View Full Version : Home Sweet Home!

25th June 2007, 00:03
Well after being away for just under two weeks, I managed to arrive back home today and noticed myself grinning all the way :D Everyone who looked at me must have thought I am crazy (they'd probably be right).

However, Ireland aside, it was cold and grey and wet all the way back, quite a difference from the low-mid twenties and sun that I've enjoyed over the last week or so and thought was perfect.

So, no matter that I found myself with my knees around my ears (ooh-er) cos my bag wouldn't fit anywhere else on the plane, or being in the train station rummaging around in my bag for my jacket to try to keep warm, or the grumpy bar steward of a conducter who charged me a whopping £52 :eek: :eek: :bigcry: for the 2.5 hour journey home, or standing in the rain with my bags waiting for my dad to pick me up from the station, I love the feeling of coming back here.

Why is it so? :)

25th June 2007, 00:06
I felt the same way when I came back from uni. Even though I have lost my independence somewhat, haha

25th June 2007, 01:20
Glad to see you got home all right :)

25th June 2007, 01:51
So, the weather turned bad as soon as you arrived...

You must be a jinx ;)

25th June 2007, 12:08
I wish I was at "home" in Australia right now. It's winter there but it's not raining as much as it is here. Stupid stupid rain......

BTW Jamie apparently there is ground frost for Scotland later this week. In case you forgot it's summer.

25th June 2007, 12:14
This summer has been such a disappointment so far, 2006 was far nicer.

Been wanting to have day trips at the weekends etc but haven't been able to for ages because it's just raining, all the time.

At least they won't be moaning about water shortages for a while.

25th June 2007, 12:16
This summer has been such a disappointment so far, 2006 was far nicer.

Been wanting to have day trips at the weekends etc but haven't been able to for ages because it's just raining, all the time.

At least they won't be moaning about water shortages for a while.
Good staying in weather. Most of our weekends lately have consisted of going to Sainsbury's and staying in :mark: Managed to get out to Chester on Saturday but the weather wasn't exactly nice........

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2007, 20:22
Summer here, and I would love to donate a degree or two of heat to stop the frost in Scotland. Southern Ontario is going to be 32 plus with 80 percent humidity. Not fun....