View Full Version : Alonso divorcing McLaren?

19th June 2007, 22:09
According to two reputable newspapers, the Italian "Gazzetta dello Sport" and the Spanish "La Marca" the relationship between Alonso and McLAren continues deteriorating. According to the Italian newspaper, today there was a huge argument between Alonso and RD. Alonso screaming how unhappy he is at McLaren and Ron yelling back that he will never be sold to ferrari. According to Antomio Lobado, Spanish journalist very close to Alonso, instead Alonso is on the brink to break up with McLaren. Can you imagine Alonso leaving McLAren in the middle of the season?
Was Prost right when predicting that if you allow the two major drivers to have access to each other set ups and etc., you are pretty much creating a very explosive mix that's going to blow to your face? I personally don't think Alonso is going anywhere, at least for this season but...boy it must be horrible having two manage two "prima donnas". Poor Ron.

donKey jote
19th June 2007, 22:22
Marca is a reputable as my big toe, and Antonio Lobato is a donkey :p :

So Lobato reckons Alonso won't sit out his contract with McLaren

Bit early for the silly season methinks :dozey:

19th June 2007, 22:26
He said he wanted a new challenge when he left Renault.. well he's got one now in Lewis. Alonso should stop whinging and get on with it. We're only 7 races in to the season, so lots can happen yet.

I'm a McLaren fan by the way.

N. Jones
19th June 2007, 22:30
Wow, what a nightmare....

I think the silly season is ready to get going. It all started with Heidfeld-Toyota, and Ralf rumors.

Planet-F1 had an interesting idea - maybe a transfer - Kimi back to McLaren where he understands how things work and is comfortable with while Alonso goes to Ferrari where he can be treated like the #1 driver he believes he deserves since he is the defending and two-time champ.

19th June 2007, 22:39
He said he wanted a new challenge when he left Renault.. well he's got one now in Lewis.

See, when he said that he was looking for a new challenge was: "I am looking for a new challenge but....I don't want anybody to make my life difficult while I am busy with my challenge" ;)

19th June 2007, 22:40
Wow, what a nightmare....

I think the silly season is ready to get going. It all started with Heidfeld-Toyota, and Ralf rumors.

Planet-F1 had an interesting idea - maybe a transfer - Kimi back to McLaren where he understands how things work and is comfortable with while Alonso goes to Ferrari where he can be treated like the #1 driver he believes he deserves since he is the defending and two-time champ.

I agree with the above,

I think there is nothing wrong with LH outpacing FA, if FA was a twice world champion so be it, he wanted more money + new challenge and here comes,
FA hasnt got that mentality of a true champion yet & probably he should change his attitude for the better or take up the ferrari role where like MS,his team-mate will be asked not to race with him,

this is completely absurd.
end of the day, under pressure FA cracks up but even of FA keep beating LH,i do not think LH will crack, would he? well he is not that kind of chap.

may i say this is all to do with jealousy towards LH's superior performance??

FA need to growup though!!! everytime FA produces a challenge LH beating him right on the track.

19th June 2007, 22:49
Only an idiot would voluntarily vacate the fastest car on the grid. Either he really has temper tantrums, or his discussion with Ron was blown up out of proportion.

...Planet-F1 had an interesting idea - maybe a transfer - Kimi back to McLaren where he understands how things work and is comfortable with while Alonso goes to Ferrari where he can be treated like the #1 driver he believes he deserves since he is the defending and two-time champ.

At this point I believe that Ron Dennis wants Alonso in that seat and no one else. I also believe Ferrari is quite happy with Massa (plus managed by Todt's son and supported by Schumacher), so there's no way Alonso would be treated like the #1 driver if he went there.

19th June 2007, 23:02
Only an idiot would voluntarily vacate the fastest car on the grid. Either he really has temper tantrums, or his discussion with Ron was blown up out of proportion.

At this point I believe that Ron Dennis wants Alonso in that seat and no one else. I also believe Ferrari is quite happy with Massa (plus managed by Todt's son and supported by Schumacher), so there's no way Alonso would be treated like the #1 driver if he went there.

