View Full Version : If you had a one-shot time machine.....

15th December 2006, 03:01
If you had a time machine that could take you anywhere in time and back again once, and once only, what time period would you go to?

I'd go back to the time of the dinosaurs. My sons have developed an interest, bordering on an obsession, with the wee beasties and this has rekindled the interest I had in the things when I was a boy. I'd love to find out what they were actually like, and end the speculation once-and-for-all.

So where would you go? Past or future?

15th December 2006, 03:48
1988. The world was right (well, better than today)... I was young... and Senna was winning.

Just drop me off at January 1, 1988. I'll be fine. Tell 'em I'm missing... presumed having a good time.

Valve Bounce
15th December 2006, 05:20
I have often thought about this. I'd go back to look for Vincent Van Gogh, and swap my Casio digital watch for one of his paintings.

Ian McC
15th December 2006, 09:04
A few weeks ago, just before that big Euromillions lottery draw ;)

15th December 2006, 10:21
1970ies best era for Rallying :s mokin:

15th December 2006, 10:43
1955, just before music became really good, so that I can watch so of the real musical legends develope.

15th December 2006, 11:23
I might also go the other way and go a couple of thousand years into the future and see if we have got those damed flying cars every sci-fi author in history has written about.

Of course, the world will probably a smoking wasteland by then. :(

15th December 2006, 11:41
April 6, 1977 so I could punch the doctor who pinched my ar$e when I came out my mothers womb :p :

15th December 2006, 14:40
I would go forward to a time when we have worked out a cheap and clean form of sub-atomic energy, nab the design and come back. I would then patent it and start a company to market globally at a price that makes it foolish to use any other form of energy and stop the devastation we are doing to this planet.

15th December 2006, 15:44
1857 so I could shake hands with that Joe Gayetty fellow :up:

Azumanga Davo
15th December 2006, 15:57
4:37pm of today, so I can wedgie the b4514rd who cut me up earlier... :D

15th December 2006, 16:12
Every era has it's pitfalls like high poverty, crime or disease, and techniques that we take for granted were in there crude infancy or not invented at all (i.e. anathesia).

But if there was one era in the past other than the summer of 1976 when I was born I would like to go is Ancient Egypt. I have an obession with their Gods and Deities and it seems quality of life seemed on the whole better than some eras. I don't have an interest in the way of life for Egyptians so I wouldn't know what life was like but from what I have seen it was an on the whole peaceful and hard working time.

15th December 2006, 16:19
Ancient Egypt. I have an obession with their Gods and Deities like sun-god Ra and I see quality of life seemed on the whole better to people than say the Victorians here.

It is widely documented that the Ancient Egyptians, unless you were of the upper ruling classes, had extremely poor standards of life and living. I'll grant you that it wasn't all a bed of roses during early Victiorian times in England, but it was nothing compared to the ways in which Egyptians were treated.

15th December 2006, 17:11
Every era has it's pitfalls like high poverty, crime or disease, and techniques that we take for granted were in there crude infancy or not invented at all (i.e. anathesia).

But if there was one era in the past other than the summer of 1976 when I was born I would like to go is Ancient Egypt. I have an obession with their Gods and Deities and it seems quality of life seemed on the whole better than some eras. I don't have an interest in the way of life for Egyptians so I wouldn't know what life was like but from what I have seen it was an on the whole peaceful and hard working time.
It would have been interesting to watch how mankind rebelled against the Goauld and banished Ra and his cronies. :p :

15th December 2006, 18:25
I'd like to go back to Roman times, just to see structures like the Colloseum and all the other stuff in its glory. I'd also be curious to see how the Romans were such an efficient and dominating empire - it just doesn't gel with modern Italians.

Hazell B
15th December 2006, 18:48
Sorry to say, I'd be a mercenary and go back to place some bets, buy some houses, lodge some patents and invest in some shares.

But I would spend my vast fortune (if it's possible) back here and now on nice, friendly green things - honest. If I can't come back, it would be left to some trust for good stuff :)

Brown, Jon Brow
15th December 2006, 19:03
I would go back to the 1960's and become one of the rgeatest guitrists of all time. ( my band would play classics from the ast 40 years)

Got the idea off back to the future ;)


Only problem is that i can't play the guitar

16th December 2006, 01:07
sorry to spoil the party but travelling to dates before 1900 would be dabgerous as you're not used to the poor sanitation thay had those days and would probably die off an infection ;)

But going back to the fun part.... I can't think of an exact date from the past, maybe 1998 just to see a Mclaren winning again :D

16th December 2006, 01:35
1 year ago when GCSEs weren't an issue :mad:

Ian McC
16th December 2006, 02:16
1977 and see punk at its height

16th December 2006, 10:23
3.45 pm, December 27, 1999 - the moment that I should have asked a certain lady to marry me. The moment passed and never came again.

Valve Bounce
16th December 2006, 11:20
3.45 pm, December 27, 1999 - the moment that I should have asked a certain lady to marry me. The moment passed and never came again.

Oh God!! send her an e-mail :(

17th December 2006, 19:46
i'd take it back to the 30th july 1966 so i could say i was there when England were the best in the world of football, and it wont ever happen again! :p :

17th December 2006, 22:33
3.45 pm, December 27, 1999 - the moment that I should have asked a certain lady to marry me. The moment passed and never came again.

This can't be true!

The Kitten Kat
17th December 2006, 23:47
There are many points in time that I would love to go back to.

However, at the moment I would be happy to go back a few hours in time, prior to me slicing deeply into the top of my thumb, through the nail and into the nail base with a vegetable knife while preparing a roast dinner for the family!

Thank heck for a nurse in the family!!

Oh, and my mother for trying to grab me when I nearly ended up in a heap on the floor!! Can't stand the sight of blood, it turns me all funny... and believe me there was quite a bit of the claret stuff flowing :s

18th December 2006, 00:09
I'll go either way forward into the future,
or go back to see the dinosaurs.
but if it's human history,
about 4000 yrs and see the Egyptian society in all its glory.
and Find out how they built those pyramids.
or in 1900 give Daimler&Benz plans for a modern Mercedes,
change the future.
Or stop the Christianity and Islam rising as the most significant religions and give them science, and see how far we would be along now. Dead properly as the A bomb in the hands of tyrants destroy us all. Sounds like know :( !!!!