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25th January 2007, 15:15
Naps are for whimps, are you calling the LW a whimp? :s hock:

25th January 2007, 16:56
Do you mean wimp? :D

25th January 2007, 17:52
nah, i call the LW mine :D

25th January 2007, 18:04
Keep calling the Lw is not listening :p

25th January 2007, 21:19
I did see boxes and red x too. I;m away to join Donnie, with the LW

25th January 2007, 21:23
I have no idea what is going on.

25th January 2007, 21:27
I have the LW - everything explained

25th January 2007, 21:47
Even though you explained it simply I still don't quite see it, from here it looks like the LW is with me :p :

25th January 2007, 22:16
You are mistaken Miguel...

25th January 2007, 22:18
So I was. Thanks for pointing it out Schmenke

25th January 2007, 22:19
No, no, no. You got it all wrong again Miguel.

25th January 2007, 22:37
Damn it! I thought I got it right that time.

25th January 2007, 22:48
Ah, just give it up Miguel.

25th January 2007, 22:53
Just back online now. I'm highly amused to read the backlog and see what havoc I caused :D

...inadvertently, of course ;)

25th January 2007, 22:53
The boxes have gone now NG, I have no idea what that was all about :D

25th January 2007, 22:56
Yeah, right Leon :D

25th January 2007, 23:01
I had no intention of bringing your sanity into question; I thought it was open-and-shut, no question of a doubt ;)

But seriously, everything's back to normal, Donnie; the LW is back to its rightful home with me :D

25th January 2007, 23:47
Time for a bit of late-night yoinking methinks :D

25th January 2007, 23:50
What are you talking about? it's the middle of the day! ;)

25th January 2007, 23:53
Well have a midday yoink then :p :

25th January 2007, 23:55
Carl has no shame :D

25th January 2007, 23:57
I was a bit worried when I first read the word "yoinking" too........ ;)

26th January 2007, 00:07
You should be!! They're all at it, in here :D

26th January 2007, 00:10
Are you saying we're all a bunch of yoinkers then?

26th January 2007, 00:11
Yoink! :D

26th January 2007, 00:17
Oh no! What have I got myself into!? :D

26th January 2007, 00:39
Yes Carl, I am :D

26th January 2007, 00:41
Well as the saying goes, 'it takes one to know one' :p :

26th January 2007, 00:43
I was going to ask Donnie if she included herself :p :

26th January 2007, 00:49
I do not, since I am as pure as the driven snow. And not the yellow snow, either :D

26th January 2007, 00:49
Donnie used to be one of the biggest in the country, sadly her age has caught up with her and, although she still tries occasionally, she's not as good as she used to be :D

26th January 2007, 00:57
Donnie used to be one of the biggest in the country, sadly her age has caught up with her and, although she still tries occasionally, she's not as good as she used to be :D

26th January 2007, 01:28
How VERY dare you :D

26th January 2007, 04:48
Jeepers Carl, that's brave of you mate! :s hock: :D

26th January 2007, 10:03
yet another funtastical all night at work last word.

26th January 2007, 10:41
the LW is also funtastical. :D

26th January 2007, 12:18
No doubt it is.

26th January 2007, 12:35
How VERY dare you :D

Come on now DD, you're amoungst friends, time to come out of the closet :D

26th January 2007, 12:45
Yeah, DD please the LW also wants to know.

26th January 2007, 12:58
The LW already knows, it knows everything ;)

26th January 2007, 13:07
Sssssh I was trying to convince DD.

26th January 2007, 13:36
The LW need no convincing. :)

26th January 2007, 13:55
Exactly ;)

26th January 2007, 13:58
I totally agree. :cheese:

26th January 2007, 14:10
We , as in me and the LW, are glad that you do :p :

26th January 2007, 16:06
There's no way for you to know how the LW feels because it is here with me, so you can only guess.

26th January 2007, 16:16
No guesses needed as the LW has liberated itself from your grasp and is now with its rightful owner.... :D

26th January 2007, 17:18
so it's back to me then? Things as usual :)

26th January 2007, 17:57
What closet?? Are you implying now that I'm gay? Thats it Carl, I'm suing you :D

26th January 2007, 19:35
You've been locked up in a closet all this time?

Well that explains the odour... :mark:

26th January 2007, 20:38
Now where in any of my posts did I mention the fact that DD might be a rug muncher?

26th January 2007, 20:53
None of them but you invited her to get out of the closet, I don't know anything about her diet though. :p

26th January 2007, 20:55
I'm not sure I want to know :eek:

26th January 2007, 20:57
You asked first.

