View Full Version : Ferrari to sign Hamilton for $40m - The Rumour Mill begins...

Giuseppe F1
30th May 2007, 17:15

Hamilton to Ferrari?
Five races in and the rumours start to fly
30/05/07 09:52

Just five races into his young career, British rookie Lewis Hamilton is already being linked with a shock switch to Ferrari.

The 22-year-old, after making the most successful start to a debut season in the history of Formula One, is now at the centre of the Monaco team order storm.

Hamilton has even been mentioned as the instigator of the pending FIA investigation, after suggesting to reporters last Sunday that he had been ordered to finish second to Fernando Alonso because he is 'the number two driver' at McLaren.

But even though team boss Ron Dennis groomed Hamilton through racing's junior classes at huge expense, not to mention the existence of a long term contract (to about 2011), British newspaper The Times said there is now 'a raft of speculation' hinting at a future link between Hamilton and F1's famous Italian team.

"Paddock wags (are) suggesting that his route to Ferrari is already being 'lawyered', on the assumption that Kimi Raikkonen is shown the door," motor racing correspondent Edward Gorman wrote.

Gorman added that Hamilton's annual salary could potentially rise from about $500,000 in 2007 to up to $40m 'or more' with Ferrari.

The rumour is backed by another British newspaper - the Daily Mail - and its claim that Hamilton was unashamedly 'angry' in Monaco when it became clear that he was being asked to sacrifice his lead of the drivers' championship and settle

30th May 2007, 17:23
It will be a bit premature for Hamilton to leave McLaren and for Ferrari to replace a proven race winner with him.
I don't believe this newspapers.

Big Ben
30th May 2007, 17:41

30th May 2007, 17:47
very funny

30th May 2007, 17:57
:p : The British Press, once again are in a feeding frenzy, looking to create an English hero.

Most of us remember the British Press... all but worshipping Button a few years ago.

Many of these reporters seem to have a Love/Hate attitude regarding Ferrari.

The British press seems to hate the... "Status Quo"!!! Complaining about whoever's driving the Italian Stallons,

but LUSTING... to put one of their countymen behind the wheels of the Big Red Machine.

;) Hamilton's shown to be the "real deal"... yet,

After just 5 races, isn't it a bit premature to expect him to move to another team?

:D Ron has been willing to $$$ SPEND $$$ to get & keep drivers, unlike Frank Williams. So I anticipate Hamilton remaining at McLaren for some time !!!

:s mokin: Trumper

30th May 2007, 18:00
"Paddock wags" :laugh: Backed by the Daily Mail :laugh:

This is nothing more than the media reporting on rumours they themselves are creating :rolleyes: Or, Ferrari trying to spread discord in the McLaren camp :p

Cynical? Moi? :crazy:

Mickey T
30th May 2007, 18:20
at least they waited five races.

remember last year when Nico was rumoured to be going to all sorts of teams after just one?

30th May 2007, 18:41
With the amount of money that McLaren has invested in Hamilton it would be stupid for them to let him go without getting some of their money back in the form of race wins and additional sponsorship.

Ron will have to cough up though. Lewis only has a one year contract, which at a fairly educated guess I'd say is worth around $1m. I'm sure that amount will be pocket change next year.

The media is crazy, next week he'll be linked to an alien abduction or something.

Ian McC
30th May 2007, 18:47

Move along, nothing to see.............. :robo:

30th May 2007, 19:10
Putting the Ferrari element aside from the rumors, I think Hamilton is more than capable of returning what McLaren has invested in him. No doubt McLaren spent a lot on him but his talent is more than made up for it.

On the other hand, I am pretty sure McLaren has paid Hamilton more than his contract says, probably in forms of bonuses. It's just a natural thing to do for RD.

But to say that Ferrari even thought about dumping KR for LH is just ridiculous.

30th May 2007, 21:15
Well, it's pretty clear after five races that Lewis can go fast when the car is good. But what's not clear is can he go fast when the car is not AS good.

Fernando and, to a lesser degree Kimi, have proven that, hence the big bucks. I'm not sure if Lewis is capable of building a team around him, like Prost and Senna and Schumacher and Alonso did. And because of this I'd be very hesitant to shell out 40 mil on him just yet.

But I'd pay him much more than his, IIRC, .5 mil he currently earns.

30th May 2007, 21:39
I think they should sign Montoya instead! :devil:

30th May 2007, 22:04
For what I know and I've heard just today...Ferrari are trying to sign Alonso, not Hamilton :p :

Easy Drifter
30th May 2007, 22:05
Actually I heard they were going to sign JV. No, not Jaques, but his son and follow McLaren's lead by signing up talent early.

30th May 2007, 22:11
For what I know and I've heard just today...Ferrari are trying to sign Alonso, not Hamilton :p :

It would be a wise attempt.

