View Full Version : hopefully kubica is o.k.

10th June 2007, 19:59
i know i have been one of his biggest detractors but only from a driving standpoint hopefully he is o.k.

N. Jones
10th June 2007, 20:01
I hope he is ok as well.

10th June 2007, 20:13
One of the Fox commentators just said an F1 spokesman said he is ok and stable.

N. Jones
10th June 2007, 20:20
That is what I heard - thank god!

10th June 2007, 20:30
Shaken, but not broken.

Thank god, I feared the worst.

N. Jones
10th June 2007, 20:37
Yes, he is ok but going to the hospital just to be sure.

This is all part of the CRAZIEST race I have ever seen!!

Nikki Katz
10th June 2007, 20:59
That was nasty indeed, but I'm so glad he's ok.
Did the McLaren person talking to Hamilton say he'd broken something? It cut to an advert.

10th June 2007, 20:59
RD said his leg is broken. :(

Bring out Vettel

Ian McC
10th June 2007, 20:59
Just overheard the pit telling that Kubica had broken something but it went to adverts and didb't hear!

Amazing though he is in one piece after that. Testament to the strength of F1 cars.

10th June 2007, 21:00
I say it's a proof of how strong those cars are to come out of that accident only with a broken leg.

10th June 2007, 21:01
Fox said Kubica broke his leg

10th June 2007, 21:02
It's unbelievable that he's got only a broken leg. When i saw the crash i said - that is, he is maybe already ......, you know. I remembered the crash ot Greg Moore at Fontana.

He is a very, very lucky guy ....

N. Jones
10th June 2007, 21:08
Yeah - Bob Varsha said broken leg but that hasn't been confirmed.

10th June 2007, 21:09
glad to hear this! this was a serious accident

N. Jones
10th June 2007, 21:10
yes it was. I was quite nervous when I saw him not moving. It immediatly made me think of Roland Ratzenburger....

Ian McC
10th June 2007, 21:11
It immediatly made me think of Roland Ratzenburger....

Indeed, luckily things have moved on now and the cars are so safe.

10th June 2007, 21:13
yes it was. I was quite nervous when I saw him not moving. It immediatly made me think of Roland Ratzenburger....

my thoughts exactly!

thank god for the modern F1 car, 10 years ago he might not have made it.

A broken leg might be severe if there is significant nerve damage. Let's hope that he is ok and can come back ASAP.

On another note, did trulli push him into that accident, and if so, I wonder what FIA will do

10th June 2007, 21:14
its indeed reminded me the Roland Rat'r accident though...
terrible, Kubica escaped with a broken leg.
get well soon mate!

10th June 2007, 21:14
i feared the worse, that was one of the worst impacts i've seen in F1 for a long time, just that initial head on could have been a tragedy not to mention the other hits and rolls he endured.

To have escaped with "only" a broken leg is testamony to the safety of the modern F1 car, and to the HANS designers, i hope he is fit again soon and makes it back on the grid, get well soon Robert :up:

Brown, Jon Brow
10th June 2007, 21:18
That was an awful crash and even with the hans device his head was moving lots from the impacts.

It would have been much worse if he had collected someone as he rolled across the track.

10th June 2007, 21:21
Seeing him tossed about like a rag doll as he came to a halt, I truly thought that the 13 year grace period had come to an end. Hearing the news that he had survived the accident (albeit with a broken leg) was a huge relief. I wish him a speedy recovery, and wish Glock or Vettel all the best in his absence.

10th June 2007, 21:23
BROKEN LEG!!!??? amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!good liuck rk,,,,soooooooooooo pleased1111111111111111

10th June 2007, 21:27
I do hope he gets better soon if it indeed is a broken leg.

When accident's like that happen, I do wish they'd atleast attempt to shroud the driver from public view though.

10th June 2007, 21:30
When accident's like that happen, I do wish they'd atleast attempt to shroud the driver from public view though.

I wish they'd stop screening replays. It was horrendous. I've seen it 3 times now, and I never ever want to see it again.

10th June 2007, 21:32
I'm glad Kubica survived that horrid shunt. I hope the broken leg isn't too bad but clearly the question is how many races will he miss?

