View Full Version : Lewis Hamilton

7th June 2007, 19:59
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway

7th June 2007, 20:12
Thanks for that valuable contribution.

Big Ben
7th June 2007, 20:32
hes no micheal schumacher anyway

Hopefully you´re right...

7th June 2007, 20:40
I don't think he's arrogant at all... he's confident for sure but that's not a bad thing. He's done very well in races considering his young age and the fact it's his first year in F1... and people in the know seem to rate him. So I guess that's what the hype is about. I'm no huge fan.. I just think he's doing well for himself.

Ian McC
7th June 2007, 20:41
Great first post, informed, insightful............ :rolleyes:

7th June 2007, 21:31
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway

Yep, hes obviously rubbish, 5 podiums in 5 races in your 1st season in F1 is pathetic, matching a 2 time WDC on occasion as a rookie is also totally unimpressive as is managing to outqualify him once.

7th June 2007, 22:45
Whats all the hype about.

Take a little look at the stats, past and present. When you can identify any other driver who has performed as well as, or even marginally as well as Lewis has in their first five races then come back and post again, until then.........

Big Ben
7th June 2007, 22:54
scbgers, don´t mind them! this is the way they say "welcome!" :) ..

Valve Bounce
8th June 2007, 00:14
scbgers, don´t mind them! this is the way they say "welcome!" :) ..

Well, let's get it straight: It's Michael, no micheal.
But why start off on such a note by flaming forum members here with his first post? EEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

8th June 2007, 05:20
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway
He should have won if you read this
(link (http://forums.motorsport.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117963)) :rolleyes:

Valve have explained that he he is not micheal :D

Looking forward to having your second post :)

8th June 2007, 10:37
Don't feed the trolls. :rolleyes:

Brown, Jon Brow
8th June 2007, 10:54
People need to remember that most race drivers could get within a few seconds of a world champion in an F1 car because they have so much grip it's hard for a driver to make the difference.

I think it's difficult to compare Lewis with other rookies as no rookie has been in a top car since Villeneuve, and that was 10 years ago.

Is he really a rookie though? He wasn't just found by Ron Dennis on the street somewhere. Remember, he has been racing for over a decade in some form or another.

8th June 2007, 11:26
I don't think he's arrogant at all... he's confident for sure but that's not a bad thing. He's done very well in races considering his young age and the fact it's his first year in F1... and people in the know seem to rate him. So I guess that's what the hype is about. I'm no huge fan.. I just think he's doing well for himself.
hope you dont get any splinters in yer bum sitting on the fence.... :)

8th June 2007, 12:08
Remember, he has been racing for over a decade in some form or another.

so has most, if not all, of the other drivers on the grid! you dont just start racing go karts one day and the next day hop into a formula one car.

Lewis seems to be the biz at the moment, he is driving well there is no doubt about it. people who think he is overrated, i would like to see their opinion on the other such overrated drivers on the grid *cough*Ralf*cough*

even my buddies who very sparingly follow formula one has stated 'geez that hamilton kid is good!'

8th June 2007, 12:43
even my buddies who very sparingly follow formula one has stated 'geez that hamilton kid is good!'

That's because they didn't really follow F1 to know that there were/are other impressive drivers (Sutil for a start, you can also add Vettel to the list) that didn't have the chance to start their F1 career with McLaren!

8th June 2007, 12:51
People need to remember that most race drivers could get within a few seconds of a world champion in an F1 car because they have so much grip it's hard for a driver to make the difference.

You're right most race drivers could get within a few seconds of an F1 champion in modern F1 machinery but very few could regularly match an F1 champion.

Valve Bounce
8th June 2007, 13:03
That's because they didn't really follow F1 to know that there were/are other impressive drivers (Sutil for a start, you can also add Vettel to the list) that didn't have the chance to start their F1 career with McLaren!

Maybe not, ioan; but it would be churlish to deny that Hamilton is a good driver just the same.

8th June 2007, 13:06
Maybe not, ioan; but it would be churlish to deny that Hamilton is a good driver just the same.

I will not deny that he is a VERY good driver. That would be really stupid. I just believe that it's a pity that he gets all th accolades while some other drivers deserve some too.

