View Full Version : turkey or ham or ???????

15th December 2006, 14:06
Thanksgiving has long been considered "Turkey Day".
Turkey is prepared by most Americans for Thanksgiving dinner.

However for Christmas the holiday dinner is varied.
We had turkey for Thanksgiving & we will have a baked ham for Christmas.
A few years ago we had my wife's delish lasagna.

What is everyone having for Christmas dinner ?

15th December 2006, 14:38
Chicken :D We had Turkey last year though :D

15th December 2006, 16:14
This year I'm going to do something different --- steaks !

I will probably have only 5 for Christmas dinner, so why should I do a huge turkey?

15th December 2006, 17:07
Beans. :p :

15th December 2006, 17:15
pizza and beer :p :

Lee Roy
15th December 2006, 21:31
I don't know. But for the first time in years, I will not be spending all day in the kitchen. HOOOORRRAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

15th December 2006, 22:43
We always have a honey baked ham and I don't like them. I would rather have turkey.

15th December 2006, 23:03
Honey ham is too sweet, the honey ruins the taste of the ham imo.
We always get a smoked tavern ham, we don't add the cloves & stuff other people do either.
We like just the natural taste of the smoked ham best. :D
We bake a hunk of it in foil until it is nice & dark, then cut some slices off it, plop it on a plate ...
usually along with some steamed brocolli & some kind of potatoes (usually mashed but sometimes stewed)
YUM YUM :lips:

muggle not
15th December 2006, 23:40
We may have one of the smoked turkey breasts from Honey Baked. Sweet potatoes, corn pudding, mashed potatoes & gravy, peas, and a nice bottle of wine.

16th December 2006, 03:02

16th December 2006, 03:14
We may have one of the smoked turkey breasts from Honey Baked. Sweet potatoes, corn pudding, mashed potatoes & gravy, peas, and a nice bottle of wine.

Have you tried the Jeff Gordon wine?

I wanted to try it but they didn't ship to Canada.

16th December 2006, 03:23
We'll be having turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes, carrots and plenty of wine.

16th December 2006, 03:24
pizza and beer :p :

2 of my favorites :D

16th December 2006, 03:29
Have you tried the Jeff Gordon wine?Doesn't he after every race he doesn't win?

16th December 2006, 03:50

16th December 2006, 04:08
Doesn't he after every race he doesn't win?


We're having both at our house. I got a beautiful ham at Wegman's yesterday and I'm getting a turkey breast. We'll also have stuffing, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots and green bean casserole. Also wine and Rolling Rock beer.

16th December 2006, 16:53
Doesn't he after every race he doesn't win?


I think I'm gonna be having Turkey, which is fine by me

16th December 2006, 19:37
Shouldn't this be in the Chit-Chat Forum?

16th December 2006, 21:09
pizza and beer :p :

I tell ya what I'd like to have... some of that square cut cafeteria pizza from 8th grade. Seriously, there was just something about that.

Usually we have the turkey bird for Thanksgiving and ham for Christmas too. If I can't find a good country ham, I think I might go for a duck this year.

16th December 2006, 21:14
Shouldn't this be in the Chit-Chat Forum?

Whats it to you??

16th December 2006, 21:35
Ham, of course. It's always been the Yule Boar here in the North. I don't know where the heck Christmas turkey comes from?


"Pork is a traditional Yule dish in Norway - probably a reminder of the time when the boar, an animal sacred to Freyr, the Norse god of Yule and fertility, was sacrificed at Yule and its flesh eaten as part of the feast."

16th December 2006, 23:29
I ordered the Turkeys and the Hams today.

16th December 2006, 23:54
Shouldn't this be in the Chit-Chat Forum?
I have found most people in Chit Chat to not be receptive to this type of thread.
It mentions an American holiday (Thanksgiving) & would probably just trigger the anti-American people.
Most NASCAR people enjoy Thanksgiving & Christmas, so it is better posted here in NASCAR.
I hope the powers that be have the good judgement to leave this thread here in NASCAR.

Some people in Chit Chat are only interested in their little world & what pertains to them ONLY.

If you want, you could start a thread like this in Chit Chat & see what happens. :D

17th December 2006, 04:33
Ham, of course. It's always been the Yule Boar here in the North. I don't know where the heck Christmas turkey comes from

Well previously goose was the traditional Christmas meal, but turkey is just easier to get.

In my freezer there are 3 turkies and no hams. I'm thinking turkey this year.

I've had turkey and ham in the past, but that just makes for more leftovers to deal with.

I would like to try goose sometime.

17th December 2006, 23:01
Has anyone here ever had a deer or elk ham for Christmas dinner?

18th December 2006, 00:25
i once ate a beaver on thanksgiving

18th December 2006, 19:09
i once ate a beaver on thanksgiving

:laugh: This is a family forum!

18th December 2006, 19:11
Has anyone here ever had a deer or elk ham for Christmas dinner?
I'm thinking Peking duck, just like in "A Christmas Story."