View Full Version : Apple offers Safari browser for Windows

13th June 2007, 10:00

I'll be giving it a go when I get home I have to say. Sounds like IE7 with a few differences but we'll see :)

13th June 2007, 10:05


13th June 2007, 11:22
Thanks. Opera has always been my favorite. I'm giving Safari a try, I think its too minimal, but that is how apple aoftware is, to make simple, good thing its not slow like iTunes. I like the smoothing text option though. I make firefox the secondary safe browser, where all images and java is disabled. Although Firefox is really smart, it can detect some website is a counterfeit.

13th June 2007, 12:02
Been using Safari for a couple of days on the PC and apart from a couple of issues with crashing, it works very well and fast.
I have been using a mac for other work and its speed and easy of use seem to be very good - my next PC may be a MAC!

Only major problem is that http://www.wrc.com does not work, but they have a couple of months to sort that out!


13th June 2007, 12:21
Thanks. Opera has always been my favorite. I'm giving Safari a try, I think its too minimal, but that is how apple aoftware is, to make simple, good thing its not slow like iTunes. I like the smoothing text option though. I make firefox the secondary safe browser, where all images and java is disabled. Although Firefox is really smart, it can detect some website is a counterfeit.
IE7 hase been able to detect phishing sites for a long time so Firefox isn't "smart" for doing this. The major problem with Firefox is it's memory useage and that's something I can't tolerate. It's too slow even on fast PC's and then there's the fact that you need to download 10,000 plugins for it to actually start displaying websites properly.

Dave B
14th June 2007, 11:32
Yay! Another browser war thread! :bounce:


PS Firefox sucks, but not as badly as Thunderbird. ;)

14th June 2007, 20:01
Although Firefox is really smart, it can detect some website is a counterfeit.

Two days ago I received an email pointing to a phishing site: IE7 told me immediately it was a phishing site, Firefox let happily use it.

18th June 2007, 15:23
What a pile of junk.

It's unstable, I've been using it for about 15 minutes and it crashed 3 times.

It forces the Apple Mac interface onto you. Well designed programs stick to the default interface of the operating system, because that's what the users are used to. If I wanted fancy aqua stuff I would be using a Mac.

It's incompatible with many of the AJAX functions on these very forums. I had to restart IE in order to move a thread.

18th June 2007, 15:40
Two days ago I received an email pointing to a phishing site: IE7 told me immediately it was a phishing site, Firefox let happily use it.
Something like this I assume? :)


18th June 2007, 15:40
Two days ago I received an email pointing to a phishing site: IE7 told me immediately it was a phishing site, Firefox let happily use it.
Something like this I assume? :) If this feature doesn't work properly in Firefox then Firefox is totally useless for a good chunk of the community as a lot of people can't spot these things as easily as you or I. Plus I don't want to have to have 4gb of memory just to run a frigging web browser :rolleyes:


18th June 2007, 15:45
It should also be pointed out that I uploaded that screencap on the 16th of April 2006 so it's not like Firefox Momemoryhogzilla hasn't had time to get this functionality working properly ;)

Dave B
18th June 2007, 17:29
I hate the way that Firefox is touted by the more ignorant parts of the media as a "safe alternative" to IE.

There's no such thing, and claiming otherwise leads people to drop their guard thinking that precious Firefox will defend them from the evils of the internet.

18th June 2007, 17:55
I hate the way that Firefox is touted by the more ignorant parts of the media as a "safe alternative" to IE.

There's no such thing, and claiming otherwise leads people to drop their guard thinking that precious Firefox will defend them from the evils of the internet.

So true ;) Which leads to people posting on forums about how they use Firefox and how they're so much better off and blah blah blah. I don't just use IE7! I also use my head which is the most important thing when it comes to internet security. Without a brain phishing filters and good security are useless.....