Brown, Jon Brow
10th June 2007, 21:34
I have to admit that I got a bit un-manly when I saw the crash. When the car came to a stop and you could see into the cock-pit I had to change channels.

I still don't know what caused him to go off :confused:

Mp3 Astra
10th June 2007, 21:36
That accident had me sweating like a pig... I was happy and yet gutted for him that he has a broken leg. Happy that he's alive but gutted that he'll miss a lot of racing, where he really is a superstar.
I wish him the best and quickest of recoveries.

10th June 2007, 21:37
Lucky guy, that was gut wrenching to watch. The Hans device probably saved his life ...

10th June 2007, 21:57
He had a massive run on a Toyota (Trulli, I think). They came together on the right side of the track when they should have been lining up on the left to take the hairpin.

jonny hurlock
10th June 2007, 22:02
Seeing him tossed about like a rag doll as he came to a halt, I truly thought that the 13 year grace period had come to an end. Hearing the news that he had survived the accident (albeit with a broken leg) was a huge relief. I wish him a speedy recovery, and wish Glock or Vettel all the best in his absence.

first of all:

'get well soon Kubica,'

second, one the worst acedent for all for a long time, third of all it will be more than likely be Vettel, how many races that Kubica will be off, Glock will have to GP2 when back to Europe, I dont think that Vettel will have any WSR series weekend when the F1 is on. Only thing is that would Red Bull let him to drive.

Main thing is 'get well soon Kubica,'

10th June 2007, 22:05
I always seem to notice places the track could be improved, saftey-wise, before a big one happens.

Before the '04 Indy GP I said they should've extended the "SAFER" barrier on the frontstretch for the F1 guys who round the corner backwards, and on race day RS clouted the wall there, just beyond where the SAFER barrier ends.

Now, I noticed the lack of a tyre barrier infront of the concrete wall that actually turns inward and faces the direction of the cars head on. Unfortunately, that was the wall Kubica hit today.

There should have been a tyre barrier there.

Wishing you best Kubica, you made a fan of me last year, and I do think you have potential to go on and achieve great things.

I accept this as part of motor racing and I don't think they should shy away from replays.

N. Jones
10th June 2007, 22:06
The replay was at a bad angle so I don't know if Trulli moved over (he did have someone fast approaching on his left) or if Kubica didn't have enough time to brake...
Thank god he is ok though.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th June 2007, 22:07
I read that that it is expected to keep him out for around 2 months :(


Thats one damaged car. The wheels came off, and we all know too well how dangerous that can be.

10th June 2007, 22:08
Lucky one there. Hope he gets well soon, and stronger than before.

10th June 2007, 22:12
I thought i saw his leg out of the cockpit. Scary very scary, wish him alot of health.

10th June 2007, 22:13
KUBICA car was flying ! That remember me the wing car many years ago !


10th June 2007, 22:19
glad theat Kubica is ok, however it looks to have put an end to his season. I know its not the right time to say but I wonder how will take his seat

10th June 2007, 22:36
I wish they'd stop screening replays. It was horrendous. I've seen it 3 times now, and I never ever want to see it again.

I quite agree, especially as it was a massive accident and he wasn't moving. They should just cut away and show smething else. When Senna had his accident the BBC had their own camera there and cut away from the official coverage which I believe wasn't pleasant. TV Directors should remember his family, friends and team members watching, does seem insensitive.

race aficionado
10th June 2007, 22:40
Lucky one there. Hope he gets well soon, and stronger than before.

What Ioan so well said.

:s mokin:

10th June 2007, 22:49
I quite agree, especially as it was a massive accident and he wasn't moving. They should just cut away and show smething else.
Why? I think they should show the truth that motorsports can be dangerous so that the drivers and the spectators will never forget it. If they do, they will become more reckless.

10th June 2007, 22:52
I too feared the worst after seeing the crash. Hats off to the FIA, the GPDA and the designers for the advances in safety.

10th June 2007, 22:53
Look, we all know that auto racing is dangerous and will never be safe, no matter what. The drivers know this, the teams know this, etc. Show it. It's part of the entertainment. We all want him to be safe, but most people will enjoy a spectacular crash. Spectacular it was, and pretty heart-wrenching, but at least he survived with only something as bad as a broken leg. It could've been a whole lot worse and we can all be thankful that it wasn't.

