View Full Version : Press the Red Button ....

Hazell B
29th June 2007, 21:57
Maybe I'm being thick here, but if you can press the red button on BBC Freeview and watch endless tennis, or indeed watch endless tennis without pressing it at all, why can't you press the red button for something other than ruddy tennis :(

Why can't they put normal non-tennisy TV on interactive during Wimbledon? Jeez, a repeat of some classic film would be better than forcing us to watch ITV to avoid the 'bong bong' of balls being hit :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
29th June 2007, 22:50
Press the 'other' red button at the top of the remote if you don't want to watch tennis. :p

29th June 2007, 23:09
Why couldn't they put the ruddy tennis on the red button and let everything else be on like normal? :p :

Mp3 Astra
29th June 2007, 23:13
The red button is one of the most useless features ever made in the history of Television. It's really distracting when they put "push the red button now" all over the top of the screen. I just wish they'd understand that people have the Internet now and don't really need their television to tell them what they don't need to know.

29th June 2007, 23:21
Useless feature, are you kidding?

Perhaps soon after the digital switch there will just be one BBC channel and you then choose what you want to watch there. There's alot of possibilities I suppose :p :

30th June 2007, 00:40
where's the blue button? (The Matrix) ;) :p :

30th June 2007, 02:21
where's the blue button? (The Matrix) ;) :p :

The blue button shows you all your favourite channels :p :

30th June 2007, 17:38
Aah but the red button lets me watch MotoGP qualifying so it's not all bad.

Hazell B
30th June 2007, 21:08
Aah but the red button lets me watch MotoGP qualifying so it's not all bad.

That and alternative sporting events during the Olympics are the only good features - EVER!

I just cannot understand why they have digital and fill it with minority stuff then stick more minority stuff on normal TV. Then they wonder why we're all watching less telly :mark:

Dave B
1st July 2007, 12:32
The BBC tend to use their interactive services sensibly: their snooker coverage is excellent and although I can't stand tennis I agree that their Wimbledon interactive service is amazing.

Sky News Multiscreen is also a cracking example of how well technology can be used.

I've set my digibox so that the icon times out after a few seconds, so there's nothing onscreen to annoy me.

Now, if only ITV would embrace it for their F1 coverage....

1st July 2007, 13:16
What happened to Moto GP Extra yesterday, bloody annoying, all they were showing was recorded highlights of Henman v Moya. C'mon BBC, just pathetic, and on BBC2 they only went over to Assen with 5 minutes to go, there was no live Tennis taking place, aaggh!!!

1st July 2007, 16:46
The BBC tend to use their interactive services sensibly: their snooker coverage is excellent and although I can't stand tennis I agree that their Wimbledon interactive service is amazing.

Sky News Multiscreen is also a cracking example of how well technology can be used.

I've set my digibox so that the icon times out after a few seconds, so there's nothing onscreen to annoy me.

Now, if only ITV would embrace it for their F1 coverage....

I agree. The button I like to hit when there's nothing on TV I want to watch is the 'on' switch on the radio, as there's always something on Radio 4 or the World Service that interests me.

By the way, isn't every TV programme a minority programme in the overall scheme of things?

1st July 2007, 17:27
I bloody hate tennis and it is impossible to avoid it when Wimbledon is on.

As usual it rains endlessly and rather than replacing the tennis with something interesting, they just have Sue Barker grinning like a Cheshire cat "oooh look its my time to shine I love tennis" talking to McEnroe about the glory days, for gods sake no one cares you talk about the same tripe every year!

I remember many years ago I was looking forward to The Simpsons on BBC2 at 6pm, but it was cancelled not because any tennis was being played, but because they just wanted to sit there and talk about it for another half an hour!!!!!

Its the most mind-numbingly over-rated, pathetic, pampered, boring sport ever.

Brown, Jon Brow
1st July 2007, 18:42
Its the most mind-numbingly over-rated, pathetic, pampered, boring sport ever.

Come on, it isn't that bad. :D


They occasionally some good stuff on interactive. They used to put on some good music, with exclusive MUSE and Red Hot Chili Pepper top of the pops specials.

1st July 2007, 20:06
Don't even get me started on womens tennis. Its worse than the mens. They can barely hit the ball at any pace, the rallies are pathetic. I can't believe they get paid the same as the men for PLAYING LESS SETS!

1st July 2007, 23:20
come on tennis is not that bad...
lets dont be so motorsport hard core...

1st July 2007, 23:28
I agree. There are many people who hate motorsport getting in the way of something else.

2nd July 2007, 01:04
I agree. There are many people who hate motorsport getting in the way of something else.

Like Corrie?

2nd July 2007, 01:09
I bloody hate tennis and it is impossible to avoid it when Wimbledon is on.

Even if you're living in the dark ages, there are still four other channels to watch, alternatively stick some music on and read a book perhaps?

I like the interactive stuff, it's nice to choose which match to watch and, after all, it's only for a fortnight :s

2nd July 2007, 11:33
Even if you're living in the dark ages, there are still four other channels to watch, alternatively stick some music on and read a book perhaps?

I like the interactive stuff, it's nice to choose which match to watch and, after all, it's only for a fortnight :s
Well said. I don't like Tennis and I'm usually the person on the forum who gets bothered by something at the drop of a hat and Wimbledon doesn't cause any issues for me. I love the google ad for wimbledon at the bottom of this page.

Dave B
2nd July 2007, 13:05
I do feel sorry for those who only have 4 or 5 terrestrial channels and find Wimbledon on both BBC One and Two in the afternoons, but I guess they're in a minority nowadays. Me personally I've got about 600 channels and a 85% full Sky+ planner to entertain me - plus I'm perfectly capable of doing that old-fashioned thing.... going out.

3rd July 2007, 15:24
Aaahhhh! What a shame for those of you who don't like tennis. Two weeks of programmes being disrupted by Wimbledon. :o hplease:

Well... football bores me witless - and that disrupts other programmes throughout the year! And talk about pampered pathetic so-called sportsmen? Look no further than the premiership. First sniff of a slight sprain and they're out for weeks, on full pay. Tennis players only get payed when they actually play. And how many footballers could cope with the physical demands of playing three or four five (or even three) set matches in a week (often more, since they're often plaing in the doubles too)?

Right... Rant over. Now... when is Federer playing again? :D

3rd July 2007, 21:58
What are you on about? Football gets about 4 hours of coverage a week when it's on and that includes football focus on a saturday. And very rarely does it run over into other programmes.

Like Bezza I too remember the bad old days of tuning in to watch the Simpsons only to find out that John McEnroe and his tennis buddies need to talk about the exact angle that the rain has been coming in at for the last 3 days and how it's a shame no tennis has been played.

Now while I don't mind there being other sports on TV (no matter how boring they are) I don't think that they should occupy 2 BBC channels as well as two BBCi red button channels as well as several summing up programmes in the evening as seems to happen with Golf, Tennis, snooker and darts these days.

3rd July 2007, 23:16
One day they'll be able to remove the Press The Red Button icon from the screen.It has to be the most off putting thing when watching a programme,but Sky Extra has really done wonders with it over the last couple of years.Champions League & NFL is great.
For football widows it means the other channels aren't full unlike ITV who put all their matches across 3 ITV channels.

Long Live The RED button