View Full Version : Women drivers..

30th May 2007, 21:41
Are Women drivers generaly poorer than their male counterparts in terms of skill or is it an urban myth? :D

Or is it because they fail to engage the brain before making maneuvers/decisions? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6705323.stm

Ok.. you can see where I stand on the issue but prove me wrong girls. ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
30th May 2007, 22:30
I bet I do something like that on my driving test :s

30th May 2007, 22:41
Are Women drivers generaly poorer than their male counterparts in terms of skill or is it an urban myth? :D

Or is it because they fail to engage the brain before making maneuvers/decisions? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6705323.stm

Ok.. you can see where I stand on the issue but prove me wrong girls. ;)

Well, if you read the article it points out that a 50yr old male made the same mistake a couple of years earlier. So that kind of blows your comment out of the water doesn't it??

30th May 2007, 22:54
Women and kitchen: YES
Women and wheels: NO


30th May 2007, 23:18
Well, if you read the article it points out that a 50yr old male made the same mistake a couple of years earlier. So that kind of blows your comment out of the water doesn't it??

Yep.. hadn't read it properly, my apologies for the poor example, Its still true tho.. ;)

30th May 2007, 23:46
She was only doing what a bloke had managed to do before. :p

My driving isn't that great when I have passenger's. I crack under the pressure of having someone else in the car with me. Luckily 99.9% of the time I drive alone.

Reversing was always my biggest issue that gave women drivers a bad name. You name it, I've probably reversed into it. My old 206 was indestructable at the back. :D When I purchased my current car, I managed to get them to fit parking sensors even though they aren't an option. I havent reversed into anything for 9 months and its the best £250 I've ever spent! I'd never have a car without them now.

31st May 2007, 00:56
Well according to insurance rates, young males are worse drivers, although in the US, the insurance rates for young females are catching up to young males. It seems that females as a rule tend to follow too closely and therefore have more rear-end collisions.

31st May 2007, 08:55
I'd say that men, as a group, have better car control than women and have less trouble with things like reverse parking and three-point turns. Men also drive faster and take more risks.

So men might have better control of the car but if they use that control, or peceived control in some cases, to drive dangerously then I'd say that women are in fact better drivers because they are safer on the roads. Even if they can't reverse park to save their lives.

Brown, Jon Brow
31st May 2007, 10:06
Women probably have more crashes than men, but women crashes tend to be little bumps in a car park, men tend to crash big style.

My brother and sister are good examples of this. My sister has had several crashes, but has only caused minor damage to her car. My brother has only had one crash, but this was at about 80mph into lamp post. Completely wrote the car off and was probably only a few inches from death. :s

31st May 2007, 12:37
Women are much better drivers. 95% of the people who tailgate, pull out without watching and just generally irritate me on the road are men.

31st May 2007, 14:18
Women are much better drivers. 95% of the people who tailgate, pull out without watching and just generally irritate me on the road are men.

That's because you don't mind the women, especially if they are good looking :p

31st May 2007, 14:25
I'd say that men, as a group, have better car control than women and have less trouble with things like reverse parking and three-point turns. Men also drive faster and take more risks.

So men might have better control of the car but if they use that control, or peceived control in some cases, to drive dangerously then I'd say that women are in fact better drivers because they are safer on the roads. Even if they can't reverse park to save their lives.

spot on.

I have had on crash in 15 years of driving but it was a big one because i was driving too fast. i also know quite a few women drivers who have had numerous bumps and scratches which never make it to the insurance compant.

As for the good lady, she's hopeless at anything more testing than turning the ignition key.

1st June 2007, 02:33
good handbrakes on beetles

1st June 2007, 03:21
Women probably have more crashes than men, but women crashes tend to be little bumps in a car park, men tend to crash big style.

Hear hear.
The NRMA published estimates not too long ago about the net damage that male and female drivers cause over their lifetime.

The total net value of damage that the average female driver is likely to cuase over their lifetime is on average about 11% more than a male driver but their male counterparts are about 7 times more likely to die in a fatal accident.
Little bumps in a car park in modern cars are increasingly big ticket items as part sare becoming plastic moulded and specific.

So who are the better drivers? I think it's much of a muchness really. Inattentiveness and agression are just as bad as each other on the road. Certainly I don't treat anyone on the roads as better or worse, because they're all capable of mistakes (myself included) and because we all have instruments that weigh 10 times more than I do, are all capable of killing ourselves.

1st June 2007, 06:19
OK, women have small feet...they can stand closer to the oven and benchtop.

Guys have bigger feet...easier to cover both the accelarator and brake for effective heel/toeing.

I rest my case

1st June 2007, 13:25


Hazell B
1st June 2007, 21:00
As agreed already, women tend to make silly small mistakes while men tend to make dangerous and more deadly mistakes at the wheel.

While I'm great at reverse parking and can happily reverse park even with a trailer on in tight spaces, I bet my first accident will be a minor clunk in a car park or something equally cheap. Or at least I hope so! :p :

7th June 2007, 15:59
Nothing wrong with women drivers.. My other half is a far better driver than most blokes I know.. Also in the last year she has completed 2 driving days, one involved skills tests which she came top easily, and the other was just track driving which she posted the second fastest laps.. All against male drivers.

7th June 2007, 19:19
you get good and bad drivers in both sexes and personally i dont have issues with women drivers.

I would love to see a really good female driver in formula 1 one day.