26th January 2007, 21:34
I think I've heard enough :s

26th January 2007, 21:47
Exactly Donney, he did :D

A couple of mill in used bills should settle this Carl, I don;t want to be too pushy :D

26th January 2007, 22:59
my LW for now

26th January 2007, 23:32
Not right now, though :D

26th January 2007, 23:42
A couple of mill? You're more likely to get a bunch of fives on the nose ;)

26th January 2007, 23:44
You lousy cheapskate!!! :D

26th January 2007, 23:49
It's my final offer, take it or leave it but leave it at your peril :ninja:

26th January 2007, 23:55
I'll leave it, and I'm not afraid of you, so ner :D

26th January 2007, 23:59
Be afraid, be veryy afraid for I will release the true power of


..............upon you and you may not survive :vader:

27th January 2007, 00:37
Wait!! Is that the little one who peed his pants at the sight of the new Dodge Caliber?

27th January 2007, 00:43
Yep, you ever smelt monkey pee :eek:

27th January 2007, 01:42
I can tell that this argument isn't going to be solved by normal means... so we'll have use abnormal means.
Both of you will be given a herring and then will fight it out to the death!

I on the other hand will be most content with a Yorkie bar and can of Vimto.

27th January 2007, 01:42
I have not, but you collect it? :D

27th January 2007, 10:06
I'll watch the fight with the LW by my side where are the bookies?

27th January 2007, 11:22
The fight is over, I won :D I spared Carl from death though, as I am a generous sort of a gal :D

27th January 2007, 12:08
I think while you all are fighting I'l keep the LW company. :cheese:

27th January 2007, 12:31
I was not fighting, so there's no need for you to keep the LW company.

27th January 2007, 13:33
nor you!

27th January 2007, 13:35
I think you'll find that I have four aces!

27th January 2007, 16:18
Which is very nice for poker but not for the LW

27th January 2007, 17:44
........which is currently sitting here with me :p :

27th January 2007, 18:15
currently is quite outdated for you.

27th January 2007, 19:39
I think you'll find that I have four aces!

Are they smokin'? :D

28th January 2007, 00:35
I don't think so. One does not usually play cards with them whilst they're on fire.

28th January 2007, 03:16
Probably not the best thing to do, unlike munching a bowl of Cheerios which is what I'm doing right now :lips:

28th January 2007, 03:17
You gotta give those a rest :D

28th January 2007, 03:20
I did, last week I was munching Golden Nuggets, and I've had Cornflakes twice this week too ;)

28th January 2007, 03:22
Honey nut, or ordinary? :D

28th January 2007, 03:25
Just ordinary, Honey Nut Cornflakes are evil :devil:

28th January 2007, 03:43
what's a honey nut, does such a thing exist in nature?

28th January 2007, 05:57
Dunno. But one thing is for certain... The LW exists in nature, and I happen to be a natural kind of guy :D

28th January 2007, 07:20
This has been a lot of fun to read.

Now I have to disappoint you all, the LW is sitting with me in the nice sunshine coming through the windows of my house at 7:22 pm this evening... :D

28th January 2007, 12:20
I hope you've not been been watching the cricket, those bloody Aussies are doing damage again.

On the upside, watching the Australian Open was fun.

28th January 2007, 14:07
I don't think they think the same in Chile that Federer is unbeatable. As I happen to be when it comes to having the LW :p

28th January 2007, 16:08
Consider yourself beaten :D

28th January 2007, 22:51
good day everyone, seems DD has had the LW for long enough duration and it will be mine now :)

28th January 2007, 23:20
Before I go out this morning I have a few things to say:

1. W@nkel Rotary Engine
2. Vibraphone
3. Gaseous Exits

Is anyone embarassed yet? :D

28th January 2007, 23:26
Mazda's can't be embarrasing!!

Mp3 Astra
28th January 2007, 23:48
I could only drive the Rx8 I think :D
But enough about Mazdas, more about LWs.

