but after a while, too much Larry is TOO MUCH. DW is always fun to listen to, but I find they only should have one mike I think, because they get going so much that you feel like the race is just an excuse for them to shoot the breeze.......

13th July 2007, 08:54
Ya know, if you hate the broadcasts, you could ummmm just stop watching?

And do what instead? If I don't watch the race, all I'll see is highlights. And I'm not going to spend money to watch it unfold on a computer.

13th July 2007, 17:36
This is interesting, in Australia the breadcast didn't have any graphics, other than maybe the bottom 1/8 of the screen said 'NASCAR' in a grey area, we didn't see any ads other than our broadcasters ones, and when Bill said 'this is brought to you by xxxx... ' etc, I thought it was great!

anyone got a screetshot of how you guys saw it?

14th July 2007, 03:35
Here's how we saw it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-3ri8fJXK0

15th July 2007, 16:14
Ah, yeh that could get annoying...

Ours was like that except there was only about 1/2 of the bottom section and didn't have anything on the left of the ad section. Not sure if it's worth it having that much screen taken up, if it's only 1/8 or so like I saw it then I'd say it would be better than having the ads normally.