The only reason why I like Lewis, again the ONLY reason, is that he is young and he brings in some new air. Actually how about this as a rule: "Like for the presidential elections in the US, a pilot can be driving in F1 for only four years, after which he retires". This way we get rid of the old same faces and of the old same problems. :) :) :) :) :)

19th June 2007, 23:03
Whatever is going on, at the end the only looser in this fight will be Mclaren. If this fight continue, everything else stays the same, the tensions will grow up which will lead to the deseaster of the team loosing the manufacturer championship.

Ferrari should benefit on this Alonso and Hamilton fight.

I don't see these boys in the same team next year. So who RD would prefer to stay than other?

Alonso is the best and reference out there, the rockie is a phenomena (helped by the data from Alonso and plus luck), so whoever is moving next year will get more and more millions of $$$$$$ and Mclaren will regret about their policy and it will not be the first time they will face the same problem.

19th June 2007, 23:13
Only an idiot would voluntarily vacate the fastest car on the grid. Either he really has temper tantrums, or his discussion with Ron was blown up out of proportion.

At this point I believe that Ron Dennis wants Alonso in that seat and no one else. I also believe Ferrari is quite happy with Massa (plus managed by Todt's son and supported by Schumacher), so there's no way Alonso would be treated like the #1 driver if he went there.

I like Massa but we should agree that he is helped by the poor performance of Kimmi.

Alonso one day said that he can't drive for Ferrari unless he has changed his mimd. Maybe he may back to Renault where he will be welcome and get back his seat or he may swicth to BMW if they can maintain they performance till the end of the season.

Ian McC
19th June 2007, 23:44
Just remember this is the press we are talking about here :rolleyes:

20th June 2007, 00:41
The only reason why I like Lewis, again the ONLY reason, is that he is young and he brings in some new air. Actually how about this as a rule: "Like for the presidential elections in the US, a pilot can be driving in F1 for only four years, after which he retires". This way we get rid of the old same faces and of the old same problems.

Apologies, I just have to pluck this particular comment from the ether. ;) To me it sounds like little more than typical 'internet message board' level fantasizing (not unlike that car swap idea that was floated a couple of seasons ago, which implicated Schumacher in a Minardi, and which I cannot utterly believe even made it so far as the drawing board). But then, were that actually precisely the effect that was intended, and nothing more, then by all means my apologies.

What I mean to say is, you'd have the sport's prospective Mika Hakkinen-style "late bloomers" really sweating with that kind of rule hanging above their heads, wouldn't you? I'm sure that for as long as F1 really did continue to have clout as the 'top level of motorsport', then few of them would leg it to become rally drivers or something, but that accepted, even from an exclusively fan-oriented point of view, I'd much rather see the slightly more natural order of some drivers flickering in and out of the sport, others who soldier on Riccardo Patrese-style for season after season... and so on.

Well, fine, so that's a very personal view. Then again, actually, what with drivers like Raikkonen and Alonso now often professing to simply want to get in and out of the sport fast, having been successful and still young, before moving on to later stages of their lives, before too long the idea of any such rule may not eventually seem so outlandish. :p We'll see. It'll definitely show what I know, I suppose, if it is ever realised.

Erm, but concerning the 'divorce' thing... personally I'd like to see at least two season's continuity in one team out of the kind of driving personnel McLaren are enjoying right now - to me even if it still doesn't look like either driver has complete ownership of the team's affections right now, obviously Alonso would have to be the most likely to defect. The situation could just change week by week, though...

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 01:20
First of all, I find these unsubstantiated reports difficult to believe; but if they are true, this is what I foresee:
1. Ron Dennis will not sell Alonso to Ferrari, and I can't see Ferrari wanting to buy into a potential team squabble which would unhinge their own team's performance.
2. He might sell Alonso to Toyota to replace Ralfie or trade him for Nick Heidfeld
3. A number of drivers would be able to win if given the chance to take over Alonso's car :- Nick Heidfeld, Mark Webber, Takuma Sato, and Sutil are just 4 that come to mind, (No! Bunsen is tied to Honda)

At the end of the day, if Alonso's reported tantrums are true, this will greatly affect his performance and he will not be able to win the championship with that kind of attitude (not that I believe these reported tantrums anyway) :rolleyes:

20th June 2007, 01:58
Some things about it:

1.- Marca is not a reliable source. In fact, they tend to "create" news from the void, like Seat entering F1 with an all-Spanish lineup. I´m even more reliable than Marca! And in Spain, we have an army of Alonso-Maniacs who will believe everything Marca says.

