View Full Version : Fixed penalty driving conviction points dodge??

10th June 2007, 21:22
Hope the mods dont mind me posting this, please delete if this is deemed unsuitable, I merely looking for confirmation that this is false information.

I Saw this on another forum, my initial thoughts are.. load of Balloney !! as you wouldnt get your licence back until the conviction was processed. It went as follows....

"I tried to send this to everyone I know. I know that for a fact is works so if you ever get in this situation, you have an out. We discovered that this procedure works nationwide. Read it and try it. You have nothing to lose but the points on your license.

This is how it works:
If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light or whatever the case may be, and you are going to get points on your licence, then there is a method to ensure that you DO NOT get any points. When you get your fine, send in the cheque to pay for it and if the fine is, for example £30. Then make the cheque out for £31 or some small amount over the fine. The system will then have to send you back a cheque for the difference. But here is the trick; **DO NOT CASH THE REFUND CHEQUE!!! Throw it away!!

Points are not assessed to your licence until all financial transactions are complete. If you do not cash the cheque, then the transactions are NOT complete. However, the system has gotten its money and is happy and will not bother you any more. This information came to our attention from a very reliable computer company that sets up the standard database used by each county's computing system.

Good luck and share this with all your friends and other family members as well!!! "

Your thoughts?

10th June 2007, 21:40
i belive that it s rubbish, although i think it perhaps stemmed from truth, maybe a few years ago it would have worked but if it ever did the loophole is well and truly closed now, as is not signing things, not declaring who was driving etc, in fact some of these things wil get you extra points and fines!

11th June 2007, 09:57
Old wives tail which existed in Australia as well.

11th June 2007, 10:15
This has been going around for years and years and years and years and years. In fact I think my Mum told me this tale when I was 2 :laugh:

11th June 2007, 10:35
Yeah, it's ben around the rumours in Australia, doesn't work as found out by a friend of mine who tried it a couple of years ago.


11th June 2007, 12:15
Quick answer.......


11th June 2007, 12:51
It was was believed to be true in the States as the computer would not procced until everything was finalized.
As with all good ways of beating the system, the people in control find out & remedy the situation.
It wouldn't hurt to try it but don't expect it to work because in time it would be caught. :s

11th June 2007, 19:24
This has been going around for years and years and years and years and years. In fact I think my Mum told me this tale when I was 2 :laugh:

Lol.. 1st I'd heard of it, :D knew it couldnt work though.

Dave B
12th June 2007, 07:18
If you get flashed by a speed camera, simply reverse back through it and it will automatically undo your ticket.

That's true, that is. I read it on the internet.


12th June 2007, 08:46
If you get flashed by a speed camera, simply reverse back through it and it will automatically undo your ticket.

That's true, that is. I read it on the internet.

But you have to reverse at the same speed you passed the camera in the first place. ;) :p :

12th June 2007, 18:02
But you have to reverse at the same speed you passed the camera in the first place. ;) :p :

I can actually imagine a number of people I work with (well in the same building as) actually believing this... :laugh:

Dave B
12th June 2007, 18:10
Send it out as a chain email and see how many people forward it on! :p

13th June 2007, 13:03
did work for a while and was a popular dodge, however the wording of the law was changed and you can now be prosecuted for something else if the police chose to getreally arsey with you...

Was explained away on a program here a few months back. Could even have been Top Gear