View Full Version : Kyle Petty, the TRUTH would be nice ...

13th June 2007, 13:17
Kyle Petty is back in the announcer's slot @ Michigan ...
Kyle Petty is expected to miss the next 3 races ...
John Andretti will drive the #45 Petty Enterprises Dodge ...
That is 2 races in a row that Kyle Petty is out of the car ...
I suspect Kyle Petty has a health issue or has had surgery ...
IMO Kyle Petty is either ill or recovering from an illness ...
NO racecar driver will get out of his car to be an annnouncer unless he just can't physically drive ...
Kyle Petty can say he loves being an annnouncer ...
However Kyle Petty needs to confess why he is really out of his car ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif


13th June 2007, 13:42
Kyle is out of the car to be an announcer simple as that. He knows that he will be retiring within the next season or two and is out of the car for two reasons. 1) To evaluate new drivers for the #45 car, no question that is why Chad McCumbee was in the car at Pocono and 2) for Kyles own future. The chance to be an announcer doesn't come up very often and looking at the drivers who soon will retire - in particular DJ and Mikey - Kyle probably felt it was important to get in first.
I thought Kyle did a reasonable job for his first race. I really enjoyed the feature with David Pearson in the pre-race. Kyle has a great knowledge of the history of this sport and I think he will do a great job.

13th June 2007, 14:02
I think that the commentating from the car thing is bs. It shows the lack of desire that the petty organization has towards winning.

13th June 2007, 14:17
When we were in Charlotte city centre for the festival before the 600 he said on stage then that he is taking a break from driving and doing some TV. When I was in the press confertence after the race, he was saying then that he was looking forward to getting out of the car for a while. No one there quizzed him about his health and he seemed okay to everyone there. Unless the US media don't like to ask about these things. Or perhaps they all know something and it's an open secret in the pitlane, but I heard nothing.
Hope he's fine - seems like a nice guy. Genuine, which is a change.

14th June 2007, 01:27
Why think that he has problems or issues? He is getting older & he isn't competitive anymore. When presented with a great new broadcasting job, he wisely took it.

14th June 2007, 01:52
Sure, it makes sense for Kyle Petty to get out of the racecar & do some announcing .....
It's not like Kyle Petty has a chance of ever winning another race .....
Yeah, Kyle Petty needs to hang-up his driving gloves & grab a microphone. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

14th June 2007, 03:13
It's not like Kyle Petty has a chance of ever winning another race .....
Yeah, Kyle Petty needs to hang-up his driving gloves & grab a microphone.

Stan spoke an I agreed. These are the latter days people! It's time to get right with the lord!

14th June 2007, 03:35
Kyle Petty is 47 years old and he has a firm grip on the reality of the situation. He's great in the booth. I hope he gets a long term contract behind the mic. It fits him well and softens the Weber blow. ;)

15th June 2007, 19:05
This has been planned for a while. I believe Chad was only scheduled to run one race and John about four in the #45 car.

They probably should give Chad a few more chances in the ride and Michigan would have been a perfect spot to do so with how wide the track is and the trucks being the companion event this weekend.

16th June 2007, 06:15
Even in his interviews,he has not impressed me,meaning I dont think he has natural talent to call a race,but then again same with Crusty,but he has gotten better with each race.

Hoss Ghoul
16th June 2007, 07:00
Rusty Wallace and Dale Jarrett are pretty weak, IMO. Kyle Petty was OK, at least he sounded halfway intelligent and didn't say "uh" every other word like DJ does.

I think part of the problem with these guys is there's just not a lot of chemistry in the booth. Even though DW and the Fox gang are a bit juvenile at times, they also tell great stories and are much better at building drama when appropriate at the end of a race.

BTW, I doubt KP is sick in any way, pretty big reach there.

16th June 2007, 08:24
Maybe TNT are paying him more to commentate than he gets to drive...

16th June 2007, 11:03
He hates to drive New Hampshire for obvious reasons so maybe since New Hampshire is one of the TNT races, he decided to take them up on an offer to be in the booth so he wouldn't have to drive that race and at the same time see if he had what it takes to make it as a race commentator once he hangs up his driving gloves.

Galveston dunes
17th June 2007, 23:18
I feel bad for bringing this up but ;IMO since the passing of his son Clifford, I don't feel hes been competitive at all. The team has shown some consistancy with the cars and Bobby's been able to run OK. I really feel for the guy what with his contributions to the communities and his families ties to the sport and all. However maybe he's just showing his maturity and love for the sport by stepping away.
I say congrats, thanks and good luck.

18th June 2007, 17:25
However Kyle Petty needs to confess why he is really out of his car ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

What business is it of ours whats happening to him personally. If he has something going on its up to him if he wants to talk about it and share it.

18th June 2007, 20:34
Clifford was Bobby Allison's son killed in an accident at Michigan in 1992 (a year before Davey's terrible accident). Kyle's son Adam died in a crash at New Hampshire in 2000.
I like Kyle in the booth. He is knowledgable about the sport and the name Petty is a link to NASCAR's past. He's got an impossible task of replacing BP (still expect to hear MacMary every time Jamies on screen!) but has done well so far.

Mark in Oshawa
21st June 2007, 02:42
Stan, I have NO idea where you think Petty is sick. I know many of you agree that no race driver wants to get out of the car, but the point is, Kyle likely would have retired a year or so ago if Adam had not passed. Kyle is only driving because PE was not finacially able to really hire a good driver to replace him, and to go to one car now would be the end of Petty Enterprises. The business model and rules of NASCAR have made one car teams almost impossible, so Kyle has been driving to keep the team going. Now that Robbie Loomis has a handle on making the two Petty teams competitive, or at least not below 35th on the points, he can look to retirement, and with all the old NASCAR drivers out there, he cannot get into that booth fast enough. I like Kyle in the booth, and as he relaxes in the role, the stories will come. There isn't a classier guy in NASCAR and likely none smarter.....

Galveston dunes
22nd June 2007, 01:08
Clifford was Bobby Allison's son killed in an accident at Michigan in 1992 (a year before Davey's terrible accident). Kyle's son Adam died in a crash at New Hampshire in 2000.
I like Kyle in the booth. He is knowledgable about the sport and the name Petty is a link to NASCAR's past. He's got an impossible task of replacing BP (still expect to hear MacMary every time Jamies on screen!) but has done well so far.

Thank you for correcting me. I sometimes get the two confused.

22nd June 2007, 01:22
Sure, it makes sense for Kyle Petty to get out of the racecar & do some announcing .....
It's not like Kyle Petty has a chance of ever winning another race .....
Yeah, Kyle Petty needs to hang-up his driving gloves & grab a microphone. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

Coke 600 ring a bell ;)

he had a good car and was running with the leaders, if the 2-3 cars ran out of fuel (don't remember) Kyle would've been in Victory lane.