2.- Antonio Lobato could be a good commentator if he weren´t an Alonso-Maniac. And the army of Alonso-Maniacs believe everything Lobato says.

3.- If there has been a Ferrari-basher, ít´s Alonso. He has said things like Ferrari cheats, Ferrari and the FIA are the same, the FIA helps Ferrari to cheat, I´m being unfairly punished by the FIA to favor Ferrari, and so on... Could he go to Ferrari? I´d like to see that, because Alonso would have to swallow everything he said before.

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 02:26
Yeah!! now I remember the "holding Massa up during quals" episode. I really cannot see Ferrari wanting to break up their current lineup for a potential troublesome pairing. I mean, Massa wants to win also.

20th June 2007, 02:37
;) You shouldn't pay too much attention to the press.

Especially with that type of article which.. belongs in a National Inquirer type of rag !!!

:dozey: Alonso may be unhappy... but nothing that has happened so far... warrants that type of reaction !!!

N. Jones
20th June 2007, 02:58
Jean Todt has always been a Kimi fan so I doubt he would let the Iceman go.
I don't think Ron would let FA go but who knows?
I agree that FA just needs to deal with his new found challenge!

20th June 2007, 03:08
;) You shouldn't pay too much attention to the press.

Especially with that type of article which.. belongs in a National Inquirer type of rag !!!

:dozey: Alonso may be unhappy... but nothing that has happened so far... warrants that type of reaction !!!

I agree with you but we have to realize that these people are pilots but also consider themselfs like movie stars. Their ego needs to continously be fed with attention. In addtition to that, we have to consider this situation from a commercial point of view. As we can see with LH, being at the center of the media attention also means to get lucrative contracts with different sponsors. And let's face it, it's not like RD is famously known for paying his drivers top dollars....ooops...sorry.....euros. :)

20th June 2007, 06:11
Wow, what a nightmare....

I think the silly season is ready to get going. It all started with Heidfeld-Toyota, and Ralf rumors.

Planet-F1 had an interesting idea - maybe a transfer - Kimi back to McLaren where he understands how things work and is comfortable with while Alonso goes to Ferrari where he can be treated like the #1 driver he believes he deserves since he is the defending and two-time champ.

oo that would be cool! I still like Raikkonen.. I feel sorry for him tho.. him and Ron are still friends so u never know as unlikely as it does sound lol

20th June 2007, 06:30
There's no doubt that Alonso is not happy for the equal treatment as Lewis is getting by Mac Laren, and he might want to leave, but Ferrari won't sign him, not until Todt is there...

20th June 2007, 06:51
Maybe he thinks he can do what Button did (then didn't) do. Maybe he plans to buy his contract out? Perhaps he thinks that disposing of Massa and taking over as number 1 will be an easy task???

20th June 2007, 07:07
Here's the interview (italian) where Todt says : No Alonso as long I am at Ferrari...


20th June 2007, 07:32
I doubt Alonso will stay with McLaren for the full length of his contract but the claims he would leave mid season are ridiculous. Where would he go? Spyker? I doubt it!

Dave B
20th June 2007, 07:44
I would suggest that these articles are about as accurate as Mystic Meg :rolleyes:

20th June 2007, 07:59
Alonso isn't happy at McLaren...hmm...nothing makes unhappy worse than having hemorrhoid :\

20th June 2007, 08:11
Ferrari didn't like Alonso might be true, as Alonso has ever said he will never drive for Ferrari. Seems he had a not too good relationship with people at the Ferrari. He shouldn't say anything about disliking a team, because driver is not more than employee who is seeking the better place to driving.

However, when they have chance on intensive talks in situation that Ferrari has no better driver than Alonso and at the same time he feels unhappy at the current team, someday they could be melted and ready for working together, nothing wrong with justifying opinion they have made in the past.

Btw, what about going back to former team?