10th June 2007, 23:00
Good to hear that he is OK, I thought of Gregg Moore when I heard Maurice Hamilton on BBC 5 Live describing the crash, it could have been a lot worse.

Indy next week clashes with Le Mans where a lot of potential spare drivers will be. Are Glock or Vittel actually available ????

10th June 2007, 23:04
Look, we all know that auto racing is dangerous and will never be safe, no matter what. The drivers know this, the teams know this, etc. Show it. It's part of the entertainment. We all want him to be safe, but most people will enjoy a spectacular crash. Spectacular it was, and pretty heart-wrenching, but at least he survived with only something as bad as a broken leg. It could've been a whole lot worse and we can all be thankful that it wasn't.

Personally, I don't enjoy a spectacular crash, although crashes were one of the things which first attracted me to the sport as a small boy.

The presence of danger in motorsport is undoubtably one of the elements which makes it so exciting, but I don't actually enjoy seeing accidents.

10th June 2007, 23:06
It was a very bad accident, one of the worst I've seen. So happy he got out of it with his life. A real testament to the safety of the cars. Hope he makes a quick and strong recovery.

10th June 2007, 23:06
I had no problems with them showing the crash. People have a right to see what happened - to explain how the crash occurred. If you don't want to watch, you can switch over or look away - like some of you said you did.

It was an horrific crash, and great to hear Kubica is relatively unharmed considering the size of the accident. A broken leg is bad, but it could've been a lot worse.

Just one of those things, weird place to crash - like Martin Brundle said in commentary, you can't legislate for EVERY possible eventuality and this was one of those freak ones.

10th June 2007, 23:10
I had no problems with them showing the crash. People have a right to see what happened - to explain how the crash occurred. If you don't want to watch, you can switch over or look away - like some of you said you did.

I think they should avoid showing replays whilst it's unclear whether or not the driver has survived the accident. In fact, I thought such a rule was in place already.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th June 2007, 23:18
I still can't believe that he wasn't seriously injured. Those cars are unbelievably strong.

10th June 2007, 23:20
That crash really sent a shiver down my spine. Reminded me of the Marco Campos fatality at Magny Cours and Christian Fittipaldi's monster impact at Surfers Paradise in (I think) 1997. As has been said, you can't legislate for EVERY eventuality with regards safety, but I too am surprised that wall didn't have some form of protection, given the angle of any likely impact. Glad he is not seriously hurt.

10th June 2007, 23:39
Yes the strength of the cars is unbelievable, to hit a concrete wall head on like that an come away with just a broken leg is amazing. It did bring back memories of Ratzenbergers crash intially, especially when you could see his head bouncing around in the cockpit. The safety crews were superb as well, Kubica was attented to within seconds.

Just hope he makes a quick recovery and is back in F1 soon.

10th June 2007, 23:51
First of all, thank God he got out of that with a broken leg. Incredible.

The crash was bad enough in real time, but in viewing the replay it's even worse: the front end bounced in the air over the grass, and Lord only knows what was going through his mind with no way to control the car before the impact. Like I said, thank God he's still with us, and the marshals and medical crews did such a fantastic job.

donKey jote
11th June 2007, 00:01
No broken legs according to pitpass - he's to be released tomorrow:

11th June 2007, 00:03
This was a nasty accident. Hopefully this won't affect his driving in the future negatively. It's still quite unclear, how severe the injury is and several sources say different things, but it seems quite likely that Vettel will replace Kubica at least at Indy.

11th June 2007, 00:06
I'll be raising a glass to Robert tonight :up:

He's a good character, and a fantastic talent, and I'm gutted that I probably won't get to see him in the flesh at Silverstone.

speedy king
11th June 2007, 00:08
I read that that it is expected to keep him out for around 2 months :(


Thats one damaged car. The wheels came off, and we all know too well how dangerous that can be.