29th January 2007, 00:09
Yes, more about my stealing the LW :D

29th January 2007, 00:12
I can steal the LW in my (imaginary)Mazda :D

Mp3 Astra
29th January 2007, 00:19
I found something I love: http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6315/donniepr9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Oh the irony! :p :

29th January 2007, 00:29
my LW for a while

29th January 2007, 00:40
I found something I love: http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6315/donniepr9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Oh the irony! :p :

Ahhh, its so true ;) :D

29th January 2007, 00:59
What? That you've been registering under a dozen names a day so you can boost your positive rep :p :

29th January 2007, 01:33
I have an spectacular aura about, beat that :p :

29th January 2007, 01:39
I am a name known to all :p :

29th January 2007, 02:42
What? That you've been registering under a dozen names a day so you can boost your positive rep :p :

Thats an outrageous slur on my hitherto unblemished name! ;) :D

29th January 2007, 04:49
Yes, you're quite right, I'm fed up with being treated like a sheep, I mean what's the point of going abroad if you're just another tourist carted round in buses, surrounded by sweaty mindless oafs from Kettering and Coventry in their cloth caps and their cardigans and their transistor radios and their 'Sunday Mirrors', complaining about the tea, 'Oh they don't make it properly here do they not like at home' stopping at Majorcan bodegas, selling fish and chips and Watney's Red Barrel and calamares and two veg and sitting in their cotton sun frocks squirting Timothy White's suncream all over their puffy raw swollen purulent flesh cos they 'overdid it on the first day'! And being herded into endless Hotel Miramars and Bellevueses and Continentals with their modern international luxury roomettes and draft Red Barrel and swimmingpools full of fat German businessmen pretending they're acrobats, forming pyramids and frightening the children and barging in the queues and if you're not at your table spot on seven you miss the bowl of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, the first item on the menu of International Cuisine, and every Thursday night the hotel is a bloody cabaret in the bar featuring a tiny emaciated dago with nine-inch hips and some bloated fat tart with her hair Brylcreemed down and a big arse presenting Flamenco for Foreigners. And adenoidal typists from Birmingham with flabby white legs and diarrhoea trying to pick up hairy bandy-legged wop waiters called Manuel, and once a week there's an excursion to the local Roman ruins to buy cherryade and melted ice cream and bleedin' Watney's Red Barrel, and one evening you visit the so-called typical restaurant with local colour and atmosphere and you sit next to a party of people from Rhyl who keeps singing 'Torremolinos, Torremolinos', and complaining about the food, 'It's so greasy here isn't it!' and you get cornered by some drunken greengrocer from Luton with an Instamatic and Dr Scholl sandals and Tuesday's 'Daily Express' and he drones on and on and on about how Mr Smith should be running this country and how many languages Enoch Powell can speak and then he throws up all over the Cuba Libres. And sending tinted postcards of places they don't realise they haven't even visited, 'to all at number 22, weather wonderful our room is marked with an "X". Food very greasy but we found a charming little place hidden away in the back streets, where they serve Watney's Red Barrel and cheese and onion crisps and the accordionist plays "Maybe its because I'm a Londoner"

29th January 2007, 05:21
Some interesting new developments, but it leads us back to the same thing... the LW back with me :D

29th January 2007, 08:23
rollo, you are on probation for writing complete dribble, so the LW will be mine :p :

29th January 2007, 09:43
So it's the start of a new week and I see the LW is with me :D Some things never change ;)

29th January 2007, 11:25
...and sometimes things do change, like the LW. :cheese:

29th January 2007, 11:34
rollo, you are on probation for writing complete dribble, so the LW will be mine :p :

You used the word:
Dribble - n. a small trickling stream or a drop.

When the word:
Drivel - n. childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle.

...would have been more appropriate.

Yes it's true, I do talk crap but it's grammatically accurate crap :D

29th January 2007, 12:53
Rollo, I take it you didn't really enjoy thay experience.

29th January 2007, 13:17
Was it similar to losing the LW?

29th January 2007, 14:05
Rollo, I take it you didn't really enjoy thay experience.

Poor spelling and grammar gets my heckles, feckles, schmeckles and dander up!

29th January 2007, 14:43
Less of the dander talk :D

29th January 2007, 14:45
Ok - Is it just me, or does everyone have this bloody great white gap when they arrive in word games now? Its gone once I get within a word games thread, just when I'm looking at the list.

29th January 2007, 15:08
Same here.

29th January 2007, 15:48
I have the same gap.

29th January 2007, 15:49
Its really annoying, isn't it?

29th January 2007, 15:53
And now its not! Quick work :D

29th January 2007, 16:14
no gap here, just last word.

29th January 2007, 16:41
And it didn't occur to me to say mind the gap, before it was gone :D

29th January 2007, 16:45
It is gone, just like your last word.

29th January 2007, 17:16
But..............that wasn't my last word :D

29th January 2007, 18:26
and neither is this.

29th January 2007, 18:26
Mind the gap...

