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29th June 2007, 21:10
Nah, he's wearing a mask :p :

30th June 2007, 00:17
Beyatch :p :

30th June 2007, 01:48
OK then, I shan't be cruel... but telling the truth on the other hand :D

30th June 2007, 01:59
Don't use that hand then :D

30th June 2007, 03:22
Is that the underhand?

30th June 2007, 16:51
I just farted

30th June 2007, 22:51
exciting information!

1st July 2007, 01:05
i dunno about that :p :

1st July 2007, 01:17
Good, glad to see people have finally posted next to Miguel, I wasn't about to :D

1st July 2007, 04:20
I would have done but I wasn't here then. Another in the munching series, still no Cheerios in the house so boring old Cornflakes instead ;(

1st July 2007, 05:16
This post comes as a result of me being bailed up on the couch with an unfortunate snot surfeit.

If anyone wants my surplus supplies then feel free to ask. Also, I seem to generating an inexhaustable supply.

1st July 2007, 07:37
quite alright, i'm fully stocked in that category.

1st July 2007, 10:11
I'm finally getting to watch the latest series of Top Gear. Jeremy's comparing the Aston Martin V8 Vantage and the Jaguar XKR.

Captain VXR
1st July 2007, 11:54
The lw luvvvvvves astons

1st July 2007, 16:34
I was watching the Dutch TT this afternoon which Rossi won; my question is to do with the A-Style logo?


Was anyone else thinking what I was thinking or do I have a dirty mind?

1st July 2007, 20:32
I think most were thinking the same as you, I know I was :cheese:

1st July 2007, 23:07
LOL!!! How rude :laugh:

2nd July 2007, 00:11
It's no worse that the London 2012 logo :\

2nd July 2007, 00:15
No, that was just hideous :D

2nd July 2007, 00:17
The infamous Scott mills described it as Lisa Simpson give someone a blow job :s hock:

2nd July 2007, 02:39
my LW

2nd July 2007, 07:17
How could they get away with that logo?

2nd July 2007, 09:17
What I can't believe is that they spent nearly £400,000 coming up with it. I mean Lord Coe is seriously up himself if he thinks that this is acceptable. Personally I think it looks suspiciously like the old Tiswas logo from ITV

2nd July 2007, 09:18
I guess some people have cleaner minds than we do?

2nd July 2007, 10:15
not in this forum.

2nd July 2007, 12:51
Morning all :D

2nd July 2007, 14:31
Afternoon :wave:

2nd July 2007, 15:52
That too :D

2nd July 2007, 16:16
Shortly before the evening too?

2nd July 2007, 19:22
backtrack to a little past noon.

2nd July 2007, 19:35
I've seen that A-style logo before. It has to be my favourite logo ever because the guys who came up with it must have realised what they were doing. The LW didn't understand though, poor little thing.

2nd July 2007, 23:27
Did anyone try to explain it to the LW?

3rd July 2007, 01:31
nah, it doesnt need an explanation :p :

3rd July 2007, 01:34
In this age of innocence? No way :eek:

I think a lot of us know far too much about the world for our own good.

3rd July 2007, 09:48
I just heard a disturbing story about the source of the vanilla flavour...

3rd July 2007, 09:58
Care to share it with us then?

3rd July 2007, 10:40
Vanilla comes from vanilla pods. :D

3rd July 2007, 10:48
Ah, but does it though? ;)

3rd July 2007, 10:51
Well..........................yes, yes it does :D

3rd July 2007, 10:54
Are you sure though? Have you ever seen vanilla pods producing vanilla flavouring? :dozey:

3rd July 2007, 11:04
Not up close and personal no, but I know they do :D

3rd July 2007, 15:21
Ah ha! So you've not actually seen it, but you've heard from someone who heard from someone else whose Dad's brother's second cousin's next door neighbour told them that that is what happens. Is you source of knowledge to be trusted?

the LW doesn't think so ;)

3rd July 2007, 16:56
Vanilla comes from vanilla pods. :D

It therefore follows that if you cut up an iPod, you should have a source of i flavour :)

3rd July 2007, 16:59
and escape pods contain escape essence? And that pea pods contain peas..................oh hang, that last one is correct :s

3rd July 2007, 21:29
pod spells pod when you turn it upside down. The same can be said for dop, doop, pood and polod.

