View Full Version : Organs!

Hazell B
13th June 2007, 00:57
C'mon, admit it. You've all had a play with an organ or two .....

A forgetful old man left an organ (the musical type :rolleyes: ) on our shrub sales pitch last weekend so we brought it home for him until he can collect it. I'm half wishing he never bothers as it's caused no end of laughs at my stables each day :p :

It's one of the battery powered electric ones with background music (if you can call it that) available at the touch of a button. So far we've discovered ....

Cats are rubbish at keyboards.
Crows like Wallace & Grommit style music.
I'm tone deaf.
Ponies recognise the sounds of icecream van music and dash to the gate.
Dogs are frightened of even fake lightening sounds :rolleyes:
Busking in fields is fairly pointless, sparrows don't carry cash.
Everyone who calls will spot a keyboard and want to have a go on it. Everyone!

13th June 2007, 03:56
I admit nothing! :D

I've never played with a musical organ, but if you'd meant hearts and brains and lungs, then yes, I have played with those.

13th June 2007, 03:59
I admit nothing! :D

I've never played with a musical organ, but if you'd meant hearts and brains and lungs, then yes, I have played with those.

And therein lies the inherent problem with our health system. To many doctors and nurses... Er.. "Playing" with our organs! :s

13th June 2007, 04:03
"Hmm,, what shall I do today? Go and play with bodyparts, or go and see patients who don't show me the respect and deference I deserve? I should be as a god to those ungrateful sods. Organs it is again... that's the third day this week! Oh well, I am infallible, so it must be the right decision..." :D

oily oaf
13th June 2007, 08:21
I became an organ donor once.
I carted my Yamaha Choon-A-Matic up 3 flights of stairs in The London Hospital until I arrived at the Urology dept.
Imagine my disappointment when instead of greeting me with open arms the ward sister injected me with a liquid cosh before consigning me to spend the rest of my days at The Hotbikerchic Multi Lingual Home For People Who Like Watching "Seahunt" After Their Dinner sponsored by Oatabix.
It seems to me that there's one law for people who selflessly donate their bodily particles in an altruistic bid to save lives and quite another for the criminally insane.
I hope this helps

PS does anyone else know that actor Lloyd Bridges the star of 1970s underwater drama "Seahunt" was born with a badly deformed bowel which forces him to eat through his bottom and go to toilet out of his mouth.
This goes a long way towards explaining that whenever you see him swimming underwater a stream of bubbles can be clearly seen coming from under his face mask.
Especially after a savage night on the Guinness and Lamb Jalfrezi. FACT! :mad:

13th June 2007, 10:36
Cats are rubbish at keyboards.


13th June 2007, 11:30
I admit I'm to blame and I've been able to play greensleeves following the little green and red lights in a Casio pt-82

I'm as good as the cats :)

13th June 2007, 16:16
I can't play any musical instrument if my life depended on it :mark:
Although some evil family member once gave my first rugrat a toy piano... :s

(Poor Lloyd must be a sh!tty kisser :( )

14th June 2007, 03:56
"Hmm,, what shall I do today? Go and play with bodyparts,

Do I even dare ask???

14th June 2007, 03:57
I can't play any musical instrument if my life depended on it :mark:
Although some evil family member once gave my first rugrat a toy piano... :s

(Poor Lloyd must be a sh!tty kisser :( )

I tryed to learn to play the organ once..... it didn't work to well I think I ended up breaking it!

14th June 2007, 06:11
Do I even dare ask???

:s hock: And would I tell you if you did!? I think not! :s hock:

jim mcglinchey
14th June 2007, 14:39
...while we're on the subject, who can forget Dave " massive swelling organ " Greenfield of The Stranglers who has more musical talent in his little finger than the string section and the entire keyboards section of Depeche Mode combined.

"walk on by, doo doo dooodle dooo , ah, walk on by " classic!

14th June 2007, 18:15
My Dad, up until two years ago, was a semi-pro musician. He plays keyboard and acordian and has done so since before I was born. He had several bands over the years, is completely self-taught and can't read music. Imagine his disappointment when he asked me when I was at school if I wanted to learn an instrument and I told him yes, the guitar :eek:

He has tried a couple of times in my younger days to try and teach me basic stuff and I can still play a two-handed 'chopsticks' but that's about it. I wouldn't even try to play with his current keyboard, it has more knobs than an accountants convention :dozey:

Dave B
14th June 2007, 18:27
Grade VIII, me.... :s tareup:

14th June 2007, 20:09
I used to have keyboard lessons when I was a kid... I used to cheat because I couldn't sight read music so I'd write the notes in pencil underneath the night before. :D

14th June 2007, 23:50
I used to play the violin, even though I couldn't read music. During public performances I'd stand away from the music stand so I'd look like a prodigy, remembering all the notes by heart.....

I've still got my violin, but it's a 3/4 size - perfect for me when I was eight but now I'm 20 it's ridiculously small.

16th June 2007, 00:38
When I was a boy I sang in a choir. Then my voice started breaking and I realised playing the guitar was a much better way to meet girls... but anyway, every Sunday at the end of (Latin) mass, Gerry Gillen would let rip on the organ in the Pro-Cathedral, and that was my first exposure to the organ. I remember I used to wonder what Gerry worked at, he seemed like a bank manager or something, but he was a music professor.