29th January 2007, 19:23
But DD said the gap was gone.

29th January 2007, 19:24
wow not even a minute for my last one. hopefully this can be longer...

Mp3 Astra
29th January 2007, 19:49
Do you like bold text?
If you do then keep staring while I steal the LW

29th January 2007, 19:56
Nice try!

Mp3 Astra
29th January 2007, 20:34
I wasn't trying anything! It's proven to work against you suckers :D

29th January 2007, 20:42
It doesn't work against me.

29th January 2007, 21:16
Or me, I'm impervious :D

29th January 2007, 21:40
Are you?

29th January 2007, 21:48
I really am, its fab :D

29th January 2007, 22:23
I like cheese.

29th January 2007, 22:33
I like the LW.

29th January 2007, 23:02
Cheese is better, that's right I said it, cheese is better than the last word.

29th January 2007, 23:20
Cheese and onion sandwiches are pretty awesome :D

29th January 2007, 23:50
I still prefer the LW :up:

30th January 2007, 00:33
Cheese and onion sandwiches are pretty awesome :D

Well everyone likes cheese and onion innit?

I think that it's so good, they should turn cheese and onion into a crisps flavour.

30th January 2007, 00:47
if doing that the flavor of cheese is utterly important. i wouldn't be too partial towards one flavored by blue cheese and onion.

30th January 2007, 01:54
Cheese and onion LW's ? :confused:

30th January 2007, 05:31
That doesn't make a whole heap of sense as you can't actually eat the Last Word. Unless of course you print it, in which case you'd be copying the Hamster who ate a picture of a BMW M6.

30th January 2007, 06:36
There is only one LW, and despite the 10 tonnes of work I've just got on my first day back at university, I still have a moment to spare for the LW :D

30th January 2007, 07:07
Well everyone likes cheese and onion innit?

I think that it's so good, they should turn cheese and onion into a crisps flavour.

They did, but then Walkers came along, and now all cheese and onion flavour crisps taste like sh*t :D

30th January 2007, 07:24
They did, but then Walkers came along, and now all cheese and onion flavour crisps taste like sh*t :D

:eek: how do you know what that tastes like!? :eek:

30th January 2007, 08:59
so now Johnnie Walker has been added to this disaster of flavor!?!

30th January 2007, 09:12
......all cheese and onion flavour crisps taste like sh*t :D

I'll never eat cheese and onion crisps again. Didn't know that's how sh*t taste. :crazy: Then again there are people with more experience than others. :cheese:

30th January 2007, 09:35
Enough of the crisps and s**t talk, time to concentrate of matters at hand. The LW has my full attention :D

30th January 2007, 09:37
Now the LW has my full attention as well. :cheese:

30th January 2007, 09:43
Only because you're watching it from afar :p :

30th January 2007, 09:47
.....but I'm getting closer. :facelick:

30th January 2007, 09:48
Not close enough though ;)

30th January 2007, 10:02
I feel I have to clarify that I have never actually eaten sh*t, but if I did, I just know it would taste exactly like Walkers cheese and onion flavour crisps :D

30th January 2007, 10:02
Beware! When I am close enough and without notice I'll take the LW away to a far far place. :D

30th January 2007, 10:04
Not far enough, obviously :D

30th January 2007, 10:12
I feel I have to clarify that I have never actually eaten sh*t

Nonsense, you've had a baby and like any parent you would have at some point ;)

30th January 2007, 10:22
Err, is that some kind of horrifying ritual that I clearly missed out on? I just changed a zillion nappies :D

30th January 2007, 10:25
and at some point during the zillion nappy changes, you would have gained a little poo on your fingers..........

30th January 2007, 10:44
You..............do know about soap and water, don't you? :D

30th January 2007, 10:44
and at some point during the zillion nappy changes, you would have gained a little poo on your fingers..........
.... and then eaten Walkers cheese and onion flavour crisps. :D

30th January 2007, 10:54
You..............do know about soap and water, don't you? :D

Yes, very good for washing the cars with ;)

30th January 2007, 12:17
I'll take the LW away from this peculiar conversation :rolleyes:

30th January 2007, 13:03
Why? it's no stranger on here than normal ;)

30th January 2007, 13:03
Yes, clearly men eat baby poo, and that is indeed strange :D Well, Carl does anyway :D

30th January 2007, 13:06
We all eat a pound of dirt before we die :D

30th January 2007, 15:59
But that won't happen in a good while, in the meantime the LW is mine.

