View Full Version : Damn, Nascar is boring !

Claus Hansen
23rd June 2007, 16:49
This is not a basing of Nascar, but just a cry for help !

Beause as and big Montoya fan, i was sad to see him leave F1 last year, but now we got live nascar on danish tv...

Cool, i though, sunday evening in front of the tv, seeing my favorit driver racing, but am sorry to say, i am so, so, so bored !!!

So guys, where is the apeal, because i dont see it, the races are way to long i think as and start, we even got the live tc feed from the us, but the comentary is turning me off too... The commentater at the start of the race, saying that, boogie... or what ever, is the most fun, because it sounds so silly !

Any help ???

23rd June 2007, 17:13
great thread topic, your not going to get to many happy people,

I don't go into the F1 forum and say damn this racing sucks :rolleyes:

23rd June 2007, 17:19
Since Montoya is mostly at around #20-#30 for most of the time, I can understand that from that point of view it must look pretty boring. Try to focus on the big guys, who's out in front, who wnis races etc and you'll get a different perspective.

Generally I'm always amazed how much people seem to focus on certain drivers instead on the actual outcome of a race.

BTW, F1 isn't that exciting either, is it. Best car wins, no matter who's behind the wheel. Seven races so far and it's obvious that it's gonna come down to either Alonso or Hamilton. Sure, it has some heat to it. But it'd be much more interesting if there were 4 or even 6 guys in line for the championship, wouldn't it? And NASCAR offers just that, and so does the IRL BTW.

This weekend however Montoya might look good; Sonoma is one of two events on a non-oval track on the Cup-schedule.

23rd June 2007, 17:30
If you don't like it, DON'T watch it !
And DON'T come here starting sh!t about it ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

muggle not
23rd June 2007, 17:35
komahawk pretty much hit it on the nose. If you spend all your time watching JPM the race will be boring. Try watching the guys up front who know how to get around a track.

23rd June 2007, 18:02
You also need to have a little scorecard because strategy is frequent, and one feature I have noticed new fans should learn is how to detect radio reports because the open-airwaves policy also allows for breakdowns of what teams do.

The emotion on pit road is also very emotional at times, and often, drivers have to pump their downtrodden crews. Pit lane in NASCAR is probably one of the dangerous, but most spectacular places in motorsport.

Today's NASCAR pit crews usually are not the mechanics that work on the car. Today's pit crews are top-level athletes designed to do a 13-second pit stop. Imagine bringing hammer throw aces on the jack, and class weightlifter on the fuel, and bringing handballers changing tyres.

23rd June 2007, 19:23
get hold of NASCAR Racing 2003 game on PC - get a decent wheels and start to play.
It's a good way to see just what goes in to these races.
It really is the purest form of high speed racing - especially when there is more than one racing line around the turns.
I like road racing too, but that suffers from the poor design of the tracks which for the most part prohibit passing.
Many do say ovals are dull - but these drivers really are on the edge of adhesion - they are just a nudge from going into a wall.
There are many cars generally pretty close to each other at speeds other tracks can only dream of.
The races are long to ensure the right car generally wins - the one that overcomes all that is thrown at it. Not just because the others can't find a way past.
Horses for courses my friend.
Get that game, play for a while with the opposition on at least 97 per cent skill and then come back and say it's all too easy.
:p :

Claus Hansen
23rd June 2007, 23:00
First of all. yes the topic thread is mabye a bit of the line... Sorry dudes... Though you could handle it !!!

RaceFanStan - Your right, but im 200 % not taking **** about nascar, just asking for advices, for better understandness of races... Remember a touring race in europe last for 1 hour ( DTM ) In denmark a touring car races last for 15 - 18 minuts !

I seem's to remeber Dale Jnr. saying Autosport at some races, that they were just driving around for the finish...

24th June 2007, 00:57
Yeah, NASCAR races tend to be long and boring. Even when you have about 3 or 4 different drivers you root for, there are still races when they are all struggling. I rarely watch an entire race, start to finish. (Meanwhile I actually record F1 & MotoGP race & watch the whole thing even when I already know who won)

However, it is very good racing at times, and hopefully JPM & Ganassi can continue to improve & we can see Jaun up front. That will be exciting.

24th June 2007, 12:13

Just because you have a short attention span, don't diss' the sport.

Shorter races are obviously more in keeping with your needs, so perhaps you need to stick to that.

I think baseball is the dullest game I've seen, but I wouldn't go onto a baseball site and tell them their sport is boring. It just isn't interesting to me, so I move on...

Why people feel the need to tell others something is boring is beyond me...

24th June 2007, 14:25
Also, if you find it too long, watch a few Busch series races to acclimatize yourself to it. they generally tend to be half the length and often feature montoya

Lee Roy
24th June 2007, 14:42
Klaus, try to learn a little bit about what you're calling boring before you do it. You won't look so stupid.

24th June 2007, 19:07
...Why people feel the need to tell others something is boring is beyond me...
I think they are looking for an argument & trolling for trouble. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

24th June 2007, 21:01
I think baseball is the dullest game I've seen, but I wouldn't go onto a baseball site and tell them their sport is boring. It just isn't interesting to me, so I move on...

Why people feel the need to tell others something is boring is beyond me...

It's a game of strategy, you gotta know what to look for. :)

I couldn't imagine life without it.

Rapier Racer
24th June 2007, 21:08
Oh I love nothing more on a Sunday evening to sit down for hours with a supply of coke and watch some exciting racing 43 cars within inches of each other mmmm yes, I disagree about it being boring if you focus on one driver I really focus on/root for Kyle every week and when he takes a turn slightly wrong and the back of that 5 starts sliding around I'm off my seat lol Then again if Kyle gets wrecked, after my tantrum if it was another drivers fault, I admit interest fades a little the race stays on so I can see who wins and also if wrecker gets wrecked.

As for these road courses I wish NASCAR would drop them I like my ovals please :)

24th June 2007, 21:59
Oh I love nothing more on a Sunday evening to sit down for hours with a supply of coke and watch some exciting racing 43 cars within inches of each other mmmm yes, I disagree about it being boring if you focus on one driver I really focus on/root for Kyle every week and when he takes a turn slightly wrong and the back of that 5 starts sliding around I'm off my seat lol Then again if Kyle gets wrecked, after my tantrum if it was another drivers fault, I admit interest fades a little the race stays on so I can see who wins and also if wrecker gets wrecked.

As for these road courses I wish NASCAR would drop them I like my ovals please :)

You're a sad sad person. :-)

race aficionado
25th June 2007, 15:11
Nascar boring??????

Yesterday's race was a race to be rememberd.
It is great to see those clumsy looking cars slicing and dicing through a road race, going left, going right, braking, accelerating - passing!!!!!!!!-

No matter what the neigh sayers want to come with, it is a fact that yesterday's race was a treat and a very good thing for NASCAR.

we saw ourselves some good o' racin!

I want MORE! please.

:s mokin:

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2007, 20:36
NASCAR is an acquired taste, just like beer is an acquired taste. The first time you aint sure about this, and you cant understand the mass appeal, and after a taste or two more, you are hooked. I personally think 3 or 4 roadcourse races would be better, because I always enjoy the way the regulars have to adapt to this turning right stuff. NASCAR is what it is, and when you see 150000 people plus or more for every event on race day, you realize there has to be something to it. It is the most competitive series in the world, and it is the only one that I have seen that can make stars out of guys who may not win a race for 4 years. It is what it is, and once you understand the nuances and accept that the championship is as much a goal as a win, you can understand much of what happens. It is not the only racing I watch, but it is the one I seem to keep up to the easiest....