20th June 2007, 08:28
Ferrari didn't like Alonso might be true, as Alonso has ever said he will never drive for Ferrari. Seems he had a not too good relationship with people at the Ferrari. He shouldn't say anything about disliking a team, because driver is not more than employee who is seeking the better place to driving.

However, when they have chance on intensive talks in situation that Ferrari has no better driver than Alonso and at the same time he feels unhappy at the current team, someday they could be melted and ready for working together, nothing wrong with justifying opinion they have made in the past.

Btw, what about going back to former team?

Going back to former team?! I would wish to see this happening really. They guys there are missing him like the guys in Ferrari are missing Schumacher.

Renault is trying their best to come on top, with Alonso they may form a best combo for 2008.

20th June 2007, 08:31
According to two reputable newspapers, the Italian "Gazzetta dello Sport" and the Spanish "La Marca" the relationship between Alonso and McLAren continues deteriorating.
Ah well, they need something to fill an empty page :rolleyes:

20th June 2007, 08:42
Going back to former team?! I would wish to see this happening really. They guys there are missing him like the guys in Ferrari are missing Schumacher.

Renault is trying their best to come on top, with Alonso they may form a best combo for 2008.

Isn't it an embarrassment going back to the old place, was there any driver doing that before with such chronology as Alonso.?

20th June 2007, 09:52
Here's the interview (italian) where Todt says : No Alonso as long I am at Ferrari...


And I doubt that Ross Brawn will love him either when he comes back!

And thanks to pino for posting the link, because there was another thing that caught my attention in that article, something that I was not aware of till now:

"Non lo so, ma Michael avrebbe corso da protagonista, come ha fatto sino all'ultima gara. Però abbiamo due piloti molto bravi. Schumi ha scelto di chiudere e l'abbiamo rispettato. Avesse voluto continuare per altri 3 anni, li avrebbe fatti. Ha deciso di dire basta al Nürburgring (maggio 2006, n.d.r.), ma l'abbiamo annunciato a Monza".

Basically he says that MS decided to quit at Nürburgring (May 2006), but they only announced it at Monza.

Maybe you were all aware of this but for me it's new.

20th June 2007, 10:11
Marca is a reputable as my big toe, and Antonio Lobato is a donkey :p :

JAJAJAJAJAJ!!!!!, It´s perfect!!!!. All the people who heard this "journalist" only one time knows that his opinion is not valid.
One recommendation to all f1 supporters in the world: If any time see a f1 GP in spain and Mr. Lobato makes the commentaries please swicht off the sound!!!.

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 10:11
Alonso isn't happy at McLaren...hmm...nothing makes unhappy worse than having hemorrhoid :\

I don't know about that. If you had the whatsits on your donga, that could be worse. :eek:

20th June 2007, 11:48
I cant believe I just wasted a part of my life by reading this ****. :rolleyes:

it belongs right up there with "double decker bus found on Moon".

Garry Walker
20th June 2007, 11:54
There's no doubt that Alonso is not happy for the equal treatment as Lewis is getting by Mac Laren, and he might want to leave, but Ferrari won't sign him, not until Todt is there...

Ferrari already has 2 drivers at least as fast as Alonso and far more mature than him. I`d find it very hard, if not to say impossible, to even like Ferrari if Alonso started driving for them. But he wont :)

Alonso would be acting like a crybaby if he really did end up leaving McLaren, just because he is having problems trying to match Hamilton. Besides, why would he want to leave the clearly best car on the grid, with the most resources?

20th June 2007, 12:00
Ferrari already has 2 drivers at least as Alonso

I can see where you got the mature bit from. What makes you think they're at least as fast as Alonso?

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 12:03
I cant believe I just wasted a part of my life by reading this ****. :rolleyes:

it belongs right up there with "double decker bus found on Moon".


Garry Walker
20th June 2007, 12:06
What makes you think they're at least as fast as Alonso?

They arent getting beaten by a rookie teammate. Besides, its just my view point. Alonso has never really shone with his speed. Both years he took the title, there was a driver out there quicker than him (Kimi and Alonso).