At least. I broke a knee and that was 6 weeks in a splint and then getting muscle strength back with physio is a long and slow process, im sure he will have the best support helping him through the process though :)

If the stories of him not having a broken leg are true though that is great news :)

11th June 2007, 00:11
That's superb news. Autosport.com are now saying he has escaped injury, and will be released from hospital tomorrow. BMW say they will make a decision at Indy as to whether Kubica will race there, though I still would be amazed if does given the severity of the accident.

11th June 2007, 00:22
Horrendous crash... it was a real relief to hear that he only had a broken leg. If it's true that he hasn't even suffered that, that's amazing.

Get well soon Robert.

11th June 2007, 00:24
That's superb news. Autosport.com are now saying he has escaped injury, and will be released from hospital tomorrow. BMW say they will make a decision at Indy as to whether Kubica will race there, though I still would be amazed if does given the severity of the accident.

I was staggered that he'd only broken a leg, but now it seems he's broken nothing at all! A miracle. He'll probably be a bit sore for a while though. I remember Dan Wheldon saying that the morning after a huge shunt, you can feel your organs slowly shifting back to their original positions. Ouch!

11th June 2007, 01:02
still i would make him rest until silverstone at least.

ojciec dyrektor
11th June 2007, 01:17
I don't know what to say. What it happened tears came to my eyes. But now when i'm reading he's ok, and will be released tommorow without any injury.... It's unbelievable.

That was most horrible crash i have ever seen in F1. I'm glad RK is ok!

Thanks to FIA and BMW Robert will be back soon!

11th June 2007, 01:18
My favorite article concerning RK's accident:

JUNE 10, 2007
Kubica "OK"
A BMW spokesman says that Robert Kubica is "OK"


I know I know, I'm not suppose to copy the whole article :p :

Seems that maybe no broken bones, but my gut tells me not to expect him to race next week...

JUNE 10, 2007
Miraculous escape for Kubica
Initial reports from team members that Robert Kubica had suffered a broken leg as a result of his accident in Montreal have proved to be wide of the mark. The latest news from the hospital is that the Pole has no broken bones. He is staying in hospital under observation in case there are any questions with concussion but it seems that he is not seriously hurt.


Well if he's back racing by the British GP, then thats an amazing turn of events, these cars are really proving to be safe.

11th June 2007, 01:41
if he has nothing broken and is back in Indy, then F1 can claim to be safest motorsport ever with a big margin!

even if actually broke his leg I'm amazed how safe are f1 cars now, I feared the worst when they first showed the replay.

a big THANK YOU to the guy who invented the Hans device! I still don't get why some WRC people don't like it!

11th June 2007, 01:42
Horrible accident.

Looks similar to Greg Moore's crash at California Speedway :(

Strangely due to Greg's crash its now why we have tarmac run-off. Wonder what would happen to that area of the track?

11th June 2007, 01:44
That was terrible to watch, just seen it now. Poor Kubi. I hate to see so much head movement, no doubt he'll be thoroughly checked over.

11th June 2007, 01:52
I don't know what to say. What it happened tears came to my eyes. But now when i'm reading he's ok, and will be released tommorow without any injury.... It's unbelievable.

That was most horrible crash i have ever seen in F1. I'm glad RK is ok!

Thanks to FIA and BMW Robert will be back soon!

Yes Well said,

It looked real bad at first. After witnessing Bergers crash, Senna's impact, and Ratzneberger, as well as a few others, I too got a bit emotional. But now that the news came out that he didn't suffer any physical injuries I too will toast to RK tonight

11th June 2007, 02:00
Good to hear no broken bones, and thank you to Mr. HANS inventor, but they shouldn't minimize his condition. He was clearly knocked out. Concussions are always serious. It can take weeks for dizziness or headaches to go away, and even if he feels "fine" next week I wonder if he shouldn't be allowed to drive. No place for only 99% focus in F1.

11th June 2007, 02:21
if he has nothing broken and is back in Indy, then F1 can claim to be safest motorsport ever with a big margin!

even if actually broke his leg I'm amazed how safe are f1 cars now, I feared the worst when they first showed the replay.

a big THANK YOU to the guy who invented the Hans device! I still don't get why some WRC people don't like it!