4th July 2007, 00:18
Nice to see you're putting your degree to good use Miguel :p :

4th July 2007, 04:04
Well scientists might not do rock and roll, but they understand the mineral properties of rock as well as the physics of roll.

4th July 2007, 07:57
Actually, some vanilla flavour comes from processed bovine stool, apparently...

4th July 2007, 09:47
Is that why cheap icecream tastes sh...................?

4th July 2007, 11:28
It therefore follows that if you cut up an iPod, you should have a source of i flavour :)

Well, those should be cut up anyway, or smashed with a hammer :D I say this of course, because I don't have one :D

4th July 2007, 18:32
i cant afford one :p :

4th July 2007, 20:50
Never mind Stevie, you ain't missing out on much..........

............apart from the LW of course :p :

4th July 2007, 22:06
which is eluding you as well.

4th July 2007, 22:18
Nice to see you're putting your degree to good use Miguel :p :

That actually is the most I've used said degree in the last 12 months.

5th July 2007, 00:14
Miguel, you need to use it more :D

5th July 2007, 00:19
At least he's got one to use, more than I ever got ;(

5th July 2007, 01:20
I have 3:
B.Business (Accounting)
Nyah nyah nyah :D

Having said that, they're all bloody useless and not worth a tinker's fart to anyone in the real world at all.

5th July 2007, 07:44
I'm about five months away from completing my Bachelor of Nursing, the most useful degree mentioned so far :D

5th July 2007, 08:59
So not all degrees are about spending three years getting pi$$ed and partying then?

5th July 2007, 09:11
No, that pretty well sums up my time at uni...

Actually that pretty well sums up most of my adult life but is that a bad thing?

5th July 2007, 15:52
I guess it's ok if you can afford it and don''t care too much about your liver.

5th July 2007, 23:50
I spend most of my time at the medical school, where everyone works hard and is boring.

6th July 2007, 00:50
Yawn................... ;)

6th July 2007, 00:53
I'm the exception - I'm interesting.

6th July 2007, 00:58
Yeah, of course you are :p :

6th July 2007, 06:16
well he was when he possesed coveted item like the last word.

6th July 2007, 09:11
Still do, still am :D

6th July 2007, 11:14
Still am what?

6th July 2007, 14:35
What? :D

6th July 2007, 15:18
When :confused:

6th July 2007, 20:05
The LW tires of all this nonsense.

6th July 2007, 20:39
After all the thousands of times the LW has been had (in the original and this thread) I don't think it has ever tired of nonsense. It's the soul of the LW itself.

6th July 2007, 21:34
Like wow man, that was deep :D

6th July 2007, 22:24
the last word goes existential.

7th July 2007, 00:05
The LW goes with me.

7th July 2007, 01:20
Not for long :D

7th July 2007, 02:18
no, because it wants some of my cornflakes :D

7th July 2007, 05:36
My Jordans muesli is better :D

8th July 2007, 01:53
Eww! :vomit: Tonight sanity has returned to the munching LW, big delivery from Tescos today, complete with three large boxes of Cheerios :lips: :up:

8th July 2007, 02:03
You have a Cheerios problem :D

8th July 2007, 02:15
If I ate Musili the I'd have stomach problems ;)

8th July 2007, 06:00
the last word shant be anywhere near that.

8th July 2007, 06:11
wont it now?

8th July 2007, 09:01
It'll be with me :D

Captain VXR
8th July 2007, 11:40
Nope with me haha :p

8th July 2007, 14:58
No, you'll have to wait your turn in the peloton like everyone else.

8th July 2007, 21:01
The wha? :D

8th July 2007, 21:03
your turn has ended.

8th July 2007, 21:11
Dammit! I just got here! :D

9th July 2007, 00:54
Are you still here? Or have you gone to a far off place, in a galaxy far far away?

9th July 2007, 00:59
me and the LW just been to the forum pub :)

9th July 2007, 01:01
Yeah, where you splashed out and bought it a glass of water..............last of the big spenders eh Stevie? :p :

9th July 2007, 01:15
Are you still here? Or have you gone to a far off place, in a galaxy far far away?

Well..........I did doze off on the sofa for a bit :D

9th July 2007, 01:16
Were you watching the tennis highlights?

9th July 2007, 02:51
No, although it does have the same effect :D

9th July 2007, 07:25
Would they by any chance involve Miss Hingis?

