View Full Version : Virginia's new $3,550 speeding ticket

R. Mears
30th June 2007, 15:53
Virginia's new $3,550 speeding ticket

Traffic offenders face whopping additional fees that live on long after they've paid their fines. It's part of a growing 'driver responsibility' trend that targets chronic offenders.

By MSN Money staff and wires

Traffic patrols have long been known as roving tax collectors. But in Virginia, they really are collecting taxes.

Starting July 1, an array of traffic offenses, from expired licenses to speeding, come with a "civil remedial fee" attached. That means a motorist convicted of reckless driving (75 mph in a 55 zone would qualify) faces not only a fine of up to $2,500 and a year in jail, but a non-negotiable $350-a-year tax for three years. The law forbids judges from waiving or reducing the fee.

Many fees dwarf the fines. A driver who disobeys an officer's order to pull into a weigh station would be fined $35 and required to pay a $61 court processing fee. But the civil remedial fee would be $900 over three years.

Drunken driving? A fee of $1,000 a year for three years, plus fines and court costs. No insurance? That's $300 a year for three years, plus fines.

It doesn't stop there. Anyone unlucky enough to have 8 points or more on his license (reckless driving is good for 6 by itself) would pay an additional $100, plus $75 for any points over 8, up to $700 a year. (For a complete list of fee-carrying offenses, see this .pdf file.)

Such "driver responsibility programs" have become increasingly common for two reasons: Many states find that serial offenders make up the bulk of their cases, and they simply need the money. In fact, Virginia added a fee rather than increase fines because it wanted the money to improve its roads, and revenue from fines must go to public schools. The fees are expected to raise $200 million a year.


30th June 2007, 17:20
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the Commonwealth of Virginia. I spent about 6 months up there, laying around. taking it easy, and living off my own funds earned before coming to Virginia. I never sought employment while there. These people have a tax or fee or levy on damn near everything. Personal property taxes, car tax (different from license and registration, it had to do with the value of your car on a yearly basis), and all manner of property confiscation laws. If you got it now, they're gonna get it sooner or later. The proof of payment of your personal property taxes is a sticker that goes in the lower middle of your car windshield. If, after the due date, you're driving around with no sticker, they can stop you and snatch your car.

Two places in the USA where radar detectors are illegal, Washington D.C. and Virginia. What are they afraid of? Revenue going to take a hit? Until moving to Virginia, I thought China was the only place communisium was alive and well.

Because I had all my mail forwarded to the Virginia address, my federal income tax return was also sent there. Virginia sent me all kinds of threatening letters for not paying my state income tax. It took 2 months, and a whole bunch of expensive long distance phone calls to prove to them (burden of proof on me) that I had not even been in Virginia during the tax year in question.

I was thrilled to leave and am sorry for those that must stay.

30th June 2007, 20:37

30th June 2007, 22:47
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the Commonwealth of Virginia.

You should never move to Europe...

1st July 2007, 01:04
You should never move to Europe...

You can bet I won't. Although, as the amount of people that expect something for nothing continues to grow along with those that want to rely upon government for their complete safety, well-being. and child-rearing, this entire country is starting to sink into the same stinking hole of socialism.

1st July 2007, 06:20
You can bet I won't. Although, as the amount of people that expect something for nothing continues to grow along with those that want to rely upon government for their complete safety, well-being. and child-rearing, this entire country is starting to sink into the same stinking hole of socialism.

Yup and it's probably going to get worse. Not only do I have to file federal and state taxes, apparently I have to file to pay city and county income tax as well.

Mark in Oshawa
3rd July 2007, 15:39
Geeze, and Ithought the Province of Ontario was bad.....apparently NOT...

4th July 2007, 05:38
God save the state of Texas, one of 6 states without state tax, it may not be all that a libertarian would want but is still one of those places when the taxes are still reasonable, the government does not control you that much (compared to other states and other countries of course), if only the Astros and Texans could start winning.

4th July 2007, 07:56
I miss texas. I need to get back there.

R. Mears
5th July 2007, 11:04
Don't come to communist left wing hardliner Illinios either. They were talking about eliminating the tolls on the tollway to ease congestion. Then the democrats took control and they doubled the toll fees. Talk about a 180.

