View Full Version : The trouble of A Multimillionaire

11th June 2007, 02:39
My uncle, a multimillionaire, spent 3 years built a large villa in my hometown. It’s amazing but not perfect. The problem is the security of the house. The lightening takes place in a high frequency in countryside and the house is so tall that it’s readily to be struck. The solution is to equip a sound lightening arrester. After a careful selection, he bought the Active pre-discharge Lightening Arrester of Shanghai LERDN Lightening Protection Co., Ltd.
lightning (http://www.lerdn.com/English/EN_index.htm) their specialty in this industry and 5 years guarantee set my uncle’s heart at rest. If you have the same trouble, go for detail on
lightning (http://www.lerdn.com/English/EN_index.htm)

11th June 2007, 02:49
Get out.