8th June 2007, 17:20
That's because they didn't really follow F1 to know that there were/are other impressive drivers (Sutil for a start, you can also add Vettel to the list) that didn't have the chance to start their F1 career with McLaren!

Well, Sutil really doesn't need to grab the attention of the general non-f1-following audience; all he needs to do is grab the attention of team directors and the people who actually count something in F1. And if you ask me, he is doing all right in that department, despite driving the slowest car on thte grid.

Point 1: You can still, in today's F1, shine even in slowest car of the grid.

Point 2: Maybe Bourdais should read Point 1.

8th June 2007, 17:34

posting your opinon on this forum isn't a crime, but posting out right foolishness is the fastest way to raise the ire of the masses.

Perhaps you don't like LH or resent his ealry success, but I suggest you come back to reality, where his performance to date is nothing short of spectacular.

8th June 2007, 18:51
Btw, I don't feel that Lewis is overhyped. Maybe it's because that I rate him very highly too plus also support him. :p : (although he's not my favourite)

Valve Bounce
9th June 2007, 02:46
I guess if you were inundated by the British press about this supergod that they are creating, you just might feel differently.

9th June 2007, 03:58
Everything has a start, and I agree the Kid (LH) started the F1 brilliantely and lucky he is, he has got a one of the best car out there.

He has been working with McLaren for more than 10 years and he has all the support from the team. So really nothing new for him unless some differences between the F1 car and GP2 cars.

He has got a talent as well, and until today he is lacky to finish always on podium and entered already in the F1 History.

But I think we need to wait and see also his reactions and how strong he is in the bad time (I don't wish this to him but in real life, everything has top and bottom side) when he will be making some mistakes, the car not performing well, under pressure, etc.

After this, I think we can have an idea of who is the Kid that the british paper are considering like a SuperGod or Supernatural!!

But for myself, calling others drivers "Monkeys" this is irrespectiful and qualify him as arrogant. Whatever he may be joking, but it was too earlier for him to make such kind of comments. Hope he will never be in that clan of Monkeys!

9th June 2007, 20:49
I guess if you were inundated by the British press about this supergod that they are creating, you just might feel differently.

;) Well VB... Lewis now has his 1st Formula 1 Pole !!!

:dozey: I suggest Y'all... Ignore the Brittish Press & the news hype and just enjoy the youngster's success !!! He's done remarkably well so far.

10th June 2007, 06:41
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway

people who do not respect hamilton get their topics deleted.. sorry.. Hamilton is god. You can't talk bad about the great one :D :D ;)

10th June 2007, 20:17
well.. LH has just beaten all his bashers with a brilliant win ..under 4 safety car situations.. ok the guy is roll on... ! first of many as per other champions.

10th June 2007, 20:22
i dont rate him

Aye, me neither.

What's he done?

Ian McC
10th June 2007, 20:25
hes no micheal schumacher anyway

He has the potential, time will tell on that one.

10th June 2007, 21:53
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix. Give that car to Kubica or Rosberg or Davidson and they could win. Its just a shame the sport is coming down to the car and not the driver. Michael Schumacher proved that it wasnt just the car as he won in both Benneton and Ferrari.

10th June 2007, 21:55
You may be right, and some of the hype is somewhat excessive, but you have to say that he's doing as good a job as anyone had a right to expect.

10th June 2007, 21:59
If anyone could win in that car, how come Alonso was 7th? Remember this guy is a rookie and had never seen the track before...like him or not, he's a very special talent.

The ITV coverage is absolutely nauseating and I really hope they don't put too many people off.

10th June 2007, 21:59
5 posts in total and all 5 are hamilton bashing threads started by you now mate... nuff said. ;)

EDIT... nope, in fact just 4....one was a rumour that Alonso is going to Ferrari as a test driver. :D

10th June 2007, 21:59
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix.

He does have a strong car, so the best way to measure Lewis is to compare him to his team-mate.

At the moment, Lewis has the measure of Alonso - A top-drawer driver who happens to be a two-time World Champion.

If you aren't impressed by that, then I don't know what you would be impressed by.

10th June 2007, 22:00
Its just a shame the sport is coming down to the car and not the driver. Michael Schumacher proved that it wasnt just the car as he won in both Benneton and Ferrari.