My first guess would be because it restricts head movement which is needed more in WRC when the car gets sideways.
I'm glad Kubica is ok, it's a real testament to how safe the cars are. Although I hope that noone takes this as an excuse to insert a Mickey Mouse corner in any circuit to reduce the likelihood of an accident.

11th June 2007, 03:43
I've been a massive fan of robert for a while now. Huge talent, and despite some people's claims, has taken it right up to heidfeld who is an experienced and underrated driver.

Is quick, young, and has many years left in formula one so this is an unfortunate setback if it is true about the broken leg. So is it hundred percent true he has come out with no broken bones? If so, what a credit to f1. I did fear the worst though, and f1 hasn't had a crash for a while where you stop and just get that dreaded feeling that the worst could have happened. I feel for the guy, hasn't had the best luck so far but he will fight back and all the best to him whether he races in one week or not for a few more races.

All aside from racing, the most important thing here, is that robert kubica, the person, is ok. Good luck robert, i'll be cheering for you when you get back.

11th June 2007, 03:51
When I first saw the crash I thought he was dead. It's one thing to shatter the car, but when he changed directions after hitting the wall i just imagined brain into skull carnage.

I suppose a concussion and a sprained ankle is better than death.

11th June 2007, 04:48
What did exactly happen, I was going to bathroom when the accident happen.

Jarno Trulli had the worse accident than it on the Renault years ago, and he had only minor injury.

However get well soon Kubica

11th June 2007, 05:47
At silverstone? I disagree, the silverstone crash wasn't even as bad as that crash at interlagos with MW i think in, I know it was a Jaguar that crashed real heavy on the main, and even RS at Indy, that was the last F1 crash before this one that had me really concerned.

11th June 2007, 06:06
yeh trulli's crash at silverstone was nowhere near as bad as kubica's. I think this is the most dangerous/worst shunt we have seen in formula one since villeneuve and ralf at albert park in 2001, involving the death of a marshall.

This was an absolutely frightening crash at a point on the track approaching 300km/h and to hit that brick wall at the speed he did was just horrifying.

11th June 2007, 06:12
that was a harsh accident.. I'm very relived and happy that he is ok.. I have liked him since he kicked JV out of the spot.. very good driver, many people bash Max about how he sucks as head of the FIA bu I hate to break it to you but if he wasn't president of FIA Kubica would be a goner.. Very harsh words I know but that and other incidents would be a harsh reality... It's very good to see that those F1 cars are safe..

11th June 2007, 07:19
I think so, trulli's crash wasn't that bad although he was upside down more than kubica, but at the end Kubica's crash was worst.
Hope he will not miss any race after crashing.

11th June 2007, 07:42
The accident was very serious, indeed, but I am not surprised that he was so well protected. I did expect some sort of injury from the forces of impact, but things seem to be looking better than anyone could have imagined at the time.

I don't really think it helps if the network stops showing replays since that only makes people suspect that someone knows that something very serious is wrong. As I watched the replays, I was glad that his car was facing the way it was as it moved back across the track and hit the 2nd wall. I would have been more worried if he had impacted the wall head first!

I'm glad that he will probably be released tomorrow and hope that he recovers quickly from the bad shake-up that he had. Somebody was watching over him!

11th June 2007, 07:44
I hope Robert gest well and come back as soon as possible, F1 needs drivers like him :up:

11th June 2007, 09:00
What did exactly happen, I was going to bathroom when the accident happen.

Jarno Trulli had the worse accident than it on the Renault years ago, and he had only minor injury.

However get well soon Kubica

Well, Jarno was involved in this too. Probably caused it by moving to the right and causing RK to hit his rear right. At those speeds there should be respect to your fellow racers.

Brown, Jon Brow
11th June 2007, 10:06
Burti had a two horrendous accidents. 1 at Spa where he was buried in the tyre barrier and one where he hit MS at the start.

Ralf had a bad one at Indy that knocked him out.

Webbers at Brazil was bad because Alonso also hit the debris having a huge crash. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf8-oQXO2B8

But Kubica's crash was the worst I've seen for a long while.

11th June 2007, 10:17
It's part of the entertainment[....] but most people will enjoy a spectacular crash.