30th May 2007, 22:13
But it will be very difficult to find someone to replace MS in Ferrari.

30th May 2007, 22:15
PMSL I want to become a sports reporter, you get paid to write absaloute bollox!

30th May 2007, 22:16
It would be a wise attempt.

According to Ital media, it's Alonso who wants to move there ;)

30th May 2007, 22:29
According to Ital media, it's Alonso who wants to move there ;)

I understand the frustration of Alonso in Mac. I think Lewis has close relationship with RD than Alonso has. And if there is something that Alonso hate is being beaten by his team mate.

Now he see Lewis as a pontential treat to him next year, so better to prepare his move on time.

30th May 2007, 22:41
Sorry the off-topic but the main reason Alonso wants to leave is that the whole Mac Laren Team is with Lewis...according to ital media offcourse ;)

donKey jote
30th May 2007, 22:51
Alonso to replace Kimi at Ferrari, riiiight :laugh:

Big Ben
30th May 2007, 22:54
There's another thread with some 200 and something replies about how McLaren is favoring Alonso against LH...

Valve Bounce
31st May 2007, 00:20
With the amount of money that McLaren has invested in Hamilton it would be stupid for them to let him go without getting some of their money back in the form of race wins and additional sponsorship.

Ron will have to cough up though. Lewis only has a one year contract, which at a fairly educated guess I'd say is worth around $1m. I'm sure that amount will be pocket change next year.

The media is crazy, next week he'll be linked to an alien abduction or something.

Wrong target. There's a rumour that Hamilton is being targetted by non other than Flavio to be the guaranteed #1 driver at Renault next year, although the salary increase would not be in the ridiculous range of $40 million as suggested by the Daily Mail.

..........and who started that rumour? Non other than yours truly here. :)

31st May 2007, 00:24
For what I know and I've heard just today...Ferrari are trying to sign Alonso, not Hamilton :p :
funny you should say that!!!!......with the rumour mill churning on about discourse in the McL camp i also heard Fernando might wanna jump ship if he finds hes not happy there this year......and theres nowhere else to go but Ferrrrrrrarrrrrrri........tho the willy on wheels asked Fernando last year how he fancies toyota power up his jacksy, but Fernando just said a polite no thx....

31st May 2007, 05:09
Sorry the off-topic but the main reason Alonso wants to leave is that the whole Mac Laren Team is with Lewis...according to ital media offcourse ;)

Alonso swore that Ferrari will never be his destination of career, but i think he can possibly change his mind after knowing Hamilton isn't teammate that make him looks good at McLaren.

31st May 2007, 06:17
I don't know why Alonso would want to move - he appears slightly faster than LH and is doing quite well in the championship. However Ferrari will always be the Pinnacle.

31st May 2007, 06:34
Rather funny really! Article has no credibility whatsoever. They dont even put any thought into their spin spin pieces anymore... so sad.

That said, I would think Hamilton to be scum if he ran off to another team after McLaren have essentially CREATED his entire career.

31st May 2007, 06:45
Rather funny really! Article has no credibility whatsoever. They dont even put any thought into their spin spin pieces anymore... so sad.

That said, I would think Hamilton to be scum if he ran off to another team after McLaren have essentially CREATED his entire career.

F1 racing has always been known for "creative" journalism.

Here's my guess at what's going on in Ron's head -
1. keep running Lewis heavy this year insuring that Alonso wins the WDC.
2. Alonso's value goes up making him worth more.
3. Sell Alonso's contract at the year's end for a healthy profit.
4. Let Lewis have a fair shot at the WDC next year at a smaller salary than Alonso.

Just a thought (and a bit more creative than the rumor that started this thread!)

31st May 2007, 07:18
Means If you were Ron Dennis?

31st May 2007, 07:22
That said, I would think Hamilton to be scum if he ran off to another team after McLaren have essentially CREATED his entire career.

I am not sure the math is right here, but think about how much advantage Hamilton has given McLaren this year so far and how much he is going to give McLaren in the coming races.

McLaren is quick and reliable this year, no doubt. But does it seem like Kovolainen or Rosberg could have brought the car to podium every race? I think no. Hell not even Fisichella could do a similar job (at current rate) in 2005 when the Renault was so quick. Now is Fisichella's salary enough to sponsor a kid through F3 and GP2? Probably not entirely covered but not too far off.

In general McLaren would definitely recover what it spent on Hamilton in this year.

31st May 2007, 07:40
I am not sure the math is right here, but think about how much advantage Hamilton has given McLaren this year so far and how much he is going to give McLaren in the coming races.
Yep true that.... but he has been brought up by them. His sob story is long and strong.