Benetton were a top team when MS won with them! And the sport has always been about the car and the driver - if you want it to be purely about the driver go and watch GP2 or F3. Even then the team you're with makes a hell of a difference.
What's more impressive about Hamilton is that he bettered his experienced team-mate, the two-time WDC, in the same car.

10th June 2007, 22:01
The ITV coverage is absolutely nauseating and I really hope they don't put too many people off.

Absolutely. Many people are sick of ITV's OTT coverage of Hamilton, and sadly some are taking their frustration out on Lewis, instead of those at fault.

10th June 2007, 22:01
[guy is a rookie and had never seen the track before]

He has senn the track before cos he raced in it in GP2

race aficionado
10th June 2007, 22:01
5 posts in total and all 5 are hamilton bashing threads started by you now mate... nuff said. ;)

He's made it to the forum big leagues, that's for sure.

:s mokin:

10th June 2007, 22:06
[guy is a rookie and had never seen the track before]

He has senn the track before cos he raced in it in GP2

No... I think he meant he had'nt raced in Canada before.

10th June 2007, 22:07
[guy is a rookie and had never seen the track before]

He has senn the track before cos he raced in it in GP2

No, he didn't. The GP2 series doesn't visit the fly-away races. Perhaps you should read up on the sport, learn a bit more about it, and come back when you can tell your arse from your elbow.

10th June 2007, 22:09
You just cant see past hamilton Beans and that really is sad. There is more than just him on the track you know.

10th June 2007, 22:09
No, he didn't. The GP2 series doesn't visit the fly-away races. Perhaps you should read up on the sport, learn a bit more about it, and come back when you can tell your arse from your elbow.

Well said dude... dont mince your words now.. ;)

I'll give you this Scbgers... your posts have superb comedy value. :D

10th June 2007, 22:11
You just cant see past hamilton Beans and that really is sad. There is more than just him on the track you know.

I appreciate your input. You clearly are more knowledgable than I.

10th June 2007, 22:13
Beans doenst know what hes talking about as he thinks hamilton is the best driver in the paddock. Its all really stupid to think that he is the best after winning 1 race. Everyone is just got a hamilton craze and they think hes the best.

10th June 2007, 22:18
Me too.. Im clueless as well, but I dont recall Beans making such a statement.

10th June 2007, 22:25
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix. Give that car to Kubica or Rosberg or Davidson and they could win. Its just a shame the sport is coming down to the car and not the driver. Michael Schumacher proved that it wasnt just the car as he won in both Benneton and Ferrari.

That's not true. Ferrari hadn't won a WDC in 21 years until Schumacher came and brought the Benetton braintrust along with him.

Big Ben
10th June 2007, 22:31
scbgers.... hilarious thread.... and good timing.... today´s the best day to bash LH... leading the championship after his first win in his first season on a "new" track...
I can see what you mean!

10th June 2007, 22:32
Beans doenst know what hes talking about as he thinks hamilton is the best driver in the paddock. Its all really stupid to think that he is the best after winning 1 race. Everyone is just got a hamilton craze and they think hes the best.

Well he evidently knows a heck of a lot more than you. GP2.....Canada... :laugh:

10th June 2007, 22:44
Absolutely. Many people are sick of ITV's OTT coverage of Hamilton, and sadly some are taking their frustration out on Lewis, instead of those at fault.

As much as I want Lewis to do well, ITV are really pi55ing me off!! Surely they've had complaints about their unbalanced coverage and yet nothing changes. It really is sickening, BBC's Moto GP coverage is far better, though it is an more exciting sport.

10th June 2007, 22:49
sounds like someone misses MS a little, don't they?... :p :

Remember, it was Schumacher that chose to retire. Now it looks like the sport might not miss him all that much, due to the two-man team at McLaren. The two-time champ, and the up-and-coming challenger that is showing more and more ability than most ever thought.

Ferrari flounders while McLaren thrives, what's new about that? Only the drivers, that's all. :)

10th June 2007, 23:04
Beans doenst know what hes talking about as he thinks hamilton is the best driver in the paddock.

Erm...I don't actually, but ask me in a year or so, and I might well be. He'll have to prove himself over a longer period of time before I'd put him ahead of Alonso.

But seriously, how anyone can fail to be impressed by Hamilton's start to the season is completely beyond me.