30th January 2007, 17:04
A pound of dirt now??? :D

30th January 2007, 17:10
I'm not hungry thank you!

30th January 2007, 18:09
A pound of dirt now??? :D

Well either that or a bowl of Cheerios ;)

30th January 2007, 18:17
It's up to you DD.

30th January 2007, 19:25
it's my last word though.

30th January 2007, 19:35
I'll have the...............Honey Nut Cornflakes :D

30th January 2007, 21:34
that counts as a pound of dirt anyway :p :

30th January 2007, 22:10
No, the dirt would taste better ;)

30th January 2007, 23:31
Better than what?

30th January 2007, 23:33
Dirt that has been in some way sullied.

30th January 2007, 23:48
How can you sully dirt? I mean, hasn't it been sullied already?

31st January 2007, 00:12
I figure dirt is about as sullied as it's ever going to get... :mark:

31st January 2007, 00:26
I spent a week camping miles from civilisation in Fuerteventura once, lest just say that eating lots of meat and rice and drinking loads of water meant that the dirt in the surrounding area got pretty badly sullied.

31st January 2007, 00:34
No, no, no. It sounds like the campsite may have certainly be sullied, but not the dirt...

31st January 2007, 01:17
Better than what?

Than Honey Nut Cornflakes :yuk:

31st January 2007, 02:08
It's interesting that most threads on the Chit Chat board when left for sufficient periods of time will turn to smut. In here they turn to that other great source of British humour... Poos and Wees

Soup spelled backwards is puos.

31st January 2007, 03:12
It is good or bad? :D Not pous, the part about toilet humour instead of smut :D

31st January 2007, 04:08
It is good or bad? :D Not pous, the part about toilet humour instead of smut :D

We French think that going to the toilet is a solemn, mudane affair but you English have turned it into the basis of an entire culture!

Obviously it's good - we're better than the French! :D

31st January 2007, 06:16
It's always fun to come along and see the sort of havoc a small, offhand comment by me has wreaked :D

We French think that going to the toilet is a solemn, mudane affair but you English have turned it into the basis of an entire culture!

Obviously it's good - we're better than the French! :D

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a line from Blackadder Goes Fourth, the episode called Private Plane, delivered by Adrian Edmonson, playing the Red Baron?

31st January 2007, 11:17
Did he have the LW?

31st January 2007, 11:18
My feverish LW.

31st January 2007, 11:28
Are you not well BB?

31st January 2007, 11:56
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a line from Blackadder Goes Fourth, the episode called Private Plane, delivered by Adrian Edmonson, playing the Red Baron?

Hence the italics :D

Hang on, why is this kind of writing called italics? Do people from Italy normally walk around on a sort of lean? I knew that they had a reputation for being good lovers bit surely that's pushing it, no?

31st January 2007, 12:02

31st January 2007, 12:10
The LW might know the answer.

31st January 2007, 12:25
Are you not well BB?

No I'm not I think I have a case of severe influenza and my temperature is far from its normal levels.

31st January 2007, 12:42
good morning everyone :wave:

here to take the LW once again :)

31st January 2007, 12:50
Good afternoon harvick!

31st January 2007, 13:15
No I'm not I think I have a case of severe influenza and my temperature is far from its normal levels.

My medical knowledge comes from years of experience in watching Warner Bros cartoons. Ahem:

Pain is usually indicated by little lightning bolts emminating from the painful area. So then, to remove pain, simply remove the lightning bolts. Easy! :D

31st January 2007, 13:41
my LW for now...

31st January 2007, 13:54
"Now" didn't last long :p :

31st January 2007, 14:38
My medical knowledge comes from years of experience in watching Warner Bros cartoons. Ahem:

Pain is usually indicated by little lightning bolts emminating from the painful area. So then, to remove pain, simply remove the lightning bolts. Easy! :D

LW thankyou

31st January 2007, 15:59
My medical knowledge comes from years of experience in watching Warner Bros cartoons. Ahem:

Pain is usually indicated by little lightning bolts emminating from the painful area. So then, to remove pain, simply remove the lightning bolts. Easy! :D

http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/sick005.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

Thank you anyway.

31st January 2007, 17:01
Ah, poor Donney...

I'm yoinking the LW anyways :p :

31st January 2007, 17:10
That's not very nice, BB needs it to look after him.

31st January 2007, 19:30
Me too Donney! I've had a raging temp all day. Just taking some tablets now to try and get it down, no idea what brought it on.

31st January 2007, 23:17
Oi! oi! DD & BB both got the hots ;)

1st February 2007, 01:15
ah, poor DD :p :

guess the LW game will be safe from the sick people :D

1st February 2007, 04:06
Fully sick people?

1st February 2007, 06:02
Hence the italics :D

Hang on, why is this kind of writing called italics? Do people from Italy normally walk around on a sort of lean? I knew that they had a reputation for being good lovers bit surely that's pushing it, no?

Yes, but the Red Baron was a German, that was my point...

Me too Donney! I've had a raging temp all day. Just taking some tablets now to try and get it down, no idea what brought it on.

paracetamol/panadol/acetaminophen or an NSAID?

1st February 2007, 06:22
get some Pepto it solves all problems!

1st February 2007, 06:26
get some Pepto it solves all problems!

No, that's non-judgemental listening :p :

1st February 2007, 07:10
which never hurt anyone!

1st February 2007, 07:35
So you thing think that non-judgemental listening is harmless. So tell me about your feelings towards empathy and listening, and interpersonal relationships?

1st February 2007, 08:06
it's all in good objectivity

1st February 2007, 08:11
So to you it's about objectivity? Would you like to, perhaps, go into a bit more detail about this?

1st February 2007, 08:19
not really, we'll keep this between me, the last word, and the humour.

1st February 2007, 08:27
You want to keep this between yourself, the LW and humour? Would you like to talk about why you have chosen these confidants?

1st February 2007, 08:57
Paracetamol :D

1st February 2007, 09:03
Did you know something about Paracetamol?

Its method of action is completely unknown. All anyone knows is that it works.

1st February 2007, 11:02
Which is all anyone really cares about, oh and the LW of course :D

1st February 2007, 12:09
Aaaah yes the LW :cheese:

1st February 2007, 12:41
What, you mean this one here?

1st February 2007, 13:39
No, I meant this one here! :D

1st February 2007, 13:51
But that's fake :p :

1st February 2007, 19:35
According to Carl I've had a fake LW many a bean, I think he's been lying :p :

1st February 2007, 21:25
Carl's right. I have the authentic one :D

2nd February 2007, 00:16
are you sure, cause im sure ive got the original, its even got the copyright on it. :)

2nd February 2007, 00:22
Ah, but mine has the authentic bar code and holographic image :D

2nd February 2007, 01:07
But you'd only get that on the fake ones ;)

2nd February 2007, 03:52
Fake or not, I just have to say this:
Yoplait Petit Miam - It's French for little yum because it's not big yum is it?

2nd February 2007, 05:50
perhaps it's because yum is something to be provided in small doses.

2nd February 2007, 06:26
I'll check out the effects of too-high doses of yum, and I'll take the LW with me as a research assistant :D

2nd February 2007, 07:30
You can never have too much yum :D

2nd February 2007, 07:35
The research done by the LW and me tends to agree :D

2nd February 2007, 07:54
then i'm sure you won't mind if i grab the last word to indulge in your study!

2nd February 2007, 08:02
I believe in empowerment, and I empower the LW to choose to stay with me :D

2nd February 2007, 09:46
Since a working LW sometimes need a break, I'll take the LW with me for a much needed vacation. :cheese:

2nd February 2007, 09:48
No need, it likes it just where it is :D

2nd February 2007, 09:57
I'm sure that is true, but I'll take the LW anyway. :D

2nd February 2007, 09:59
you've had your fun.

2nd February 2007, 10:02
.........and you probably haven't, but I don't care :D

2nd February 2007, 10:04
LW = fun
I'm having the fun. :cheese:

2nd February 2007, 10:06
..........but without the LW, 'cos it's here with me :D

2nd February 2007, 10:08
I'll have to do something about that. ;)

2nd February 2007, 10:10
Yeah, I would if I were you :p :

2nd February 2007, 10:59
Since you have done nothing yet, I will take the LW.


2nd February 2007, 11:23
Don't bet on that. :D

2nd February 2007, 12:29
Why not, the odds are quite good ;)

2nd February 2007, 14:42
They are indeed.

2nd February 2007, 16:19
Gambling is not permitted on this forum.
I'm afraid that I'll have to confiscate the LW :D

2nd February 2007, 16:44
Gambling is not permitted on this forum.
I'm afraid that I'll have to confiscate the LW :D

Don't bet on that. :D

I told them. :cheese:

2nd February 2007, 17:44
But we still didn't listen :p :

Mp3 Astra
2nd February 2007, 18:16
End of the week LW :)

2nd February 2007, 18:25
For you perhaps :p :