View Full Version : why I love rallying

22nd June 2007, 20:09






feel free to add anymore :D

22nd June 2007, 21:31
No need to add anything :D

I especially liked the Escort. First you hear the sound, then you see the car :up: Gotta love it.

22nd June 2007, 22:36
aye its such an amazing sound, just makes the hairs on my neck stand on end, where ever I hear it! :D :D :D

22nd June 2007, 23:01
Thanks.. hadnt seen the last one.. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xM9NQI79Rxo&NR=1

What a machine.. Im going to be in distraught when that gets banned!

24th June 2007, 16:06
I think everyone who enjoys rallying will be. I over hear loads of people at the somerset stages say that they only go to see that machine

24th June 2007, 16:31
I think everyone who enjoys rallying will be. I over hear loads of people at the somerset stages say that they only go to see that machine

The car and driver combo are the biggest draw in British National Rallying, if you've never seen or heard it live, you've never lived, absolutely awesome machine. The MSA should be hung,drawn and quartered for banning machines like that.

25th June 2007, 08:48
I havent even seen the clips and I can tell you're talking about Andy Burton and his pug...

It really is a crowd puller. I think, if it is banned, events will see a massive downturn in the number of spectators, and there could well be a number of organisers petitioning the MSA.

Personally, I just hope they don't ban it.

25th June 2007, 10:24
why do they want to ban it?

306 Cosworth
25th June 2007, 13:01
My username says it all ;)
Every rally i've been to this year Mr Burton has been there, and every single time it just leaves you thinking 'wow' there's no other car that makes me tingle every time I hear it echoing through the forest towards me, it's phenomenal!

Here's 2 of my videos of him :D
Somerset Stages 2007 - 1st Overall for the 7th time on this event!

Just over a month later another win on the Severn Valley

Also you can't beat the historics!

29th June 2007, 16:38
Ive been watching some vids o groups B's, they are the best of the best, and I too youg to know, but why did they struggled so much with U-turns sometimes??

like in this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtoXaLNi3zk

some of them did quite well but also other did terribly whys that?

306 Cosworth
2nd July 2007, 18:00
When you see Group B cars around hairpins on tarmac it looks like they didn't have handbrakes :s

2nd July 2007, 19:00
Ive been watching some vids o groups B's, they are the best of the best, and I too youg to know, but why did they struggled so much with U-turns sometimes??

like in this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtoXaLNi3zk

some of them did quite well but also other did terribly whys that?

Kind of a mystery yes, buy given the fact that they're so powerfull, I guess it was hard to control the car after they put it on handbrake. I also think it wasn't the fastest and safest way for a Group B car to use handbrakes in some corners.

Then again and believe me, I've seen some videos were it proves the opposite :up:

2nd July 2007, 19:28
Kind of a mystery yes, buy given the fact that they're so powerfull, I guess it was hard to control the car after they put it on handbrake. I also think it wasn't the fastest and safest way for a Group B car to use handbrakes in some corners.

Then again and believe me, I've seen some videos were it proves the opposite :up:

Yes I know, sometimes it totally looks the oposite being very agile, but some times good god, an astra could do it better LOL

3rd July 2007, 00:24
Ive always been under the impression that the root od the problem was the locked center differentials that caused massive understeer, and the inside wheel on the hairpins caused the car to push to the outside of the turn under throttle.

Dunno though really, never actually drove one. :)

3rd July 2007, 03:58
Ive always been under the impression that the root od the problem was the locked center differentials that caused massive understeer, and the inside wheel on the hairpins caused the car to push to the outside of the turn under throttle.

Dunno though really, never actually drove one. :)

I believe that the first part of that is true. it's the same as any 4wd car that doesn't have a centre diff capible spliting the drive between the front and rear. such as the diffs in the group b cars which were pretty primitve compared to todays.

So if you lock the rear wheels with the handbrake, you stop the front wheels turning too

Never heard of it having any effect on the front diff, so i don't know if it effected the inside wheel. but then, i'm no expert either.

3rd July 2007, 08:26
Going back to Burton's car, it's the closest we now have to Group B, but a lot safer, spaceframe chassis, passed all the FIA safety checks. And the MSA want to ban cars like that, idiots.

3rd July 2007, 09:21
Going back to Burton's car, it's the closest we now have to Group B, but a lot safer, spaceframe chassis, passed all the FIA safety checks. And the MSA want to ban cars like that, idiots.
I'm curious, under what regulations Burton's car falls? Is it some national group?

cut the b.s.
3rd July 2007, 10:13
Going back to Burton's car, it's the closest we now have to Group B, but a lot safer, spaceframe chassis, passed all the FIA safety checks. And the MSA want to ban cars like that, idiots.

Will other countries welcome his car? Britains loss could be someone elses gain!!

3rd July 2007, 10:42
I'm sure there are others on here who know more, but there were rumours that he would do Hillclimbs with it, if cars like his are banned. MSA would prefer Production cars, I still think everything is up in the air at the moment. Interestingly, McRae's new car needs to pass this possible new rule.

3rd July 2007, 14:27
Will other countries welcome his car? Britains loss could be someone elses gain!!

Would be a warm welcome in the Netherlands. We have several British drivers already driving here, so he wouldn't be the first one. Would love to see this car in action sometime :up:

3rd July 2007, 19:55
thanks for your answers RallyCat909 and anstis

cut the b.s.
4th July 2007, 09:44
Would be a warm welcome in the Netherlands. We have several British drivers already driving here, so he wouldn't be the first one. Would love to see this car in action sometime :up:

It really is an incredible car by any standard, have seen it in action twice, if it comes that he cannot use it any more i will try my best for 1 more fix :-)