Ian McC
10th June 2007, 23:07
No, he didn't. The GP2 series doesn't visit the fly-away races. Perhaps you should read up on the sport, learn a bit more about it, and come back when you can tell your arse from your elbow.

Well I was going to say something similar, but as Beans has already (probably a little more blunt than I would of been) said it then job done :D

Ian McC
10th June 2007, 23:09
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix. Give that car to Kubica or Rosberg or Davidson and they could win. Its just a shame the sport is coming down to the car and not the driver. Michael Schumacher proved that it wasnt just the car as he won in both Benneton and Ferrari.

Oh, one other thing, you just may have to accept that Hamilton may be as good as Schumacher, time will tell.

10th June 2007, 23:27
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix. Give that car to Kubica or Rosberg or Davidson and they could win. Its just a shame the sport is coming down to the car and not the driver. Michael Schumacher proved that it wasnt just the car as he won in both Benneton and Ferrari.
DUH??? Fernando????

10th June 2007, 23:50
Trulli pressed the self-destruct button, and Fisi was never more than a #2 driver and what has Hamilton done?

He's currently leading the WDC against a double WDC as his team-mate.

Yep, that's right, Lewis really sucks! :rolleyes:

10th June 2007, 23:56
How can you say it's "over the top"?

Fact of the matter is, he has got that best car, is probably the best driver at the moment and you give him flack?

Give me a break. I would love to see Nico or Heikki in that car against him cause it might be something special. But he has got raw tallent!

11th June 2007, 00:12
I missed this race, stupid time :D Always forget its on!! Anyway, I really have to know - Did James Allen wet himself? :D

11th June 2007, 00:19
If you can beat the current WDC, then you're surely a talented one.

but at the same time I can understand why some are bit p***ed off with him, I'm yet to see an unbiased local sport media, they simply don't exist!

11th June 2007, 00:23
Is it just me or does anybody believe that scbgers is actually a big fan of Hamilton? And what he is doing is create a fake individual (ie. scbgers) that is unfairly opinionated and uneducated/ignorant about the sport to do the LH bashing. By doing so he can enjoy seeing other people's rebuttals and the feeling that many other people stand on his idol's side.

Stupid or not, that seems to be a good way to entertain himself.

11th June 2007, 00:51
Is it just me or does anybody believe that scbgers is actually a big fan of Hamilton? And what he is doing is create a fake individual (ie. scbgers) that is unfairly opinionated and uneducated/ignorant about the sport to do the LH bashing. By doing so he can enjoy seeing other people's rebuttals and the feeling that many other people stand on his idol's side.

Stupid or not, that seems to be a good way to entertain himself.

Yep.. its probably Lewis himself looking for an ego boost.. :D

11th June 2007, 00:52

sounds possible though

so maybe Garry Walker is the biggest MS hater ever! :p :

11th June 2007, 00:56
No, Ioan is.. :D

11th June 2007, 01:02
If you can beat the current WDC, then you're surely a talented one.

but at the same time I can understand why some are bit p***ed off with him, I'm yet to see an unbiased local sport media, they simply don't exist!

Its not Hamilton directly I'm fed up of, he's done a fantastic job in his rookie year and really deserved that win today. The boy is amazing.

My problem is with ITV. Its wall to wall Hamilton coverage now, this win has seen to it. They even asked Massa for his opinion on him after the race today. I'm sure before Kubi gets out of hospital, someone will turn up there to ask him how he feels about Hamilton winning.

I'm starting to wonder how the BBC might have handled it.

11th June 2007, 01:07
I actually meant that, I know you ain't fed up with Lewis.
and I understand you, I had no choice but to watch the 2000 season in an Argentine channel that was actually Mazzacane's sponsor...

11th June 2007, 01:14
Oh dear :D I tell you, its gonna be a very long year :D

11th June 2007, 01:17
not if you're a McLaren fan :D

11th June 2007, 01:42
No, he didn't. The GP2 series doesn't visit the fly-away races. Perhaps you should read up on the sport, learn a bit more about it, and come back when you can tell your arse from your elbow.

Good work! i was going to say something along those lines, but in just one word... Dumbarse... yeah that'll do

There is no doubt now that Hamilton is the biz, i just hope the British press leave him be... let him race! we all know how the british press can overhype things sometimes

11th June 2007, 03:53
He has the potential, time will tell on that one.
definitely, Canada is one can tell you about it.

He won race that he didn't know anything before.

11th June 2007, 04:30
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix. Give that car to Kubica or Rosberg or Davidson and they could win. Its just a shame the sport is coming down to the car and not the driver. Michael Schumacher proved that it wasnt just the car as he won in both Benneton and Ferrari.
Hamilton's sequel? :)

The easy comparison might help you believe on Hamilton is Alonso.

The two reigning champions had to work hard exceeding his real ability to retain his title, regardless about conspiracy strategy.

I don't know comparison on Schumi at Benetton and Ferrari, it was a nostalgia. :)

11th June 2007, 07:57
As much as I want Lewis to do well, ITV are really pi55ing me off!! Surely they've had complaints about their unbalanced coverage and yet nothing changes. It really is sickening, BBC's Moto GP coverage is far better, though it is an more exciting sport.

BBC covers MotoGP there? Good for you! We have to make with Network Ten's coverage of MotoGP here which is oh... casey... oh .... casey... so...casey.. bal casey... anced :rolleyes:

Good thing they switch to ITV for F1. At least I like Martin's input.

11th June 2007, 08:31
Personally I think we've seen the birth of one of the best trolls this forum has ever seen :dozey:

First thread and just look at the attention it's received, in fact you could almost compare scbgers to the subject of this thread :rolleyes: Only almost though because the lack of, as yet anyway, ITV coverage :D

11th June 2007, 09:04
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway

Great post!
Historic unprecedented achievements? Changing the racial dynamic of the sport? breaking records weekend after weekend? realizing his dreams and inspiring others? or reviving mass interest in the sport......?
your right, I’m stumped! What IS the hype all about?

re. The Schumacher comment: on the contrary I think he drove a very Schumacher-like race in Montreal, mind you, so did Alonso. Schumacher on a good day/Schumacher on a bad day.

11th June 2007, 09:27
He won race that he didn't know anything before.

Winning yesterday was great, but I think the best accomplishment (regarding the whole WDC 2007) Lewis did was to make Alonso look shaken, do A LOT of mistakes, and generally look pretty average.

Yesterday might very well proove to be a deciding race this year.

Go Lewis!

11th June 2007, 09:37
Winning yesterday was great, but I think the best accomplishment (regarding the whole WDC 2007) Lewis did was to make Alonso look shaken, do A LOT of mistakes, and generally look pretty average.

This izn't wrong either

11th June 2007, 12:05
We will find out about this at the end of this week at Indy. It's the 2nd circuit that he hasn't practiced, driven or raced on.

If he goes 2 for 2, then we can say that he has what it takes to make WDC.

11th June 2007, 12:11
Good work! i was going to say something along those lines, but in just one word... Dumbarse... yeah that'll do

There is no doubt now that Hamilton is the biz, i just hope the British press leave him be... let him race! we all know how the british press can overhype things sometimes

Already Lewis is hailed the KING by the british media?!! :rotflmao:

11th June 2007, 12:23
definitely, Canada is one can tell you about it.

He won race that he didn't know anything before.

Among the Top 5 drivers in the race of the Driver's Championship, he is the only one who didn't have any problem :

Massa : kissed by his team mate and then after disqualified jumping the red light.

Alonso : apart his big mistakes, the SC destroyed his chance to finish on podium and this hammered by the new stupid rules to pit under the SC plus the penality. The safety car deployed exactly the time he was going for pit stop. It was too much already to stay calm and race quietly

Kimmi : apart not being in his mood currently, but he had some spares from Kubica's accident blocked in his front wing and missed attractions while braking

Fisichella : Disqualified as well like Massa

Other Monkeys : almost all others drivers had various problems caused by the SC or the accidents apart Button who had mechanical problems.

Even if Lewis is showing pace and talent in F1, but we should agree that all happened yesterday didn't affect or interfer his race which was a chaos for others. He has been a lucky man also.

11th June 2007, 15:37
He not a lucky man, he a very talented man. Once again well done Lewis!!!

11th June 2007, 15:47
Very interesting article on Hamilton in USA Today:


11th June 2007, 16:16
He not a lucky man, he a very talented man. Once again well done Lewis!!!

I am happy to see you here F1woman!! :D

Mysterious Rock
11th June 2007, 16:32
dont it make u think what a schumacher hamilton battle would be like?
Come back micheal

11th June 2007, 16:39
I think the whole hamilton thing is way over the top. I think that if anyone had that car in the paddock they could win a grand prix.

Now Fernando. I thought Ron told you to stop posting on forums ;)

11th June 2007, 17:05
He not a lucky man, he a very talented man. Once again well done Lewis!!!

Oh, he's had plenty of good luck on his side so far this season. But yes, obviously he is really talented too. :)

11th June 2007, 18:30
Yes, I would like to see Michael and Lewis fight as well.

Preferably next year as team mates :D

oily oaf
11th June 2007, 19:14
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway

As a fan of Indy Car I don't often read the posts in this somewhat fraught section of the forum.
Thanks pal. Your insightful post has totally vindicated my decision.
Now run along home or you'll get a right-hander from your mum. :s mokin:

11th June 2007, 19:45
"Young, black, articulate and good-looking, Hamilton has drawn the inevitable comparisons with golfing superstar Tiger Woods, and it has become clear very quickly that those were based on more than the colour of his skin.

Like Woods, Hamilton always had the potential to attract an entirely new demographic to his predominantly white, middle-class sport. But, also like Woods, he has the talent to deliver on it."


1 burning question. Does Hamilon bring a new audience to F1? Not sure why they always have to drag Tiger Woods into Formula 1. Correct me if i'm wrong, Germany only like F1 since Schumacher appeared (Michael ofcourse...) and reach out to millions of people and a new market.

11th June 2007, 20:23
Hamilton vs MS would be mouth watering, but i'd want to see them both in their prime, which we will never see (having seen MS's reaction to Kubicas accident i truly believe we will never see him in an F1 car again)

Maybe Hamilton is overhyped or the car is flattering him, but at this point he s as quick or quicker than his 2 time WDC team mate, a whole load of race winners and more experienced drivers and even if he's got a great car he's still got to drive it to the finish, at the moment he's doing it in style

but i may start watching the races without sound unless James Allen tones it down a bit

donKey jote
11th June 2007, 21:22
dont it make u think what a schumacher hamilton battle would be like?
Come back micheal

What makes you think it would be better than the Alonso-Hamilton battle we are seeing now ?

boohoo :laugh: :p :

11th June 2007, 21:54
Good luck to the guy :up:

Dave B
12th June 2007, 07:15
I can't help but notice that the thread starter has gone quiet ever since Lewis crossed the finishing line in Canada...

12th June 2007, 11:32
Damon Hill has got it spot on:

"People should not underestimate what he has achieved in an incredibly short space of time. Yes, he's with a good team, and yes, he's got a good car, but to be winning Grands Prix, and be putting in performances like that race after race, takes something special. He may be young and in his first season, but this guy is the real deal."

12th June 2007, 12:10
"He's a quality driver, very strong and only 16. If he keeps this up I'm sure he will reach F1. It's something special to see a kid of his age out on the circuit. He's clearly got the right racing mentality."
—Michael Schumacher, speaking in 2001.

"He's a rare, rare talent, A rookie like this comes around once in a generation. You just try to step back and appreciate it."-Mario Andretti

15th June 2007, 14:24
Not wishing to be too controversial but am I alone in secretly (not too secret anymore!) wanting to see Lewis have a bad time in qualifying so we get to see his overtaking ability which I still believe is one of his greatest assets?

If he keeps putting it on pole, we won't be seeing him use this skill too much.

15th June 2007, 16:29
Don't worry, he has a long career in front of him. He will have bad year, as well as mediocre years, and he will give you plenty of time to see his abilities.

For now, that he has a shot at the championship, I would actually like him to stay on pole.

15th June 2007, 17:25
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway
an afterthought!!!....are you familiar with your national anthem and what is it plz??????????

15th June 2007, 17:32
What makes you think it would be better than the Alonso-Hamilton battle we are seeing now ?

boohoo :laugh: :p :
great point!!!!!!!! :)

15th June 2007, 17:33
could it be better??????????

15th June 2007, 20:25
Not wishing to be too controversial but am I alone in secretly (not too secret anymore!) wanting to see Lewis have a bad time in qualifying so we get to see his overtaking ability which I still believe is one of his greatest assets?

In some way it's an interesting point. Many people have criticized Massa for not being able to achieve a good result after starting from the back. What can Hamilton do in similar situation? His GP2 races last year were pretty impressive (winning after starting from 8th), so I think he should have the aggressiveness for passing in F1 too, but this has yet to be seen. Of course it would be interesting to see, what can he do after starting from the back, but I'm definetely not wishing him any bad luck (as I'd like to see him to continue gaining advantage over Alonso - but in that case they may both start from the back, helps Ferraris a bit :p : ). It's simply inevitable that once comes a day, when he struggles and he has to fight hard. Some patience is needed. :)

16th June 2007, 00:03
Not wishing to be too controversial but am I alone in secretly (not too secret anymore!) wanting to see Lewis have a bad time in qualifying so we get to see his overtaking ability which I still believe is one of his greatest assets?

If he keeps putting it on pole, we won't be seeing him use this skill too much.

I'm dreading the day he gets a dominant car and an inferior team-mate and destroys the opposition over a period of time.

That is when the Lewis love affair will end.

race aficionado
17th June 2007, 01:21
Got to bring this thread up top again.

LH will take it again all the way to the top tomorrow.

:s mokin:

17th June 2007, 04:55
Lewis.........poor guy.............He's so young, and has nowhere to go but downhill.

Valve Bounce
17th June 2007, 05:28
Blessed are they who go downhill, for they shall get there faster. :)

17th June 2007, 20:51
Whats all the hype about. Hes won no races, hes very arrogant, and he thinks that he is gods gift. i dont rate him and hes no micheal schumacher anyway

Clearly.... :D


donKey jote
17th June 2007, 21:21
scbgers seems to have left us :(

boohoo :laugh:

17th June 2007, 22:46
another great drive, better than the montreal drive because he was challenged more by Alonso. We still are yet to see him seriously challenged in a race though.

But im not complaining while he's doing brilliantly, keep up the good job :up:

The Ripper
17th June 2007, 23:38
(first post on f1 thread so please be gentle! ;) )

Doubtless an historic race, not the most spectacular one but a great result all the same. LH will be a great but like a few other posters I will be intrigued to see how he copes with a retirement or awful qual session. Personally I think he'll only come out even stronger.

Off to ladbrokes in the morning, 50p on him winning his home gp- should get a quid back!!!!

18th June 2007, 01:00
I can't stand people who post controversial comments and then run away without defending them. Scbers hasn't left, I am sure he is reading these commentss but based on the past two weeks is fearful of having to eat crow to the forum.

I will bet you he will resureface once LH has a bard result

18th June 2007, 05:34
e still are yet to see him seriously challenged in a race though.

Oh come on, he was under CONSTANT pressure from the 2 x WDC. Surely that is pressure enough, n'est pas?

18th June 2007, 06:50
The topic of this thread is Lewis, not who started this thread...thank you :)

Valve Bounce
18th June 2007, 08:38
I can't stand people who post controversial comments and then run away without defending them. Scbers hasn't left, I am sure he is reading these commentss but based on the past two weeks is fearful of having to eat crow to the forum.

I will bet you he will resureface once LH has a bard result

Who cares, Walter!! Who cares!!

I think we just might have seen the new champion designate!

18th June 2007, 13:48
If Hamilton continues to drive so perfectly, he risks people getting bored of him after his first year in F1.

18th June 2007, 13:50
I somehow doubt he's going to stop driving to his upmost ability just so people don't get bored!

18th June 2007, 15:05
Lewis could be the most naturally talented driver from Britain since Jimmy Clark!

THere's only one way to find out......

Put him in a reasonably priced car and go round the Top Gear test track!

18th June 2007, 15:22
What was Jimmy Clark's time then? ;)

19th June 2007, 01:27
I feel pretty good about watching this 22 year olds rise into F1 greatness.
Anyone who can win on tracks that they have never raced on in their first season is bloody amazing.

Good on Him, I will watch his career with the upmost amount of jealousy, enthusiasm and just sheer excitement. :) I havent felt this kind of excitement towards a driver since JPM entered F1.

I have never really been one to jump on the band wagon, but....
Surely you have to be impressed and happy for what seems a totally down to earth and confident person.

I honestly think that regadless the regulations of the cars, he will be at the top of the the list with the select few.

Cheers to Lewis, and the hope of many more race wins to come...

20th June 2007, 08:52
Emerson Fittipaldi is the latest to comment on Lewis Hamilton:

"For the championship, I would go for Lewis now. For sure. When you are so young and suddenly you are leading and winning, it is a tremendous pressure and he is taking the pressure in a positive way."

"I see we are going to reach beyond the borders of motor racing with Lewis Hamilton like we never have before. If you look at all the world champions before, even the best that we had never reached the public that Lewis can reach."

"Lewis talks to the car and the car talks to him. They understand each other very well and Fernando I think was screaming to the car (in Canada). He was not having a conversation. But Alonso can be very strong, I still believe he is going to be tough competition and Ferrari can come back strongly again. It's not going to be easy for Lewis."

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 10:23
Lewis could be the most naturally talented driver from Britain since Jimmy Clark!

THere's only one way to find out......

Put him in a reasonably priced car and go round the Top Gear test track!

This is really not a fair comment, because Jimmy always had the best car. Not to take anything away from him, because he is one of my all time favourites.

But Jimmy never had to race in the previous year's car under a private entrant. And there was a helluva lot of difference between the car Jimmy raced and the car Stirling raced.

Valve Bounce
20th June 2007, 10:26
I feel pretty good about watching this 22 year olds rise into F1 greatness.
Anyone who can win on tracks that they have never raced on in their first season is bloody amazing.

Good on Him, I will watch his career with the upmost amount of jealousy, enthusiasm and just sheer excitement. :) I havent felt this kind of excitement towards a driver since JPM entered F1.

I have never really been one to jump on the band wagon, but....
Surely you have to be impressed and happy for what seems a totally down to earth and confident person.

I honestly think that regadless the regulations of the cars, he will be at the top of the the list with the select few.

Cheers to Lewis, and the hope of many more race wins to come...

I will admire Lewis from what he has already achieved and because he has shown he is a great driver already. But at present, my two favourite drivers have to be the two driving the Super Aguris, and no guessing who is my favourite, is there?

20th June 2007, 11:31
If Hamilton continues to drive so perfectly, he risks people getting bored of him after his first year in F1.
If I were you, maybe I would say the same thing :)

race aficionado
2nd July 2007, 00:30
And his podium streak continues and he is still up front on the championship points.

Good for him.

:s mokin:

2nd July 2007, 01:20
I feel pretty good about watching this 22 year olds rise into F1 greatness.
Anyone who can win on tracks that they have never raced on in their first season is bloody amazing.

Good on Him, I will watch his career with the upmost amount of jealousy, enthusiasm and just sheer excitement. :) I havent felt this kind of excitement towards a driver since JPM entered F1.

I have never really been one to jump on the band wagon, but....
Surely you have to be impressed and happy for what seems a totally down to earth and confident person.

I honestly think that regadless the regulations of the cars, he will be at the top of the the list with the select few.

Cheers to Lewis, and the hope of many more race wins to come...
It has been done before , Villeneuve ......

2nd July 2007, 01:45
This is really not a fair comment, because Jimmy always had the best car. Not to take anything away from him, because he is one of my all time favourites.

But Jimmy never had to race in the previous year's car under a private entrant. And there was a helluva lot of difference between the car Jimmy raced and the car Stirling raced.

He had to race the Lotus with the BRM H16 engine though, and tell me that wasn't a complete dog! Even then he grabbed pole at the Nurburgring and won at the Glen, and when Lotus decided to run the 2 litre climax engine, he was beating the 3 litre cars of Brabham and Hulme, until his car quite typically ran into problems and had to settle for third. So he didn't always have the best car.

It would've been great to see a championship fight between Moss and Clark though.

2nd July 2007, 11:02
It has been done before , Villeneuve ......

No, Gilles was 27 :D

2nd July 2007, 14:57
If Hamilton continues to drive so perfectly, he risks people getting bored of him after his first year in F1.

This is already the case in WRC with Sebastien Loeb