View Full Version : The Simpson's Movie

Hazell B
5th July 2007, 19:41
There's a secret 'very big star' adding his or her voice to the film, due out soon.

Anyone care to guess who it is?

Anyone care to guess how good the film will be?

5th July 2007, 19:54
I am a huge fan of The Simpsons but the show has lost it's funny. It uses crud humor for the last 3-4 years to get laughs. But I do think the movie will be a refreshing bit over Transformers which looks good, but from what I have heard is not that good.

I'll guess Bill Clinton will make an apperance in the movie. They have used Bill in episodes using a fake voice and acting like a Peeping Tom, or some extreme girl obsessed guy. He would add, especially with his voice, a real funny addition to the movie.

6th July 2007, 02:13
i wouldnt have a clue who the big star is but...

i just watched the trailer and my god it looks hillarious....

heres the very last bit of the trailer, but its just... beyond funny for someone whos sense of humour is as immature as mine


Captain VXR
6th July 2007, 16:37
Green Day are rumoured to appear in it and may do a song from it I remember reading somewhere (Yahoo USA news AFAIK)

6th July 2007, 17:14
Spiderpig Spiderpig does whatever a Spiderpig does. lol

That film looks funny.

6th July 2007, 18:37
Green Day are rumoured to appear in it and may do a song from it I remember reading somewhere (Yahoo USA news AFAIK)

I think Green Day are confirmed to appear on the movie.

Anyway I don't expect much from the movie, the whole 5-6 last seasons have been utter crap so I don't know if Groening is willing to go back to his old awesome style

Hazell B
6th July 2007, 21:04
Green Day have already re-done the theme tune, and are not the big star the producers are talking of.

Bart's first nude scene (something else they're touting) doesn't sound right to me. Didn't he appear nude on the cover of the fake Nirvana cover a few seasons ago?

Mark in Oshawa
7th July 2007, 04:01
The Simpsons just lampoon culture as it is, I am sure it will not be a bad movie. Groening wont have too many restrictions on him.....unlike being on TV where you have some words and subjects that are taboo...

8th July 2007, 05:00
the trailers have set this movie up to be the movie of the year! :D Bring it on i say!

8th July 2007, 05:34
the trailers have set this movie up to be the movie of the year! :D Bring it on i say!

Yeah i guess so too. It would be great fun for the family. ;)

Captain VXR
8th July 2007, 10:43
I will try and see it but I only will have 4 days to try cos I go on holiday on the 31st