View Full Version : 21st century taboos

4th June 2007, 14:47

Quite agree with 4 and 8 in particular :)

4th June 2007, 14:51
And 5, and 9...

4th June 2007, 14:53
5?!?!?!?! You frigging nonce! :p

4th June 2007, 15:30
5?!?!?!?! You frigging nonce! :p


Don't forget, what I need is help, not punishment. ;)

4th June 2007, 15:41
I would agree with sending you to prison but there's no way I'm going to pay for you to be in there! :angryfire


4th June 2007, 16:10
If you do this, you are treated like a fool. Clearly you're off your head to even enter a branch of Starbucks, Costa, Cafe Nero or any other well-known high street purveyor of beverages and have the temerity to ask for something as ordinary as tea

Karen and myself do that all the time :D

4th June 2007, 16:26
I find that just asking for 'a coffee' flummoxes them most of the time.

4th June 2007, 16:49
I don't get the problem with full fat milk, I hate any type of low fat/low dairy etc, infact I hate 'low fat' anything, and will always try to get the full fat version of whatever it is if possible :D

4th June 2007, 18:13
I cringe everytime I hear Imagine by John Lennon. I hate his voice, I hate the video, I hate the lyrics. Everything that people love about it, I hate.

4th June 2007, 18:31
I cringe everytime I hear Imagine by John Lennon. I hate his voice, I hate the video, I hate the lyrics. Everything that people love about it, I hate.

Apart from the bit about his voice, I concur.

John Lennon created a fantastic body of work, but most of the world seems obsessed by one of his weakest songs.

4th June 2007, 19:35
What's wrong with proper milk?I only ever have full fat milk... and I've never felt like I should hide the fact either... not sure I get that one.

4th June 2007, 20:32
Regarding no. 3: Recently boarding a bus I smiled politely and motioned for a woman to board ahead of me. She gave me a look of absolute contempt and snorted... and boarded the bus ahead of me anyways :mark: . Cow! :p :

4th June 2007, 20:34
What's wrong with proper milk?I only ever have full fat milk... and I've never felt like I should hide the fact either... not sure I get that one.

I'm with you on this one!! I don't have alot of milk, but when I do I want the REAL stuff!!!

Captain VXR
4th June 2007, 20:54
I agree with no 10 england suck at football at the mo (no offence)

4th June 2007, 21:51
I don't get the problem with full fat milk, I hate any type of low fat/low dairy etc, infact I hate 'low fat' anything, and will always try to get the full fat version of whatever it is if possible :D

Me too :D

What's wrong with proper milk?I only ever have full fat milk... and I've never felt like I should hide the fact either... not sure I get that one.

Blame people who think they have good health because they don't smoke and they drink low-fat milk. It's a sort of feeling superior thing - "I'm aware of my health, I drink low-fat milk, I won't get cardiovascular disease"... or, to sum it up more succinctly, snobbery.

5th June 2007, 00:34
8) Being irreverent about Princess Diana

This was one of the most annoying Sundays of my life. Imagine my terror after having sat on a train for 6 hours to the nation's capital to see Liverpool v Arsenal at Highbury and then having arrived at the ground, only to be told that the match had been canned as a mark of respect.


It was a particularly cold evening in London as well and whilst I stood at Euston freezing my left nad off, the words of Liam Gallagher came ringing in on Five Live

She's dead ok, ****ing get over it

I think the match was actually played in November and Stig Bjørnebye scored the only goal, though I could be wrong about that.

5th June 2007, 01:58
I have no idea what milk I drink, all I know is that I buy the milk with the blue top...

Apart from that I think I agree with most of them, I never have anything to say to strangers anyway

5th June 2007, 03:06
8) Being irreverent about Princess Diana

This was one of the most annoying Sundays of my life. Imagine my terror after having sat on a train for 6 hours to the nation's capital to see Liverpool v Arsenal at Highbury and then having arrived at the ground, only to be told that the match had been canned as a mark of respect.


It was a particularly cold evening in London as well and whilst I stood at Euston freezing my left nad off, the words of Liam Gallagher came ringing in on Five Live

I think the match was actually played in November and Stig Bjørnebye scored the only goal, though I could be wrong about that.

I don't get this one either. What's the fascination with a woman who seemed hell-bent on having one lover for each day of the week and two on Tuesdays.

It's all Charlie's fault though. He had the temerity to have an affair with one woman and a woman that he later married at that. What a *******! :dozey:

5th June 2007, 10:11
I was pissed off because Princess Dianas death replaced my regular cartoons for over a week :p :

Dave B
5th June 2007, 10:14
I was more annoyed at the Queen Mum for interrupting Auntie's Bloomers :p

5th June 2007, 10:26
This was one of the most annoying Sundays of my life. Imagine my terror after having sat on a train for 6 hours to the nation's capital to see Liverpool v Arsenal at Highbury and then having arrived at the ground, only to be told that the match had been canned as a mark of respect.

Sorry, but I have to step in here. Liverpool were due to play Newcastle at Anfield on the day Diana died. I know, because I had tickets.

5th June 2007, 10:59
#10 is perfect.