I think you will find your defnition of "most people" to be very incorrect :rolleyes:

Brown, Jon Brow
11th June 2007, 10:27
I think you will find your defnition of "most people" to be very incorrect :rolleyes:

Most people aren't motoracing fans and the only part of it that they find exciting is the crashes. A majority of the motoracing videos on youtube are crash compilations.

Most people on this forum don't like seeing crashes. Thats because as true motorsport fans, we prefer watching cars race wheel to wheel with each other without crashing.

11th June 2007, 10:28
Somebody was watching over him!

Yeah, I wonder what he was doing when he should have been watching over Ronald.

11th June 2007, 10:48
Well, Jarno was involved in this too. Probably caused it by moving to the right and causing RK to hit his rear right. At those speeds there should be respect to your fellow racers.
Neither I see Jarno'z car nor say was involved in that accident, if I was being told, thanks then.

11th June 2007, 10:55
When I first saw the crash I thought he was dead. It's one thing to shatter the car, but when he changed directions after hitting the wall i just imagined brain into skull carnage.

That was my worry, and I believe some people are more susceptable to brain damage from those situations than others. Consider the recent death of Funny Car driver Eric Medlen. He suffered a fatal brain injury during an accident in testing, but it turned out that it wasn't the impact with the guard rail that did the damage, it was vibrations from tire shake as he left the line. The only reason for the impact was that he was not controlling the car because he was effectively already dead.

11th June 2007, 11:44
Most people aren't motoracing fans and the only part of it that they find exciting is the crashes. A majority of the motoracing videos on youtube are crash compilations.

Most people on this forum don't like seeing crashes. Thats because as true motorsport fans, we prefer watching cars race wheel to wheel with each other without crashing.

absolutely correct. The people that thrive on big accidents are those who are only attracted to motor racing by seeing someone's life at risk. I love motor racing because i love the feeling of being on the edge, racing myself, and the close battles you can have and the adrenalin from both a spectator and drivers perspective. And from a driver's perspective, you don't want to have a big crash, and it should be the same for if your spectating.

Yes i admit some crashes are spectacular and make you go "wow". But we should only be saying wow after it has occured and we are sure the driver is fully safe! People who wish on big crashes that could endanger someone's life, that's just disrespectful. If however someone likes seeing a crash after it has occured and we are sure everyone is safe, then thats fine.

Racing is about staying on the track, being on the edge, and having some really exciting close battles. unfortunately, it is a dangerous sport raced at high speeds and we should never want to see massive crashes like that of kubica, they are the unfortunate side effects of this great sport we all love. It's like most sports, say australian rules football, i love the sport, but unfortunately it is a dangerous sport in terms of injury, and i would never wish that on anyone.

11th June 2007, 13:37
Was so relieved to hear Kubica was alright. I get that horrible sick feeling when I watch things like that. It's amazing he's okay after such an incident and it gives testament to all the safety technology that he's suffering from a broken leg and nothing worse.

11th June 2007, 13:42
I was most surprised that a red flag was not needed and that Kubica was concious and most fortunately - alive! That was the most enormous accident I have ever seen on TV. Safety standards have improved vastly since 1994 but someone was indeed watching over Kubica yesterday.

11th June 2007, 14:03
Sky are saying he has concussion and a sprained ankle. So are the BBC:


Either way, its a huge relief he's ok, that was one of the worst crashes I can remember seeing.

N. Jones
11th June 2007, 14:10
A sprained ankle? WOW :eek:

I am SO glad that he is OK!!

11th June 2007, 14:18
How did it happen? Did Jarno shut the door or was Robert trying a do or die maneuver?

11th June 2007, 14:21
I remember seeing Kubica, as a child karting race. He still very young, I was so happy to heard he wasn't hurt badly. I become a fan also, Lewis said his thought was with Kubica and his family and also Kubica, was a good friend. Anyway bless Kubica.

N. Jones
11th June 2007, 14:21
Trulli says that he was suffering from graining so he gave Kubica the left side of the track (from the TV viewpoint, from the cockpit view he gave him room on the right). Next thing Trulli knows he feels a hit in the rear end of the car and the rest is history.