20th June 2007, 12:08

sorry, it was a WWII bomber. The double decker was found frozen in Ice.

its all true I tell yer. swear on my hampsters grave (Freddie Star ate it)


20th June 2007, 12:31
Whatever the case is, then most probably Alonso will be driving for McLaren next year too.

It's also interesting that whoever loses in that team-mate battle, that one rues team orders. And so do the fans. Remember Australian, Malaysian and Monaco GP's and how people around forums were speculating that LH is "helping FA to win the title".

Maybe we should end unproven scepticism and enjoy racing between the two greats. And may the best one win! :up:

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 13:02
Whatever the case is, then most probably Alonso will be driving for McLaren next year too.

It's also interesting that whoever loses in that team-mate battle, that one rues team orders. And so do the fans. Remember Australian, Malaysian and Monaco GP's and how people around forums were speculating that LH is "helping FA to win the title".

Maybe we should end unproven scepticism and enjoy racing between the two greats. And may the best one win! :up:

Good post :up:

20th June 2007, 13:28
They arent getting beaten by a rookie teammate. Besides, its just my view point. Alonso has never really shone with his speed. Both years he took the title, there was a driver out there quicker than him (Kimi and Alonso).

You mean Kimi and Michael! ;)

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 14:23
..............and bunsen?? :p :

N. Jones
20th June 2007, 15:53
I would suggest that these articles are about as accurate as Mystic Meg :rolleyes:

I agree but with all of the media hype that 2007 was going to be the Great Kimi And Alonso Battle For The Championship and the subsequent failure of that happening has shifted the press' focus (and our focus as fans) on the hows and whys this battle didn't take place.

It is now shifting to rumors of Major Shakeups At McLaren & Ferrari!!

So the best thing to do is don't believe the gossip rags until something truly happens.

Rusty Spanner
20th June 2007, 16:19
Alonso isn't going anywhere. He hates to loose - especially to a team mate - but he's not going anywhere. This is all just part of the ever more hyperbolic media reaction to Hamilton.

With a little bit of time things will settle down as Hamiltons true status in F1 is establisted. At the moment he's just a rookie who no matter how sensational is not perceived as a worthy opponent for a double world champion to loose to. By the end of the year Hamilton will be accepted as up there with the best in F1. This will ease the pressure on Alonso (although not the pressure he puts on himself) and hopefully stop the media from looking for ways to undermine him and looking for ways to twist every comment he makes.

PS: Kimi and his management burnt too many bridges when they left McLaren to make a return in the short term. Some of the reasons why he's struggling at Ferrari are the very same things that created friction between him and McLaren.

20th June 2007, 19:14
[quote="mstillhere"]According to two reputable newspapers, the Italian "Gazzetta dello Sport" and the Spanish "La Marca" the relationship between Alonso and McLAren continues deteriorating. . According to Antomio Lobado, Spanish journalist very close to Alonso, instead Alonso is on the brink to break up with McLaren.

Ha, ha,ha. A thread made on Marca and Lobato's quotes. Please, stop it or this forum will loose his reputation.

Ask something to Marca and Lobato about Formula 1 before 2003 and they will reply that Formula 1 didn't exist before 2003.

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 22:44
I agree but with all of the media hype that 2007 was going to be the Great Kimi And Alonso Battle For The Championship and the subsequent failure of that happening has shifted the press' focus (and our focus as fans) on the hows and whys this battle didn't take place.

It is now shifting to rumors of Major Shakeups At McLaren & Ferrari!!

So the best thing to do is don't believe the gossip rags until something truly happens.

Yeah!! not until we find it in The Bild. :p :

21st June 2007, 04:46
I think that our Spanish speaking friends are going to be busy e-mailing the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport as well, in the attempt to make them realize how bad the quality of the news published on La Marca is. It looks like that the Italian sports newpaper is running an article (http://www.gazzetta.it/Motori/Formula1/Primo_Piano/2007/06_Giugno/19/alonso.shtml) on the story published on La Marca (Spanish newpaper) and discussed here by us for some time now. I guess this story is too jucy to let it die, regardeless of the poor quality of the news published by La Marca as pointed out earlier by some of this chat room members.
PS Yeah, I know, I am shameless not to mention the ego :)