5th July 2007, 20:24
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the Commonwealth of Virginia. I spent about 6 months up there, laying around. taking it easy, and living off my own funds earned before coming to Virginia. I never sought employment while there. These people have a tax or fee or levy on damn near everything. Personal property taxes, car tax (different from license and registration, it had to do with the value of your car on a yearly basis), and all manner of property confiscation laws. If you got it now, they're gonna get it sooner or later. The proof of payment of your personal property taxes is a sticker that goes in the lower middle of your car windshield. If, after the due date, you're driving around with no sticker, they can stop you and snatch your car.

Two places in the USA where radar detectors are illegal, Washington D.C. and Virginia. What are they afraid of? Revenue going to take a hit? Until moving to Virginia, I thought China was the only place communisium was alive and well.

Because I had all my mail forwarded to the Virginia address, my federal income tax return was also sent there. Virginia sent me all kinds of threatening letters for not paying my state income tax. It took 2 months, and a whole bunch of expensive long distance phone calls to prove to them (burden of proof on me) that I had not even been in Virginia during the tax year in question.

I was thrilled to leave and am sorry for those that must stay.

And believe me, we really miss having you here. We've been flying our flag at half staff since the day your car crossed the border... :dozey:

I don't know what property confiscation laws you're referring to that are not federal, unless you were dealing in illegal guns or drugs (six months and no job, eh?), drunk driving or trolling for prostitutes. And when I moved back to VA from Maryland, I was stopped for not having a county sticker. I don't recall anyone towing my Jaguar away. I think I would recall that. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would remember that.

I've certainly done rather well living in Virginia. The DuPonts, Kluges, Hurts and a variety of others have done even better (by a great margin). And since Virginia is as different as night & day from NoVA to SW VA, what people see in one part of the state, they likely will see something else in another part. It's amazing, most places are that way. Even countries are that way. Wowee! Whoda thunk that?

Being that I don't always drive the speed limit, I'm not so thrilled about these penalties. But guess what, I'll probably slow down while going through the pits from now on.

5th July 2007, 22:29
I miss texas. I need to get back there.

Errrrr, I hear New Mexico is a great state, and Washington is just beautiful, and itīs very hot and humid here right now, horrible, horrible place.

6th July 2007, 03:34
I was in the Roanoke area. I also don't particularly care for your gun running/drug smuggling insinuation either. Considering I had not taken any real vacation in the previous 5 years, I easily had more than enough money to stay out of work for 2 years without tapping any 401ks or IRAs. Of course, I wasn't having to make any Jag payments either. My Trans Am was paid for.

6th July 2007, 03:38
Errrrr, I hear New Mexico is a great state, and Washington is just beautiful, and itīs very hot and humid here right now, horrible, horrible place.

New Mexico would be my next choice. It's beautiful out there. In younger days, spent some time backpack camping around Cowles(?) and visiting Sante Fe. Never got tired of it, just got caught up in the real world.

6th July 2007, 04:24
I was in the Roanoke area. I also don't particularly care for your gun running/drug smuggling insinuation either. Considering I had not taken any real vacation in the previous 5 years, I easily had more than enough money to stay out of work for 2 years without tapping any 401ks or IRAs. Of course, I wasn't having to make any Jag payments either. My Trans Am was paid for.

And I didn't appreciate you running down my HOME state as some sort of bastion of communism. You expected to get a pass for that crack? Virginia is one of the most fiscally and politically conservative states in the United States. Either you don't know the basic definition of communism or you've dreamed up stuff in your head that is untrue, as far as communism is concerned. I know the Roanoke area very well. Did the secret police keep you from going to Valley View Mall? Did Oops the monkey try to get you locked up in Mill Mountain Zoo?

As for the Jaguar, I paid cash for it. I financed a home for a guy at Rosenthal Jag and he expressed his gratitude with a good deal. Vacation? What's that?! I haven't taken a true vacation since college (20 years ago). When I have extra cash, I call it "working capital". I don't use it to lay on my butt for six months.

Tell me of your terrible trials and tribulations while in VA, comrade.