View Full Version : Formula 1 Misquote (Nascar Related)

30th June 2007, 13:57
Sorry if this has been brought up. I tried a search and could not find it. My search skills may be slightly lacking.

Could anyone tell me or recall the comment by a commentator Formula 1 weekend on a Nascar broadcast saying

"France has ferrari."

This was in relation to countries showing pride for their country's car.

Thank you

Lee Roy
30th June 2007, 15:12
I didn't hear it.

30th June 2007, 21:16
Seems less a case of France having Ferrari, than Ferrari having it, judging by Saturday...

But no, me neither. Although it sounds probable. Shrug.

30th June 2007, 23:49
It was reference to where Ferraris are built. It was a funny statement on my prep for the USGP.

Oh, it was on speed channel, just to clarify and help jog a memory.

1st July 2007, 18:30
Ferrari is italian. Maybe it was just a Lapsus Stupidus.

3rd July 2007, 03:24
If you mean the Bill France has a Ferrari then maybe but otherwise the post is not clear on the topic.