11th June 2007, 18:59
If you read Truli interview after the race, it is clear that his mind was on Robert and not on the race anymore. That's probably why he lost it coming out of the pit, he said "the race wasn't important anymore".

He is probably one of the happiest people to have found out that Robert is OK.

ojciec dyrektor
11th June 2007, 20:31
Robert Kubica's first question to doctors at the hospital on Sunday was: "Can I race in Indianapolis next Sunday?"


That's attitude!! Racing is in his blood. :D

11th June 2007, 20:35

That's attitude!! Racing is in his blood. :D

if kubica had a concussion and he was unconscious for a few minutes he shouldnt race indy as the risk of further injury after a concussion is big.

ojciec dyrektor
11th June 2007, 20:46
if kubica had a concussion and he was unconscious for a few minutes he shouldnt race indy as the risk of further injury after a concussion is big.

I agree.

11th June 2007, 20:55
fantastic that he is largely unscathed, i doubt he will race at Indy, but i can't believe its even an option.

regarding the replay situation, i think that they showed replays whilst the medical team were with him trackside, and i can only assume that they gave the news that Robert was concious at the scene and so they showed the replays of the accident, otherwise it would have been extremely poor taste to show before anyone knew he was safe.

apparently he says he remembers most of the accident, so he must have been concious for a large part of it, like i said i doubt he will race at Indy, but the option alone is an incredible story - they obviously build them of strong stuff in Poland and kudos to Robert for wanting to get straight back in the car

11th June 2007, 22:48

Omg, how close Robert was to lose his feet... :eek:

11th June 2007, 23:13
It is a miracle hes got away with nothing seriously broken or handicapped, it was quite a shunt, and i was worried for a moment that something was wrong :(

Hoep he recovers soon, cause he's a brilliant talent, and has the capability of being as good as nick in that BMW :up:

Ian McC
11th June 2007, 23:44
Only a sprained ankle, amazing strength of these F1 cars.

Dave B
12th June 2007, 08:03
That was a sickening crash, especially as he appeared not to be able to extricate himself from the car. To escape with "merely" a sprained ankle is little short of miraculous. I'm very pleased for Robert and wish him a complete and swift recovery.

12th June 2007, 08:36
Scary moment :(

Was happy to know he was okay and stable later on...it appeared really bad with the car on its side and when there was no movement from the cockpit.

Scuderia ferrari
12th June 2007, 09:03
Yep, hopefully he can race at america, a very frightening crash and i'm suprised he didn't have any more injuries that he has already

12th June 2007, 12:11
He's gone home already:


I actually hope he doesn't race this weekend, I think its too soon. But, they'll test him thoroughly, I have no doubt :D

12th June 2007, 12:23
RK was one lucky racing driver :eek: I did fear the worst when the car came to a halt so it is fantastic that he's fit and well and ready to race again.

12th June 2007, 12:38
Maybe its time to thank the FIA for there safety rules that they have been putting in place over the last ten years or so as if this kind of accident had happened not so long ago it would surely ended in a death or serious injury
We have all been quick to attack the governing body when things are wrong so we should be equally quick with them for a job well done!

12th June 2007, 12:59
I think he should stay home, relax and let somebodyelse drive his car at Indy, and comeback again in next race. It's too risky to let him race after such a terrible incident.Glad to hear is getting well so quickly :)

12th June 2007, 13:03
Maybe its time to thank the FIA for there safety rules that they have been putting in place over the last ten years or so as if this kind of accident had happened not so long ago it would surely ended in a death or serious injury
We have all been quick to attack the governing body when things are wrong so we should be equally quick with them for a job well done!
:up: :up:

Dave B
12th June 2007, 14:27
I'd echo those sentiments and also add the GPDA and the marshals. :up:

12th June 2007, 16:16
I am going to send FIA a thank you letter for this. They have done a great job.

Kudos to GPDA and BMW designers as well.

Brown, Jon Brow
12th June 2007, 18:24
This video really shows the scary speed of the first impact.


donKey jote
12th June 2007, 22:09
Apparently Alonso phoned him to see how he was, but Kubica told him he couldn't talk much... he was driving ! :laugh: