View Full Version : Box junctions

6th June 2007, 20:53
Does anyone obey box junctions any more? I ask because my bus journey to the station this morning was disrupted by countless vehicles, including other buses, ignoring them and snarling the traffic up as a result. I wasn't impressed.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th June 2007, 20:57
I have to because if I went into one on my driving test. etc.......... :dozey:

6th June 2007, 21:52
I've been catching the train into work for the last week or so and on my drive to the train station there is a box junction at a fork in the road where there are traffic lights so both roads can filter into one lane. I always obey them, but it really frustrates me in rush hour when the cars coming from the other direction filtering in the road I want to go to dont obey the box junction. They end up blocking it so even when light go green for me I cant go anywhere because theres no where to go.

If people just obeyed them, their journey would go a whole lot faster. Maybe I shouldn't complain, I'm sure the people in my lane do the same thing to those in the other lane. I suppose it all ends up being a vicious circle in the end.

Personally I never go in them and block them. Your car is pretty much a sitting target to be hit by anything and everything. I like my car the way it is, I dont really want to put it in a postition where someone can easily hit it. Plus its always going to be your fault for being stuck there anyway.

6th June 2007, 22:20
I never let buses in.

6th June 2007, 22:52

6th June 2007, 23:36
I never let buses in.

Then you shouldn't be on the road, as you obviously don't know the highway code.

If everyone was a little more courteous, then the roads would be a nicer place, in my opinion.

6th June 2007, 23:37

cos they hold me up.

6th June 2007, 23:47
cos they hold me up.

While you hold up the journeys of rather more than one person.

6th June 2007, 23:54
I never let buses in.

Im going to get Ivanthedriver to park his bus outside your house.. :)

7th June 2007, 09:44
Easy way to solve this problem, put cameras on the Box junction. Really annoys me that people don't obey the rules. Another thing which annoys me is if I don't go in you get some idiot behind me honking his/her horn trying to grt me to go in. PRATS!!! Read the Highway Code.

7th June 2007, 15:08
Easy way to solve this problem, put cameras on the Box junction.

There are already multiple places in London where this has been implemented already.

7th June 2007, 18:16
While you hold up the journeys of rather more than one person.

only by 2 seconds.

buses should be banned.

7th June 2007, 18:20
buses should be banned.


7th June 2007, 20:15


7th June 2007, 21:13
I always thought those yellow cross-hatches signified a designated parking area. No wonder it took me so long to pass my driving test!

7th June 2007, 23:55
only by 2 seconds.

buses should be banned.
You are an A-grade fool.

8th June 2007, 00:13
only by 2 seconds.

You been out and calculated it before offering us that considered opinion?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th June 2007, 10:02
Why do parents think that the zig-zag areas in front of schools are for parking, when picking up their kids?

As a regular bus user, once I pass my driving test I would never consider the bus unless it was significantly cheaper than driving.

8th June 2007, 10:55
Personally I never go in them and block them. Your car is pretty much a sitting target to be hit by anything and everything. I like my car the way it is, I dont really want to put it in a postition where someone can easily hit it. Plus its always going to be your fault for being stuck there anyway.

I totally agree, people don't think about how dangerous it can be. It's like driving down a small road with parked cars on one side, there are some people who drive so far away from them that end up in your lane towards you ! It's almost as if they'd rather hit a car head on that risk losing a mirror on a parked car.
The rules are there for our safety on the road, ok there are a few pain in the a*** rules like bus lanes and cycles but in the whole they're all good, and really, for everyones sake should just be obeyed.

Brown, Jon Brow
8th June 2007, 11:00
People like to moan about our roads but many don't seem to know that statistically the UK has some of the safest roads in the world.

16th June 2007, 21:37
I never give way to taxis :p :

17th June 2007, 01:44
I never give way to taxis :p :

me neither.

Dave B
17th June 2007, 10:06
I never give way to Stuartf12007. At least, I won't now...

17th June 2007, 16:53
I never give way to Stuartf12007. At least, I won't now...
Me too :) I now have a policy of not giving way to Civic's at all :)

17th June 2007, 20:09
I must say this is one of my pet peeves. There's a number of box junctions on the main road that I travel down on the bus route to work in the morning. Two of these box markings are outside a police station and a fire station so the whole point of them is relatively obvious. But, there people are, happily queueing up straight over the grids. How stupid would they feel if a fire engine had to get through and was held up waiting for them to manouver off the grid markings?? It's beyond me why you don't just wait... it's not like any time is lost because either way you're waiting in a queue! urgh...

18th June 2007, 08:01
There was a story a few weeks ago about someone getting fined for stopping in a box junction because he wanted to turn right and was blocked by oncoming traffic. He sent them back a copy of the law for them to read ;)