View Full Version : F1.com updated

25th June 2007, 09:16
I like the new layout :)


25th June 2007, 09:36
It remains take time to open the page :)

25th June 2007, 09:39
It's horrid. The previous site was understated and professional. This site is OTT and amateurish :down:

25th June 2007, 09:51
Fantastic! That old layout was pretty bland and stagnant I thought.

25th June 2007, 09:58
Fantastic! That old layout was pretty bland and stagnant I thought.

I agree!

25th June 2007, 10:05
They maybe in development or maintenance period, the F1 logo and the size of font used for the hot news are irritating.

25th June 2007, 11:42
It's horrid. The previous site was understated and professional. This site is OTT and amateurish :down:


25th June 2007, 12:13
well, I was taking a gander and just coming to grips with it when two lovely ladies just popped up in front of me and I had to start all over again.

Now, take a grip and lets have another go :D

Its all AV, new media, dynamic presentation and interactivly stimulating which in effect means bollox and it just takes more time to find what your looking for.

25th June 2007, 12:37
I only miss the mini maps on the header with the dates of the races... otherwise it's all good to me :)

Valve Bounce
25th June 2007, 12:48
I am not aware any other website gives the live timing that this website has.

25th June 2007, 13:40
I am not aware any other website gives the live timing that this website has.


Free live timing for all sessions including 125's and 250's, including streamed video for members.

Valve Bounce
25th June 2007, 14:18

Free live timing for all sessions including 125's and 250's, including streamed video for members.

OK!! so do they give live timing, splits, lap times and gaps for F1 practice, quals and the race? not to mention lap charts and fastest laps?

I know that I have to follow the races via the chat room and F1.com, and if I cannot get the live timing to work for any reason to do with my PC, F1.com is the website I miss the most.

Free F1 videos is another story. If you want that, send me a PM.

Dave B
25th June 2007, 16:16
It's a tad "clunky", isn't it? You have to scroll down half a page before you actually find any content, which is never a good idea.

25th June 2007, 16:29
i would also like to add a huge :down: to the travel booking facility.

thought I would check it out to see if it was quite cheap for France this weekend as I know you can get ferry, 3 day pass and campsite for about £100 on an offer.

So, they fly me out from Heathrow into CDG, stick a hotel in the middle of Paris and want to charge me £750 not including tickets.

best bit is they fly me back, VIA AMSTERDAM and the flight leaves BEFORE the GP. :laugh:

Might make other plans :)

25th June 2007, 16:58

25th June 2007, 17:20
im confused as to the poll, there is a 65% difference in results yet how come the bars are the same length?

25th June 2007, 21:12
I am not aware any other website gives the live timing that this website has.
You have live timing also in:


25th June 2007, 22:49
Whats with the pink dude at the top of the page?

They should have launched the new site with the beginning of the season, it makes more sense to do it then, new season, new look.

It doesnt look cutting edge, which I thought F1 is supposed to be about?

It looks dated.

26th June 2007, 00:22
everthing looks great

except for the top graphic...just horrible pink and neon blue/green
the main content area is much easier to read though, that super small font from the old site was a bit annoying.

Valve Bounce
26th June 2007, 02:28
I visit various motorsport ewbsites (which I have bookmarked) for the content the site offers. F1.com offers great live timing and a very good archive.

For news, I go to other websites like pitpass, PLanet-F1, Grandprix.com, ITV, BBC, and by then I have found what ever I have time to read.

For travel, I go to travel websites.

AndreaG suggests F1-Live, which used to be my favourite F1 website, but since they became a pay website, I go elswhere; same with Autosport. Why pay for stuff that I can get free?

The best inside info, of course, comes from the dad of one of the drivers. However, I have given my pledge to secrecy on this type of info; the guy used to come here and give people an insight to F1 but after insults and unsubstantiated accusations thrown at him about his lad, he seems to have avoided this forum.

26th June 2007, 05:12
It would bear more harmony with the better top graphic and navigation bar, and no need to make the font of the top news bigger, people will easily identify it by only putting it on top.

However it was a trusted source.

Valve Bounce
26th June 2007, 05:17
To be honest, I only visit this website for two reasons
1. To see how long before the next race (in hours) so I can work out what time the race starts in Oz time, and
2. The live timing, which is invaluable.

26th June 2007, 05:40
I actually think the old F1 site was a lot sharper looking and more professional. The new one looks like it was designed by someone straight out of a TAFE / UNI multimedia course....

26th June 2007, 07:17
A bit like most websites today - trying to do too much just because you can! I prefer simple websites that just quickly give you the info you need. There is no real need for all the Flash median and other bits of glitz that do nothing and become boring (more like irritating) after you've seen them once. Bernie should have saved the money and lowered the ridiculously high prices at the F1 store!!!!!!!!! :(

26th June 2007, 13:24
Horrible re-design. There is no increased productivity, just an exaggerated half-page logo and bunch of Javascript nonesense menus

That's what you get when you relegate web development to Adobe/Flash/Photoshop kind of people. Content goes missing, logos become bigger.

26th June 2007, 13:46
I liked the old one better, but maybe this one will grow on me.

Dave B
1st July 2007, 15:52
Did anybody else have problems with the live timing freezing during the last 20 laps today? I had to keep pressing refresh :s

1st July 2007, 16:08
it worked fine for me

1st July 2007, 16:16
The previous version was faster to navigate, and i too miss the track map links for races.
Also the silly drop down menus in result page are useless if there isn't much options to choose,

ojciec dyrektor
1st July 2007, 16:28
and where is live timing archive now?

1st July 2007, 19:38
The site is awful! F1.com is now confusing and looks quite vulgar.

Poop, I say, poop.

2nd July 2007, 02:43
It looks alright, its a bit better than the old layout i say.

11th July 2007, 06:51
Their top graphic is now changed and it isn't the yesterday's either. Looks better now :)

Valve Bounce
11th July 2007, 06:58
Just use this website for what it has that the others don't - like live timing. If you don't like the layout, there are heaps of others which provide news and related articles. Why complain about this website when it offers what none of the others offer?

11th July 2007, 08:56
Why complain about this website when it offers what none of the others offer?
Because it could be better.

11th July 2007, 09:25
Compared to other racing series websites the official F1 site is poor. Bernie seems unconvinced by the internet in general and until someone convinces him otherwise F1 online is unlikely to improve.

Valve Bounce
11th July 2007, 11:17
Because it could be better.

There are many other websites which will satisfy your needs - just bookmark them and use F1.com for the live timing.

11th July 2007, 11:25
The only thing that's pissing me off about this new layout are the F1advertisements up the top (they should at least be down the side). When I open up a racing site I expect to be able to see the news first... not ads.

11th July 2007, 11:30
There are many other websites which will satisfy your needs - just bookmark them and use F1.com for the live timing.
Do they show the same info
-fastest laps
-pit times/laps
-Q times
-archives of past races

For free?

Link, pretty please! :)

I don't follow the live timing, it ruins my GP watching for reasons best not talk about in a public forum. ;) ;) , nudge nudge

Valve Bounce
11th July 2007, 11:44
Do they show the same info
-fastest laps
-pit times/laps
-Q times
-archives of past races

For free?

Link, pretty please! :)

I don't follow the live timing, it ruins my GP watching for reasons best not talk about in a public forum. ;) ;) , nudge nudge

Look!! use F1.com for live timing, and the myriad of others for news and whatever you want to read.

11th July 2007, 12:15
Not too bad about ads, because among the flashes we can see two interesting chic(k)anes.