9th July 2007, 08:14
I wasn't watching any tennis that involved her :D

9th July 2007, 09:10
I'll bet you were watching a video of Sharapova, recorded at normal speed and then played back in Long Play mode, thereby making an hour match last for five...

I see through your little pervy game. No wait, I endorse your little pervy game :D

9th July 2007, 11:39
Glad to know I'm not the only one then :D

9th July 2007, 11:45
My LW after some time, we got some catching up to do.


9th July 2007, 11:47
It doesn't like anymore, since you deserted it for a whole week :s hock:

9th July 2007, 12:09
It looks like someone has taken in lessons in the University of Wrong!

9th July 2007, 13:44
Welcome back Donney, I trust Brighton was satisfactory? :D

9th July 2007, 14:42
It looks like someone has taken in lessons in the University of Wrong!

Nope. Never been there myself. I guess you trip to this green and pleasant land was to go and collect you online learning certificate from there? Did it smell as bad as they say it does?

9th July 2007, 19:48
Welcome back Donney, I trust Brighton was satisfactory? :D

It certainly was DD, I have to admit yours is a green and pleasant land.
I think I should visit your shores more often.

A shame the LW does not like it as much.

About my degree, Mr. Metro, if that was the case I would receive my receive via mail so again your command of wrongness is frankly impressive. The smell... well let's say I did not see many cats around.

9th July 2007, 20:34
That's cos most of them are in Winchester ;)

9th July 2007, 20:48
And who can blame them? Its right posh 'ere, innit? :D

9th July 2007, 21:11
Too posh for the LW...

9th July 2007, 21:37

9th July 2007, 23:34
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreee eeeeeeeeeeeee?!!

10th July 2007, 00:26
Air raid! Air raid!

Quick, everyone into the shelter before Johnny Foreigner bombs the Sweet Holy Batman On A Stick out of us :eek:

10th July 2007, 00:29
My name's not Johnny :mad:

10th July 2007, 02:30
But you still intend to bomb Sweet Holy Batman On A Stick out of us? That's not terribly civil.

10th July 2007, 08:52
Batman on a stick, is that like a strawberry mivvy?

10th July 2007, 11:40
The LW is not a fan of batman.

10th July 2007, 12:30
Holy salmon Donney!! Why not? :D

10th July 2007, 12:51
It prefers the Fantastic Four, but will watch Batman if nothing else is on ;)

10th July 2007, 12:56
The old TV series of Batman rocks, its hilarious :D

Mp3 Astra
10th July 2007, 15:33
I liked Spiderman myself. It used to be on every morning at half six on Channel 4. It's gone now, however...
The LW has come home to the master.

10th July 2007, 16:17
I hope you have a) a reasonable excuse for your prolonged and unapproved absence, and more importantly b) filled out the correct returning to active service forms, including 301, 311 & 307c (excluding paragraph 19 unless space travel was involved) and had the required booster innoculations before returning?

Captain VXR
10th July 2007, 17:55
the lw has no time for forms; where can I apply for the university of wrong?

10th July 2007, 18:14
Carl is the right person to ask. ;)

10th July 2007, 20:52
Well Donny is a graduate but the real supremo is DD ;)

10th July 2007, 21:13
Sounds like Carl is on form... :dozey:

10th July 2007, 22:04
He's always about, that one :D

11th July 2007, 00:31
:wave: :D

11th July 2007, 00:39
Personally I'm still not entirely sure about using the shortened version "DD" for Ms Darco's name. I'm afraid that all that time spent at the counter of Lewis' might have done something to my fragile little mind.

Would DonnieDarcoTwo be shortened to DDT?

11th July 2007, 00:43
Perhaps she is a real DD :cheese: Although I've always said anything more than a handfull is a waste :D

11th July 2007, 00:48
me and the LW are not liking this new layout of the forum

11th July 2007, 02:13
It's like you not having the LW, something you will have to get used to :p :

11th July 2007, 03:58
I am not a real DD, thank goodness! Would be such a pain when running for a bus :D

The concern is so moving though ;)

11th July 2007, 03:59
me and the LW are not liking this new layout of the forum

Stevie, I cannot win!!! Hate the default forum, with all the crap at the top. Can't stand the new look forum, though everything is where I want it. I do wish they'd stop faffing about :D

11th July 2007, 05:41
might be my first last word in this newfangle forum design

11th July 2007, 10:48
And was it any good?

11th July 2007, 11:36
having the LW is always good :D

11th July 2007, 11:48
Not that you are an expert on such matter.

11th July 2007, 12:18
Nice to see you're using your new found skills to great use ;)

11th July 2007, 12:29
I don't need any new skills since the LW is, and has always been, mine. :)

11th July 2007, 13:00
Except that its not :D

11th July 2007, 13:34
Ooooh yessssh!

It definitely is.

Mp3 Astra
11th July 2007, 15:19
I hope you have a) a reasonable excuse for your prolonged and unapproved absence, and more importantly b) filled out the correct returning to active service forms, including 301, 311 & 307c (excluding paragraph 19 unless space travel was involved) and had the required booster innoculations before returning?

Well I do have an excuse, exams. I did fill out some forms, however I have no idea what they were and I'm worried that they were corrupt since there are 4 barristers and 7 Judges' wigs outside my door telling me that they want to talk to me about my copyright claim on the Robin Reliant.
The booster inoculations? Well my kitten bit me yesterday so I probably got immune to something through that. Haven't been to space, but did watch James May's show about it yesterday, so that kind of counts.

Mein LW

Captain VXR
11th July 2007, 17:14
Right Carl I need those forms ASAP :)

11th July 2007, 18:39
That should keep you busy.

11th July 2007, 19:03
The LW and myself are busy enjoying the sunshine :)

12th July 2007, 00:35
I was enjoying the delights of chasing a little white ball into a hole with various metal sticks earlier today :D

Mp3 Astra
12th July 2007, 00:53
Those poor balls! :(

12th July 2007, 01:16
Nah, it's what they're born to do. I'm told if you listen close enough you can here them cheer with glee as they sail through the air ;)

12th July 2007, 05:58
Sounds a bit masochistic if you want my opinion.

You know playing golf is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. First of all clean your balls, then get a good grip on your shaft. Make sure that you get a good follow through and be careful that your aiming for the right hole :D

12th July 2007, 10:03
is the aim really all that important?

12th July 2007, 11:39
The LW is not into golf.

12th July 2007, 13:33
I didn't say it was :p :

12th July 2007, 15:41
Just in case...

12th July 2007, 15:53
He was a detective was he not?

12th July 2007, 15:56
Who? Justin Case? Dunno but I knew his sister Vanity.........

12th July 2007, 17:34
...be careful that your aiming for the right hole :D

Yes but you at least get several attempts at the hole :p :

12th July 2007, 19:49
I refuse to discuss any of that on the grounds it could get me into trouble :D

12th July 2007, 19:58
Definately a bit close today.

12th July 2007, 20:06
Which is more than some of my puts were yesterday :s

12th July 2007, 21:48
So you suck at golf too then Carl ;) :D

13th July 2007, 00:55
Put it this way, the rabbits were in more danger than the course record was yesterday :\

13th July 2007, 01:18
Poor rabbits

13th July 2007, 02:33
Talking of rabbits, there was a little baby one sitting besides the 8th tee. It was so cute and it was obviously the product of a domestic rabbit because it was pure black.

13th July 2007, 02:50
Did you take it home to use as a familiar? :D

13th July 2007, 04:16
I think that the best name for a rabbit would be Stewart.

13th July 2007, 04:36
Or Dave :D

13th July 2007, 07:20
The name Stewart is good because it tells you what is best done with a rabbit... stew it. To the best of my knowledge, I don't know how to "dave" anything.

13th July 2007, 10:49
We are fine as long as you don't stew the LW.

13th July 2007, 11:23
My TFI Friday LW.

13th July 2007, 11:33
The name Stewart is good because it tells you what is best done with a rabbit... stew it. To the best of my knowledge, I don't know how to "dave" anything.

Look you, I know a parrot called Dave, and if it works for him it can work for a rabbit. :D

Besides, I've never eaten rabbit in my entire life and I never will.

13th July 2007, 11:38
You don't know what you're missing, by far the nicest stew you can ever eat ;)

13th July 2007, 12:10
Rabbit tastes great DD you should give it a try.

13th July 2007, 13:53
Especially if you've caught it fresh :lips:

13th July 2007, 16:25
What did you do Carl, club it to death with your 9-iron? :mark:

13th July 2007, 17:13
Nah, my 9 is useful, 5 wood on the other hand.......... ;)

13th July 2007, 17:33
Men :D

13th July 2007, 17:44
The best thing about being a man is that we can pee just about anywhere... :D

13th July 2007, 17:49
Yes that has always annoyed me, since its such a pain for women caught short :D

Btw Schmenke, hows sprog to be number two coming along? All proceeding well I trust? :D

13th July 2007, 20:21
nothing beats Duck i'm afraid, even though i haven't had rabbit for a while. :p :

Captain VXR
13th July 2007, 20:41
Can I have some stewed leek?

13th July 2007, 22:23
nothing beats Duck i'm afraid, even though i haven't had rabbit for a while.

I won't ever eat duck either :D Not that I mind what anyone else chooses to eat, because I don't. And before anyone asks, veal and venison are permanently off my menu too, as is lamb. :D

Schmenke - I'm a plank, but that's the only time you'll ever get such an admission :D

14th July 2007, 02:44
I'm not saying anything :p :

14th July 2007, 03:07
That makes a pleasant change :p :

14th July 2007, 03:11
Oi! I was going to be nice to you but I may have to change my mind now ;(

14th July 2007, 03:41
The best thing about being a man is that we can pee just about anywhere... :D

Although I have never actually set foot in Mexico, last time I was in the US I weed into that country from San Diego.

14th July 2007, 09:51
Blimey Rollo, that was some night out :D

14th July 2007, 20:45
It most certainly was!

15th July 2007, 03:34
You were there too NG? Did you do the same or did you prefer to use a publi convenience?

15th July 2007, 05:09
Scottish people can wee into England without much bother... in fact they've done it again with the new Prime Minister.

15th July 2007, 08:48
So, what's the consensus about Gordon Brown?

15th July 2007, 14:30
Gordon Brown? Texture like sun?

15th July 2007, 14:58
Always a frown, with Gordon Brown :D

15th July 2007, 15:25
Always a smile with the LW :)

Captain VXR
15th July 2007, 16:52
Yep its making me feel better after Gio and Chilton's weekend ;(

15th July 2007, 21:22
Skibbedy bop

15th July 2007, 22:56
Another insightful comment from Miguel :D

16th July 2007, 02:07
He's talking Skat!

Which is a departure from his usual Scat :eek:

16th July 2007, 09:24
You mean kak?

Anyhoo, I'm currently sitting at an airoport, waiting on a delayed flight to take me to the Fatherland for the best part of this week. I might have a few probs in logging on so I'm trusting you all to look after my LW while I'm gone.


16th July 2007, 11:23
The LW will be fine with me, don't worry about that and have a good week.

16th July 2007, 12:35
Have a good trip Carl :D Where you going? Fatherland doesn't really help me :D

16th July 2007, 15:32
Is it anywhere near LWland?

Captain VXR
16th July 2007, 17:42
Im looking after the lw for Carl. Nah nah nah nah nah nah :D

16th July 2007, 20:19
Not for long...

17th July 2007, 02:39
Im looking after the lw for Carl. Nah nah nah nah nah nah :D

No it's:
Nah nah nah nah, Nah nah nah nah, Hey hey hey. Goodbye.

Not enough nahs and no heys from you. Please try harder.

17th July 2007, 10:45
my LW

17th July 2007, 11:55
The LW has had enough of your company. :D

17th July 2007, 17:04
And yours :p :

Captain VXR
17th July 2007, 18:31
And yours + Rollo-Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah hey hey hey hey goodbye :p

17th July 2007, 20:40
Thats still wrong, and now you have to complete form 7348829b, to prove you are in control of your faculties :D

17th July 2007, 21:52
And don't forget form 5H177Y to prove that you are in control of your bowels.

17th July 2007, 21:56
I'm not sure that I am in control of my bowels. I blame the museli, it's always the museli.

17th July 2007, 23:12
Have some bananas :D

17th July 2007, 23:29
Are you calling me a monkey? Anyways there is no way I'm having bananas from you, far too high a urine content for my liking :p : :D

17th July 2007, 23:47
DD's bananas should be o.k. as long as you remove the pee(l).


18th July 2007, 00:33
Does anyone remember the Top Gear episode where they discuss peeling a cow?

18th July 2007, 02:06
Miguel, I have never nor will I ever, pee on bananas :D

I don't remember that Leon, but I wouldn't put it past them :D

18th July 2007, 03:00
But yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today.

18th July 2007, 05:21
How does one peel a cow? :cornfused:

18th July 2007, 11:38
I'll consult the LW about it, but I don't think we will find an answer.

18th July 2007, 15:32
I would imagine that you peel a cow....................very slowly :D

18th July 2007, 16:26
That's udderly ridiculous.

Captain VXR
18th July 2007, 17:23
The lw hates puns you monster :mad:
Form 7348829b completed Donnie'Catwee'Darco :)

18th July 2007, 18:11
In triplicate I hope :p :

19th July 2007, 00:16
so quintuplicate is unnecessary?

19th July 2007, 02:23
Please send the fourth form to:

HM Inland Revenue
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 4XG

19th July 2007, 02:56
triumphant return to the last word.

19th July 2007, 04:44
...by me

19th July 2007, 05:56
Too bad that the hopes and fears of all the years are dashed from thee tonight.

19th July 2007, 05:59
Not really; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out on Saturday, so everything is right in the world.

19th July 2007, 10:26
Yep, will be queueing at midnight for it :D

19th July 2007, 10:31
For me it'll be 11:01 am on Saturday.

It's very exciting, but it'll be sad to finish the series...

19th July 2007, 10:33
I know!!! I'm also desperately hoping Harry doesn't die, too. My son was a little boy when we started reading these, now he's 16!

I should add to this please, no spoilers :D I'm aware there's been possible leakage, but I've avoided it all up to now :D

19th July 2007, 11:00
Don't worry, I hate spoilers, so I won't be posting any.

I think Harry won't die. Maybe Ron, but not Hermione or Harry. Everything's changed now - we have no idea about the structure of the story.

I think the best movie was the fourth one.

19th July 2007, 11:49
Well, we know Harry has to go find and destroy those pieces of Voldemort's soul in order to kill him.

And we know he's unlikely to be returning to Hogwarts :D

19th July 2007, 12:04
Yep, yep, it all makes sense now.... :rolleyes:

19th July 2007, 12:07
Sorry Donney, but we like HP, and its not against the law to discuss it ;) :D

19th July 2007, 17:01
Where you going?
Germany, and I've just got back :wave:

Sadly, despite everyone's wishes for me to have a good trip, it wasn't ;( But heyho there you go :)

19th July 2007, 18:57
Never mind Carl, you're back now :D

19th July 2007, 20:26
What happened Carl?

19th July 2007, 21:30
I quit is what happened. I have gotten sick of spending too much time away in hotels and not seeing any benefit or receieving any thanks for doing so, so I found another job and quit my current one.

Lets just say that my resignation didn't get too good a reception ;)

19th July 2007, 21:51
That's strange Carl, usually receptions for resignations are joyous occassions with lots of cheering, drinking and dancing. People love a good resignation party, at least they do when I quit :( ;)

19th July 2007, 22:40
Carl changes jobs more often than the rest of us have had hot dinners :D

20th July 2007, 00:25
Now that's not really true is it? Unless you eat a lot of salads down there at the school of wrongness :p :

Mp3 Astra
20th July 2007, 00:42
Blimey Carl, more time for sitting on the lawn with your laptop, listening to the thwack of leather upon willow on the radio, no?

20th July 2007, 00:42
So it's actually Harry Potter that everyone's talking about eh? I received a text message telling me that "ppl q'ing 4 new HP" and thought that it had to do with Russians standing outside of their local supermarket for the new release of brown sauce.

It all makes sense now.

Mp3 Astra
20th July 2007, 00:45
Brown sauce is definitely something worth queuing for!

20th July 2007, 00:46
Yes but sadly not for long. As with any new job I've got to put a bit of effort it when I first start and by the time I can sit at home again I fear the cricket season will be over. Still, first test at Lords and the Open golf should keep me busy tomorrow :D

Mp3 Astra
20th July 2007, 00:47
Try and listen to both at the same time. Unfortunately I can't think of any gags to do with cricket and golf right now. Gutted!

20th July 2007, 01:33
Oh well, never mind :D

20th July 2007, 01:54
You'll just have to form part of the queue then.

I note that during the cricket yesterday, there were people wearing Spanish football shirts, all with "Giles 29" on the back, despite him not actually being in the test squad.

20th July 2007, 02:08
Less than 24 hours until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released! I cannot contain my excitement!!!!!!!!!!