McLaren is quick and reliable this year, no doubt. But does it seem like Kovolainen or Rosberg could have brought the car to podium every race? I think no. Hell not even Fisichella could do a similar job (at current rate) in 2005 when the Renault was so quick. Now is Fisichella's salary enough to sponsor a kid through F3 and GP2? Probably not entirely covered but not too far off.
It's a question of how long a piece of string is. Hamilton has been impressive this year.... and provided far more than any of us could have possibly expected. He's leading the WDC!! I agree with you re Fisi. I mean, I'm not sure that anyone else could have driven it home the way Hamilton has... from the current crop. He's been well worth the investment.

In general McLaren would definitely recover what it spent on Hamilton in this year.
Don't look at it too simple here. Hamilton is one of how many kids McLaren have in their program at any time? When McLaren look at Hamilton and guage the success of their young drivers program they would be adding up the entire cost, not just Hamiltons. He would essentially be paying for his seat as well as all those who failed in the eyes of McLaren. Sad, but business reality.That said, it's not entirely Hamiltons reponsibility to pay other kids unwritten cheques is it? I'm just saying I believe it will come into it when McLaren add up the bills.

31st May 2007, 07:45
Ferrari are, in fact, going to sign both Alonso and Hamilton.

They will buy Spyker and run a 4 car team next year ensuring an all Red podium at every race.

In return for letting his drivers go, Ron will get Badoer and Gene for next to nothing. Ron will then put the money saved into his account and sell the rest of the team to Dubai. He'll then retire and take up stamp collecting.

Just as plausible as story in the paper, no? :dozey:

31st May 2007, 07:59
Ferrari are, in fact, going to sign both Alonso and Hamilton.

They will buy Spyker and run a 4 car team next year ensuring an all Red podium at every race.

In return for letting his drivers go, Ron will get Badoer and Gene for next to nothing. Ron will then put the money saved into his account and sell the rest of the team to Dubai. He'll then retire and take up stamp collecting.

Just as plausible as story in the paper, no? :dozey:

Close! No cigar...

You forgot to mention 'a raft of speculation' and 'Paddock wags'. ;)

Garry Walker
8th June 2007, 15:37
Backed by the Daily Mail :laugh:

When it comes to serious issues, Daily Mail is one of the last serious newspapers left. When it comes to f1, they are irrelevant though. Nothing serious in this rumour..yet.

8th June 2007, 16:03
Ferrari are, in fact, going to sign both Alonso and Hamilton.

They will buy Spyker and run a 4 car team next year ensuring an all Red podium at every race.

In return for letting his drivers go, Ron will get Badoer and Gene for next to nothing. Ron will then put the money saved into his account and sell the rest of the team to Dubai. He'll then retire and take up stamp collecting.

Just as plausible as story in the paper, no? :dozey:

What do you think with the new project between Ron D and Dave Richards (Prodrive) to set up a new F1 team for 2008 season? And it is believed that the new team will be supplied by McLaren regarding the engine and chassis!!

Maybe best to do the business as earlier as possible and do speculations just to increase the value!

8th June 2007, 17:35
F1man20007, you sound like all that is new news! :s The prodrive stuff was agreed well over 6 months ago. I do belive its more down to Mercedes and what they want rather than McLaren.

8th June 2007, 19:44
I think they should sign Montoya instead! :devil:
Why? Just because you don't like Ferrari?

8th June 2007, 22:15
I don't know why Alonso would want to move - he appears slightly faster than LH and is doing quite well in the championship. However Ferrari will always be the Pinnacle.

I bet if Alonso moves to Ferrari he'd get beaten by either Massa or Kimi. :p :

donKey jote
8th June 2007, 23:02
Would you bet your forum name ? :p :

Valve Bounce
9th June 2007, 02:45
Alonso to replace Kimi at Ferrari, riiiight :laugh:

I thought the suggestion was for Alonso to replace Lewis Hamilton at Ferrari. :D :D :rotflmao:

9th June 2007, 04:05
F1man20007, you sound like all that is new news! :s The prodrive stuff was agreed well over 6 months ago. I do belive its more down to Mercedes and what they want rather than McLaren.

Sorry for posting an old news and I knew about this long time ago but didn't see anywhere it has been confrimed officialy? Could you please give me an official website where I can find an official statement about this? Thank you.

9th June 2007, 06:06
I bet if Alonso moves to Ferrari he'd get beaten by either Massa or Kimi. :p :
yeah......right :) ............you know you dont really believe that :)

9th June 2007, 09:36
Sorry for posting an old news and I knew about this long time ago but didn't see anywhere it has been confrimed officialy? Could you please give me an official website where I can find an official statement about this? Thank you.

There is no official statement yet, the deal is all subject Prodive being given a f1 entry by the FIA later this year.