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28th October 2011, 15:29
The LW is no laughing matter.

28th October 2011, 19:32
i'm laughing at you for being without the last word

Captain VXR
30th October 2011, 16:12
.....hypocrite much?

31st October 2011, 15:14
The LW does not understand poor grammar.

Captain VXR
31st October 2011, 20:57
i Fink yool find it.does,

2nd November 2011, 15:54
The WL tis is grummur...

2nd November 2011, 16:35
The last word should always end with a . or ! or ?

Captain VXR
2nd November 2011, 17:51
Last word dont need no punctuation

2nd November 2011, 17:57
Nor thought control.

Hey, Captain, leave them [last] words alone......

2nd November 2011, 18:15
The LW is not amused.

3rd November 2011, 03:10
nor is it yours

3rd November 2011, 06:10
nor yours

3rd November 2011, 19:34
The LW belongs to noone. It is a free spirit that enjoys independence... and from time to time my company :D .

3rd November 2011, 19:38
and that time is over!

Captain VXR
3rd November 2011, 23:01
I concur.

3rd November 2011, 23:24
i dissent

4th November 2011, 10:47
The LW mocks you all...

4th November 2011, 23:30
not so much

Captain VXR
5th November 2011, 23:00
futility is bestowed on you all.

5th November 2011, 23:08
... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

Captain VXR
6th November 2011, 19:14
the lw is full of significance.

6th November 2011, 19:59
nothing more significant than this post

Captain VXR
6th November 2011, 22:58
because your post demonstrates the significance of failure

7th November 2011, 15:48
Dear Captain.....you make failure look like success! The LW is worried...

7th November 2011, 15:58
The LW is safe with me. No need to worry.

7th November 2011, 19:28
your loss of the last word should worry you

Captain VXR
7th November 2011, 23:23
and you.

7th November 2011, 23:24
I feel more worried that the LW is with someone other than me, especially if it's with one of you lot.

8th November 2011, 06:09
I wanna be the very best, like no-one ever was...

8th November 2011, 10:15
the last word wants to be with none like you

Captain VXR
8th November 2011, 22:09
lw wants burger

9th November 2011, 19:25
schmenke wants burger :(

10th November 2011, 00:15
i'll have the last word, hold the burger

10th November 2011, 15:26
I'd rather have the burger :mark:

10th November 2011, 20:26
hope you had it, as you still don't have the last word

11th November 2011, 13:48
Ya'll get nothing including the LW

13th November 2011, 20:02
until now

14th November 2011, 11:54
No, later, if you are lucky!

Captain VXR
14th November 2011, 17:20
I'm feeling lucky, and I passed Go and collected £200

14th November 2011, 20:32
continue to jail, lose the last word to me

Captain VXR
15th November 2011, 20:50
Chance! You win a get out of jail free card and the last word.

16th November 2011, 21:18
thank you very much

17th November 2011, 06:10
you landed on my street with 3 hotels...I'll take the LW as payment seeing as you have no money left.

17th November 2011, 15:39
You just landed on Boardwalk with 3 hotels. You can pay me in monthly installments if you want.

Captain VXR
17th November 2011, 17:59
Thanks to an anonymous tip off the police suspected you have a crack cocaine distribution centre in your hotels, so have siezed all of your assets, including the last word, given them to me, and now 555-04Q2 has to pay me in monthly installments.

17th November 2011, 18:51
Tsk, no such activity has ever taken place in a fine establishment as mine. You must be mistaken.

Proceed to Mediterranean Avenue, do not pass Go, and buy it for a penny. 555 will meet you there as he's eager to rent one of your brothels.

18th November 2011, 06:36
I would never rent a Captain's brothel, the LW is not impressed!!! But I would like to rent that pink mini-skirt manufacturing plant you have on First Avenue!

18th November 2011, 15:25
the last word wants non of such poorly brokered deals

Captain VXR
20th November 2011, 22:43
it has to take the higher moral stance

21st November 2011, 14:49
Morals? What do you know about morals dear Captain?

Captain VXR
21st November 2011, 17:15
That morals work best when they suit me.

21st November 2011, 23:17
the last word no longer suits you or your morals

22nd November 2011, 04:32
The Moral to this story is:

You can't make an Umlaut without breaking a few Pegs.

22nd November 2011, 06:08
Yes, you can...

Captain VXR
22nd November 2011, 21:19
Yes he can

23rd November 2011, 01:17
yes i can....have the last word

23rd November 2011, 01:28
Could Bob The Builder fix America?

Barack Obama used his theme song as for his election campaign and couldn't.

23rd November 2011, 06:29
There is nothing that Bob The Builder cannot do. Fixing America would be completed before his morning cup of coffee was finished. My son says so!!!

Captain VXR
23rd November 2011, 16:24
I've completed the takeover of the last word.

24th November 2011, 11:04
You dreaming again ol Captain?

24th November 2011, 20:09
Poor Captain... "A" for effort but ultimately always fails.

25th November 2011, 07:37
Just like the rest of ya :p : BTW, the LW says hello and is really enjoying the sunshine we are having over here today!

25th November 2011, 15:38
The LW is helping me nurse a nagging cold. Stay away or else I'll sneeze on it.

Captain VXR
25th November 2011, 17:40
Your lack of mucus is disturbing.

25th November 2011, 22:38
Believe me, right now I have a surplus of mucus :s

25th November 2011, 22:43
Believe me, right now I have a surplus of mucus :s

Have you tried selling your surplus on the common market?

Captain VXR
26th November 2011, 17:16
Or the black market, which with the right contacts could earn you lots of money

28th November 2011, 14:30
Don't you mean the "green market" dear Captain?

28th November 2011, 15:33
Like green snot?

29th November 2011, 15:21
I didn't want to say it...but you seem comfortable doing it!

9th December 2011, 15:47
Snot no more. The LW is pleased.

Captain VXR
9th December 2011, 20:24
with me

9th December 2011, 22:24
The LW is neither with you or pleased with you. Quite the opposite actually, so you might as well stop trying Captain.

Captain VXR
10th December 2011, 22:32
I find your lack of faith disturbing

12th December 2011, 11:17
What the problem is Captain. Not everyone can be a believer!

Captain VXR
12th December 2011, 18:12
But everyone can be a belieber

13th December 2011, 06:12
Bieber.....never knew you were such a fan of his music. The LW would NOT be impressed with your choice!

13th December 2011, 15:31
The Captain a Bieber fan...? That explains a lot :mark: .

Captain VXR
13th December 2011, 16:18
Just because everyone can be a belieber doesn't mean Captain VXR has chosen to be a belieber

14th December 2011, 06:47
The LW detects that you are lying about your Bieber status...

14th December 2011, 15:42
The LW suspects that the Captain is a member of the Justin Bieber fan club.

14th December 2011, 15:42
Forget the LW, I am not impressed!

15th December 2011, 16:09
...but I am not surprised.

Captain VXR
16th December 2011, 23:37
The lw's suspicions are wrong.

19th December 2011, 17:01
The LW is rarely wrong.

Captain VXR
19th December 2011, 23:02
However in this instance, it was

22nd December 2011, 15:23
I don't think so. I'll keep the LW while you attend your weekly Justin Bieber fan club meeting.

Captain VXR
12th January 2012, 18:26
first last word of the year.

Captain VXR
12th January 2012, 18:44
First lw of the year

13th January 2012, 15:20
Mine too

13th January 2012, 19:46
Last LW of the year.

Captain VXR
15th January 2012, 17:38
For you, yes

18th January 2012, 00:10
Does this fred still exist?

Captain VXR
19th January 2012, 17:52
it seems so

23rd January 2012, 17:31
We might as well close it now that I have the LW.

Captain VXR
24th January 2012, 21:18
Sorry, but first you have to make a formal written request to the bureau of locksmiths and wait for them to consider it before this thread can be locked

25th January 2012, 00:03
I can't be bothered with all that red tape. Why don't you all just bgger off and we can agree amongst ourselves to close it.

Captain VXR
25th January 2012, 22:43
It can only be closed during a period in which I have ownership of the lw, according to the bureau of locksmiths

27th January 2012, 16:12
Well, seeing that you no longer have the LW, the bureau of locksmiths has no jurisdiction.
Consider this thread closed.
Nothing more to see.
Carry on.

Captain VXR
28th January 2012, 17:17
The bureau of locksmiths has voided your attempt to lock this thread

31st January 2012, 04:24
You can't stop the last word. Nobody can stop the last word.

Captain VXR
31st January 2012, 21:48
However, the bureau of locksmiths can slow it down to a pace slower than continental drift

31st January 2012, 22:35
The Bureau of Locksmiths sounds like a scary scary organisation. Have they had any roles in major world events?

Captain VXR
1st February 2012, 17:48
Not officially, although many assassinations of those who claimed to be the rightful lw holder have been linked to them :ninja:

2nd February 2012, 01:09
Is that how Franz Ferdinand died then?

2nd February 2012, 15:30
I hear the bureau of locksmiths is a very secretive organisation. Much is discussed behind closed doors that we don't know about.

Captain VXR
3rd February 2012, 21:40
That you don't know about

21st February 2012, 17:53
The LW knows all.

Captain VXR
22nd February 2012, 17:06
As does its rightful owner, me

22nd February 2012, 22:49
the last word is NOW rightfully where it belongs

Captain VXR
25th February 2012, 16:04
yes, in my possession

26th February 2012, 04:15
try again

Captain VXR
26th February 2012, 12:28

26th February 2012, 16:31
not good enough

Captain VXR
28th February 2012, 22:36
I think it was

29th February 2012, 03:07
this just shows how informed you are.

Captain VXR
29th February 2012, 15:35
I am quite well informed, thank you.

1st March 2012, 05:11
but still without the last word

1st March 2012, 17:18
Give it up you two.
The LW is, and will continue to be, with me. Permanently.
Thread closed.

1st March 2012, 21:44
nice try, hotshot!

Captain VXR
2nd March 2012, 21:32
Boys, play time is over

3rd March 2012, 00:17
the only thing over is your time with the last word.

Captain VXR
4th March 2012, 20:51
I disagree

5th March 2012, 16:00
Bickering is pointless.
In a gesture of good will, I’ll agree to share the LW. I’ll hang on to it 99% of the time, and you all can share the remaining 1%. Fair ‘nuff methinks.

Captain VXR
5th March 2012, 18:06
Methinks your projections of lw ownership are greatly flawed

5th March 2012, 21:16
especially when i've agreed to nothing

Captain VXR
6th March 2012, 21:32
nor have I, in fact as self appointed benign overlord of the LW thread, I proclaim myself rightful owner of the LW

6th March 2012, 22:16
your consistent display of failed ownership is astounding

Captain VXR
7th March 2012, 20:16
your consistent display of hypocrisy is astounding

8th March 2012, 04:51
and that's why the last word loves me

Captain VXR
8th March 2012, 20:48
...because its a religious fundie?

8th March 2012, 21:28
perhaps, if that's how you choose to see it. I simply choose to see it as mine.

Captain VXR
9th March 2012, 23:24
Then you are hallucinating

10th March 2012, 01:10
there's no hallucinating about me having the last word

Captain VXR
12th March 2012, 19:35
there's no hallucinating about me having the last word

you've realised that I hold it then?

12th March 2012, 22:14
You two have obviously been consuming some questionable fungi as it is quite clear that the LW is with me.

13th March 2012, 01:23
yet again the amount of wrongness from you is impeccable.

13th March 2012, 19:03
C'mon Dudley, that's enough with the 'shrooms.
Time to return to reality to see that the LW is, and has always been, with me.

14th March 2012, 02:06
apparently your under the effects of hallucinogens much more than myself

14th March 2012, 14:51
Nope, sound as pound I am, as is the LW.
May I suggest, Dudley, that perhaps you entertain some professional help...? :erm:

14th March 2012, 17:39
no, i'd rather continue entertaining the last word.

14th March 2012, 18:02
I think the LW is tiring of your antics and needs to distance itself.
It feels far more comfortable here with me.

15th March 2012, 06:02
once again the last word shies away from your supposed comfort

Captain VXR
19th March 2012, 23:30
Boys, please, put the acid tabs back in daddy's 'medicine' cabinet. Now run along and pass me the lw and and an ice cold bottle of Zywiec.

20th March 2012, 02:11
you can have the zywiec, i'll keep the last word.

20th March 2012, 02:57
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20th March 2012, 16:31
The LW dislikes zywiec and is quite frankly disturbed by the recent suggestions of questionable consumables. It has retreated to the sanity of my companionship.

20th March 2012, 18:51
seems the last word has issues with your supposed sanity

Captain VXR
21st March 2012, 10:10
I just checked, and indeed it does

21st March 2012, 17:28
thanks for keeping the last word warm for me.

Captain VXR
21st March 2012, 20:39
and thanks for looking after it whilst I was busy

22nd March 2012, 05:52
well i wasn't quite done yet

22nd March 2012, 14:48
Sorry do you need a few more minutes to wipe up?

22nd March 2012, 22:47
the last word is not amused by your crudeness

23rd March 2012, 14:55
The LW is not amused by your activities.

23rd March 2012, 19:14
but yet it has no problem remaining with me

23rd March 2012, 20:06
Only out of sympathy, temporarily.
To maintain its sanity it has returned to me.

24th March 2012, 03:33
the last word has no need for the type of sanity you're selling

Captain VXR
25th March 2012, 22:19
it has all the time in the world for me :D

25th March 2012, 23:16
apparently that time was short

27th March 2012, 17:05
The grows tired of continuous relocation. As such, it has claimed permanent residency with me.

27th March 2012, 22:31
your post is mysterious as you refer to something residing with you, but don't specify. i, though, have the last word.

28th March 2012, 16:33
The LW is mysterious and often disguises itself in an attempt to avoid you lot. The LW, however, stays in continuous contact with me, never straying far from my presence, and always returning.

28th March 2012, 19:53
but yet inevitably the last word gets tired of your presence and has no choice but to rid itself of you.

Captain VXR
28th March 2012, 23:48

29th March 2012, 06:54
not anymore

30th March 2012, 17:16

30th March 2012, 18:31
as i had previously stated

2nd April 2012, 16:29
You can keep trying but all attempts will be futile.

2nd April 2012, 18:14
once again you are incorrect

3rd April 2012, 19:12
I don't think so. Hang on, I'll ask the LW.

5th April 2012, 05:51
the last woed has no time nor interest in your questions

10th April 2012, 17:32
Neither myself or the LW care about the last woed.

10th April 2012, 17:42
i prefer the company of the last word as opposed to the last woed as well.

12th April 2012, 17:56
i prefer the company of the last woed.

Well, okaay...

13th April 2012, 03:11
...for me to have the last word again

13th April 2012, 16:25

13th April 2012, 18:37
and ever less so for you

Captain VXR
17th April 2012, 15:46
I claim full ownership of the LW. Resistance is useless.

18th April 2012, 07:28
the last words resistance of you is apparent

Captain VXR
19th April 2012, 21:59
did you sign the consent to own the last word forms?

19th April 2012, 22:48
Resistance is defined by Ohm's Law; the ratio of Voltage to current.

This lesson in basic electrical circuitry is sponsored by the LW :)

20th April 2012, 02:07
your continued attempts at holding the last word remain futile

20th April 2012, 16:44
Au contraire...

20th April 2012, 18:37
....au contraire, indeed...

23rd April 2012, 16:51
The LW is a bit knackered after a busy weekend so please keep the noise down.

24th April 2012, 02:16
yes, it had a busy weekend with me and now it's back.

24th April 2012, 17:27
...with me.

Captain VXR
24th April 2012, 22:29
I want some of what you've been smoking If you think its yours

25th April 2012, 05:14
you can have the dry goods, i'll have the last word again

Captain VXR
25th April 2012, 22:05
I'll have both ta.

26th April 2012, 03:53
again you misunderstand how this works

Captain VXR
27th April 2012, 00:01
I think I understand it just fine.

27th April 2012, 01:13
seems you don't

27th April 2012, 16:22
This doesn't have to be complicated. Just leave the LW with me and problem solved.

27th April 2012, 20:19
it's not that simple

Captain VXR
29th April 2012, 18:46
You're wrong. Mine.

29th April 2012, 21:58
it's amazing how consistently wrong you are

Mp3 Astra
29th April 2012, 23:28
Almost forgot to take the Last Word while I was here. Yoink.

Captain VXR
30th April 2012, 23:08
They took our last word

1st May 2012, 00:12
as much as i appreciate your South Park reference, i appreciate having the last word more

1st May 2012, 18:53
MP3 Astra's sporadic presence here disqualifies his claim to the LW.
In fact, the only legitimate claim is mine.

2nd May 2012, 08:39
until now!

Captain VXR
2nd May 2012, 21:06
Screw the rules, its mine

2nd May 2012, 23:57
it's amazing how much you just don't get it.

4th May 2012, 16:10
Includng the LW.

5th May 2012, 04:48
no, i do get it.

Captain VXR
8th May 2012, 21:31
Nurse, nurse, djarumdudley's out of his bed again

10th May 2012, 05:29
and with the last word

11th May 2012, 21:02
The LW, thankfully, has escaped and is safely with me.

12th May 2012, 02:18
the last woord was not impressed with your safety

Captain VXR
15th May 2012, 23:14
my safety is better

16th May 2012, 01:17
the last word has been rescued from the Captain's militant tactics

Captain VXR
16th May 2012, 15:24
However my freedom fighters have gained it back for the most gloriously holy Captain of them all

16th May 2012, 18:40
the last word was quite amused at the spectacularly bungling abilities of said freedom fighters

Captain VXR
16th May 2012, 20:51
said freedom fighters have been replaced with a stupendous legion of daleks which have recaptured the lw.

17th May 2012, 05:26
the daleks have since been overrun by a force of ridiculously sluggish moving Space Invaders return the last word to it's proper place

Captain VXR
17th May 2012, 22:29
However a giant chicken beat them all up and returned the last word to me

18th May 2012, 04:35
fortuanately for the last word a fat man with glasses performed an ambush with a sack of mallets to return the last word to me

Captain VXR
18th May 2012, 22:20

19th May 2012, 05:42
the last word is not amused by your mocking of it with your complete usage of non words

Captain VXR
19th May 2012, 21:50
however it is still mine

21st May 2012, 04:46
yet again you are proven wrong

Captain VXR
22nd May 2012, 20:52
yet again you are guilty of compulsive lying

23rd May 2012, 07:12
but yet again i have the last word

Captain VXR
26th May 2012, 20:06

28th May 2012, 02:39
truly indeed ha

Captain VXR
28th May 2012, 22:58
ha ha.

29th May 2012, 00:25
Ah, the intellectual discussions around here never cease to amaze me...

Captain VXR
29th May 2012, 17:19
You stink like poo.

30th May 2012, 03:29
and pee

30th May 2012, 16:05
Well this thread has gone down the toilet...

30th May 2012, 19:28
...and the flush has returned the last word to me

Captain VXR
30th May 2012, 22:47

31st May 2012, 04:57
and returned

31st May 2012, 15:51
Flushed again...

1st June 2012, 02:14
the sewage treatment plant always returns me a pristine last word

1st June 2012, 16:32
...and a stray turd or two, which is why the LW promptly returns to me.

1st June 2012, 21:18
but it never likes to stay with you

1st June 2012, 22:34
More often than with you.

2nd June 2012, 04:15
as usual, incorrect

Captain VXR
2nd June 2012, 23:00
Its favourite owner is me, naturally.

4th June 2012, 05:51
then how come it insists on coming back to me?

4th June 2012, 18:27
Just for the occasional laugh. It then promptly returns to me.

5th June 2012, 04:43
only to return to me

Captain VXR
5th June 2012, 18:44
Its basically an open relationship, it's with me most of the time but sometimes spends short periods with others.

5th June 2012, 23:11
well your time gets shorter on every further visit

Captain VXR
6th June 2012, 12:36
I wouldn't be so sure.