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20th July 2007, 04:46
Wouldst thou like a box? I honestly don't see what all of the hype is about. After reading the other 6 books, I have come to the conclusion that it's esentially a series of boarding house novels with a bit of "magic" iconograhpy thrown it.

20th July 2007, 04:53
Why is everyone so cynical about it?

20th July 2007, 08:04
since it's a glorified children's book,

20th July 2007, 09:38
Have you ever read Harry Potter? If you did you wouldn't say that.

20th July 2007, 10:56
The LW doesn't like Harry Potter.

20th July 2007, 11:05
Oh yes it does :mad:

20th July 2007, 11:23
No it doesn't, it's far too grown up for tat like that.

20th July 2007, 12:29
But the LW wouldn't mind playing a game of the quiddisch (sp?) or whatever it is they play chasing a winged ball. At least hat's what I have been told.

20th July 2007, 13:23
:mad: Carl, your ignorance is beginning to infuriate me. Try reading a Harry Potter book before you pass judgement. Until then, keep your mouth shut :mad

20th July 2007, 13:24
:mad: Carl, your ignorance is beginning to infuriate me. Try reading a Harry Potter book before you pass judgement. Until then, keep your mouth shut :mad:

20th July 2007, 13:42
Oooo! Get you! So with that in mind, just because I have no experience of something, I should not form any opinion?

20th July 2007, 15:33
As it happens with the LW, you don't really have any experience, do you?


20th July 2007, 16:53
:mad: Carl, your ignorance is beginning to infuriate me. Try reading a Harry Potter book before you pass judgement. Until then, keep your mouth shut :mad:

Am I allowed to pass judgement as I have read six of them? :D

20th July 2007, 17:29
You are :D Thing is, unless you give yourself up to the story completely like children do, you might not enjoy it ;)

Of course, we are all different, and we all like different things, which is a good thing, so there. :D

Oooh! And may I just add that since you ploughed through all six books, you must have found something to like, or why bother after the first one? :D

20th July 2007, 18:55
Yeah why?

20th July 2007, 18:57

20th July 2007, 20:00
Yeah why?

He's probably asking that himself :p :

20th July 2007, 21:37
Only three and a half hours to go :D

20th July 2007, 23:44
Mrs. Schmenke has read all the HP books :rolleyes:

Me, I prefer to read the label on a bottle of brown sauce :p :

20th July 2007, 23:56
Probably more interesting ;)

21st July 2007, 05:49
Sssssh!! I'm reading :D

21st July 2007, 16:04
Wow! A woman of many talents :p :

21st July 2007, 17:19
I know :D

22nd July 2007, 03:26
A particularly satisfying munching LW this morning, although not the traditional Cheerios, Cornflakes make a fine substitue :lips:

22nd July 2007, 03:47
Ahhh yes, chicken pox scabs, the traditional choice of many a household :D

22nd July 2007, 19:30
Hmmmmmmmm? Indeed, that's exactly right professor the upside down cake is actually the right way up at this moment in time. Trim the cheese pronto before it settles.

22nd July 2007, 23:34
I'm on page 307. Just over half way through.

23rd July 2007, 00:20
That's nice for you :p :

23rd July 2007, 00:23
Very much :D

Have you really read the first six books?

23rd July 2007, 00:33
I finished it yesterday Leon, by 5pm. I'll wait til you're done, then we can talk about it :D

23rd July 2007, 00:36
Via PM I hope :p :

23rd July 2007, 00:43
Oh yes. The highest crime would be to ruin the story for anyone who hadn't read it.


23rd July 2007, 00:46
I could think of worse things to do, like subject the poor little LW to reading the books with you :p :

23rd July 2007, 00:53
Its little heart is beating in anxiety with each turn of the page :D

23rd July 2007, 01:39
Via PM I hope :p :

But..........Carl, I thought you'd just love to participate in our in-depth discussion :D

23rd July 2007, 09:40
The queen of Wrongnesshire strikes again :p :

23rd July 2007, 11:32
Hello people, it seems you all had a nice weekend, back to Monday though and the LW comes back to me. :)

23rd July 2007, 11:48
Morning Donney! :D

23rd July 2007, 12:19
Morning DD it seems young Potter provided you with a satisfactory weekend, didn't he?

23rd July 2007, 15:10
He certainly did, right up to Saturday teatime, when I finished the book. I'm a fast reader, though my pesky son kept stopping me from reading it because - if you can believe this - he wanted to read it himself!!!!!! :D

23rd July 2007, 15:38
Your son is a rare specimen, congratulations!!! ;)

23rd July 2007, 17:13
I think it's just plain nasty to go buy your son a book and then hog it to read it yourself :\

23rd July 2007, 18:03
I don't think she bought it for him...

23rd July 2007, 18:28
I think it's just plain nasty to go buy your son a book and then hog it to read it yourself :\

Now look here you :p :

Tom had decided to volunteer for the flippin next sale which was on over the weekend. I washed and ironed all his smart clothes, polished his shoes and generally made sure he was ready to go, for 5pm on Friday night. He comes home just after 10pm, and moans incessantly about how tired he is, while reclining on the sofa.

I could have gone alone to buy the book at midnight, but nooo, he had to come, so off we went and got back at 1am. He then proceeds to start reading the book, even though he has to be up at 4.15am, to be ready for his 5am start at Next.

Guess who faithfully stayed up til that time, because they knew he'd not wake up? That's right, me :D Its one thing to stay up late because you can't sleep, quite another when you have to, and you are immediately sleepy :D

23rd July 2007, 18:58
She always has an excuse up her sleeve :dozey:

;) :p :

23rd July 2007, 20:36
'Lo all :wave:

Besides Donnie I trust everyone had a stimulating weekend? :p :

23rd July 2007, 21:04
She always has an excuse up her sleeve :dozey:

;) :p :

Ooooh, MEN!!! :p :

23rd July 2007, 23:15
Can't live with us, can't reproduce without us :p :

24th July 2007, 01:33
'Lo all :wave:

'Lo schmenke :wave:

When come back bring pie! Why have you become a goths?

24th July 2007, 04:12
I have no idea what Rollo just said, but I liked it :D

24th July 2007, 09:15
It doesn't matter what he said, the fact still remains that he no longer has the LW because it's here with me eta ing some toast and jam :lips:

24th July 2007, 11:41
Oh no that's not entirely correct. The LW is here with me. I swear.

24th July 2007, 14:31
No swearing!! :D

24th July 2007, 14:35
Why, are you still reading? :p

24th July 2007, 16:19
I hope you're not teaching the LW rude words :s hock:

24th July 2007, 18:06
Oh thereĦs no need for that it seems the LW learnt them the last time it assisted you DJing. :)

24th July 2007, 18:14
Couldn't have learnt them from me 'cos I don't swear :angel:

Captain VXR
24th July 2007, 18:44
It was me

24th July 2007, 19:59
Well as punishment I want you to go to your room and write in big letters on your walls, with a permanent marker pen, 'I MUST NOT TEACH RUDE WORDS TO THE LW'

24th July 2007, 21:31
Don't worry, the LW is currently safe from rude words ;)

24th July 2007, 23:49
...at my house, where it is currently alone, doing the laundry. Bless it :D

25th July 2007, 01:15
the irish LW is mine for keeps :D

25th July 2007, 02:46
Well as punishment I want you to go to your room and write in big letters on your walls, with a permanent marker pen, 'I MUST NOT TEACH RUDE WORDS TO THE LW'

Lets write rude words all down our street,
And stick out our tongue at the people we meet.
Lets have an intellectual treat for -
Pee Po Belly Bum Drawers :D

25th July 2007, 12:07
Ok, you go first then :D

25th July 2007, 12:44
But the LW won't follow.

25th July 2007, 16:08
The LW is worried about you lot...

25th July 2007, 17:35
God took care of Lot in the Bible so the LW does not have to worry.

http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/whacky078.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

25th July 2007, 17:39
Didn't he turn into a pile of salt or something...?

25th July 2007, 18:40
It could have been worse :\

25th July 2007, 19:48
Not for him :D

25th July 2007, 20:45
It could, he could have been strapped into a chair and forced to read all the Harry Potter books :eek:

25th July 2007, 21:30
Too much more of that, and that's exactly what will happen to you :D

25th July 2007, 23:41

26th July 2007, 00:11

26th July 2007, 01:37
Lot's wife was a real pillar of the community eh? eh? innit? eh?

*chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp*

Coat please.

26th July 2007, 02:03
Can you really have a pillar of salt though? I mean, doesn't it just fall down and become a big pile of salt instead? :D

Or is it like sand, and if you wet it, it sticks together more? :D

Mp3 Astra
26th July 2007, 02:20
A tried and tested theory. I just prefer throwing it over my right shoulder

26th July 2007, 03:29
I like it best of all on my chips :D

26th July 2007, 16:00
My planned amble amongst the meadows was cancelled last night :mad: . A minor thing called "work" intervened :down: . At about 2:30 the company veep requested a pile of info. I told him it would take me and a collegue colleague a couple of days to compile, but he wanted it before the end of the day :rolleyes: .

The LW was as displeased as I was :p :

26th July 2007, 17:18
No wonder.

26th July 2007, 17:32
Never mind schmenke, just think of the overtime and all those balls you didn't loose ;)

26th July 2007, 18:03
Believe me, I have enough accumulated overtime :mad: .

...However, I never seem to have enough balls... :p :

26th July 2007, 18:34
Maybe the ones you have aren't big enough :D

26th July 2007, 18:59
Oh no, I assure you that my balls are regulation size. I think the problem is that they are just old and abused... I also have a hard time keeping them dry :mark:

26th July 2007, 20:19
I'm sure you all love to discuss schmenke's.... gear http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/confused002.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org) but the Lw and I are out of this conversation and going to have a beer with some friends.

26th July 2007, 22:20
my turn for a round with the last word.

27th July 2007, 01:23
Time's up :D

27th July 2007, 02:19
I'm sorry but the answer was: Catamaran.

No points awarded and control of the board goes to the other team.

27th July 2007, 06:01
that works out nicelt, the last word and board control.
i'll take Jim J. Bullock for the block.

27th July 2007, 07:49
For 50 points, a block of flats and half of Tasmania:

Please explain "women". Think hard; your time starts... NOW

27th July 2007, 09:47
I handed in Case Study one finally. It was only 1500 words - totally out of proportion with the effort that went in.

27th July 2007, 11:07
And about time too :p :

27th July 2007, 11:12
I know! 1500 words - I thought it would take me half an hour after my maternity portfolio was 12000, but it took me weeks of struggling to do it, but it's done now. :)

27th July 2007, 11:24
Congratulations then.

27th July 2007, 11:29
Thanks :)

I spent a lot of time helping people, but I'm a nice guy ;)

27th July 2007, 11:30
If you say so :dozey:

Captain VXR
27th July 2007, 11:50
Oi give me my university of wrongness student card back :mad:

27th July 2007, 11:55
Sure, I must have picked it up by mistake...

When can I get my own?

27th July 2007, 12:25
Carl and Donnie are the appropriate people to deal with these matters.


27th July 2007, 12:32
I only know where the Uni building is, Donney and DD can give you the guided tour ;)

27th July 2007, 13:04
That leaves DD alone since I have been accussed of doing an online degree, meaning that I have never visited the facilities of the aforementioned institution.

All of which is wrong because I am right and the LW is, as we all know, mine.


27th July 2007, 13:13
Well, thats completely wrong for starters!! :D

27th July 2007, 13:30
And she should, being the expert an' all ;)

27th July 2007, 18:52
What's a maternity portfolio?

27th July 2007, 22:47
Perhaps it's photos of all the kids he's fathered :\

27th July 2007, 23:14
Bike ride. Hard wark. Jan tired now.

27th July 2007, 23:15
Too tired to spell? :p :

28th July 2007, 00:02
No I was just speaking like a Londoner or some such other northern person :D

28th July 2007, 00:09
oh i hate accents, they drive me nuts, especially people putting on an accent :p :

28th July 2007, 00:49
I like acents, they give a sort of regional feel to a person ;)

28th July 2007, 05:40
accents are fine, except when "git over here boy" is attached to them.

28th July 2007, 12:12
Accents are nice as long they are not Hyundais.

28th July 2007, 17:18
I can't argue with that, which is a shame because I'm in the mood for a good fight :ninja:

28th July 2007, 18:54
Accents are nice as long they are not Hyundais.


28th July 2007, 18:55
I can't argue with that, which is a shame because I'm in the mood for a good fight :ninja:


Captain VXR
28th July 2007, 20:02
happy mood lw

28th July 2007, 20:51
I can't argue with that, which is a shame because I'm in the mood for a good fight :ninja:

Awww Carl, who peed on your chips? :D

29th July 2007, 03:35
Nobody, I just haven't had a decent dust up with anyone for ages and was in the mood for it. All calm now with my normal munch of Cheerios and the LW for company :D

29th July 2007, 08:42
Let's have a fight over the thread.

My move first:

I fire a 120mm tank shell at your chest :D

29th July 2007, 15:38
As a New Zealander even you must realise that a 15 inch shell can be deflected by a piece of tissue paper. The great Ernest Rutherford said so himself and he's the guy on the $100 note.

Captain VXR
29th July 2007, 17:22
Me and the lw launch 7 firecrackers at Leon while celebrating Giovanardi's win and two saves

30th July 2007, 01:06
I'll just fart in anyones face who tries to take the LW from me ;)

30th July 2007, 01:38
Thats the sort of revolting we've come to expect from you Carl ;)

30th July 2007, 05:48
Carl is revolting against what? I would have thought Bedfordshire was a sleepy, dozey sort of place. One of the traditional nicknames for people from Bedfordshire is "Clangers", which if Carl is promising to fart in people's faces is apt.

30th July 2007, 10:01
One of the traditional nicknames for people from Bedfordshire is "Clangers"

Ah. The term 'Clanger' when refered to Bedfordshire is actually the name of a traditional pastie type of food which was eaten by farmers and land workers in days of old. It was designed to save time in the fact that one end of it contains the meat and vegitables you would normally find in a traditional pastie, whilst the other end would contain the desert, usually some form of cooked fruit.

Personally I think they sound disgusting but each to their own :dozey:

Captain VXR
30th July 2007, 11:02
The lw hates clangers so it says :p

30th July 2007, 11:18
no surprises there

30th July 2007, 13:10
I love The Clangers!!! :D Soup Dragon rocks :D

30th July 2007, 16:01
Soup Dragon...? :conrfused:

(My LW :D )

30th July 2007, 16:27

:cornfused and poor spellink: :D

30th July 2007, 17:42
Soup Dragon...? :conrfused:




30th July 2007, 18:16
Thanks Carl.

30th July 2007, 18:19
I got a job today :D This afternoon in fact :D

30th July 2007, 18:41
Is that a good thing? Is it something you want to do?

30th July 2007, 19:08
Of course!! :D

30th July 2007, 19:42
I got a job today :D This afternoon in fact :D

Congratulations!!!! A job as what if I may ask?

http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/eatdrink048.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

30th July 2007, 19:51
I'm going to be a property lettings administrator, and then some. :D Mobile phone with the job, company car - Alas, I need to learn to drive first, and in a hurry :D

I have the opportunity to really move forward, in terms of possible management in quite a short space of time too. Basically, I'm starting in with my two bosses, and we are all going to learn together.

They are looking to have me as their 3rd wheel, and eventually take over the running of this office, and maybe even oversee other branches in the area.

Really lovely people, can't wait to start working for them - Sometimes, life is good ;) :D

Captain VXR
30th July 2007, 20:03
Pre holiday lw.
Infact whole holiday lw starts tommorow until the 25th of August :p

30th July 2007, 21:03
I'm going to be a property lettings administrator, and then some. :D Mobile phone with the job, company car - Alas, I need to learn to drive first, and in a hurry :D

I have the opportunity to really move forward, in terms of possible management in quite a short space of time too. Basically, I'm starting in with my two bosses, and we are all going to learn together.

They are looking to have me as their 3rd wheel, and eventually take over the running of this office, and maybe even oversee other branches in the area.

Really lovely people, can't wait to start working for them - Sometimes, life is good ;) :D

Good stuff then :D Congratulations DD.

I only aksed my last question because I know that some people have been forced to take jobs recently because their benefits have been stopped.

So I guess you'll have no time for the LW in future?

30th July 2007, 22:52
That only happens to people on Jobseekers allowance if they haven't made at least three attempts to find a job every week, ie, checking all the various papers, looking on websites, calling people, etc.

Obviously the whole point about this benefit is that it is only supposed to be a stopgap until you find work.

Thankfully I wasn't on it for very long, and I have found myself a job, a good job with great people. I cannot wait to get started :D

Oh - And I'll always have time for the LW, just.........probably not in the day :D

30th July 2007, 23:05
So DD, does this mean that you'll finally take a bath? :s

31st July 2007, 00:30
Probably not :p :

31st July 2007, 01:33
Yes, thats why I mentioned my new job in here, I knew all the happy congrats would just rush in :D

31st July 2007, 08:09
A new job is always good for about three weeks... and then you'll hate it.

Hey if it was fun, it wouldn't be called work ;)

31st July 2007, 09:45
My LW :D

31st July 2007, 12:13
I agree with rollo, but I wish you the best anyway, I hope you don't take the LW to the office and drive it crazy with your lingo. :D

31st July 2007, 13:02
No way!! :D Its goig to take me MUCH longer than three weeks to hate this one ;) :D Maybe even six! :D

31st July 2007, 17:04
Well lets hope you don't hate it at all ;)

31st July 2007, 19:31
indeed, but the LW will be with me for now.

31st July 2007, 20:16
No sorry Stevie, the LW has been ordered to take up residency at the Uni of Wrongness to help DD with her crash 'learn how to drive in a week' course ;)

31st July 2007, 20:41
The LW is a good teacher.

31st July 2007, 20:56
Just not so sure how good a pupil DD is :eek:

31st July 2007, 21:10
No sorry Stevie, the LW has been ordered to take up residency at the Uni of Wrongness to help DD with her crash 'learn how to drive in a week' course ;)

Please, leave crash out of it :D I think though, I need to apply for another provisional licence, even though the one I have was supposed to last for ever - well, until the day before my 70th, anyway! No that's not next week :D

Plus, you have to pass the written first before they let you out on the streets now! I'm kind of hoping its a multi-choice :D

31st July 2007, 21:41
Alright me lovers?

31st July 2007, 22:37
Not a position I've ever contemplated before :\

31st July 2007, 22:42
I know this may come as a shock to you Carl but neither had I. Was using local dialect. Talking of which has anyone heard the term 'dimpsy' before or knows what someone means when they say "where you to?"

31st July 2007, 22:44
Ah I see. A bit like someone saying 'what's up cock?'

31st July 2007, 22:45
Yes, and I can assure you that it is most definately not up at the minute.

31st July 2007, 23:34
Well..............that's.........err, good to know? :D

31st July 2007, 23:48
let's change the topic of conversation...

1st August 2007, 01:16
OK then, my LW :D

1st August 2007, 01:34
Leon, all sorts of topics come up in here :D

1st August 2007, 01:49
That's true but I like the ones where the LW is mine the best :D

1st August 2007, 05:15
Carl, that's a topic that is seldom discussed here :p :

1st August 2007, 05:19
I've been having a day off today. Nothing to do but feed all the kangaroos.

1st August 2007, 06:05
If you've looked at the newspapers and noticed the headlines, then those of you who can read will have seen something of great importance.

1st August 2007, 06:18
sadly there's barely time for the last word so there's even less time for newspaper obsevations for me.

1st August 2007, 07:36
sadly there's barely time for the last word so there's even less time for newspaper obsevations for me.

...or capitalisations or spell checks :D

1st August 2007, 10:52
I'm feeling all bleary eyed, what's the big news Rollo? :D

1st August 2007, 11:13
I don't read newspapers so I haven't a clue what he's on about, which is nothing new :p :

1st August 2007, 11:50
The LW is mine, just to remind you all.

1st August 2007, 11:58
You know there might be a chance that someone would actually agree with that, it's a very very small chance but a chance non the less :D

1st August 2007, 12:15
The LW agrees and that's all I care about. :D

1st August 2007, 12:27
Guess you won't like me doing this then :D

1st August 2007, 15:52
Not particularly, not. http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/angry030.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

1st August 2007, 15:53
Oooh, love the Jack in the box :D

1st August 2007, 16:17
i used to have a jack in the box when i was young, used to play with it for ages :)

Captain VXR
1st August 2007, 16:44
holiday lw :p

1st August 2007, 17:46
Doing what?

1st August 2007, 18:19
Well not keeping the LW, tha's for sure ;)

1st August 2007, 18:25

1st August 2007, 23:00
Well that's obvious.

1st August 2007, 23:09
I'm the hiphopapotomous, my lyrics are bottomless..............

2nd August 2007, 00:05
Your tenure of the LW isn't though :p :

2nd August 2007, 00:11
well you..........................smell, so mnahhhhhhhhhhh fnar fnar fnar :p :

2nd August 2007, 00:35
Ahhh, the intellectual discussions in here, don't you just love 'em? :D

Mp3 Astra
2nd August 2007, 00:49
It beats talking to the family!

2nd August 2007, 01:04
Well while you beat up your family, I'll sneak in and take the LW :D

Mp3 Astra
2nd August 2007, 01:08
There's more of them then there are of me! So I'll need the LW for a start. Thanks.

2nd August 2007, 01:13
But the LW is a pasifi............a plastifi.................doesn't like fighting so you're on your own I afraid :)

Mp3 Astra
2nd August 2007, 01:16
That's what he tells you does he? Well we'll be having some words about that for sure :mad:

2nd August 2007, 06:19
surely none of them last words.......mmm.........that pun was like a fine seven course meal.

2nd August 2007, 06:41
I quite agree. Overpriced and not worth the effort. :D

I should say Happy Birthday to all of the horses. Sorry I missed it yesterday. Did you all get a nice carrot?

2nd August 2007, 10:59
my LW for a bit! :)

2nd August 2007, 12:13
I'll enjoy the company of the LW for a while, thank you.

2nd August 2007, 13:05
Time's up :p :

2nd August 2007, 14:30
Yep :D

2nd August 2007, 14:49

Mp3 Astra
2nd August 2007, 19:40
There are many question marks above the head of CarlMetro.
Oh help me, I keep thinking it's Friday!

2nd August 2007, 20:19
Everyday is like Friday, when you have the LW like I do :D

2nd August 2007, 20:57
It ain't Friday yet...

3rd August 2007, 00:17
True............but I do have the LW :D

3rd August 2007, 00:50
Do you?

3rd August 2007, 00:53
No :D

3rd August 2007, 01:02
It's Friday down under and the rain is coming down so hard, that the the cats and dogs are coming down in buckets. It's not all beer and skittles though, I'll expect that the horse will have bolted before I let the cat out of the bag. :D

3rd August 2007, 01:15
and that bit is complete.

3rd August 2007, 01:17
Just like my dominance of the LW :D

3rd August 2007, 05:09
Oh, that's merely an urban myth Carl :D

3rd August 2007, 07:22
Yay for bacon!

Bacon Sarnies are brilliant on cold wet days like today. Toasty bread, that not very good for you fried bacon, tangy mustard. It's yumbolie in a sandwich :D

3rd August 2007, 07:53
I like the pies from Muffin Break.

3rd August 2007, 09:36
Mmmmm bacon.............now there's an idea :lips:

3rd August 2007, 09:45
Yeah Carl, why don't you make us some lunch?

3rd August 2007, 10:21
Do you take orders Carl? :D

3rd August 2007, 10:25
Tell him I'll have a chicken kebab please.

3rd August 2007, 11:04
I take orders from no one!

Unless they're in charge of my paycheck ;)

Way too early for kebabs, I haven't had any beer yet :p :

3rd August 2007, 11:55
So no lunch for us? :(

3rd August 2007, 14:51
Lunchtime! Now, cold chicken and ham pasta or cheese and pickle sandwiches? I think I'm going for the pasta :lips:

3rd August 2007, 16:25
I'd like a large cup of coffee please. ...and a cold chocolate milk for the LW please :)

3rd August 2007, 19:09
I'm stuffed to the gills with pasta, but I'd love a cappucino please :D

4th August 2007, 01:18
Just some nice cold orange juice from the fridge please, and a side order of LW :D

4th August 2007, 02:13
There's an errant can of whoop-arse that someone left on the bench. I think it must be leftover from the Forum Pub.

4th August 2007, 15:51
My car passed it's MoT, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Celebratory LW.

4th August 2007, 17:01

4th August 2007, 17:24
What's an MOT?

4th August 2007, 20:07
I DID go to the wrong thread :D

5th August 2007, 00:20
I didnt, this is exactly where i want to be :)

5th August 2007, 03:19
I can't think of anywhere I would want to be, sharing abowl of maple peacan crunch with the LW after a very strange disco :D

5th August 2007, 08:46
I'm doing a 12-hour shift tomorrow... and I'm not going to get paid for it...

5th August 2007, 14:01
That sucks. I don't even work the hours I do get paid for so I'm damn sure that I wouldn't work 12 hours for free :p :

5th August 2007, 21:02
me neither, im at work all day tomorrow, luckily im being paid :D and i need it, cause im skint :p :

6th August 2007, 02:26
Damn it's too hot to sleep so I'll take the LW downstairs and stand in the freezer for a while.

6th August 2007, 03:18
That sounds like a cool place :D

6th August 2007, 11:34
Morning all. :wave:

6th August 2007, 12:06
Morning :wave:

6th August 2007, 12:12
My dear Donney, I do hope you can overlook my comments about Alonso in the F1 forum :D

If it helps any, I've already been killed twice in the chatroom by Donks :D

6th August 2007, 13:39
Bit of a wind problem around here today, must have been the BBQ spare ribs I had last night ;)

6th August 2007, 13:57
Eeeeeeeeeeeeew! Stop that :D

6th August 2007, 14:01
I wish I could :\

6th August 2007, 15:45
My dear Donney, I do hope you can overlook my comments about Alonso in the F1 forum :D

If it helps any, I've already been killed twice in the chatroom by Donks :D

http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/angry039.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

Nah, don't worry it looked bad from outside, but it definitely looks worse from inside, doesn't it?

The LW on the other hand is a little harder than me and I'm not sure how it feels about it.

http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/basic/chin.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

6th August 2007, 17:24
Well.................I'm quite scared now :D

6th August 2007, 17:26
I'm not :p :

6th August 2007, 18:17
Because the LW does not love and you already know that.


6th August 2007, 22:47
Of course it loves me, it spends more time with me than anyone else by it's own choice too :D

7th August 2007, 01:03

In terms of time (rather than number of posts) I can have the Last Word for several hours a day for the simple reason that you lot are asleep; then when y'all come online it's a case of bickering and backbiting.
That can't be good for anyone.

Oh yeah... I have cake!

7th August 2007, 01:37
Is it chocolate?

7th August 2007, 04:01
Nope. 'twas Orange and Poppyseed and the best thing is that it was free!

Other people in the building didn't need it and so I accepted it. This means that for this morning, I'm on the Marie Antoinette diet :D

7th August 2007, 09:23
Any cake is good, but it's always better when it's free :lips:

7th August 2007, 12:21
I can't argue with that, but chocolate cake is even better.

7th August 2007, 12:31
And I can't argue with that...........dammit :D

7th August 2007, 12:52
That would be a first :eek:

:p :