View Full Version : Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... Timati!

1st July 2007, 15:22

I envy that guy's taste of clothing.

Or maybe not. :s

1st July 2007, 16:06

I envy that guy's taste of clothing.

Or maybe not. :s
Funny language that Estonian. For example this:

Ajalehe Tvoi Den toimetusse jõudis šokeeriv seksvideo, mille peategelased on skandaalne tõsielusarja Dom saatejuht Ksenja Sobtšak ja kuulus vene hip-hop artist Timati.

looks like it in Finnish said:

Ajelehti Tvoi Den toimituksessa joutava sokerinen seksivideo, mille päätä kelaamassa on skandaalinen tosielosarja Dom saatejuhta Ksenja Sobtšak ja kuuluisa vene hip-hop artisti Timati


In the editorial room of Tvoi De floated around a useless sugary sex video. A scandalous real life series Dom accompanying beast of burden Ksenja Sobtšak and a famous boat hip-hop artist were reeling its head