View Full Version : Happy Birthday 306Cosworth

Brown, Jon Brow
28th June 2007, 08:26

18th so now you can legally drink :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

28th June 2007, 09:27
Have a great birthday :up: :)

28th June 2007, 11:54
Feliz cumpleaņos!!!!! Now is time to get that Cossie...

28th June 2007, 12:10
Happy Birthday :beer:

johnny shell
28th June 2007, 14:37
damn, I missed cossie's birthday?

guess I'll have to wait until next year to give him his gift :(

28th June 2007, 14:39
Happy birthday 306 Cosworth! :)

Hope you enjoy you're 18th! :up:

...and go easy on the sauce... that stuff is evil I tell ya! :s hock: :disturb:

28th June 2007, 14:46
Happy birthday Luke, long live the 306 Cosworth :up:

28th June 2007, 14:47
Many happy returns of your birthday :beer:

306 Cosworth
28th June 2007, 16:08
Thanks everyone, currently sat here enjoying a tub of Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream :p : Had a great present today MY FIRST CAR :D Gonna pick it up on Tuesday evening and have a baptism of fire first time driving it, rush hour through middle of Bristol!

28th June 2007, 18:12
Im speaking to you on MSN but what the hell Happy Birthday mate .. just remember what i said earlier about driving through Bristol in rush hour and you'll be fine :p :

28th June 2007, 18:13
Thanks everyone, currently sat here enjoying a tub of Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream :p : Had a great present today MY FIRST CAR

And that first car is.... ?

Move to America, Cossie, and you'll now be eligible for the draft :D

I call for a celebrative Round of TOCA2 at Croft in honor of your birthday :p

CHEERS! :beer:


28th June 2007, 19:46
Happy birthday 306, and congrats on the driving test, it's been a good week for you :up: :beer:

28th June 2007, 20:27
Happy Birthday! :)

race aficionado
28th June 2007, 21:20
Happy bithday mr. Coswsorth.
I hope it is a wonderful one.

:s mokin:

28th June 2007, 21:49
Happy Birthday young man :up: :D

306 Cosworth
28th June 2007, 22:09
Happy birthday 306, and congrats on the driving test, it's been a good week for you :up: :beer:

Damn right it has :D Thanks for all the comments everyone, much appreciated :up: